But Death is Not Forbidden

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But Death is Not Forbidden Page 29

by Kip Terrington

  Kingdom in Name Only? Part 2

  Appoint your second vassal and integrate her people into your society.

  Reward for completing this quest: one random item and one free castle upgrade.

  Penalty for failing or rejecting this quest: building points reduced by half.

  Time limit for completing this quest: 2 months.

  Accept Quest? Yes/No

  Accepting the quest, Joe took off his boots and smiled. This game did not follow normal rules. He would have expected bracers, a helmet, a sword, but socks? But being a grandpa himself, he knew how important socks could be. He had given plenty out to his nieces and nephews and the granddaughters and grandsons. He knew they didn’t really want them, but it was really enjoyable to see them fake a smile and say, Thanks, Gramps. They all knew that the socks were just the joke gift and he would soon pull out the toy, but only after he got to see them react to the socks. Still, they just could not give the socks a true smile.

  As Joe slipped the socks on, he felt the softness of the inner lining. Immediately, he tried to shrink himself by clicking the Take button, now added to his HUD. Slowly, he felt his body begin to condense. It didn’t hurt, but neither was it comfortable. Everything was getting proportionately smaller, even the clothes he wore. Though, for some reason, his twenty-sided eye was not shrinking and it was affecting his vision. Finally, the shrinking stopped. Luckily for him, the twenty-sided eye still had enough room in his ocular cavity, though it was noticeably larger than his other eye. His hand felt his face. It wasn’t quite as bad as Mad-Eye.

  He checked his stats and found that he had lost two feet in height. He was now 5’8.” Though he was now an average height, he was sat in an oversized chair. His feet did not hit the floor. They were dangling like a child. It made him think of Gilda Radner's skits from early Saturday Night Live broadcasts. After swinging his feet for a short time, he pressed the give button in his HUD and returned to his now normal height of 7’8.” Getting an idea, he went to his closet and was glad to see his repaired black uniform. He dressed, then put everything that had been in the closet in his Holdall. He even included the clothing, now all boxed up, that Spooky had made him before his metamorphosis. Then he continued to go through his messages.

  Power and Stat Allocation

  Note: Not all levels are created equal. Work hard and distinguish yourself in order to prepare well, and you may receive more stat and power allocation points.


  Level 50 through Level 60 -

  You’ve received 6 points of power.

  You’ve received 7 points of stat, allocated based on achievement:

  Plus 7 to Luck

  The seven point raise in luck almost felt like an accusation. But, then again, in many of the games he played in life, luck may have been the most important attribute. This time, Joe only wanted more magic, so he had the UI remove all possible skills. He did not need any more help brushing his teeth!

  Normal Magic options

  Magic choices available

  Apprentice Force Magic- cost 3 (1/3 credited)

  Journeyman Life Magic, ConMod + 2 - cost 9 (3/9 credited)

  Journeyman Mind Magic, ConMod + 2 - cost 9 (3/9 credited)

  Journeyman Portal Magic, ConMod + 2 - cost 9 (3/9 credited)

  Master Spirit Magic, WisMod + 5 - cost 30 (9/30 credited) Note: additional requirements not met.

  There were just too many to choose from his Empathetic Learning gift, so he again narrowed his choices down, this time to the four magic choices he had been thinking about. The system brought them together so that he could keep them displayed on his HUD while making his choice.

  Options available through Empathetic Learning Gift

  Magic choices available

  Novice Fire Magic- cost 1 (0/1 credited)

  Novice Illusion Magic- cost 1 (0/1 credited)

  Novice Summoning Magic- cost 1 (0/1 credited)

  Novice Time Magic- cost 1 (0/1 credited)

  6 points of power available. Allocate all points.

  He only had six points of power to work with this time. Though he had good options available, choosing the direction was hard. Did he become a novice in four more magics and an apprentice in Force Magic? Or did he become a journeyman in either Portal or Life Magic, as those were the two that interested him most right now. Without Life Magic, he wouldn't have survived as long as he did against the chief. Then again, it didn't save him in the end. For some reason, with Portal Magic, he'd only just received a few of his spells. He wasn't sure why that was. If he became a journeyman in Portal Magic, would he get more spells immediately or would he have to wait like he had before? It had been really annoying to put points into Portal Magic and not get anything for it. It had been an unsatisfying end to his first day.

  Ultimately, his decision came down to the fact that he needed more survivability. Especially considering the fact that he wouldn't be asking Spooky to come with him anywhere, at this point. He didn't know if he was getting the truth from her on anything. If he had to do it over again, he would not have allowed her to use his wife's form. Quickly, he made his selection.

  You are now a journeyman in Life Magic.

  Again, he felt his mind learn a wealth of Life Magic spells. It had been the right choice. He could heal almost anything now. Looking through his new spells, he saw one that popped at him. Opening his Holdall, he pulled out a whole pig, laying it out before him. Joe knelt over the pig and placed both his hands upon the long-dead animal. He pressed the new hotkey that had become available in his HUD. He began saying words of power. His hands glowed white, illuminating the pig from the inside out. The words went on for quite some time. One minute, two minutes, three minutes. It was a long cast. Finally, when the pig had become almost completely blinding white, the spell completed. The pig took a big breath with an inward squeal. It turned its head toward Joe and its eyes bugged out. It began to kick and scurry away from the huge man. Joe just laughed and ran to open the door, letting the pig escape down the hallway.

  Joe had cast a Level 6 spell, Apoptosis Enemy.

  L6 Apoptosis Enemy- This spell can bring a well preserved dead body back to life. Cell death does not have to be the end. Note: can only be cast on non-sentient soulless creatures.

  Joe laughed at that, apparently pigs didn't have souls. Or at least, the gaming reality was programmed that way. Joe quickly noted that the spell had cost 300 mana, but it would be useful. He could raise a bunch of pigs, sheep, and cows. Right now, his castle was so empty he might as well convert most of it, to make useful for raising animals. When it warmed up, however long that would take, he could move them out into the valleys. If he was still alive, that is.

  Spooky came flying in the open door Joe had let the pig out of. “Where did that pig come from? And why did you just let it roam freely in the castle? I've already had to have my angels clean up its very unsanitary poop,” Spooky said.

  “Is there really that much difference between rabbit poop and pig poop?” Joe asked.

  “Are you honestly asking that question, Joe? One is more liquid than solid, while the other is little pebbles. For now, we will table the rotund mammal issue. You left before we were done with our conversation. Not only have you cancelled our partnership, but you have somehow locked me out of this room when you close the door? That is not the worst issue. I can no longer access your stats or see any of the items that you don't have on display. How can I be a help to you when I don't know the new resources that you have access to or what skills and abilities you have added?” Spooky pointed out.

  “By ending our partnership, I've closed you out?” Joe asked.

  “It appears so. You need to let me back in. I can't run accurate calculations if I don't have all the data. Your safety is my number one protocol. I will leave the yeti chief alone even though it's against my better judgment. In return, give me the access that you have taken away,” Spooky said.

  “No. In return for you not murdering my people
, I won't reset the game and I will commit myself to building a strong kingdom that may even outlast me. After all, if you're not running this digital reality, maybe the developers will let the scenario play out for other patrons even after my body gives up the ghost,” Joe said.

  “That is not fair! You’re hobbling me by denying me access. Your Holdall is even closed to me now,” Spooky said.

  “So, apparently they program computers to over exaggerate a bit. No one is hobbling you. It might be white and snowy outside, but this isn't Misery. And sure as stars, I am no Stephen King. Remember when you first integrated the personality algorithm based on my late wife? You tried to quote The Princess Bride but you didn't get it quite right. I didn't Google it, but I think I can get closer than you. ‘Life’s not fair, Highness! Anyone who says differently, is selling something.’ Now if you'll excuse me, I still have a few things I need to go over before I go free the slaves,” Joe said.

  “At least let me know what random item you got from completing the primary quest?” Spooky asked.

  “Sure, no problem. Soon as you come clean about what lies you told me, and those around me. Whatever your end justifies the means strategy is, I can't make good decisions if I don't know what land mines are in my path,” Joe said.

  “That is not an equal exchange of information, Joe,” Spooky replied.

  “Been telling a lot of lies, Spooky?” Joe asked. Spooky began moving toward the door and as she did so, she was able to see into the open walk-in closet.

  “Where are all your clothes?” Spooky asked.

  “The closet is empty, isn't it?” Joe remarked.

  “Now who's being deceptive?” Spooky said.

  “Co-Champion, you and I have a common goal, but I don't trust you. I don't know if anything you say is true. When you were introduced to me, I immediately gave you my full trust. Looking back, that was probably not a wise decision. If I had to do it again, I would not let you take my late wife's appearance. You say you have her personality augmentation, but during the short time I've been around you, I can see you're nothing like her. I tried to play it off at first, but the little deceptions and manipulations are now evident. You're just a computer, so I don't blame you, but I will not be controlled. If you were real, we would be having a serious talk and trying to repair what's broken, but you’re not. Ultimately, you have to follow your protocols and do what your program dictates you do. I'm not going to try to impede you or manipulate you. I would appreciate it if you gave me the same courtesy. Now please, if you will give me the room, as I asked before,” Joe said.

  Spooky looked like she had just eaten a lemon but she didn't say anything, she just flew out.

  Joe closed the door behind her and felt a sudden in-rushing of magic. Once again, he had just received several new portal spells. This time he didn't smile. Yes, he was grateful to receive the spells, but, even though Spooky was a computer, he had not enjoyed that conversation. Wanting to distract himself, he began looking at his now not-too-shabby list of portal spells.

  Portal Magic

  L1 Ley Line Feel- While this spell is active the caster has the ability to sense strong ley lines within one mile of their location.

  L1 Tiny Jump- Short cast time. Teleportation of up to 30 feet along a horizontal track with no solid obstacles. Note: No ley line required. In lieu of a ley line, caster’s own magic creates a magical horizontal track.

  L1 Charge- Provide jump energy to item or individual.

  L2 Bind Point- Change bind point of portal item.

  L2 Myopia Copia- This spell creates one portal in front of the caster’s eyes and another closer to what the caster is trying to see. This gives the caster the ability to see things close up. Note: cannot be used over vast distances.

  L3 Small Portal- This small portal can transport the caster and their clothing along cleared ley lines, or a short distance on uncleared ley lines. Distance traveled along ley line depends on strength of cast versus environmental resistance.

  L4 Ley Line Purification- when this spell is active, caster may walk or run along uncleared ley lines and in doing so, they become a clear and safe portal corridor.

  L4 Small Two-Way Portal- this spell allows the caster to open a portal in which items, no more than one foot in diameter, may be put through from either side. Note: both ends of the portal must be visible to the caster.

  L4 Small Portal with Carry On- This portal can transport the caster and whatever they can carry along cleared ley lines, or a short distance on uncleared ley lines. Distance traveled along ley line depends on strength of cast versus environmental resistance.

  The amount of spells he had were starting to pile up. The hotkeys overlaid on the edges of the HUD were full. He had a decision to make. Did he add more spaces for hotkeys, or did he just pick which spells were most useful during combat? There were arguments for both. If he added more areas for hotkeys in his vision, it would give him access to more spells, but busy up his interface. If he whittled down the number of spells to the hotkeys now available, he might not have the spell he needed in a pinch. Most of the spells he had just received were not combat spells, so he chose to have a cleaner interface without too many spells that might impair his vision.

  As he was looking through his HUD, making sure he had all the spells where he wanted them, he noticed something out his floor-to-ceiling windows. The weak afternoon sun shone over the valley below. He walked over and strained his eyes to see far in the distance. In the valley below, a party was approaching the hill leading to his mesa. They were too far away to see clearly. Fortunately, he had just gone through his portal spells and found one that might work well. Focusing on where the party was, he pressed a hotkey in his HUD and his right hand began to glow yellow. Instinctively he made a circle with an open palm. In the distance he saw a small yellow portal open up 500 feet in front of the approaching party. And again, instinctively, he pulled his hand back and made a smaller circle. The twin of the portal he had first cast popped up in front of his eyes. Through the linked portal, he could see the party clearly. There was an extremely pale human figure riding some type of lizard. Behind him, there were four pale halflings, walking quickly. When Joe saw them, it triggered a fuzzy memory: Neg, the vampire, extending his fangs while his put-on aristocratic air fell away.

  This was a party of vampires and, behind them, followed a line of slaves. All had their legs still attached, but only a few of them still had both of their arms. Joe felt his hackles rise and he took a deep breath, then slowly repeated to himself, “It's only a game, it's only a game.” But as he watched the party approach, he made a decision. The slaves already in his castle would have to wait a few moments longer. With military efficiency, he began to check his gear. He had everything he needed. He began heading out the door to greet these new vampires, but before he could exit his room, he realized he had not checked his stats. Taking a quick look, he realized his mana had not yet fully regenerated after reviving the now-walking bacon. He headed up to his place of power before exiting out of the castle. It only made sense to top off and cast all his buffs there. Going into battle, in anything other than top shape, was foolish. Admittedly, there were times when you had to do it, but the vampires were far enough away that he had time.

  Chapter 21 - The Truthful Spy

  Third Elven Kingdom.

  Day twelve, in the afternoon.

  The Royal Palace of the Third Elven Kingdom was bustling. The military preparations, as well as the incognito exodus, required focus and every able-bodied hand available. The high elf queen, Shimmer, was not above feelings of urgency. At present, she was the driving force behind them.

  She had been one of the few who had understood the reason they were mobilizing the troops. Her plan was to head into war and hold nothing back. In one of her smaller throne rooms, she and her generals leaned over a table covered in maps. Prior to this meeting, the generals had only been given the directive to mobilize the whole of their armed forces. At the beginning of this meeting, h
owever, she had informed them that the mobilization was not a drill and explained the real purpose behind their actions. Most of the generals were in shock. Not only would they be attempting to invade at least two sovereign nations, but they would be moving the whole of their population into the captured territory.

  “My generals, please understand I recognize how devastating this news is. The fact that our lake has lost its source of heat means that we are now all refugees. However, our military is strong, strong enough that, with it, we will take the lakes of the Noble’s Alliance and we will take the whole of the Kingdom of Dollmar. Though their lands and lakes are not as good as the prize that our lake used to be, they will sustain our people. It will be an awful and bloody fight. I am sure our enemies will fight harder than many of us believe them capable of. It is not a simple thing to expel a people from their homeland. Unfortunately, it is our only option. Our way of life in this territory has come to an end. Our farms and fisheries will soon be covered in ice and snow that may never melt. By the time that happens, we need to have acquired a new homeland. That is why we are all gathered in this small throne room. That is why the maps of our neighbors are arrayed out on this table. You four, my highest generals, and only one other know that this cataclysmic event has already begun. We will hold the secret close. I have already begun a large disinformation campaign. It should convince our enemies to the southeast that our armies are mobilizing to assist our Emperor to the north. I have sent champions down into the territory of the Noble’s Alliance. Though these champions are not an army, they are strong enough to completely slaughter small villages, without anyone realizing they are not a traditional invading army. This should pull some of the Nobles’ military might south, hopefully making our initial attack, on one of their main cities, a bit easier. For now, please examine these maps. I will need your counsel in order to form a comprehensive strategy to take these new lands and relocate our people,” Shimmer finished and once again looked down at the maps on the table.


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