The Wizard of Ooze

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The Wizard of Ooze Page 7

by R. L. Stine

  He stared hard. Didn’t say a word.

  “I found my powers in a freezing-cold bathtub,” I said. “Maybe you’ve read that chapter.”

  He didn’t move. Didn’t blink.

  “Well …” I continued. “Now I have the amazing strength and power of a tidal wave!”

  The Ooze tossed back his huge head and let out a roaring laugh. When he finally finished laughing, he pressed his hands to his waist.

  “Tidal Wave, huh?” he boomed. “You don’t know anything about waves, punk. The only wave you know is how to wave bye-bye!”

  He let out another roaring laugh. His breath swept over me, hot as if it came from an oven.

  I stood still, hands clenched at my sides. I hoped he couldn’t see how hard my legs were trembling.

  He lowered his head and grinned a sick, toothy grin at me. “Let’s see what you’ve got, punk. Go ahead. Show me something.”

  My brain did flip-flops in my head. I gazed all around.

  No icy bathtub anywhere in sight. What could I do?

  Try it anyway, I decided.

  I shut my eyes and scrunched up my face, struggling to concentrate.

  “You asked for it, Ooze!” I cried. “Now you will feel the power of Tidal Wave!”

  “Do your best,” he replied. “You’ll need your best to fight me. Know what I mean?”

  I shut my eyes tighter. I tried to force all thoughts from my mind.

  I pictured the ocean. Dark blue waves. Miles and miles of dark blue water, as far as the eye could see.

  Water … miles of water …

  I pictured waves, rising high. Waves crashing against a sandy beach. Bright blue waves capped by frothy white foam.

  Wave after wave sweeping onto a beach. I heard the crash of the water hitting the shore. The splash of wave crashing into wave.

  My heart pounded so hard, I thought it was going to come flying out of my chest. I knew that any second The Ooze would come rolling over me.

  I kept my eyes shut tight. I pictured the blue waves crashing … crashing … rising up and crashing.

  “Oh.” I gasped when I began to feel different.

  My muscles squeezed tight. I felt my skin falling away.

  Startled, I opened my eyes. I felt dizzy. My body swayed from side to side. I looked down. My body was changing … dissolving … melting.

  I saw the shocked look on The Ooze’s face. He couldn’t hide his surprise. Bubbling hard, he took a big step back.

  It’s happening! I knew. I still have the water power. Maybe once you have it, you have it forever.

  I knew I didn’t have time to think about it. I was water now. My body was a churning, frothy wave.

  I pulled myself up. Swept high in front of the startled Ooze.

  “Look out, Ooze!” I cried. My watery voice bubbled from somewhere deep inside me. “Look out! Oil and water don’t mix!”

  Higher. I pulled myself higher.

  I rose up over the wide-eyed supervillain. I began to roar. The roar of a powerful tidal wave.


  My watery body bubbled and frothed and bent. Ready to crash down over him.

  “Hey, loser — feel the power of Tidal Wave!” I shouted.

  And then it all went wrong.

  Something popped.

  I dropped hard to the sidewalk. Sharp pain shot up and down my body.

  I looked down. I was me again. Solid. Normal me.

  I pinched my chin. Skin — not water.

  I was standing up to my ankles in a puddle of water.

  Once again, the superpower lasted only ten seconds. What was I doing wrong?

  The Ooze stuck out an oily finger and poked my chest. I felt a stab of heat through my shirt.

  “You fool,” he growled. “Do you really think this is a game for amateurs?”

  He poked me again. “You lose, punk.”

  I took a step back. My shoes squished in the puddle. My fear tightened my chest. I could barely breathe.

  “You — you’re going to ooze me now?” I choked out.

  He rubbed his wet, oily chin. I could see he was thinking hard.

  “I should ooze you,” he said finally. “But I have to follow the Code of the Superpowers.”

  “Huh?” I stared up at him, trying to understand.

  “The Code of the Superpowers,” he repeated. “Since you have powers, I have to give you a second chance.”

  I swallowed hard. I couldn’t believe my ears. Was he actually going to let me go?

  He sighed. “It’s the rule. Your powers last for only ten seconds. But I have to follow the code. So here’s your second chance….”

  He poked me in the chest again. “You said that The Fabulous Flame stole the Ooze book from you?”

  “The Fabulous Flame?” I said. “You mean the guy who was on fire?”

  He nodded again. “That’s The Fabulous Flame. Actually, it’s Sammy,” the Ooze said. “You remember. The guy who worked for me in my booth at the comic convention.”

  My mouth dropped open. “Sammy is The Fabulous Flame?”

  “Yeah. Sammy looks like a normal guy. But he isn’t. He’s a mutant.”

  The Ooze let out an angry growl. He smacked his fist into his open palm. That sent gobs of goo flying in all directions.

  “This is the last time he steals from me!” he boomed.

  “I … don’t understand,” I said. “He works for you?”

  “Yeah. I keep him around because I feel sorry for the guy,” The Ooze said. “See, he’s not as famous as me. He doesn’t have his own comic or anything. But sometimes he gets jealous and does things to hurt me. Things I don’t like.”

  He shook his head. “But stealing from me is going too far. I hate that guy. I really do.”

  “Then why do you keep him around?” I asked.

  The Ooze scowled. “I have to be careful with the guy. He’s fire, remember? He can burn me. He knows fire can burn oil. So I have to be careful with him.”

  “So what do you want me to do?” I asked.

  The Ooze leaned close to me. “Put out his fire,” he said.

  I choked. It took me a few seconds to catch my breath. “Me? Put out his fire?”

  “I can’t do it,” The Ooze said. “But you can. You can splash out his fire and grab the book for me.”

  I stared hard at him. He was serious.

  The Ooze was giving me a chance to survive. All I had to do was destroy The Fabulous Flame for him.

  No problem — right?

  Then why were my legs shaking so hard and my teeth chattering like castanets?

  “Splash out his fire and grab the book,” The Ooze repeated. “It’s simple. Anyone with water powers can do it. Get that book for me, kid. If you do, I have no choice. I have to follow the Code of the Superpowers. I have to let you go free.”

  “But … he could burn me to a crisp,” I said. My voice cracked. “I’m not sure —”

  The Ooze’s dark eyes narrowed into slits. His mouth tightened into a terrifying scowl. He began to bubble again.

  With a whoosh of burning hot air, he rose up high. His shadow covered me in darkness. He leaned over me … leaned close till the heat scalded my skin.

  And then he began to dip down, to spread himself over me.

  “Okay, okay!” I shouted. “I’ll do it. Where do I find him?”

  The Fabulous Flame didn’t live in a furnace or a giant oven or anything. He had a normal-looking house about six blocks from the Dairy Freeze. I saw a small blue car in the driveway in front of the garage. And a leaf blower lying on its side near the front walk.

  The Ooze and I crept up the driveway and made our way around the side of the house. “He fools people by living a normal life,” The Ooze said softly. “Even his neighbors don’t know he’s The Flame. They just think he’s Sammy.”

  My heart was pounding. My brain did flip-flops as I walked toward the backyard. Was there any possible way I could survive this?

  “We need a plan,
” The Ooze muttered.

  “Uh … well …” I cleared my throat. “I’ll just tell him I recognized him when he grabbed my book,” I said. “I’ll tell him I’m his biggest fan. I’ll … uh … ask him for his autograph.”

  “Good. You get up close to him. Then you splash him,” The Ooze said. “Put out his fire. I’ll grab the book.”

  Will my water power work? I wondered. Maybe I didn’t try hard enough before. Maybe it really is my superpower.

  In a few seconds, I would find out.

  The Ooze gave me a hard shove into the backyard. “Get to work, punk.”

  I saw Sammy. He was lying on a lounger on his patio. Did he see me? No.

  I ducked back into the shadow of the house.

  Sammy was sprawled on his back. He was barbecuing a steak on his flaming chest! The steak sizzled and the flames jumped high.

  Suddenly, he sat up. He saw me!

  “Marco — what are you doing here?” The steak fell into his lap. Bright flames still danced from his bare chest.

  I pointed at him. I pretended to be surprised. “I knew it!” I cried. “You’re The Fabulous Flame — aren’t you!”

  He grinned. “I can’t deny it.” He set the steak down on a plate on a little table beside the lounge chair.

  He jumped to his feet and started toward me. “What are you doing here, Marco? I hope you didn’t come to get your book. Because I’m not giving it back.”

  “I … I don’t care about that book,” I said. “I’m your biggest fan! Really!”

  He studied me. Flames popped up over the top of his head.

  “I can’t believe I’m standing here talking to The Fabulous Flame!” I cried.

  I’m a good actor. I could see he was buying it.

  “I can’t believe you were in my room!” I gushed.

  His grin grew wider. Flames darted from his arms and chest. “Did you bring what I’m looking for?”

  “Yes,” I lied. “I brought it. But first — can I have your autograph? I hope I’m not asking too much. But I would love to have your autograph!”

  He motioned with a flaming hand. “Come sit down.” He climbed onto the lounge chair and put the steak back on his chest. “How do you like your steak, Marco? Medium rare?”

  “Uh … well …”

  The flames leaped on his chest. As they shot up higher, they hid his face from me.

  My chance to make my move.

  I shut my eyes. I concentrated … concentrated. Again, I pictured blue waves crashing against a sandy beach. Frothing tall waves … roaring … crashing.

  And a few seconds later, I could feel myself changing. I could feel my body melting away. Feel my mind sinking into clear, cold water.


  Once again, I was Tidal Wave! My body had melted away. And in its place was a rushing, roaring tall wave of water.

  I turned quickly. And heaved myself at The Fabulous Flame.

  A powerful tidal wave, I swept over the lounge chair. Washed over it in a burst of water power.

  I splashed to the patio stones. Started to climb up.

  Ten seconds had passed. I was me again. Solid Marco. On my knees in a puddle of water.

  And The Fabulous Flame?

  He stood on the edge of the patio. He had his fiery hands at his waist. Flames swirled around his chest. I saw the steak on the ground next to the lounge chair.

  “Too fast for you, Marco,” he said softly. He glared at me angrily. “Nice try. But you lose, sonny.”

  He lowered his head. Then he came roaring at me, arms outstretched, a bolt of fire eager to wrap me in flames.

  “Nooooo!” A terrified scream burst from my throat.

  I tried to run — but I tripped over something. I went down hard on my knees. Turned and saw what I’d tripped over.

  A garden hose.

  I gripped it hard and struggled to stand up. My hand slid to the nozzle. I didn’t even think about what I was doing. I just raised the nozzle, squeezed the handle —

  — and sent a powerful spray of water at The Flame’s chest.

  He stopped in the middle of the patio. The flames swept back as if being blown by the wind.

  I grabbed the hose with both hands and kept the stream of water on his body. I moved it up and down, from his fiery head down to his legs. Blasting him. Blasting him with a steady rush of water.

  His arms shot straight out as the flames sizzled. They smoked and sizzled and faded.

  “Heeyyyyyyyyy!” A wild cry escaped his throat as he toppled backwards. He landed hard on his back. The flames died. Smoke curled up from his chest. He didn’t move.

  “Good work, kid!” I heard a booming voice behind me.

  I turned to see The Ooze come rumbling across the yard. He waved the book high in one hand. “Got it!” he cried. “Good work, Tidal Wave!”

  I still gripped the nozzle tightly. I let go and the hose fell to the patio.

  I was shaking. Totally in shock from my close call. “So … you’ve got the book,” I said. My voice trembled. “Does that mean I can go free?”

  “Of course not,” he replied. “You know too much.”

  “But — but —” I stammered.

  “It’s a solid shame. A solid shame. But I have to ooze you, kid. Any last words?”

  “Wait a minute!” I cried. “You can’t! What about the Code of the Superpowers?”

  “I made that up,” the Ooze replied. “There’s no such thing.”

  “But you said —”

  “I was afraid you wouldn’t cooperate,” he said. “I thought you might try to escape or something. So I made up a stupid code. Big surprise, huh? I’m a villain — remember? Know what I mean?”

  I stared up at him, shaking my head.

  Once again, he began to bubble and grow. The heat poured off him as he rose up in front of me.

  I spun away. I knew I couldn’t outrun him.

  Doomed. This was it. No more second chances.

  And then a startled cry escaped my throat: “Gabriella? What are you doing here?”

  Gabriella came running toward the patio. She wore a bright yellow T-shirt over black leggings. Her hair was tied back in a ponytail. It bobbed behind her as she ran. Her dark eyes were locked on The Ooze.

  “No! Get away from here!” I shouted. “Run, Gabriella! You’re in terrible danger here!”

  She stopped. And stared up angrily at The Ooze.

  “He’s dangerous!” I screamed. “Get away from here!”

  She lowered her gaze to me. “Marco, I read the book, too,” she said. “Don’t you remember? I read it in the car on the way home from HorrorLand.”

  “Yeah, I remember,” I said. “So what? This is dangerous. You’d better —”

  The Ooze leaned closer. I shuddered under his shadow.

  Gabriella tossed her ponytail over her shoulder. “I tried the superpower chapters when I got home,” she said.

  I squinted at her. “You what?”

  “I memorized them. I tried them,” she said. “I mastered the power of the wind. And now … I call myself The Human Tornado!”

  The Ooze let out a laugh. “Ooh, I’m scared! I’m shaking!”

  “Gabriella — he — he’s going to ooze me,” I stammered. “Are you sure your powers — ?”

  “Watch me,” she replied.

  She shut her eyes and started to twirl on one leg. Faster … faster … until she was spinning so hard, she became a blur. A powerful blast of wind roared off her spinning body.

  “Yes!” I cried. “Yes!”

  The tornado winds blew my hair straight up. I staggered forward — and almost flew right into The Ooze!

  The patio chairs blew away. A table toppled over and skittered across the yard. Tree limbs shivered and shook.

  Gabriella spun harder. I could barely see her now. It was as if she had become the wind!

  The Ooze raised both arms to shield himself. The powerful blasts of wind sent fat gobs of oily goo flying over the patio.

/>   “Yes!” I shouted happily into the wind. “Keep it up! Keep it up! You’ve got him, Gabriella!”

  And then the wind stopped.

  A horrible silence fell over the backyard.

  Gabriella twirled on one leg … slower … slower … until she toppled over — lost her balance and fell to the ground.

  Ten seconds. The winds lasted only ten seconds.

  Gabriella let out a groan. She lifted her head. “Uh-oh. I think I messed up.”

  The shadow of The Ooze fell over us both. He laughed again. “Did anyone feel a slight breeze?” he said. “How lame. Now I have no choice but to ooze both of you! Know what I mean?”

  He began to bubble and grow.

  Gabriella jumped up and came beside me. “Marco — run!”

  Too late. He had us cornered against the back wall of the house.

  He let out a furious roar — and a wave of hot air floated off his body. The air smelled foul, sour and thick as the stench from a skunk. Or maybe a thousand skunks!

  I couldn’t breathe. My eyes watered over. Gabriella and I began to gag and choke on the smell.

  Another blast of hot wind. The Ooze stretched over us … covered us in a terrifying darkness. Bubbling and fizzing … he prepared to splash down.

  My skin burned. I struggled to breathe. Wave after wave of the putrid odor attacked my nose.


  Was that me moaning like that?

  And then a flash of bright light burst through the darkness.

  I turned my head. Blinking through my tears, I saw The Fabulous Flame. Burning again. Flames dancing all around him.

  He came toward us, bright and fiery.

  Covered in flickering flames, he strode up beside The Ooze.

  The Ooze heaved himself back. Bubbling hard, he staggered away from the fire. A fast retreat.

  “Where is it?” The Fabulous Flame shouted at me. “Where did you hide it, punk?”

  I jabbed my finger at The Ooze. “He has it!” I cried. “He has the book!”

  Flames shot off The Flame’s head. “I’m not talking about the book!” he screamed. “You know what I want! Where is it?”

  “Better hand it over to him,” The Ooze boomed.


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