Kingdom's Reign

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Kingdom's Reign Page 1

by Chuck Black

  Praise for

  The Kingdom Series

  “This is one of the best series I have ever read! These books are so gripping and rich in biblical truths that I just couldn’t get enough and started reading them over again today!”


  “Ever since John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress, few attempts to put biblical truth into allegorical form in stories have been successful or worthily written. The new Kingdom Series is a delightful exception that we are thankful to recommend.”

  —DENNIS, Grace & Truth Books

  “The Kingdom Series contains some of the best books I have ever read! They can stand beside the best like Lewis’s Chronicles of Narnia and Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings. Thanks for such great books with a legit message!”

  —COLE, age 14

  “An amazing book! It puts Christianity in a true perspective.”

  —DYLAN, age 13

  “The story line, characters, and vivid descriptions are fantastic. And, above all, I love how this series parallels the Bible.”


  Look for other books in the Kingdom Series:

  Kingdom’s Dawn (Book One)

  Kingdom’s Hope (Book Two)

  Kingdom’s Edge (Book Three)

  Kingdom’s Call (Book Four)

  Kingdom’s Quest (Book Five)



  12265 Oracle Boulevard, Suite 200

  Colorado Springs, Colorado 80921

  A division of Random House Inc.

  Scripture quotations and paraphrases are taken from the New King

  James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson Inc. Used by permission.

  All rights reserved.

  The characters and events in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to actual persons or events is coincidental.

  eISBN: 978-0-307-56185-5

  Copyright © 2003, 2007 by Chuck Black

  “Reign of the King” music and lyrics copyright © 2006 by Emily Elizabeth Black

  Illustrations by Marcella Johnson, copyright © 2006 Perfect Praise Publishing

  Published in association with The Steve Laube Agency, LLC, 5501 North Seventh Avenue, #502, Phoenix, AZ 85013

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  MULTNOMAH is a trademark of Multnomah Books and is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. The colophon is a trademark of Multnomah Publishers.

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Black, Chuck.

  Kingdom’s reign / Chuck Black. — 1st ed.

  p. cm. — (The kingdom series; bk 6)

  I. Title.

  PS3602.L264K575 2007




  To the King and His Son!



  Other Books in This Series

  Title Page




  Prologue: Evil’s Battle

  Chapter 1: The Journey Home

  Chapter 2: The Welcome

  Chapter 3: An “Old” Friend

  Chapter 4: Mystery’s Kin

  Chapter 5: The Away Years

  Chapter 6: Chessington’s Hour

  Chapter 7: Return to Camelot

  Chapter 8: Peril at Lake Pensing

  Chapter 9: The Cost of Freedom

  Chapter 10: Leinad and Tess

  Chapter 11: Kingdom Come

  Chapter 12: Talea!

  Chapter 13: A Rebellion Born

  Chapter 14: Vengeance of a Dragon

  Chapter 15: From the Caverns of Sedah

  Chapter 16: The Tenth Feast

  Chapter 17: The Final Kingdom

  Discussion Questions

  Answers to Discussion Questions

  “Reign of the King”: Written for Kingdom’s Reign

  Author’s Commentary

  © Chuck Black


  Before me lies the grand city of Chessington. I have been away for a number of years, and I do not return to a city of joy, but to one of great apprehension. You see, I am one of thousands here, all ready for battle … the battle of the ages.

  My name is Cedric. Through the tales of gallant knights such as Sir Leinad and Sir Gavinaugh, and through the tales of my own life, I have shared with you the story of the people of Arrethtrae, our kingdom. Few are as fortunate as you and I, for most have not let the history of our land or the promise of our future penetrate their hearts with true understanding. It is not by any measure of witty writing that my story will move your heart, but by the sheer truth of the mercy of a King and the sacrifice of His Son. It will change you for its hearing.

  Leinad saw the birth of our kingdom and the promise of a deliverer. Unfortunately, he also saw the waning of belief in this hope. I, Cedric of Chessington, saw the fulfillment of the promise Leinad awaited. It came from across the Great Sea in the form of a man—not just any man, but the Prince Himself. He came dressed in the rags of a peasant and taught of His Father the King. Many believed Him, but most did not. I saw the fire in His eyes, the mercy in His acts, the love in His heart, and the power in His words. He trained me and the other Knights of the Prince in the art of the sword. The Prince was a master swordsman, and we became an extension of His mighty arm. He taught that without belief in the Code, the sword was meaningless and even detrimental to the kingdom, for it was the Code that brought allegiance to the King and compassion for our fellow man.

  My time with the Prince was precious, albeit short-lived. Those in power considered Him a threat—a threat to be silenced—and so they killed Him. The Prince died for me, for you … for us all. My grief was deep and my sorrow without measure. But then, through the majestic power of the King, the Prince arose and lives again! Yes, He lives again! I must say it twice, lest I question the believability of my own memory, for that day shook the very foundation of the kingdom and will bring its enemy, the Dark Knight, to his knees once and for all.

  The Prince left us and returned to His Father across the Great Sea. We did not want Him to go, but it was His way. He came to prepare us for our mission in the kingdom, which was to tell others about Him and train them for the ultimate battle to come. Those years He was away seemed long and without end, but every day we rose to fill the kingdom with the good news of the Prince and His love for the people of Arrethtrae. His life and His teachings possess the power to change the very hearts of men—even mighty men such as Sir Gavinaugh, who was at one time a fierce enemy of the Prince and His Followers.

  During these waiting years, we traveled to the far reaches of the kingdom, endured many hardships, and saw strange happenings of all sorts, but those tales are for another day. Eventually the Prince came back for us … for all the Knights of the Prince and for those who were loyal to Him. He took us across the Great Sea to be with Him and the King. It was a reprieve from the persecution that was mounting in the end days, but it was not the end of our mission as His knights—it was the beginning of a new mission!

  It is on that voyage home, to the Kingdom Across the Sea, that my story resumes. Upon my steed, as we await the massive evil force that comes to destroy our beloved city, there is a final moment to reflect back on my away years … years that bring understanding to this impending battle.

  I remember the night that Keef, a mighty Silent Warrior, awakened me from a deep sleep to board the ships that would take us home. The Prince came to gather His peo
ple and take us across the Great Sea to be with the King.

  My encounter with the Prince was by far the most life-changing event I have ever experienced. Seeing Him alive again after witnessing His death was the most kingdom-shaking event I have ever experienced. But perhaps the strangest moment in my life was when I encountered an old friend …


  I left the Prince’s embrace to board one of the many ships that waited to take us across the Great Sea. For a time, my mission in Arrethtrae was complete. I had yearned to reunite with the One who gave me purpose in life. I had worked to serve Him with honor and faithfulness while He was away. And He gave me the words I craved: “Well done, Cedric. Well done.” Like a man arriving home after a long journey, I found rest in His words and in His embrace.

  The Prince first came to Arrethtrae to save the kingdom and change the hearts of the people. There is no other like Him … no other who is worthy of the loyal service of all. The Son of the King came as a peasant and served us before we could serve Him. His nature is pure and His heart compassionate. His words are wise and His vision sure. I will follow Him to death, if need be. But I know in my heart of hearts that He will lead us only to life. The road has not and will not be easy, but I will follow, for He is great and His plans are grand.

  The ships we boarded were gallant, three-masted vessels with a full rigging of sails that beckoned the wind from a dozen seas to carry them into their waters. They were sturdy yet built for speed. The main deck of each ship was over thirty paces from stem to stern with a quarterdeck and a half-deck above. A lower deck provided space for supplies and for most of the passengers. All of the ships’ crews were comprised of Silent Warriors who were very experienced seamen. Conversation with the crew was limited, for they assumed their duties onboard with the utmost diligence.

  On the main deck of my ship, I searched the faces of my many companions. I looked for William, my lifelong friend, but I discovered that he had boarded another ship, as had Rob and Barrett. Commanded to be silent, for the entire kingdom was asleep and the exodus of the Knights of the Prince and His people was not complete, I smiled and nodded my greetings to my fellow workers who sat upon the deck. We were going home! It sounded strange yet felt perfect, for this home was a place we had never been, but the King awaited us there. What will this great kingdom be like? I wondered.

  Our ship launched out into the sea, and I found a place of solitude near the bow, beneath the foresail. The wind in my face and the sound of the waves breaking on the bow took me back to a time when I was a fisherman, before I ever knew of the Prince. As Arrethtrae faded into the horizon, I found myself lost in thoughts of wonderment at the path my life had taken. Long after the coasts of Arrethtrae had disappeared, my solitude was interrupted by a solid voice behind me.

  “Sir, I’m sorry to disturb you,” the young man said somewhat hesitantly, “but I feel I must introduce myself.”

  I looked up into the bright face of a handsome young man and rose to my feet. “You are not disturbing me at all,” I said with a smile as I offered my hand. “I am Cedric of Chessington.”

  “I know who you are, sir,” he said enthusiastically as he took my hand. “For many years I have desired to meet you again.”

  “Then we have met before?”

  “Yes … when I was but a youth. I am Cullen of the United Cities of Cameria.”

  I felt such joy to know that the words of the Prince had brought people from the distant lands of Cameria to these ships this day. I recognized his accent from that region. It was unique in that it seemed to mesh the accents of all lands into one.

  I released Cullen’s hand. “Unto this day, the people of Chessington are indebted to the great land of Cameria and her people,” I said. “These final days in Chessington were only bearable in large part because of your people and your help against her enemies.”

  My words to him were not flattery. Cameria was one of the last regions in the kingdom to hear the story of the Prince, and I had made one of the first journeys there. They embraced the truth of the Prince with eager hearts and quickly became a beacon of light for the entire kingdom. When much of the kingdom turned against Chessington, the five United Cities of Cameria stood firm in their support of the King’s city and His people. Supplies of food and swords were sent without request for trade. But in the final days, even Cameria began to waver as the return of the Prince seemed to linger.

  Cullen smiled at the compliment I offered and momentarily looked down in respectful humility. When he lifted his eyes to mine again, I saw the spark of life in him that only a believer had.

  “Sir Cedric,” he said. “I heard your words of the Prince that day many years ago, and my heart nearly burst within my chest!”

  His eyes gleamed, and his countenance radiated with enthusiasm. I could imagine the excitement with which he had shared the story of the Prince with others.

  Cullen stood tall and confident. His build was average, but his cheekbones and chin were sharp. His hair was a common brown, but his dark eyes were not common at all.

  He continued. “I wanted to believe your words with all of my heart, but it seemed too good to be true. I gave every ounce of my being to live by the Code and learn the ways of the Prince. I guess I needed to prove that it would change my circumstances. It worked, but I was not prepared for the biggest change of all—in myself! I found purpose for my life and a cause much greater than any selfish venture I thought I desired.” He smiled broadly. “Thank you, Sir Cedric … thank you!”

  I placed my hand on his shoulder. “Cullen, your words have made all of my journeys worth every step. You do not need to thank me, for as you discovered, I cannot contain the hope that was given to me.”

  In the midst of the Great Sea, our homecoming was already beginning.

  “Have you any family onboard, Cullen?”

  “Yes … some,” he said with a mix of emotions.

  I felt a bit foolish for asking the question, since the story of the Prince often split family members’ loyalties. Our voyage across the sea this day clarified the permanence that such a separation of hearts within a home caused.

  Cullen spoke again. “My parents and my next younger sister would not accept the truth of the Prince and His promise.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  A smile crossed his lips. “But glory to the King, my little sister, Keely, is here with me.” It was clearly a comfort to him.

  “Excuse me, gentlemen, does this young lady belong to either of you?” The question came from a young woman, who was as pretty as her voice. She was guiding a girl toward us who looked as though she’d been caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

  Cullen’s smile disappeared as he looked down at the lass. “What have you been up to, Keely?”

  I could tell in an instant that the girl was as spunky as a tree squirrel. She couldn’t contain the broad grin that spread across her freckled face. It was a look of curiosity more than mischief that lit up her eyes.

  “I just wanted to see,” she said as she pointed up to the crow’s-nest at the top of the mainmast.

  “I’m sure she would have made it if I hadn’t stopped her halfway up,” replied her chaperon, a grin on her face as well.

  Keely turned to the young lady. “I’m sorry, miss. I’ll not try it again.”

  I found it difficult not to gaze at the woman who had brought Cullen’s little sister to him. I wondered what kind of lady would climb the rope ladder to the crow’s-nest to apprehend a curious girl when any number of Silent Warrior crewmen could have taken care of the matter. She seemed to have authority of some sort onboard the ship. Her attire was not of the style one might see most Arrethtraen ladies wear. Her blouse and trousers were loose fitting, but were tight at the waist, ankles, and wrists. A three-quarter cape fell from her shoulders to her thighs. It was not the apparel of any I’d ever seen, but it suited her well. Her hair was long, dark brown, and tied in a single braid that fell midway down her back. Yet it was the
beautiful sword hanging at her waist that truly set her apart from most other women.

  She placed a friendly hand on Keely’s head. “See to it, little miss,” she said firmly but kindly, “or the captain will have a word with you. And you won’t find him nearly as forgiving.”

  “I’m sorry,” said Cullen, slightly embarrassed. “I’ll keep a closer eye on her.” He looked sternly at Keely, but she didn’t seem bothered by it a bit.

  I bent down to Keely. “Hello, Keely. I am Cedric.”

  She confidently held out her hand. “I’m pleased to meet you, Sir Cedric. Cul says you’re the best swordsman in the kingdom!”

  I shook her hand. “I can hold my own, Keely, but there are many men … and women”—I added as an afterthought and stole a quick glance at the young lady standing behind the girl—“that are as skilled with the sword as I.”

  “You mean like Talea?” she asked.

  “And who is Talea?”

  Keely pointed to the woman behind her.

  “Pleased to meet you, gentlemen.” Talea bowed her head slightly. I was thankful she didn’t offer her hand since I wouldn’t have known whether to kiss it or shake it.

  “I am Cedric of Chessington,” I said with a bow, “and this is Cullen of the United Cities of Cameria.”

  Talea’s businesslike countenance did not dim her brown eyes, which sparkled with life. I imagined that a younger Talea wrestled with the same spunky spirit Keely seemed to possess. Although the morning sun had not yet broken the horizon, I could see a noble look upon her face that was woven into every feature from her brow to her chin. She looked into my eyes without hesitation, and I was somewhat mesmerized, for I seemed to gain energy from her gaze. It was not a look of affection but one of question and resolve. Then, for one brief instant, a nearly imperceptible look of embarrassment crossed her face.

  “Which region of Arrethtrae are you from?” I asked.

  Talea seemed to struggle to find an answer to my question and then reached for her sword. Her face became tense, and her eyes seemed to gaze clean through me and into the receding darkness beyond. The lighthearted mood of our conversation quickly transformed into a moment of uncertain stress. I could tell by Talea’s expression that something was wrong, and I naturally moved my hand closer to my sword. In an instant, the building anxiety exploded.


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