Hunger (The Seductors Series)

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Hunger (The Seductors Series) Page 10

by B. L. Wilde

“Ugh…yes, I’m almost there.” In response, he moved one hand in between my legs and started working my clit with his fingers.

  “Holy…f…fuck!” I began to fall just as his climax hit him.

  “Shit, shit, shit…fuck…Jade!” His thrusts became harder as he rode out his orgasm.

  We were both panting by the time it was over. I was clinging to the headboard while Oliver was clinging to my sweat covered body as we came down from our orgasms.

  “Every time! Every God damn time, it’s better than the last,” he mused, kissing my shoulder.

  “Mmm,” I purred, feeling him pull me down onto his chest. I couldn’t stop my eyelids from closing. I was too blissfully happy to even try and stay awake.

  My body was sore when I woke up, but in all the right places. The room was dark, but I sat up, I noticed the blackout curtains were still closed. Having no idea what time it was, I stretched for my phone. Damn, I had really slept in. It was already afternoon. Then again, I was jetlagged.

  After turning on a few lights, I searched for something to wear. Seeing one of Oliver’s shirts hanging over a chair, I decided to just wear that. I suspected he was already out for the day, anyway. He must have left a note for me somewhere.

  Like all the other suites he’d stayed in, this one was huge. When I wandered into the living area, I finally found a note.

  I didn’t want to wake you, Beautiful, but I’ll be back around 3 pm.


  Judging by the time, Oliver would be back at any moment. I darted into the bathroom to freshen up, and by the time I came out, I could hear voices in the living area.

  “Is there a reason you’re changing your schedule for the rest of the week?” I had to hide my amusement at hearing Alicia’s voice. Oh, she was in for a surprise when she saw me.

  “It’s for personal reasons. This isn’t just a business trip anymore,” he replied. “I need you get me some tickets to the opera for an evening I’m free this week.” Oliver was taking me to the opera? “I want the best seats.”

  “It’s short notice, don’t you think?” Alicia snapped. “Why do you need tickets for the opera, anyway?”

  “Are you arguing with me, Alicia?” he fumed. “Look, I know this trip didn’t go how you planned, but I’m willing to forget your outburst.” What had she done now? I moved closer to the door so I could hear a little better.

  “I can’t help the way I feel about you,” she muttered.

  “Well, it’s unwanted. I don’t date employees and I’ve made that clear. More to the point, have I ever given you any reason to think I was interested in you? I rejected every advance you made toward me.” At hearing his words, my heart inflated. He had turned down every opportunity to be with Alicia, even when I’d abandoned him. “I’m not disputing that you are a beautiful woman, Alicia,” he soothed. I could hear her low sobs and couldn’t help but roll my eyes. She was such a drama queen. “But I’m already spoken for.”

  “What?” Alicia gasped. “Since when?” Now seemed like it might be a good time to make myself known.

  “My private life is none of your concern! But if you must know…” Someone else entering his suite interrupted him.

  “Oliver, I’m going to head to the factory with Mr. Vanzin to look at these prototypes. Would you care to join me?” It sounded like his uncle, Richard.

  “Not right now, Uncle.” Oliver was still angry.

  “Have I interrupted something?” Richard asked.

  “If you’ll excuse me,” Alicia whimpered. I heard the door slam moments later.

  “What was all that about?” Richard asked once they were alone. “Please don’t tell me you’ve upset her again. Alicia is perfect for you, Oliver. Why can’t you see that?” Oh great! Oliver’s uncle was team Alicia. That wasn’t going to help me one bit!

  “I’m not you. Okay, you fell for your PA and it worked, but I don’t want to mix my private life with my business. Alicia isn’t my type. I don’t care if you think she’s right for me. I know she isn’t!”

  “You’ve got to stop letting that woman hold you back. She’s gone, Oliver.” Wow! That woman? I could only guess Richard was talking about me.

  “Don’t you dare speak about Jade like that,” Oliver snarled bitterly.

  “Still you defend her. I can’t believe it!”

  “You don’t know the whole story.”

  “And you do? Oliver, she ran out on you without so much as an explanation.”

  “Jade is back, Uncle,” Oliver muttered. Oh, I wish I could have seen Richard’s face at the announcement.

  “What? You found her?”


  “Are you going to her?” Richard sounded worried.

  “I don’t need to.” Oliver paused, and I could only assume he was trying to read Richard’s face before continuing. “She’s fast asleep in the next room.”

  “She’s here?!”

  “Yes, and I would appreciate you keeping your opinions to yourself. Jade has been back for almost five weeks. She’ll hopefully be accompanying me the rest of the trip, once I’ve asked her. ”

  “You never…”

  “I needed time and didn’t want to be influenced by you.”

  “Oliver, I…”

  “I don’t care what you think is right for me, Uncle. All I know is that I need Jade. Being with her these last few weeks…I feel complete again. My world isn’t easy for her. She’s never been around someone with my wealth before. It scared her.” My heart melted at his words.

  “Promise me you’ll be careful. She’s hurt you once, she can do it again.”

  “I know what I’m doing,” Oliver replied sternly.

  “Well, I’ll send Mr. Vanzin your regards, then.” I heard footsteps and a door close moments later.

  I stumbled in surprise as Oliver suddenly opened the bedroom door.

  “Tell me you didn’t hear all that?” he winced, catching sight of me.

  “So, your uncle hates me, then?” I sighed, moving to sit down on the bed.

  “Don’t you dare do that,” he glared.

  “Do what?” I frowned as he took a seat next to me on the bed.

  “Start thinking of excuses to leave before we’ve even begun.”

  “Your uncle not liking me wouldn’t keep me away,” I grinned, leaning in to peck his lips. “I just meant it’s going to get a little awkward.”

  Oliver’s shoulders slumped. “I’m sorry. I promised I wouldn’t bring up you leaving again.” He ran his hands through his hair, closing his eyes.

  I moved to straddle his lap, and when I did, his eyes snapped open. I was met with pure emotion gazing back at me.

  “Stop apologizing…and stop worrying,” I beamed, wrapping my arms around his neck while his hands found a home on my waist. “We’re in this together. If anyone knows if we can make this work, it’s us.” He responded by crashing his lips to mine. We both surrendered to each other with a groan.

  Chapter Nine

  “I heard your conversation with Alicia earlier,” I smirked a few hours later. We were lying in each other’s arms, skin against skin, our legs all tangled together. I loved these moments almost much as when we made love.

  “Oh.” Oliver looked troubled at knowing that.

  “I’m not going to say anything, but I would like you to admit that I was right,” I teased, running my hands down his bare chest.

  “Okay,” he sighed with a chuckle. “You were right.”

  “I want you to add my full name. You could be talking about anyone.”

  “Yes, Jade Gibbs, you were completely right about Alicia, my PA,” he snorted, rolling on top of me and pinning me down by holding my arms above my head.

  “I knew it,” I giggled, trying to break free from his hold.

  “I thought you weren’t going to talk about it?” he questioned as his lips moved down my neck.

  “What are you going to do?”

  “Nothing. Alicia knows where she stands.” I was trying to concen
trate, but when his mouth moved toward my breasts, it became a losing battle.

  “Don’t you have meetings to attend?” I gasped as he grazed his lips across my ribs.

  “I do, but I’m finding it hard to want to leave this bed for some reason. My uncle is taking care of my meetings, anyway.”

  “I didn’t come to distract you, Oliver,” I laughed, pushing him off me with my legs. “I came to support you.”

  “You did?” he beamed, sitting up on his knees. It was almost impossible to look away from his impressive semi-hard cock. Jade, you have all night! Don’t be a greedy bitch! Look away! Tilting his head, he asked, “See something you like?” He was such a cocky asshole at times. Stop thinking about cocks, too!

  “Can you stop turning every conversation we have into a discussion on sex?”

  “Why? Is it making you horny?” he winked.

  “I heard that you needed to talk to me about escorting you to a few events this week?” I was trying to pull this conversation out of the gutter.

  “You wouldn’t mind?”

  “That’s one of the reasons I came,” I grinned, sitting up while pulling the sheet with me. “I’m here for you, Oliver.” I stroked his face softly. He caught my hand with his when my fingertips grazed his chin.

  “You have no idea what it means to hear you say that, Jade.” His lips began to move toward mine, but the sound of my phone ringing made us pull away from each other.

  “I have no idea who that could be,” I frowned, leaning over the bed to reach it. Oh, crap! It was Georgie. She only ever called when there was an emergency. I had to answer it.

  “Hello,” I answered warily, looking over at Oliver.

  “Please tell me the rumors I’m hearing aren’t true?” Georgie snapped.

  “Well, hi, Georgie. It’s nice to speak to you, too,” I muttered curtly, getting out of bed and wrapping the sheet around my body. Oliver was watching me intently from the edge of the mattress.

  “Is he there with you now?”

  “Who?” I asked with a frown.

  “The Goddamn target you’re in love with? What the hell are you playing at? How could you accept that mission?” She was fuming.

  “I can’t really talk right now,” I stressed, turning from Oliver to look out the window.

  “You are with him, aren’t you?”

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  “Jesus, Jade! What the fuck are you doing?” I could hear a male voice talking to Georgie in the background. “Yes, Drew, Molly was telling the truth. Jade, Drew wants to talk to you.”

  “I don’t have time to talk to Drew,” I sighed. “I’m in Russia right now. I have things to do. I’m not even up yet.”

  “We’re worried about you.”

  “I’m fine, honest. I’ll call you next week. Bye.”

  “You better! This chat isn’t over, ” Georgie threatened before I hung up. “Sorry about that, Oliver,” I mumbled, turning back to face him. “That was my friend, Georgie.”

  “The one married to the guy I met at airport all those months ago? Drew, right?” Shit, I’d forgotten Oliver had met Drew.

  “Yeah,” I replied, joining him on the edge of the bed. “They worry about me.”

  “Do they know about me?”

  “They know everything,” I muttered. “I kept in touch with them while I was traveling.”

  “I tried to trace your friend Drew when you…well, you know…but it was pointless. I didn’t have a last name, and I could hardly remember what he looked like. Do they still live in St. Petersburg?”

  “Yeah, they do.”

  “How long have they been married?” How the hell should I know? They weren’t even really married.

  “Five years,” I lied. “It was a whirlwind romance.”

  “I’d love to meet them some day. It will be nice to get to know some of your friends.”

  “They are incredibly busy. They both travel a lot,” I rushed with panic in my voice.

  “Jade,” Oliver soothed, taking my hands in his. “I said some day. There’s no rush. Relax.”

  “I’m sorry,” I winced. “So, why don’t you tell me about these events you need me to accompany you to?” I asked, changing the subject.

  “There is a gala on Saturday, but I also have a charity event on Friday. I wouldn’t mind taking you on a tour of the factory, either, to help save me from boredom.”

  “Boredom in a factory? I thought you were a nerd?” I teased.

  “I’ve seen a lot of my factories, Jade. The tours are a little mundane now.”

  “Oh, well…in that case I’d love to. You’ll have to explain all the science stuff to me, though.”

  “I can do that,” he grinned. “And I’d be happy to take you shopping if you’re worried you won’t have anything suitable to wear for the gala dinner.”

  “Oliver, you don’t have to…”

  “I know I don’t, but I want to.” He smiled warmly, stroking the side of my face. “Let me take you shopping. Moscow has some amazing shops. Have you been to the Red Square before?” I shook my head. I’d only ever been to Moscow a few times, and I never had time for shopping. “Let me make a few calls while you have a shower and get changed.”

  “Oh, I’ll need to call reception to get my bags from my room.” Oliver grimaced. “You’ve already had them moved, haven’t you?” I eyed him suspiciously.

  “Only because I knew you’d need them when you woke up,” he explained. “You don’t have to stay in this suite. I’d understand if you wanted your space, I…”

  “Oliver, it’s fine. I want to stay here, if that’s okay with you?” I interrupted.

  “Of course it is,” he beamed, pecking my lips. “Alright, I’ll leave you to get ready. I’ll make my calls in the living area.” I nodded before watching him leave.

  Things were slipping back into place perfectly, but I had to remember this was a mission. As much as it pained me to be lying to Oliver in order to steal from him again, being back in his life outweighed the negative right now. He was here in front of me and I wasn’t going to waste any of the time I had with him.

  I was finishing off my make up half an hour later when Oliver joined me in the bedroom again.

  “I was wondering if you’d packed warm enough clothes,” he chuckled, coming up behind me and placing his hands on my waist. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you with so many clothes on.”

  “Funny,” I smirked, elbowing him in the ribs. Oliver had a point, though. I didn’t usually do layers, but today I was wearing tight fitting blue jeans, a sleeveless shirt, and a thick white sweater. “Did you get all your calls done?”

  “Yes, I’m all yours for the rest of the day,” he beamed. Mm…when he put it that way, did we really have to leave the hotel room? “You’ve got that look on your face again,” he mused. His hands were slowly creeping up into my sweater.

  “What look?” I asked innocently, playing along.

  “The ‘I’m thinking about the amazing sex Oliver and I have’ look.”

  “I have a look for that?” I snorted as his hands moved into my top.

  “Okay, I don’t like all these layers you’re wearing,” he smoldered into my ear. “It takes me longer to get my hands that sexy body of yours.”

  “I thought we were going shopping,” I giggled, squirming out of his hold. He had a playful gleam in his eyes. I raced for the living room, screaming as he chased me. “Oliver!” I screeched when he caught me around the waist. We were so involved that neither of us noticed someone had walked into the suite.

  “Alicia tells me you’ve canceled the meeting tonight, Oliver?” Richard glared at us. “Hello, Jade,” he said curtly, shooting daggers at me.

  “Oh, um…hello, Richard,” I stressed as Oliver and I broke apart.

  “I see you’ve wasted no time squirming back into my nephew’s life. How long are you planning on staying this time?”

  “Uncle!” Oliver snapped. “You have no right to speak to Jade like that!�

  “I know there is nothing I can do about this situation, but I don’t have to like it!”

  “But you could at least be courteous toward her!” Oliver was losing it.

  “Oliver, if that’s how Richard feels, I understand,” I soothed. “I have to prove myself to more than just you. Please don’t let this cause friction between you and your uncle.” His eyes softened as he stroked my cheek, nodding.

  “And you think she isn’t good for me?” Oliver mused, looking at his uncle.

  “Are you expecting me and Alicia to handle your meetings while you’re off gallivanting with Jade?” Richard fumed. “This is a business trip, Oliver!”

  “I’m well aware of that, Richard! Jade will be accompanying me to the gala dinner and the charity event this week. I’ve merely postponed my meeting today. Dr. Carlton was more than happy to have a little extra time to get his notes in order. I am more than capable of running my own business and having the afternoon with Jade, thank you!” Watching Oliver stand up for us was turning me on so much I had to hold my legs together. Richard took one glance between us before storming off, mumbling a string of words I couldn’t quite hear.

  “He’ll come around,” Oliver soothed, pulling me into his arms. “Hey, stop with the pouty lip,” he ordered, pecking my lips. I smiled at him, unable to deny him anything. “That’s better. Weren’t you the one who said that we are the only people who know we can make this work? It doesn’t matter what he or anyone else thinks.”

  “I didn’t come back to make life more difficult for you, though.”

  “Jade, Richard and I are always arguing. If it weren’t about us, it would have been something else. Now, are we going shopping or not?”

  “You are so bossy,” I teased, following him out of the suite.

  “I’ve never been clothes shopping with you before. It might take the entire afternoon for you to find two dresses.”

  “Two?” I frowned as we made our way into the elevator.

  “You won’t be wearing the same dress to both events.”

  “Oliver, you don’t have to buy me two dresses,” I complained, crossing my arms.

  “I know I don’t have to,” he chuckled, pinning me against the elevator wall. “But you’ve come all this way…just for me. I have to give you something in return.”


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