Gypsies, Traps & Missing Thieves

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Gypsies, Traps & Missing Thieves Page 9

by Rachael Stapleton

  Daemon reached up and patted her hand gently.

  Mallory tilted her head and smiled. “Do you two know each other?” Leave it to Nana to set her up with a guy who already has a girlfriend.

  “What?” Vee pulled her hand back from Daemon’s shoulder. “No, of course not. Well, I’m going to bed, too. Goodnight everyone.”

  Her aura flashed. Lies.

  Vee waved and headed out the door.

  Deciding not to let them off the hook just yet, Mallory followed her out into the hallway.

  “Vee, how did he know your real name?”

  She looked at her in confusion. “I told him a few minutes ago.”

  “No,” Mallory said slowly, “you didn’t, and he wasn’t here at the beginning of the game when you told me.”

  “I guess he heard someone call me. I really should get to bed. Night.”


  M allory left the stragglers of the gang scattered between the parlor and the front foyer and headed upstairs to change and remove her costume makeup. It was almost midnight and the need to rub at her eyes was constant. Her room was on the third floor but as she passed through the second floor to get there, she noticed light streaming out from underneath one of the guest doors. As she got closer, she noticed the door was not actually latched.

  She paused, debating whether or not to intrude. After everything that had happened tonight she decided it would be best to check on the situation. She gently rapped on the door. The door swung open a few inches as she knocked, revealing the room’s hunter green walls, curtains, and bedding. The only bright color in the room came from the dozen or so framed pictures of foxhunts that hung on the walls. She remembered this was to be the character Hugh Deaney’s room. “Hello… Hugh… Daemon?”

  When no one answered, she pushed the door open a little further and glanced around. Empty.

  Daemon’s suitcase lay on its side next to the leather bench in front of the large king-sized bed. Its contents spilled out onto the floor. She bent down and straightened the suitcase, wondering why he had left it in such a state. Suddenly, she felt a chill, and she knew she was not alone. She stood and wrapped her arms around her middle as she turned, looking around the room with her peripheral vision. Out of the corner of her eye, she sensed someone watching her from the doorway.

  Sighing, she swung around, about to explain her presence in Mr. Wraith’s room but no one was there. Her scalp and neck prickled, so she strode to the door and peered out into the hallway, just as the door to another room slammed shut. She could have sworn that was Vee’s room. Or was it Lana’s? She was too tired to think.

  Suddenly, the oppressive atmosphere of the house descended on her. She looked around nervously. The hallway seemed gloomier than it had earlier. The only light came from a pair of hurricane wall sconces at each end of the hallway. Between the mahogany wood flooring beneath her feet, and the ceiling above her head, she felt like darkness was surrounding her. She noted that the faded purple wallpaper that she loved so much was giving her the willies.

  The house had never seemed so creepy to her before and that was saying a lot, considering the company she kept.

  She shook off the unsettling feeling of being watched. The sound of a door shutting up ahead caused her to wonder if someone was once again entering the rotunda of books that led to the hidden passageway. She stared into the hallway for a few seconds before she kept going, in the direction of the third-floor stairwell. She was almost there when she realized that the closet door near the third-floor stairs was wide open.


  M allory bit her lip as she thought about all the strange events during the day. In addition to Geneviève’s deadly fall, there was the missing no-show guest Ellie, who may or may not have appeared as a ghost, and the mysterious generator situation.

  She focused in on the closet door. There was someone on the other side; she could hear him or her moving things about. Anyone could be hiding behind the open door. She shook her head. This was silly, she thought, trying to rein in her imagination. Usually Danior was the one with the overactive imagination. She was in a house full of people playing a murder mystery game. There’s no real danger, she quickly reassured herself. The secret passage was dark and steep which was why the guests weren’t permitted to use it. It’s not surprising that Geneviève slipped and hit her head.

  Strange, though, that she’d found the secret passage and tragic that such a fall killed her, but hardly murder. And the generator? Well, there was probably a good explanation, she thought with a shrug. Emilion was probably embarrassed that he’d almost poisoned four people including himself. Thank goodness Daemon had noticed the open door and gone down to shut it off. But why had Daemon agreed to come here to meet her? Why hadn’t he seemed more interested in Mallory if she was the reason for his presence? Nana had refused to tell her too much for the sake of the game, but maybe he was an actor who Nana had set her sights on. Maybe he wasn’t even privy to Nana’s matchmaking intentions.

  Still, she hesitated, afraid to get too close to that open door. They really didn’t know Daemon at all. He could have knocked Emilion out and turned the generator on in the first place. It certainly seemed like he had something to hide if she were going by his aura. Not to mention, someone had been in Daemon’s room a few minutes ago. She was sure of it. They’d watched her snoop.

  As she was debating whether to continue or turn and run up the set of third-floor stairs, a hand suddenly reached out and gripped the edge of the open closet door.

  Heart thudding against her chest, Mallory waited breathlessly to see who was behind the door as it swung shut.

  Lana let out a squeal. Raising her hand to her forehead, she took a deep breath. “For goodness’ sake, girl, you gave me such a fright, standing there like that. I didn’t know anyone else was in the hallway.”

  Relieved to see the other woman, Mallory smiled. “Sorry. I’m just heading to my room. What were you doing?”

  Still pressing her hand to her head, Lana said, “My nerves are shot.” Taking a deep breath, she held up the blanket she had taken from the closet. “I’m going to bed but it’s freezing in my room.” She glanced down the hallway in distaste. “I feel like I’m in some ominous cult horror film thanks to that gigantic balcony with the French doors. I keep envisioning the Wolf Man creeping up the outside staircase to howl at the moon.” She tucked the blanket under her arm and instinctively bit her nails. “I guess I’m being kind of silly.”

  Mallory smiled. “This place usually doesn’t look so scary, I swear. We have a balcony upstairs in our suite as well that overlooks the lake. The view is to die for in the morning.”

  “Well, I hope not. I’d rather not die for anything this weekend.” Lana hugged the blanket to her chest. “Everything seems so real. The company is really playing up this murder mystery thing, aren’t they?”

  Mallory nodded and climbed the first step as Lana walked behind her in the direction of her room. Mallory was just about to head up the rest of the stairs when Lana called her name. Mallory turned around and looked at the other woman expectantly.

  “I don’t suppose Kaden and Penny have real guns, do they?”

  Taken aback, Mallory shook her head. “What? Why?”

  “Well, he said he was a detective, and I know he and Penny are the detectives in the game but he sounded genuine when he said it and I thought I heard one of the other guests mention that he worked for the Bohemian Lake Police Department. I just thought I might sleep a little easier knowing that was the case.”

  “I see. Well, yes, he is an actual detective.”

  “Penny too?”

  “Penny was a police officer, once upon a time, yes, but not anymore. She’s a private investigator, now, and a journalist.”

  “Oh, so they’ll both have weapons. Good.”

  “Actually, I doubt that, but Penny is a weapon. She’s very good at martial arts. Kaden was off-duty so I doubt he has his gun, but, listen, I wouldn’t worry. I’m sure we�
��re safe,” she said with as much false confidence as she could muster. “We don’t even know for certain that we’re in danger. This could all be an elaborate part of the game, who knows?”

  Seemingly unconvinced, Lana nodded her head. “You know that magician guy? Hugh or Demon?”

  Mallory looked up. “Daemon, Yes.”

  “Don’t you think he’s a bit strange?” Lana looked over her shoulder. “Eve told me he’s some sort of paranormal professor in the city.”

  “Really?” Well, that explained why Nana and Danior thought he would make such a great match.

  Lana dropped her voice to a whisper. “Anyway, I went online. I couldn’t find any mention of a paranormal professor named Daemon Wraith.”

  “I don’t think they offer programs that are outright called paranormal studies. He probably teaches in some branch of science or psychology.”

  “Maybe, but that’s not all—” Glancing in the direction of the main stairs, Lana snapped her mouth shut. “Oh, hello.”

  Mallory popped her head out from the attic stairwell and saw Kaden, Penny and Daemon in the hall. Penny leaned heavily against Kaden. Both of their eyelids were drooping slightly.

  “You two okay?” Mallory asked in concern.

  “You look exhausted.” Lana added.

  Kaden nodded. “We’re headed to bed. It’s been a very long day. Thanks for the tea.”

  Mallory furrowed her brows. How curious? She hadn’t made them any tea. Unfortunately, they disappeared before she could question them. Oh, well. They were clearly tired and confused.

  Lana yawned. “Me, too. I’m off to bed.”

  Mallory looked at her curiously for a second. “You were going to tell me something else.”

  Lana shook her head.

  “Is everything all right?” Mallory asked.

  “Of course,” Lana said with fake exuberance.

  Mallory tilted her head. “You seem rather nervous all of a sudden.”

  “I’m just a mess today,” she stuttered, “Finding Gen—that girl’s body, and all has really messed with my head.”


  C limbing the staircase to the third-floor suite, Mallory found Bakalo waiting to be let inside the apartment. Pushing open the door, she was relieved to see the lights on. She called out Nana’s name.

  Danior popped up from the sofa. “Nana’s asleep. I think she was tuckered out after all the drama. I was wondering where you got to,” she said with a smile.

  “Yeah, I got sidetracked talking to Lana, and then Kaden, Penny and Daemon came upstairs looking half asleep. I guess everyone is calling it a night finally, huh?”

  “Guess so.”

  “How did you beat me up here? I thought I left you downstairs.”

  “You did. But I found something, so I came up through the passage to find you. I didn’t realize you had taken the main staircase. Take a look at this,” she said reaching into her pocket and pulling out a crumpled piece of paper.

  Mallory took it gingerly and sank down onto the couch. “What is this?” Mallory read the note.

  Ditch the old lady and meet me in the cellar in ten minutes.


  “Signed by our murder victim,” Danior said, excitedly. She walked over to the couch and took the note back.

  “Where did you find this?”

  “It was in the chair where Daemon was sitting. He must have planted it.”

  “We need to give that to Kaden,” Mallory said.

  Danior chuckled. “Kaden? Why?”

  “What do you mean why? There’s something suspicious going on here,” Mallory said.

  Danior frowned. “It’s a clue, Mal. This is all part of the game.”

  Mallory shook her head. “Or someone lured Daemon down to the cellar and maybe Emilion was simply in the way.”

  Danior wrapped her arm around Mallory’s shoulder. “Mallory, we’re playing a mystery game. These things are supposed to happen.”

  “A rather dangerous game. Daemon and Emilion were injured.”

  “Not if they were in on it.” Danior led her down the hallway. “I think Daemon’s one of the actors.”

  Mallory paused and dropped her voice to a low whisper as she recounted what Lana had told her about the lack of paranormal studies. “What if Daemon isn’t really who he says he is? What if he knew Vee and Geneviève prior to coming here? Vee seems interested in him, but he doesn’t seem to reciprocate her feelings. I think both Vee and Geneviève were actresses, and I think Daemon was the online boyfriend Geneviève mentioned. Only Vee got jealous and killed her for it. Maybe there was some sort of love triangle happening.”

  Danior frowned. “You think jealousy made Vee push Geneviève down the stairs? That’s a pretty drastic way of stealing someone’s boyfriend.”

  “It’s been known to happen. Look how homicidal you get when Lise flirts with Emilion.”

  “That’s true, or that could be what they want us to think—like maybe the love triangle was the story plot but Geneviève really tripped and fell. I don’t know? I still believe this has got to be part of the game.”

  “I don’t know. When Nana was murdered, we knew immediately that she wasn’t really dead.”

  “Yeah, but Nana’s no pro.”

  “Don’t let her hear you say that.”

  “You know what I mean, she’s not one of the planted actors. There are supposed to be murders, red herrings, and clues. This is what we signed up for.”

  “Yeah, but . . .” Mallory crossed her arms in front of her chest.

  “I bet Daemon’s character is here to plant false clues and lead us down some dark alleys. I think Nana could be in on it, too. That would explain why she pretended to set you up with Daemon—to make all of this real, even to us.”

  “And what about Emilion? You were crying earlier. It seemed all too real then, didn’t it?”

  “Yeah, but he seems good now. So, either it really was an accident, or he was part of the plot. Maybe it was a fake generator. I don’t know what ours looks like. Do you?”


  Mallory chuckled as the tension began to leave her body. “You’re right. I guess I just didn’t expect it to be this realistic.” She frowned slightly. “I don’t understand how all these clues relate to one another.”

  “I don’t either, but we still have all day tomorrow to piece them together.” Danior patted Mallory’s leg before standing up. “Can you imagine if Geneviève’s death turns out to be a faked part of the show, too?”

  “No way. Kaden is a detective. I think he and Penny can tell the difference between dead and alive.”

  “Of course, but Penny and Kaden are the mystery game detectives. They could be in character. What better way to make us all believe it’s really happening?”

  “Except they wrapped her up in a shower curtain … which would suffocate a real person and left her outside in an unheated outbuilding which would freeze her to death.”

  “Or did they? Did you see them do it?”

  “Yes. Well, no. I saw her body in the stairwell.”

  “Which could have been staged.”

  “And then, let me guess, they sent you away.”

  “I had to go find the key to the shed, but I did see them place the wrapped body in the shed.”

  “Did you lift it?”

  “No, but I was there when he locked it up.”

  “Yes, but did you actually see that it was her inside that shower curtain? They could have swapped her body for a dummy. She’s probably tucked away safe in the other wing, having a good chuckle about it.”

  “Oh, that would be so brilliantly macabre. I did find it odd that Joelle requested we cram everyone together into one wing of the manor,” Mallory said.

  “That’s the murder-game business for you,” Danior smiled, and started to walk toward her bedroom, “You know, if we wanted to be sure, we could sneak out to the shed and take a peek. My money is on the so-called body being one of Nana’s old dressmaker dolls fr
om the attic.”

  Mallory mulled the idea over. “I’m a little tired and it is a blizzard out there, but I like your thinking. Let’s sneak away and look tomorrow.”


  M allory sat on the edge of her bed and yawned, slipping off her black ballet slippers. Her room was in one of the oldest parts of the manor and her wall backed up against the turret.

  The arched windows were a touch drafty, but she loved the original look too much to update them and the other details of the room like the oversized fireplace, antique doorknobs and wide pine floors.

  A large thump caused her to glance toward the wall. She shook her head in amusement. Bronson had said the game was over for the night but someone was obviously searching the turret room. It was probably Denise and Gloria or Eve and Michèle—they were all gung-ho to win. With luck, they’d get bored soon and the night would end without any further incidents.

  She yawned again as she turned off the lights and crawled into bed. Abby curled into the curve of her knees, relaxing the tension in Mallory’s body, but her mind kept bouncing around the room. Every so often, she would hear a creak of a floorboard or the squeak of a door shutting below.

  This is just a game, she repeated to herself. She closed her eyes and was just drifting off when she heard a bang from downstairs, or was it from outside? Her windows were original, so they didn’t block the noise very well.

  Abby jumped to her paws and barked at the closed bedroom door.

  Mallory dragged herself up on one elbow. “What is it, Abs?”

  Abby stiffened and growled.

  Reaching for the tiny dog, Mallory patted the top of her head to calm her but it didn’t work. Abby had excellent hearing; she could also sense ghosts.

  Mallory suddenly felt a cold prickle on the back of her neck. She shivered, but the feeling wouldn't leave. She opened her eyes and could just make out a dark shadow in the corner of her bedroom. Not again.

  “You’re back. Ellie, is it? Or is this Geneviève?”



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