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Dare Menage 2: Daring Proposal

Page 10

by Jeanne St. James

  Cole stretched his legs out in front of him and leaned back into the couch, looking like the cat that caught the canary. He wore a wide grin. “Everyone knows I’ve been with men.”

  Cole had never tried to hide it from his teammates, his fans, or the press. If he was open about it, it removed all the speculation. If you simply handed over the dirt to the public, then it wasn’t so exciting anymore. It wasn’t a secret. Not that everyone could be so open, Eve thought, but it was so like Cole to be that way. No secrets. No lies.

  Here I am, like me or not.

  But unless Ren was hiding something, he had never admitted to being anything but a woman-loving male. He appreciated the ladies and the ladies appreciated him. At least for a little while anyway, as rumor had it.

  “So have I.” The words were soft and almost unheard, since Ren had his back to them. His arms were crossed, and even from behind he looked tense. His shoulders were tight and raised. Yes, maybe just a little tense.

  Eve and Cole caught each other’s glances. Cole was as clearly surprised as she was. “I was simply curious. I was young.”

  “That’s what they all say,” Cole joked.

  Ren came behind him on the couch and gently knocked him upside the head. Cole ducked and rubbed his ear, laughing.

  “Did you enjoy it?” Cole asked him.

  Ren frowned and sat in a chair opposite Eve, but away from Cole. His gaze bore into her as he asked, “So, just to be clear… You want to have a threesome.”

  “Of course she does.”

  Ren glared at Cole. “Let her answer.”

  Eve schooled her expression. “Yes.” She sounded calmer than she felt. Imagine that…

  “Like on a regular basis. Or just once, only because it’s on your bucket list or something, right?”

  “Well,” she said slowly and in a soothing voice she would use to calm a feral cat. One loud noise and the cat would run away scared. “I’ll leave that up to you. I’ve never done it before. You have to be comfortable with it too.”

  “What if I say no? Would you look for someone else?”

  Eve’s stomach did a flip. Was he actually considering it?

  “Ren, I would love it to be you. We have chemistry. At least I thought we did. We’ve been enjoying each other’s company for the past few weeks. And the sex—”

  “Has been fucking awesome,” he finished. “I know. I know.” He groaned. “But, I’m not doing anything where there’s a possibility of—” Ren crossed his two index fingers together. “Where there’s a chance of crossing swords.”

  “Aren’t you secure with your manhood?” Cole asked him.

  Cole was doing his best to get a rise out of Ren. Eve rolled her eyes at Cole to let him know he wasn’t helping.

  Ren snorted. “You know I am. Hell, I just admitted I’ve had sex with a man before.”

  “Only once?”

  Once again, Ren’s answer to Cole was to frown at him.

  She watched Ren when she asked tentatively, “So you are both in agreement with this?” She held her breath.

  Cole’s smile was blinding. “I’m in. I love a good threesome!”

  Ren twitched in his chair. Eve released her breath and pinned him with a stare. She pursed her lips and leaned forward. “You don’t look so comfortable with this idea.”

  He tugged on his earring. After a long moment, he stated, “I’m sort of curious.”

  “Curious.” Cole had a smile of triumph plastering his face. “Well, I am a sexy, sexy sex machine. I’m hard to resist.”

  Ren’s eyebrows shot up. “You’re crazy, Dix. So answer this: Why in the hell would I want to do this?”

  Eve settled back in her chair, watching them both. Cole seemed to not only be willing, but willing enough to encourage Ren to try. He was doing all the hard work for her and she was not going to interrupt.

  Cole looked like a little boy who was fidgeting with excitement until he was allowed to open presents on Christmas morning. “Baby, you don’t know what you’re missing.”

  Ren closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “Now, I know you never forgot to wear your helmet, but you must be fucked up in the head. Especially calling me baby. Just because I got curious in college doesn’t mean I’m gay.”

  Cole spread his hands out. “I’m not gay either.”

  Ren sighed, clearly impatient. “Okay, bi. Close enough, man. Damn.”

  “I’m open-minded,” Cole clarified.

  Ren snorted. “Open-minded. Sure.” He grimaced. “It’s one thing to be open-minded; it’s another to be willing to open other areas.”

  “A person has to turn me on. I don’t care if it’s a he or she, white, black, brown, or yellow. If that person flips my switch, I’m open.”

  Ren raised his dark brows. “As long as they are open-minded also?”

  “Of course, brother. They have to be willing. Who in their right mind doesn’t want to be with someone who is willing?”

  “And I turn you on?” Ren asked, his pitch a little higher than normal.

  It could’ve been a touchy question, but Cole being Cole just blurted out the answer. “You’ve always turned me on. You never caught me staring at you in the locker room? Never felt my hands linger a little longer than they should?”

  “Fuck!” Ren tapped a finger against his forehead, as if a memory had popped into his head. “You did touch me. You often smacked my ass and squeezed by me.”

  Cole smiled triumphantly. “I guess that didn’t go unnoticed.”

  “Yeah, you touched me plenty of times. I noticed. But I thought that was just you. Just the way you were. It never bothered me. And I’ve always known you’re bisexual. That didn’t bother me either. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have been friends this long.”

  “I was your right-hand man on the field.”

  Ren’s eyes softened as if he was replaying some memories in his head. He relaxed into the chair a little more. “You helped me be a world champion quarterback. We’ve always worked well together.”

  “And we could now too. I know you’ve had threesomes before, Renny. You’ve told me about them.” Cole was pleading with him as if he finally had that carrot dangling in front of him and he would be so disappointed if Ren said no.

  “They were with two women!” He shot a look over at Eve and she schooled her face to be blank. Of course he’d had threesomes before. That didn’t bother her. Just as she was as sure Cole had. If someone was to poll the room on who hadn’t had a threesome, she’d be the only one raising her hand. And tonight she was going to go big or go home.

  “It’s not much different with two guys. We could keep Eve between us. It’s not like I’m going to accidentally slip inside you, like ‘whoops, sorry, wrong hole.’”

  Ren fought back a grin. “You’re not making this any easier.”

  “It’s not a difficult thing, Renny. It’s really not. You’re just getting inside your own head. How about this… We try it. You can fuck Eve, and I’ll simply watch. Or I can just play with Eve a little bit while you’re fucking her. I won’t purposely touch you unless you say it’s okay. Just keep an open mind. That’s all I ask.”

  “Wait. Were you in on this from the get-go? Did you and Eve plan this all along?”

  Eve finally spoke. “No, it was all mine. Like I said, I envy what Quinn has with her lovers. I would love to have that with you two. Cole had no idea.”

  “Renny, if she would have told me, I still would’ve shown up today.”

  If Eve would have known Cole would be this enthused about the whole idea, she would have confessed her plan to him a couple weeks ago. “Look, we have this house for the weekend. Or longer, if we want it. Let’s just enjoy it. No pressure.”

  Cole nodded, “Let’s just enjoy each other.”

  Enjoy each other’s company, each other’s bodies, each other’s pleasure… It sounded good to Eve. And clearly also to Cole. Then after the weekend? See where it leads, if anywhere. But it would go nowhere if Ren wasn’t willing to
explore their connection first.

  The right thing to do at this point was to give Ren some space. Let him mull it over.

  “I have stuff in the fridge to make dinner. I have some beer and wine chilling. We could just relax for a while.” she suggested. “Let Ren absorb my…” Proposal? Suggestion? “Idea.”

  “Well, I, for one, vote for a weekend of complete debauchery!”

  Eve laughed at Cole, but she watched Ren. His expression was pensive. Maybe he was considering everything that was said?

  Oh boy, she hoped so. A shiver ran through her and she gave him a smile.

  Chapter Nine

  Cole sat in the deck chair, legs stretched out, listening to the waves crash just beyond them in the dark. They had turned off the lights in the house so they could see the stars. It was a clear night, the breeze a little chilly.

  During and after dinner, no one mentioned the threesome. But Cole couldn’t stop thinking about it. He was sure everyone was thinking about it, because no one was talking. Instead, they were drinking their second bottle of a semi-sweet red wine. Ren was hitting it a little harder than either Cole or Eve, but maybe he was merely trying to calm his nerves.

  Cole broke the easy silence. “I have a plan.”

  Both heads rotated in unison toward him, almost as if he was breaking some rule of silence.

  “Or maybe more of a suggestion…if you both are willing.” He gazed out into the darkness, ignoring their stares. “Or maybe it’s a want.”

  “Fucking Dix! Just say it.”

  The frustration in Ren’s voice made him look his way.

  “Okay, I want to fuck Eve while you watch.”

  The testosterone in the air ratcheted up a level. “Why can’t I fuck Eve while you watch?”

  “Hear me out. You watch us and when…if you want to join in, you do it when you’re comfortable.” The silence stretched until Cole turned to Eve, “Are you okay with that?”

  “Sure, if Ren is.” She took a sip, more like a gulp, of wine. Apparently, Ren wasn’t the only one fighting nerves.

  Ren snagged the bottle of wine from where it sat beside Eve’s feet. He emptied the remainder into his glass and guzzled it.

  “Why don’t you just drink straight out of the bottle?” Cole frowned.

  Ren shot him a look, then wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. Cole watched him move through the open glass doors to the kitchen, pull a fresh bottle out of the wine cooler, uncork it, and drink straight from the bottle.

  Unfortunately, Ren had taken his teasing seriously.

  Cole gave Eve a look and tipped his chin toward Ren. She only nodded, concern crossing her face.

  Ren came back out on the deck, standing between Cole and Eve, the now half-empty bottle dangling from his fingers. Ren was not a big drinker, so if he had to fortify himself this much with alcohol…

  “Brother, you could always say no.”

  “I don’t want to…say no. Let’s do this.”

  Cole looked up in surprise at the man he’d desired for so long. The man he thought he’d never have. His broad but chiseled face, the short hair—which he now preferred over his former cornrows. His deep expressive eyes, those wide, kissable lips, muscles well-honed and powerful. Ren was bulked up more now than when he was playing football. Many times, they had worked out together, Cole watching, out of the corner of his eye, the ripple of Ren’s muscles as he worked them hard with weights. And he had seen his best friend naked plenty enough to know what was hanging downstairs. If Ren ever wanted to top him, Cole would have to make sure he was prepared. Well prepared.

  He realized his mouth was hanging open. He closed it and cleared his throat.

  “Now,” Ren stated. He helped Eve out of her chair and led her back into the house.

  Cole sat for a second longer, making sure he just heard what he heard. He pinched himself. Yep, he was awake. Then he stood so quickly the Adirondack chair he was lounging in tipped back and over, crashing to the deck.

  Fuck. This was going to happen!

  He pulled at his shorts, adjusting his hard-on. He rushed into the house, his heart beating crazily. He dug through his duffle bag, which was still lying by the front door, and found condoms and Astroglide.

  When he entered the master bedroom, Ren and Eve stood there, a strip of condoms in each of their hands.

  Eve gave a nervous laugh. “I guess we all came prepared.”

  Cole threw his supplies on the nightstand and stripped off his shirt, tossing it haphazardly. He stumbled when he tried to pull his shorts off too quickly. His cock was already hard and kept catching in the fabric of his boxer briefs as he finally tugged them off.

  He turned in all his fully naked glory, and realized Eve and Ren were still both fully clothed and watching him. He felt like a virgin about to get his cherry popped. “What. Can’t a man be anxious for what’s about to happen?”

  Ren just shook his head, threw his condoms on top of Cole’s, and settled into an upholstered chair facing the bed.

  Cole moved over to Eve, who stood there with a deer-in-the-headlights expression. He realized if he didn’t control his own eagerness, this might turn into a complete fail. He needed to keep his head on straight to assure Eve, to make her feel comfortable. He gave her a soothing smile as he removed the condoms from her clenched fist and tossed them onto the bed. He turned her so she faced Ren where he was sitting, watching. The wine bottle now three-quarters empty by his feet.

  “Relax,” Cole murmured against her ear. He ran his tongue around the edge of it. “You wanted this. It’s happening.” He sucked on her earlobe before moving to her mouth. He brushed his lips over hers. “I want you naked,” he whispered against her mouth, his fingers grabbing the hem of her shirt and pulling it up until her bra was exposed. His fingers brushed along the lace, over the upper curve of her breasts, dipping into her cleavage. “That would be a perfect place for my cock when he’s fucking you.”

  Eve’s sigh brushed his cheek, and he stepped back to finish pulling the shirt over her head. He moved behind her to unhook her bra, and caught her breasts in his hands when the bra fell to the floor. He held the soft weight of them in his palms, his thumbs brushing lightly over her tight nipples.

  Cole felt her shiver as he squeezed one breast, his other hand sliding down her stomach until he traced the waist of her shorts. He popped the button and unzipped them slowly, occasionally peeking at Ren nonchalantly, trying to read his reaction.

  Ren’s expression was tight, but Cole could see the flare of his nostrils. He was fighting it. He only hoped that Ren’s struggle with himself wasn’t a fight to keep from running out of the room, that Ren watching him undress Eve was turning him on. Cole needed to turn it up a notch. Or two.

  He wanted to make sure Ren felt pulled in and not pushed away.

  Cole slid his hand into her shorts and under her panties to find the dampness, the warmth he craved. He stroked a finger between her folds, and she gasped, slamming her head back into his chest. He placed his lips on the curve of her neck, licked, and nibbled, making her quiver and groan.

  He slid his slick finger along her folds once again, brushing her clit. “You’re so wet. I’m going to fuck you so good. I’m going to fuck you until you come all over me.” He slipped a finger inside her and then a second. She thrust her hips back against him. His cock was sandwiched between them, pulsing, his balls tight. “Take off your shorts and panties.”

  She released the back of his head where she had gripped him fiercely, to yank off her shorts and her panties in one movement. They landed around her ankles. His fingers never left her cunt, and her body clenched around them. Now Ren could see everything Cole did to Eve. He could watch every response her body made. He couldn’t miss the way her knees buckled a bit, the movement of her hips against his hand, her closed eyes, her open mouth, her ragged breathing.

  But Ren still sat there, unmoving, his eyes slightly hooded and dark. His fingers gripped the wooden arms of the chair.
/>   Cole picked Eve up and placed her on the bed. Her head landed on the pillow, her eyes remained unfocused. He slid beside her, careful not to block Ren’s view.

  He slid his fingers into her again, sucking one nipple, then the other. She was warm and tight, and so damn wet. With each thrust of his fingers, she made little sounds, encouraging him to speed up, to get a little rougher.

  He bit the soft curve of her breast over one nipple and she cried out.

  “Oh, fuck me.”

  It was a plea he found hard to resist. His cock was so hard against her hip. She reached out to grab the crown of his cock, but he shifted enough to stay out of her reach. He could only take so much.

  “Soon. I want to taste you first.”

  SHE HISSED A “Yes.” Eve wanted—no, needed—his mouth on her. Her body was humming.

  Cole pushed himself down the bed a little more and settled between her thighs, guiding her knees over his shoulders, completely exposing her pussy to him.

  His fingers separating her plump lips, as if he were looking for treasure. After a last stroke of his fingers through her slickness, his mouth replaced them.

  His tongue traced the edge of every fold, pausing on her sensitive clit. Sucking lightly, then harder. One flick with his tongue, then another, over and over until her head flung back into the pillow. Her eyes rolled back and she tilted her hips, trying not to grind against his mouth. But it was hard not to. So hard. She wanted to come. She needed to come.

  She wanted him to fuck her. Now.

  His tongue dipped in and out of her, but it wasn’t enough. His tongue was quickly replaced once again by a finger, then two. His mouth was back on her clit as he sucked, all the while his fingers plunging in and out. She was hot and wet and open to him. Her body was more than ready for him.

  He crooked his fingers and found the spot. He stroked her until she felt like she would bloom like a flower. Her hands had a death grip on the sheets as she mewed her pleasure. Hot lightning shot down her legs, curling her toes, then shot back up, landing in her center. She cried out as her core pulsed intensely around his fingers. But he didn’t let up.


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