Sarah and the Widow's Mate (Christmas Holiday Extravaganza)

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Sarah and the Widow's Mate (Christmas Holiday Extravaganza) Page 22

by Gay N. Lewis

  Beth rose to her feet as the men prepared to head to the front door. “Oh, and there’s just one more thing.”

  The men turned to face her.

  “I’ll borrow a quote from a well-known friend of mine.” She pointed her index finger at Chadwick. “Charles, you’re fired.”

  * * *

  Sarah lay on her back, gazing at the stars. What a remarkable evening. She’d sensed all along that Bryan was a deceitful dude, but Charles had been a total surprise. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the Superiors gave more details? The Almighty knew the hearts of all men, but perhaps the Superiors didn’t. Could that be why the instructions remained limited? Poopty doopty, don’t rule out that “freewill” thingy. Choices and consequences gave angels and humans an opportunity to grow.

  What about Bruce? Hmmm. Perhaps a little push in that direction could be a good thing. Sarah sat up. The cold front had pushed through and left a clear, frosty night, and she had super-vision, but could she find the church? Oh, bother—bearings always presented a challenge.

  Soaring high above the city, Sarah followed streets and lighted passageways that looked familiar. Wonder of wonders! The church steeple came into view.

  Slipping into the darkened suite of offices, she found a closed door marked “Pastor’s Study.” Total darkness was no problem, but she beckoned a penlight. Now to leave a note. Those handy memos had prompted humans in the past, and hopefully, this one would too. She wrote Call Beth in the morning and left the note squarely in the middle of his desk. Maybe one more would also work. She placed a sticky note with the same message on his computer screen.

  Now to retrace her flight pattern and wait for morning.

  * * *

  Mid-morning, Beth’s phone rang. From her cloud, Sarah twirled her fingers in the air to hear both conversations.

  “Good morning, Beth. I hope I’m not calling too early.”

  “No, Bruce, you aren’t. What are you doing today?”

  “I’m preparing my Christmas Eve sermon, but I’m thinking of you and had a note to call you. Are you okay with the kiss I gave you?”

  “Yes, I’m fine.” She chuckled. “It was only a brief touch to the lips. I hope you can do better than that.”

  “Oh, I can, dear lady, I can. Want me to come over right now and prove it?”

  Beth laughed. “No, not right now. I had a rather eventful night last evening, but all is well.”

  “Anything you care to talk about?”

  “Yes, I’d welcome an opportunity to confide, but not on the phone. Would you like to have dinner with me this evening?”

  “Nothing would bring me more pleasure.”

  “What are your favorites? I’ll have Maria prepare them for you.”

  “Pot roast, mashed potatoes, and lemon icebox pie.”

  Beth’s laugh sounded similar to tinkling crystal. “Those are some of my favorites too. Is six o’clock okay?”

  After they disconnected, Sarah raised a fist in a victory salute.

  * * *

  Bruce arrived in casual attire. Sarah peered closely at him. He was one good-looking gentleman. He and Beth would make a striking couple. Wonder if they would have a big wedding in Bruce’s church? Maybe they preferred to elope to some romantic island, or perhaps have just a small family ceremony.

  “Don’t get ahead of yourself, Miss Angel Misfit.” She muttered the words and waved to an airplane flying high above her, but the passengers couldn’t hear or see her.

  Beth opened the door, wearing a red velvet, floor-length skirt and white silk blouse. Gold bling sparkled at her neck, ears, and wrists. Oh my, she looked absolutely lovely. Surely, Bruce felt a heart lurch at the site of her.

  “Come in. I have a fire going, and Maria will have dinner ready shortly.”

  Bruce followed her to the sofa, and they both sat down. Two stemware glasses sat atop a tray on the ottoman used as a coffee table. “Would you care for a glass of sparkling cranberry juice before dinner?” Beth handed Bruce the glass.

  “Thank you. Beth, this is exquisite…a fire, Christmas decor, a great dinner waiting, and you more beautiful than I’ve ever seen you.” He set the glass down and gathered Beth into his arms, lowered his head and kissed her passionately. After the kiss, he grinned and winked. “I could get used to this.”

  Beth ducked her head and peeked up from her under her eyelashes. “So could I.”

  Bruce blinked. “What are you saying?”

  “That was what I call a kiss. Much better than the first one you gave me.”

  “Want another one?” Bruce brought his face to Beth’s, but she pushed him back with a grin.

  “Maybe later. I want to share a few things with you first. I’ve had a lot happen in the last several days. You came into my life, and you tell me you are smitten with me.”

  He nodded. “I am.”

  “That makes me happy. I had no idea I was ready for a commitment, but you as well as others have shown me I am.”

  As Bruce faced Beth, his eyes never left hers.

  “I told you about two men I was seeing, and you handled the news well. I was impressed. You expressed no jealousy, and I don’t believe you’re a control freak.”

  She paused, but Bruce said nothing. He caressed her face with his eyes as if looking for clues as to where this conversation was headed.

  “Last night I dismissed both of them. They were crooks. They planned to harm me.”

  Bruce arched his body as if ready to put on a superhero suit and defend her.

  Beth waved her hand. “One worked for me, and I fired him. The other turned out to be his brother and a secret business partner was also my employee. Between the two of them, they cooked up a plan for one of them to marry me, prepare a will that gave them everything, and then push me down the stairwell.”

  “What?” Bruce’s shout made the widows rattle.

  Maria shot into the room. “Everything okay?”

  Beth smiled. “Yes, thank you, Maria. We’ll have dinner in about fifteen minutes.”

  As soon as Maria left, Bruce gathered Beth’s hand in his two larger ones. “These developments must be devastating to you. I’m so sorry. What can I do?”

  “Just be here for me.”

  “Always, my sweetheart, always.” Leaning in, he gently kissed Beth.” Are you going to press charges? I’ll stand by you every step of the way if you do.”

  “No, I’m not going to press charges. Gary brought a police officer, and he went over the evidence before the men arrived. Sergeant Dunwood was prepared to arrest them, but after his explanation, I decided it wasn’t a good idea. The authorities could take them into custody on a conspiracy to commit murder charge, but Dunwood explained that there isn’t a substantial amount of proof beyond a reasonable doubt for the accusation, and the law requires that. I don’t want a big uproar in the news anyway, so I’m comfortable with my decision. Such a thing would embarrass me and wouldn’t be good for any of my companies. A word to the right people and those guys will not work again in the state of Texas—maybe not even in the entire southwest. I have contacts in the northeast too, and believe me, I’ll see to it they don’t try another scheme on an unsuspecting widow.”

  Bruce pushed back a lock of Beth’s hair and tucked it behind her ear. “You said I handled things well, but forgive me. My heart is racing. I’m very angry right now, and I’m not okay with all this. The lady I love was almost murdered, and I would have been called upon to preach her funeral. I want to do something, but I don’t know what.”

  “You love me?”

  “I do. My feelings have been that strong for a while now. The thought of this evil coming your way has me in turmoil. I want to protect you from such things, and I don’t want to live without you.”

  Beth smiled and took both of Bruce’s hands in her own. “Bruce Browning, seeing this side of you makes me very happy. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but here goes. In short order, I find myself falling in love with you. I want us to make a commitme
nt to grow into a deep, abiding love. I know what we feel at this moment will grow greater each day. Will you marry me?”


  Sarah tumbled to Earth with a bang. What? Beth asked this dude to marry her? Would wonders never cease? She arose and rubbed her backside. Falling on solid earth could be painful, even to an angel. Guess the Superiors expected her to experience more of the discomfort mortals felt while down below.

  Sarah strode to the window and peeked into the room. Bruce grinned as if the universe had presented him with a gift beyond his wildest imagination.

  “Why, Beth, I thought you’d never ask.”

  Both mortals laughed openly at Bruce’s quick answer to an unexpected question. Sarah lifted her brows. Was their reaction due to nerves? Excitement? Fear? Joy?

  When his laughter died to chuckles, Bruce’s face glowed with happiness.

  “Yes, my darling, I will marry you. I thought I’d have to spend a few months convincing you of my determination to make that happen. I never expected you to come around so quickly. I’ve set a new record. How did I do it?”

  The smile this chap gave Beth had to be worth a million bucks to her. No one could fake that look of bliss.

  “I spent an entire night in prayer, reading Scripture and thinking about my life. When I started this dating nonsense, I wanted companionship without marriage, but evidently, that wasn’t what I truly wanted. I’ve learned that too many men can’t be trusted. I don’t plan to go through life wondering if someone intends to kill me. What really appeals to me is a husband I can respect and trust. The more I thought about you, the more I realized you are that person. I’ve always found you attractive but never allowed myself to fantasize a relationship with you.” A shy smile developed on her lips. “After all, you are my minister.”

  Bruce shook his head. “Not anymore. Now I’m your fiancé. When can we set the date?”

  “How about April? I’ve always loved that month.” Beth’s expression mirrored Bruce’s. The radiance in their faces would light a darkened room.

  “April it is.” He leaned forward and briefly touched Beth’s lips with his own. “Tell me, my love, how do you know I’m not a scoundrel after your money?”

  “Gary had the Fowler Detective Agency work up a background check on you. You are the real deal.”

  Bruce threw back his head and bellowed with laughter.

  * * *

  Sarah prepared for her interview with the Superiors. She so hoped they would permit her to come back to this planet and help the humans. In spite of troublesome masquerades and her tendency to get lost, she enjoyed her time here.

  “Sarah, are you ready?” The Lieutenant’s voice came in loud and clear.

  “Yes, sir.” The Creator had illuminated the skies with the stars and moonlight, but in spite of the night’s sparkly beams, Sarah was happy to see the Lieutenant in all his regal, bright clothing and splendor.

  “Follow me. Are you nervous?”

  “Yes. I’ve never experienced a night meeting before.”

  “It’s only night down here, Sarah.”

  “That’s true. Sometimes I get confused and forget where I am.”

  When they arrived at the Commander’s door, the Lieutenant knocked.

  “Come in.”

  Out of courtesy, he opened the door. “Sir? Sarah is here.”

  He turned to his underling and patted her shoulder. “Go on in, Sarah.”

  The Commander beckoned her to sit in one of the gilded chairs.

  “How did it go this time, Sarah?”

  “I think it went well. I had a few goof-ups, but not as many as usual.”

  The Commander’s laugh reverberated through The Heavenlies. “You are growing, and I’m proud of you.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  “What do you consider your main problems this time?”

  “Well, I seem to have a problem with name-calling.”

  “A few times, yes, you did. You are picking up habits from the humans. What do you plan to do about it?”

  “Work on it?”

  The Commander chuckled. “Good answer. What else?”

  “I caused a fire in a restaurant.”

  “Do you suppose you are still too impulsive?”

  “Yes, sir.” Sarah ducked her head. “I found myself with negative thinking a few times.”

  “Yes, your gift of compassion causes that. You identify so well with the mortals, but you remedied your faulty thinking rather quickly, and didn’t Mother Goodness point out to you that humans sometimes experience these bouts of self-incrimination?”

  “She did.”

  “The more you understand the humans, the more you can help them. The nature God gave them allows them a range of motion and feelings. You are facing the same elements.”

  He leaned back in his chair. “Would you like to hear what happens to Beth and Bruce?”

  “Yes, please.”

  “They will marry in April, and the couple will move into a home that is new to both of them. Beth will donate her mansion to the church, and it will be used for spiritual retreats and conferences. Maria and Carlos will buy a home of their own but will continue to work for Beth and Bruce each day. They will oversee the new spiritual center that was once their home. Many people will have the opportunity to enjoy that beautiful house and grounds.”

  “Oh, that’s lovely! Thank you for sharing with me. May I ask a question?”

  The Commander nodded.

  “Why didn’t Christian come to my rescue at the wedding?”

  “He was assigned another mission, and the Almighty wanted you to learn to manage on your own.”

  “That growth thingy, huh?” Sarah widened her eyes.

  The Commander howled. “Yes, Sarah, that growth thingy. By the way, I’m proud of you for taking care of Stanley. He needed food and money. I’m pleased with the way you handled that situation.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  “He has a good job in Oklahoma and will soon recover, marry, and support a Christian family. He will always remember the touch of God you gave to him.”

  “May I ask another question?”

  The Commander nodded.

  “Will Beth and Bruce wonder what happened to Annie?”

  “When Beth goes to the house where she dropped Annie off, she will flabbergasted to find the real homeowner and no Annie. She and Bruce will often talk about her, shake their heads, and speculate. Disguised as Annie, you were a good friend to Beth and did your job well.” Taking a pen, he made a note on her file. “Perhaps we’ll send you back to Earth as Annie again in the future.”

  The Commander fiddled with a few papers. “Have you learned much about the humans’ computers?”

  “No, sir, and I haven’t learned to drive. Such stuff scares me.”

  “Hmmm. Would you like to hear about your next assignment?”

  “May I go back to Earth?”

  “Yes, Sarah, you will go back. On your next mission, you’re going to unite a couple through an Internet dating service.”

  “Oh, merciful heavens!”

  Please read on to learn more about the author, Gay N. Lewis, and to read a sample from Sarah: Laney’s Angel.

  Please enjoy this sample from Sarah: Laney’s Angel by Gay N. Lewis

  Tomas had no trouble finding Laney Taylor in Houston. Hovering nearby, he waited, eyes and ears fixed on Laney as the stranger approached. Intervention might become necessary.

  “Hey! Get your hands off me!” Laney shrieked as fingers pawed her hair and tickled her neck. The house had been vacant when she entered. Caught up in work, she clearly hadn’t heard anyone enter the empty space. The unexpected stroke to her body proved a shocking notice that she was no longer alone.

  She spun around and faced the tall, scraggly man standing only inches away. Laney backed into the wall as he advanced. “How did you get in here?”

  Tomas heard the tremble in Laney’s voice. He tensed his back and prepared for action but ho
ped it wouldn’t be necessary. If only the avenger would hurry up and arrive.

  The wicked man towered over Tomas’s charge and framed the partition with enormous hands and bony arms, making it impossible for Laney to withdraw any further.

  “I was hot, and the door was open. Didn’t expect to find me a beautiful woman waiting.” An ugly smile disfigured his lips. “Looks like I hit the jackpot.”

  Tomas could see Laney evaluate her options. No help was in sight, and her face held a look of sheer panic. She had no idea an angel was there. He’d wait a few more seconds before stepping in.

  Tomas saw her fingers clutch a key ring. A weapon! He picked up on her intent to plunge the keys into the stranger’s eyes, knee him in his groin, and run through the open door.

  Tomas wasn’t the only one who read her objective. The unkempt man sneered and knocked the keys from her hand. Gripping her shoulders, he lowered his head to touch her sweet lips with his filthy ones. Screaming, Laney jostled her head from side to side and avoided the evil touch. Bringing her knee up, she struck his thigh, but that little thump was no deterrent to the fiendish man.

  “Huh? What—?” The interloper lay sprawled and unconscious on the floor before he could finish his bewildered question.

  Tomas nodded his approval.

  Standing over the man’s limp body, Cannon Carlson scrutinized the intruder, then turned to Laney. “Are you okay?” The tension in his large physique indicated a controlled fury.

  “I am now.”

  “Why are you alone? My e-mail said to make sure Jack was here before you work in this area.” Tomas didn’t miss the anger in his voice, and he was certain the girl heard it too.

  “Jack was busy with the Magnolia project.” Laney’s own tone sounded anything but pleased. “I had to check these samples before ordering them. I thought I could breeze in and out without bothering anyone.”

  Cannon shook his head and glared daggers. “My plans did not include coming here, but something told me I needed to see about this house. Lucky for you! What would you have done if I hadn’t shown up?”

  Tomas shook his head. Humans often referred to God’s protection as “luck.” In reality, their safeguard was divine intervention. Lady Luck didn’t exist.


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