The Dragon and the Rose

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The Dragon and the Rose Page 44

by Addison Moore

  Chloe huddles underneath the umbrella with me as we wait on the dock for our guests to arrive. Her clamorous perfume reminds me of chamomile disrupted with the stench of vodka. Chloe doesn’t drink, especially now, but her panache for wildly expensive perfume that smells like a sidewalk derelict astounds me. Hopefully our child, our daughter—if I can wrap my head around that, will take after me, after Laken by some miracle. I’ve thought of modifying genetics to make her look like the woman I truly love but have decided to let the DNA chips fall where they may. If it is a girl, she’ll be beautiful no doubt. Besides, dabbling in genetic destinies is my father’s area of expertise. If I’m anything, I’m nothing like him. The more Laken sees that I’m differentiating myself from his evil highness, the sooner she’ll come back to me, and I have no doubt she will. Laken and I are ingrained over one another’s souls. What we had in Cider Plains was magic, and neither Coop, nor my father can take that away from us. Once I gift Demetri a grandchild with the Celestra by my side, perhaps he’ll gift me something in return—the heart of the woman I love.

  “Where are they?” Chloe shifts from foot to foot in her high-heeled boots as the throngs disperse from the ferry. A sea of black umbrellas bob toward the parking lot. I scan the crowd until I spot the goof escorting them.

  “Right there.”

  “But that’s Tad—Skyla’s idiot stepfather.” Chloe looks as if she might be sick. “Oh, Wesley. Your plan to take down all of humanity rides on the shoulders of that illiterate buffoon? You’re either mad or a genius.”

  “Perhaps a touch of both.” I nod as he and the couple he’s with head in this direction.

  “Greg? Is that you?” He looks from me to Chloe. “Cee Cee Bishop, right? Ha! You’ve both done time squatting at the Landon lap of luxury, haven’t you? Now get out of the way, I’ve got a couple of very important persons I’m escorting to Althorpe headquarters.”

  “The Paragon Palms Resort.” I nod to the tall man by Tad’s side with broad shoulders, a lantern-jawed face, no smile. He’s serious as shit, and I like it that way. The woman is cold, dead eyes, red hair, dry, tight lips that don’t bother with a friendly gesture. She’s too busy scouring the premises to notice me.

  “I’ll be taking over from here,” I say, dismissing Skyla’s stepfather of his duties to the Barricade, albeit he’s currently unaware of them altogether. A dizzy blonde bops up from behind, slipping in her too-tall, hot pink heels, trying to shield her hair with her jacket. “Why don’t you assist my aunt in getting home? I’m afraid she’ll catch her death.” I give a bleak smile at the thought. Technically Isis is my father’s niece, so I’m not entirely sure what that qualifies her as in my life, but, nevertheless, I want them both gone.

  “No way, no how,” he crows. “We’re in a hurry. No offense, but you’ve always been sort of a boat anchor. This is my game, and I’m not about to let you score a shot without me.”

  “I said now.”

  Something in him stills. “All right, Greg. But just this once.” He leans in. “That Morley guy said I’d be doing a hand off to someone big.” He slaps me over the shoulder. “About time you got a real job. I always knew you’d amount to more than some pinhead at the bowling alley. I’ll see you back at the house. I’ve got a fifty-dollar bonus for getting these goons to home turf. It’s going to be a rib-eye kind of night. Bone in, if you know what I mean.” He pats his stomach. “I’ll be sure to pick up some ground round and a pack of hot dogs for the rest of you. I’m in a generous mood.” He cuts a sly glance to the blonde juggling her tits in front of him.

  “Why, hello, Mr. Generous.” Isis wraps herself around him like the serpent she is. “I’m feeling a little generous myself,” she mewls into his ear as they drift off.

  The rain lightens a bit as the stone-faced couple examines the landscape around us. A nest of lightning erupts in the distance, hovering over Devil’s Peak as it forms a crown of thorns. A heartbreaking scream shrills out over the island with a marked cry of pain.

  Chloe tips her chin in that general direction, and instinctually I recognize it as Skyla’s voice rising in the distance.

  Chloe nods to me as if to affirm this theory. If Skyla is locked in that much anguish, it can only mean one thing.

  I cast a glance toward the raging sea and wonder what exactly has become of my brother.

  Chloe manufactures a smile for the agents before us. “Chloe Bishop.” She wastes no time in extending a hand to each of them.

  “Wesley Edinger.” I smile at the deformed moniker. “Can I see some identification? It’s just a formality.”

  They flash matching silver badges, each with the official stamp of the federal government.

  Chloe steps in. The wickedness she wears like a jewel shines through her soulless eyes.

  “Agent Moser and Agent Killion, it’s nice to finally meet you.” She reads their names laboriously slow—the irony dripping off her lips like honey. “I hear you specialize in housewives who lean toward hysterics.”

  Crap. Why the hell did I let Pandora out of the box, again?

  Agent Killion, the red headed witch that looks as if she’s lopped off a pair of balls or two, smirks at the idea.

  “Agent Moser and I specialize in paranormal events.” She casts an accusatory glance at the island.

  Chloe swallows her laughter. “Well, then, let me be the first to assure you, you’ve come to the right place.” She cuts a private smile. “Agent Moser, Agent Killion—welcome to Paragon.”

  A Note from the Author

  Thank you for reading The Dragon and the Rose (Celestra Forever After 2). If you enjoyed this book please consider leaving a review at your point of purchase.

  Look for The Serpentine Butterfly (Celestra Forever After 3) coming in 2015!


  A million thank yous to those of you who support and love the Celestra series and who are graciously reading the Celestra Forever After series as well. From the bottom of my heart I thank you for joining me on this crazy, somewhat psychotic, yet always adventurous ride. Skyla, Logan, Gage, and Marshall are so thrilled to have you peer into their little world. There aren’t enough heartfelt hugs in the world to convey how happy I am to share them with you.

  A special thank you to my street team, Addison’s Angels. I’m convinced you are just that, angels. Each of you has touched me with your dedication and tenacity to share my work. I hope to one day get the chance to meet each and every one of you so I can say thank you in person! You have all of my love and gratitude.

  To my rockin’ betas Rachel Tsoumbakos, Christina Kendler, Kathryn Jacoby, and Rachel Dick, I wish I could reach out and hug each of you as well. The hard work you put into this book was above and beyond the call of duty. This was a big one! Thank you for helping me reach the finish line. I couldn’t have done it without you!

  Rachel Tsoumbakos, I’m glad you found such beautiful places to edit. Just looking at the scenery made me feel a little less guilty about how huge the book is!

  Christina Kendler, thank you for helping me even when I know it was stretching your schedule. I’m seriously thankful for what you gave me.

  Kathryn Jacoby, you are a powerhouse and an angel and an overall amazing human being. Thank you for being you. I’m so blessed to know you!

  Rachel Dick, you are so sweet and awesome! Your input is valuable, and I appreciate that you took the time to read this behemoth tome.

  A special HUGE thank you to the girl with the magic red marker. Sarah Freese, thank you for making my rockin’ Celestra world go ‘round. And an additional thank you for not even blinking at the size of this book. (You didn’t blink, did you?)

  And to the amazing Amy Eye, thank you for reworking this jumbo file into something that most eBook platforms can swallow. Thank you for being so kind to me even when I send you frantic emails at two in the morning. Your friendship means the world to me.

  And last, but never least, thank you to Him who sits on the throne. Worthy is the Lamb. Glor
y and honor and power are yours. I owe you everything.

  About the Author

  Addison Moore is a New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author who writes contemporary and paranormal romance. Her work has been featured in Cosmopolitan Magazine. Previously she worked as a therapist on a locked psychiatric unit for nearly a decade. She resides on the West Coast with her husband, four wonderful children, and two dogs where she eats too much chocolate and stays up way too late. When she's not writing, she's reading.

  Feel free to visit her blog at:





  *Be sure to subscribe to Addison’s mailing list for sneak peeks and updates on all upcoming releases!

  Table of Contents


  1 Sleeping with the Enemy

  2 Who’s Your Master

  3 Paragon in Nocturne

  4 All Hell

  5 Into the Wilderness

  6 A Season of Sorrow

  7 How to Train Your Dragon

  8 The Gift

  9 A Kiss Like That

  10 Paper Dragon

  11 Kingdom Come

  About the Author




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