End Post
Hongaek, Female, Tormentor
Magic- Death, Affinity absorption
Post 3
Start Post
Finally the room is no longer empty. Why have I been the only one who's been here each night since our last encounter? I will answer some of your questions prince34, but only if there's reciprocity. Only I won't go first, I'm not a fool. My question to you is this? Answer it fully and I will answer yours fully. Have you recently become a player and if so, what are the implications of this new change?
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Human, Male, Knight
Magic- Fire, Affinity Metal
Post 13
Start Post
You only give after you've taken, that doesn't really surprise me. Though I am surprised by your question, yes, I have become a player. As for the implications I believe they could be rather far-reaching. From what I've been able to glean so far from the menus, I'm going to be able to upgrade my magic in a more systematic fashion. As I gain levels I will grow stronger, and it appears that I might even be able to return from death. Though on this point, I believe it must be a bluff or at the very least an exaggeration. I don't know where this UI came from and I have not yet interacted with any other players, though I have seen a few as they have also seen me. Therefore I can only answer the question based on my own experience. Currently, I'm traveling in a party with other nobles, like myself, and a large group of slaves. All of the other nobles are various types of NPCs, as are most of the slaves. Though I've noticed a few players in their ranks, none of them are human. I don't trust any of the other nobles I'm traveling with, hence I haven't informed any of the rest of my party about this development. The fact that you asked about players means that you're either a player yourself or some other type of individual that can see the blue letters above people's heads. I don't know what's been happening in the city of Dollmar, as the king sent me on a mission to the middle of nowhere. Before your question, I had assumed it was something that was happening specifically to my group or all in my head, now I'm wondering if it's a regional thing or possibly global? I haven't yet earned enough experience points to gain a level but for some reason the UI said that I had unspent points the moment I became a player. Because of this, I was able to gain new spells in Fire Magic. I'm not sure how I could answer this question more fully, I'm guessing most likely I just confirmed all the same things that you confirmed for me by asking the question. Now, I implore you, answer my original question. Did you just know my uncle was going to kill himself or did you have a hand in it?
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Hongaek, Female, Tormentor
Magic- Death, Affinity absorption
Post 4
Start Post
I did not have a hand in your uncle's death, not that I would have shied away from murder. I am a Hongaek and my species feeds on pain. Unfortunately for us, we can't feed on pain we've caused. We have an ability to know when someone is going to die. When you spoke, I had a vision and I simply informed you of it. I was hoping that in this place I would be able to feed off the pain that you were experiencing, unfortunately from what I can tell, this is a place of letters and numbers and I can glean no other sensations. We spend most of our time attending funerals, or if we're extremely lucky, battles. Though, admittedly, battles can be dangerous even for my kind. I was not in Dollmar at the time of your uncle's death. Neither did I have a part in it, nor was I able to feed off of the pain it caused you. A lose-lose for both of us.
End Post
High elf, Male, Nuker
Magic- Fire, Affinity AOE
Post 1
Start Post
I've heard rumors of your kind. I believe I even saw one of you once out of the corner of my eye. This must be a nightmare, otherwise why would something like you be present. How long have you been a player prince34? Also, when did you begin your expedition?
End Post
Human, Male, Knight
Magic- Fire, Affinity Metal
Post 14
Start Post
Well, hello to you too. Welcome to the conversation, General, you already know so much about me if you've read the posts. Why don't you go ahead and tell us how long you've been a player first, and since you know that I'm from Dollmar, where are you from?
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High elf, Male, Nuker
Magic- Fire, Affinity AOE
Post 2
Start Post
I must say I find it a bit hypocritical that you are now demanding that I give information before you do. When the shoe was on the other foot, it appeared that you were playing the victim.
End Post
Human, Male, Knight
Magic- Fire, Affinity Metal
Post 15
Start Post
I would say victim is a bit of an exaggeration, then again in your culture flowery language is the norm. With your kind, it's less about accuracy and more about style. And if you read my post, there was no demand. In this place we can't threaten unless we want our posts removed. Though now that you bring it up, a precedent has been set. Quid pro quo has become the rule here. I don’t want to break the norm, it might make people uncomfortable.
End Post
High elf, Male, Nuker
Magic- Fire, Affinity AOE
Post 3
Start Post
Pain42 is no judge. She has no authority to set precedent. From what I know of their kind, they're not even completely in the same plane of existence as us beings of flesh and blood. That's why you can only see them out of the corner of your eye. Don't let that evil creature influence your decisions. If kindness is in your nature, then don't withhold truth from a fellow seeker.
End Post
Hongaek, Female, Tormentor
Magic- Death, Affinity absorption
Post 5
Start Post
What a way to describe yourself ‘a fellow seeker.’ As a Hongaek, I am evil, but an argument could be made that we are no more evil than the elven race. After all, we cannot feed on the pain that we cause, so if we kill someone we are removing a future food source. Pain is part of everyone's existence. One can delay having to deal with it by self-soothing or even denial, but eventually feelings must be felt. The elven race has always understood this, but has been careful to make sure that others are the ones who experience the greater share of pain. My kind has grown fat and happy on what your forerunners have done to this reality. You build such beautiful architecture, yet when you go below, anyone could see that your dungeons are no more sanitary than a cesspool. We are not technically speaking in the same plane of existence as you beings flesh, but we watch you. Don't pretend you are good. We can see what happens when the lights are out.
End Post
Human, Female, Healer
Job- Chef, Affinity Kulebyaka
Post 6
Start Post
fEEdson why do you have to say such creepy things? Wouldn't it be better to have pleasant conversations while we're here? Kindness and cordiality are undervalued virtues. As you said, this place is just letters and numbers. Since you can't feed here, why not be nice?
End Post
Hongaek, Female, Tormentor
Magic- Death, Affinity absorption
Post 5
Start Post
I can't believe I'm saying this, but you are adorable. Kindness and cordiality are rare indeed, but they're not really my thing. And you have to remember that these men really only listen when one is dealing from a place of strength. This forum and the fact that we have become players means that at the very least, a new age has begun. Neither I nor you s
hould allow this wave of change to overwhelm and destroy us. I will stay true to who I am. So, no, I'm not going to be nice, at least not to these boys.
End Post
Human, Female, Brute
Gift- Leadership, Affinity Tough Mindedness
Post 5
Start Post
We talked about this. You agreed that if we ended up here again, we would only observe. Be quiet, every one of these individuals are too powerful for us to be moving in their circles.
End Post
Human, Female, Healer
Job- Chef, Affinity Kulebyaka
Post 7
Start Post
I know that you're right, it's just so hard to be quiet. Sorry.
End Post
Human, Female, Brute
Gift- Leadership, Affinity Tough Mindedness
Post 6
Start Post
Stop talking.
End Post
Human, Female, Healer
Job- Chef, Affinity Kulebyaka
Post 8
Start Post
End Post
Human, Female, Brute
Gift- Leadership, Affinity Tough Mindedness
Post 7
Start Post
I’m not going to kill her. I’m not going to kill her. Wait shoot! I don’t want to post this.
End Post
Human, Female, Healer
Job- Chef, Affinity Kulebyaka
Post 9
Start Post
See! When your emotions are high, you can’t help but post. It is not my fault. I just wish I could be in a forum that people had to be nice to each other.
End Post
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Human, Male, Knight
Magic- Fire, Affinity Metal
Post 16
Start Post
Blast it, I didn't even get to interact with her. I'm pretty depressed. It would have been nice to talk to her. She is adorable.
End Post
Hongaek, Female, Tormentor
Magic- Death, Affinity absorption
Post 6
Start Post
I know, right? Why don’t you just join her new thread?
End Post
Human, Male, Knight
Magic- Fire, Affinity Metal
Post 17
Start Post
I tried. The UI informed me that I have to be fully committed to only be nice in that thread. Apparently right now I can’t put myself in that frame of mind.
End Post
Human, Female, Brute
Gift- Leadership, Affinity Tough Mindedness
Post 8
Start Post
I can’t believe this. The UI won’t let me switch either. Why the General and not me?
End Post
Hongaek, Female, Tormentor
Magic- Death, Affinity absorption
Post 7
Start Post
Elves are perfectly capable of being kind and gentle when it suits their purposes. I've seen it many times. In my experience, kindness that is not genuine often leads to the most extreme forms of pain. Since we're all here, would you guys like to talk about different types of pain? My favorite kind of pain comes from betrayal. What about you guys?
End Post
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Hongaek, Female, Tormentor
Magic- Death, Affinity absorption
Post 8
Start Post
End Post
Chapter 25 - Epilogue: Part 2
Proliferation and Implementation of the User Interface
Short Essay Written By Nikolay Ivanov
Professor Emeritus, University of Krause
The UI (user interface) is believed to have originated in Vlad, spreading out in a circle from there. The initial velocity of the UI magical wave is unknown. One thing we know with certainty is that the wave slowed down considerably each time it moved through a significant population of sentient beings. The wave itself eventually slowed to a crawl and stopped. Those in the initial magical wave of the UI became carriers of this new magical construct. After this happened, the UI began to spread like a virus, using its carriers to bring the construct beyond the initial magical radius. These players, containing strengthened and purified versions of the UI, became the way its adoption was spread. The quests offered by the UI caused the players to venture out, eventually spreading the UI over the entire globe.
The first documented effect of the UI was the discovery and subsequent use of the Forum Wall. Just as with all effects that the UI brought to this reality, those who were able to fully utilize the changes were, for the most part, random. The Forum Wall brought with it a way for the common folk to communicate over far distances. In the current age, we take for granted the ability to talk to anyone anywhere, but before the global adoption of the UI, one might live their whole life in a village, never communicating with anyone more than a few miles away. This first advantage given by the UI allowed those with very little power a chance to better their lives. In many cases, the Forum Wall was the only reason that some villages survived the sweeping wars that were a hallmark of that era. This life line caused those witnessing its positive effect to embrace the new changes that the UI brought.
Rise of Genocide and Systematic Violence in the Post Great Conflux Era
Short Essay Written By Nikolay Ivanov
Professor Emeritus, University of Krause
The global cataclysm, whose timeline paralleled the UI’s adoption, caused some to believe that the UI was evil. The followers of these sects went so far as to kill those who could be seen interacting with the UI. The most extreme of these sects, known as the Gregorian Cult, killed off all who lived in select regions, in a stated attempt to slow the adoption of the UI. Whereas other groups used the UI as a means to settle old scores and put an end, once and for all, to their enemies.
After the Great Conflux, the climate of the globe shifted dramatically. The need for habitable land became paramount around the Moon. With an increase in the number of refugees and the movement of many armies, avoiding the violence became almost impossible. The number of those lost, following the Great Conflux, is postulated at over a billion, but realistic numbers are impossible to estimate.
End of Book Two
Magic Structure
The seed gives the possibility to use a specific type of magic. It can also be thought of as unawakened magic. The quality of the seed predetermines how far the magic user can progress.
The first active stage of wielding magic. In this stage, a wielder gains access to a variable amount of L1 spells.
The second stage of wielding magic. In this stage, a wielder gains access to a variable amount of L2 through L4 spells. They also gain a slight sensitivity to all types of magic use.
The third stage of wielding magic. In this stage, a wielder gains access to a variable amount of L5 through L8 spells. Magic sensitivity grows enough to s
ense the seed of magic in others. With work and time, they can help others awaken their magic. This stage is the highest that most magic users can reach. Reaching this stage increases Constitution by 2.
The fourth stage of wielding magic. In this stage, the wielder gains access to a variable amount of L9 to L10 spells. They have a high sensitivity to magic. With word and thought, a master can cause the seed in others to awaken, regardless of the type of magic seed. On the opposite end, a master can also wall off a magic seed. This can make it very difficult to ever progress to a novice. Only a few can become masters, and only then, through a combination of hard work and natural gifting. Reaching this stage increases Wisdom by 5.
The fifth and final stage of wielding magic. In this stage, it becomes possible to turn it up to 11. In gaining access to L11 spells, a mage can become an army unto themselves. Those who reach the exalted rank of illuminati often become rulers of nations or destroyers of them. Only an illuminati can use the full potential of a Grand Place of Power. Reaching this stage increases all stats by 5 and doubles one’s mana pool, health, and regeneration rate.
But Death is Not Forbidden Page 35