Be Damned

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Be Damned Page 2

by Madison Nova

  The white brick building was guarded by a security police droid when the car stopped at our destination. Helen was already inside the apartment on the 8th floor and opened the door as we made our way down the corridor from the small elevator.

  The doorway to the apartment had a yellow tape across the words, 'Do not cross - Crime Scene' written continuously over it. She lifted it upwards in order for the two of us to slip underneath. The doors in the corridor was all a dark meridian green color with silver door plates featuring their respective numbers. We entered 292 and Helen had a look that screamed she had something better to do.

  We dismissed the greetings phase and she pointed us directly to the bedroom while closing the door. As we entered the bedroom a Victorian queen size bed met us with a huge sliding windows across from it. The sliding door clearly showed a small balcony overlooking the street and an identical building across the building. Dry blood was visible in a large amount on the side of the bed splashing across the white linen on the side of the bed. Chase carefully stepped over the blood spilled floor and made his way to the window.

  "Any witnesses from across the street in that building?" he asked Helen reaching into his jacket and pulling out gloves.

  "No." Helen replied while he fitted the gloves. He slowly and carefully opened the sliding door to let a small breeze enter the room.

  I looked around the room before questioning Helen. "Where was the supposed weapon found?"

  Helen gave a sighed and pointed down wards, "It was found under the bed. Don't know why the initial team with droids missed it. But it was there undisturbed with blood running a trail from the big spill."

  I lowered myself down to take a closer look. A slight rusty smell filled my senses from the dried blood. I immediately realized why Chase opened the sliding windows. It must have been too much for his superior senses to handle. There was nothing of importance under the bed except for a pair of slippers at the end of it.

  Standing up I looked around again on the floor for any visible footprints of some kind, but could find nothing.

  "I told you Alexa," Helen chummed into my analysis "This is a clear cut case."

  "Except the fact that there was no knife initially - but later found some few days later."

  "Argue that at court Alexa," she replied to my statement without smiling "but I am telling you that we did everything by the book here. Your client isn't getting away from this one."

  Chase moved into the living room passed Helen to look around. I gave him some time inside to do his thing (sniffing around for the vampire stints and anything he could pick up) while keeping Helen focus on my analysis of the room. "The blood spill is complacent with the story of a knife?" I asked to keep her attention on me.

  "You seriously asking me that Alexa?" she replied with a sigh at the end. "We ran every scenario and it is clear that there was no one else here but the two of them. It's an open and shut case."

  I ignored her and looked around. The linen curtains of the window moved slightly with the breeze entering the room. I noticed a view drops of small dried blood on the curtain and turned towards her.

  "Well, I would like to know how that small patches of blood ended over there."

  She moved over to the curtain and examined them. "I'll look over the report again, must be the initial team or a droid while examining."

  Chase came into the room and signaled to me that he had seen enough. I could see there was something he wanted to tell me without human ears present.

  "Thank you Helen," I said while she was still looking at the curtains. "we have seen enough, and will be on our way."

  "So you not even going to take any photos?"

  "No," I quickly replied walking towards the door. "I believe you guys took enough photos of this scene. I'll just wait for the file to be compiled."

  We said our polite goodbyes and thank you, then walked to the elevator. Inside as we were moving down, Chase took a deep breath in. "There was more than one of those bloodsucking nuisance inside that apartment. I can't tell you how many, but there was a few."

  "You think the Order entered the place after wards?"

  "Must be," I said as we reached the ground floor of the apartment building. "There is no other explanation. They must have something to do with the knife found under the bed."

  I felt my hand gracing his as we exited the building. For a stupid freaking moment I wanted to hold his hand again. He has always been there for me since the first day I walked through Dickson's little school for the non human. I stopped at the car and watched him climb in. Only an idiot would hurt a man like him. Call it being young and not knowing better, as I did when I walked away from him but the fact remains that I was an idiot.

  I slowly got back into the car and we continued our broken relationship with silence towards Kamala's place.


  Kamala fell into the couch as Chase walked around the room. Dickson sat across from her looking calm and centered as always. I have never seen him disturbed by anything. He continued our discussion about the evening, "Your parents will not be here and it's clear that the vamps outside are incompetent of providing any security. Our offices are the most secured place in this city."

  That statement of the our offices being secured was a little out of place. The truth is that the Dickson mansion is the most secured. It is filled with over the top creations of nature that view it as their home. The orders, councils and societies fear the amount of power lurking inside the walls of the mansion. Most of the kids there have no idea how to control their abilities. Any fear could set them off. A well known fact, making it a fearful place to live in, but no other paranormal would dare enter the grounds.

  "It's strategically built. This place does not have regarding the numerous entry points for attack by the vamp." Dickson stated as he looked around the living room.

  "My bail conditions are specific." Kamala replied to Dickson. Looking down wards at the spot she was left gashing for air the evening before. Sometimes we find people in this world that seems to ignore all logical thought regarding their own safety, and instead focus deeply on some kind of rule that doesn't make any sense in the circumstances. She knows her life is in danger staying, but a drive to prove her innocence was leading her to her certain death.

  "I'll stay the evening Dickson," Chase replied from the other side of the living room. "A bite from a wolf would stop the vamp in his track."

  "I don't think it's a good idea knowing your history with the enforcer."

  "Well," Chase moved closer to us. "I promise that I will play nice for the team. We got a case at hand that we need to get done and dusted. My personal feelings towards that thing can be placed on hold."

  Dickson's eyes fell on me for input regarding Chase's idea. I looked at Kamala first and agreed with Chase. "I will stay with him here," I added to his suggestion "and this time I will be prepared for him."

  "No," Chase held his index finger upwards at me, "I cannot be thinking of protecting you and her here. I know you able to handle yourself kitten," that was the first time in ages he called me kitten again. "But if anything goes wrong my focus will be on you instead of them. I think it's best you rather get some rest at your place and let me do what I need to do here."

  Dickson took a deep breath in and exhaled slowly: "I have something to take care of this evening, but will make my way here afterward. Chase is right, you should get some rest."

  I felt like arguing with the two of them but there was no point to do so. Dickson and Chase stared at me ready to argue a rebuttal to the suggestion but instead I nod my head in agreement. They seemed a bit surprised. Truth is I needed a long hot bath and the company of my half empty bottle of wine. A break out of this case and the stakes involved. No need to argue with them.

  "Then it is settled," Dickson stated getting up and looking around. "Now where is that droid of ours?"

  "Sammy is in the car," Chase replied, "probably researching his synthetic body model."

nbsp; Dickson sighed and I could see it in his eyes. Sammy is truly unique as an artificial intelligence. "That thing is going offline the moment I figure out where it's off switch is. I'll make my way to the office and get done what needs to get done. Before nightfall I will be back to make sure everyone is on the same page before heading off again."

  "You don't have to Dickson," Chase said smirking. "I said, I will play nice towards those disgusting things tonight." Dickson simply rolled his eyes at the statement and greeted us before heading out the door.

  Kamala sat back taking a deep breath. "I take it you're a werewolf right?" she asked Chase who felt no need to answer her question. She turned to me for an answer and I simply smiled and nodded.

  "And I take it you two have history." She Continued. He stood up and walked out the living room to the kitchen area. I took a deep breath in before nodding to the statement again.

  "Can you believe me he still haven't contacted me at all since everything? I mean just the night before we were making plans of visiting the moon and mars after I done my residency. Now, he doesn't even text me back."

  "Truth is," I said falling deeper into the sofa. "I messed up big time with him. Thought I was looking for something more out there. Instead, what I was looking for was in front of me the whole time. I hurt him."

  "Well," Kamala said looking at Chase's direction. "he still got it bad for you. I can see it in his eyes when he talks to you."

  I slowly got up and said my goodbyes for the evening. Chase was nowhere in sight as I stepped outside and climbed into my car. Kamala was right, I thought in that second, but the truth was that sometimes love is not enough to bend a broken relationship. I broke his trust and nothing I can say or do will be able to change that. Maybe in the future we will be able to find it again, but chances are that we would most likely find it with others instead. I took a deep breath and manually drove home.

  My focus could not be on him at this moment, but on the case at hand. The information the order has was the real first opportunity to the answers I have been seeking since I started this journey. My focus had to be on the case and nothing else.


  The file and digital information was displayed on my workstation. It overlooked the city on my penthouse suite. Not bad for a rookie attorney but the payment for defending the scam of the underworld was good enough to afford the upper class lifestyle in this city. I hardly spent any time there to be honest. It was more of a retreat from my office where I spent most of my evenings working on the caseload.

  I was still wet under the rope as I pour myself another glass of red wine while the recording of my initial consultation with Kamala played in the background.

  I walked over to the images being displayed against the windows of the workstation. "Bring up all blood stains" I stated walking to the walk station with the glass in my hand. The images pulled up one by one.

  I pushed some aside to find any displaying some blood on the curtains. It took a few swept to the left to find any with the curtains visible. There was nothing visible on the first few pictures. A few swept to the left more I found one with the visible signs of blood on the curtains. "Perfect," I told myself softly sipping from the wine.

  Turning around my made my way to the room to change into something less comfortable while the recording returned to its starting point. The blood on the curtain proves someone must have entered and exited out the window of the killing. Or it could be that a droid or one of Helen's men messed up the crime scene. Either way it was a perfect reasonable doubt set piece I could use in the eventual trial.

  Changing into a sweatpants and my favorite teeshirt, a vintage Yorkshire law, I returned to my workstation to prepare a primary argument based on the new evidence.

  Relaxing into my chair I stopped the recording and opened a new recording file.

  "Pretty place you got here," someone said from behind me. I quickly jumped out the chair and looked around me. A quick rush went through my body as my eyes couldn't determine where the voice was coming from. From the shadow of my doorway Kal appeared smiling and looking around. "I didn't come here to fight you touched one. I came here to warn you that your trust lies from the wrong side."

  I could feel the energy inside of my power rushing from my core to surround my body. A dim yellow flaming light surrounded my fists. He caught me at the wrong time, I thought to myself, I am fully charged and ready to take him down.

  He stepped back smiling and bowing his head. "Please, I have not come here for any violence. There is no need to ruin the lovely interior of your home. I came here to simply talk to you."

  I stepped forward as the energy started to surge more through my body. A touched one, as we are known are energy beings. At our full strength we are the most feared among the paranormals. An experienced touched has the ability to rip apart any opponent without laying a finger on them. To master the energy however takes years of training and to command it at will even more. My abilities depends on my emotional and physical state. Being calm and centered brings out the best in me. Others like Dickson and Carter have more control over it. How long the energy lasts depends. Once I was able to reach a full 20 minutes of bad-ass.

  He took another step back and held up his hands. "Again no need for that," smiling. "It would be a fun experience to ramble with a touched again, but I am simply here to talk to you."

  "State your case," I said with a flaming voice.

  Bowing slightly he moved to the nearest couch and sat down. For some reason he was cautious but not afraid. There was an consistent and annoying smile on his face as he gestured me to sit down. "Please relax and dim down. There is no reason for that." Falling back into the chair he looked at the ceiling, "besides, I have faced more brighten flames than yours and tasted their essence."

  Smiling he lowered his head to face me with red eyes and fangs visible through his red lips. "The decision is yours."

  I could sense his confidence and a small fear filled inside me. Taking a deep breath the energy slowly subsided within me until a faint glow remained in the palm of my hands. I walked over and sat down opposite him.

  He clapped his hands together with a laugh. "Good," he stated "I knew I could have a decent conversation with you. The next great touched of your generation. You probably have no idea how you came to bare that name. The touched history has somehow been burned to dust by the rulers. They fear that with your kind knowing your true history, it will cause a revolt against the order of things even more. Such small mindedness I know. Between you and me, I really can't stand them either. The old ones really disgust me. No class."

  I silently listened to him.

  "Your kind is somewhat of a curse to the others. But maybe after everything, we can talk some more about your kind. I came here to make you an offer you cannot refuse." Taking a deep breath he smiled at me before continuing, "Hand over what is mine and everyone you know will be granted amnesty in my world. I promise I will not end any of them. All you have to do is hand over the girl. She is mine."

  I laughed slightly at his pathetic attempt. "You must have some serious mental issues."

  "You're little trip today to the scene of the crime with that dog of yours was entertaining. But make no mistake that I will rip him from paw to paw if you do not hand over what is mine."

  "Delusional," I said feeling the energy inside of me burning more. "Why'd you and the order want her so much?"

  "She is special to me," he said smiling "I plan on making her my right hand in my new world order."

  New world order. That was enough of this craziness I thought and lifted my hand over towards him. His eyes opened fast and a blast of energy left from inside of me hurdling towards him. He was too quick however and the blast hit my sofa setting it on fire within an instant. I looked up to find him standing behind me, I aimed immediately but he was too quick.

  The sofa I was sitting on flew with me into the air. Before I could hit the other side of the ground I felt his cold hand around m
y neck pushing me towards the wall. My back cracked against the wall and my concentration on the touched energy evaporated from my hands.

  "Foolish," he said with a grin on his face. "You thought you had it in you to handle me? You young ones need to learn the signs of true power. I'm giving you this evening to make the right decision. Or I will rip everyone apart in your life before tasting your sweet blood."

  I couldn't breathe properly and he threw me aside on the ground. The burning sofa caused the smoke detector to go off and water splashed in my face. I looked around the apartment when I finally returned to breathing properly but he had disappeared. The displays on my workstation flicked as the water disrupted the electric flow. Laying on my back in the water for a few minutes was all I could do while my body slowly regenerated.

  There was an overwhelming fear inside of me. For the first time the question of continuing this case came to me. Was it really worth losing everything I hold dear to me? Does the information the order have worth risking it all?

  I laid still as the water fell down on me. Unable to move contemplating what to do.


  Slowly my body started to regain its strength with my furniture soaking. I pushed myself upwards and made my way over to the workstation. "Call Dickson."

  Flickering my system dialed. I sat into my wet chair overlooking the city from the desk. The water had stopped falling and I was expecting to hear a knock on my door. The knock never came, guess the building management have no much interest until the water found a way through to whoever is living underneath me.

  Dickson finally answered back.

  "I thought you would be getting some shut eye by this time." Chase was in the background complaining about the vampires outside. At least he was with him.

  "Kal was here," I said cracking my neck to the side. My throat was itchy from the pressure applied by him. I rotated my neck waiting for the response.


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