Paranormal Days

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Paranormal Days Page 11

by Megan Derr

  Tennyson smiled, slow and hot and full of promise, just like that night in the bar—

  The bar. The coin.

  Astor smirked. "Make it good enough and I'll return your silver dollar."

  "What—" Tennyson froze, head jerking up. "You've had it this whole damn time? I thought I lost it. What the hell, Astor?"

  "It was all I had left, and I was feeling petty," Astor replied.

  Tennyson opened his mouth, then closed it again and finally just sighed. "Whatever. Keep it. But don't touch the rest of my coin collection, Mr. Sticky Fingers."

  Astor scoffed at this. "If you try to leave me again, it's not a coin I will steal. You'll just find yourself short five to six liters of blood."

  "Understood," Tennyson said and dragged him in to another kiss.

  Beach Remedy

  With his cousin laid up from a broken ankle, Lee agrees to help him out and combine a beach vacation with a bit of legwork to scope out a haunted lighthouse. That his cousin agrees to pay for the vacation certainly makes a cheesy ghost tour bearable. Lee's plan is to get the work out of the way quickly, then spend the rest of his time on sun, sand, and all the blood and sex a vampire can stand. But the cute hotel clerk he picks out proves to be anything, but an easy snack.

  Slinging his duffel bag over his shoulder, Lee surveyed the hotel. There were palm trees—honest to fucking god palm trees—lining the walk to the front door, seven or eight stories of balconied rooms lining every face of the building he could see, and the entire building was done in a light, sandy color.

  It was perfect. Slamming the trunk shut, Lee headed towards the entrance, wondering idly what the place was running his cousin. Way more than anything Lee could afford, that much was obvious. His original reservations had been a good six blocks from the beach, though with his luck, Astor would guarantee he got the only room in the hotel with no windows and a single twin bed.

  Still, right on the beach was enough to make him happy. He hadn't been looking forward to trudging the six blocks each day, and the beach itself was the entire point of this vacation. Lee eschewed the normal glass doors, stepping into the revolving door and entering the lobby.

  It was sleek, wide open with a dozen sets of chairs and tables scattered across it. There weren't many people about: three or four business casual types loitered near the fountain, looking boring and likely discussing something equally boring; there were a handful of laptop dwellers in the chairs; and a few bellhops attempting to look busy near the door.

  Striding over to the desk, Lee side-stepped the older woman badgering the one clerk about towels or something and approached the second clerk. The man looked to be about his age, with a pretty, tanned face and short, wavy brown hair that fell, disheveled, across his forehead. He had lovely full lips, pretty brown eyes, and while the hotel jacket didn't do him any favors, it didn't do him a disservice, either.

  "How can I help you?" The clerk said, tapping a few last keys on his computer before looking up with a smile that dimpled his cheeks, and Lee was sold.

  "I'm checking in," Lee said, leaning on the desk and pushing his sunglasses up to rest on the top of his head.

  The clerk—Jayden, his name tag said—smiled a little wider and asked, "Name?"

  Lee wrinkled his nose. Astor had made the reservation for him, and knowing Astor, he'd have refused to make the reservation under anything other than Lee's real first name, just to piss him off. "Barnaby White, but please call me Lee."

  "Middle name?" Jayden asked, tapping a few keys on his computer. "I'll need your driver's license."

  "Yes. Barnaby's a family name, though why they couldn't just stick me with it as a middle name I'll never know," Lee said. That was more polite than saying that Grandpapa Barnaby would have pitched a fit to be relegated to the middle name of a grandchild, and that after his oldest had refused to use his name at all on her two sons.

  Jayden took his license, sliding it from Lee's hand a tad too slowly to not be flirting. Lee smothered a grin; it looked like he'd found his first bit of fun for the trip. Jayden entered a few more things on his computer, then handed the license back. He moved slightly down the counter, picking up a few odds and ends and tucking things into an envelope.

  He had nice hands, long and dexterous, and Lee would have fun with this. Jayden quickly did something with two plastic cards bearing the hotel's logo and then tucked them into the envelope—which was really more of an open-faced flyer—and slid that across the counter as well.

  "You're up in room 407," Jayden said. "Payment was already settled, so you should be set. There's a selection of local restaurants in the guide in your room, and of course, the hotel restaurant is readily available," Jayden pointed across the lobby to the open-faced restaurant. "If you've got any questions or need anything, please don't hesitate to let us know."

  "I will," Lee said, then exerted a bit of alluring power. "What time do you get off?"

  "A few hours," Jayden said, flashing those dangerously enticing dimples again. "I don't do room visits."

  "If you decide to make an exception," Lee said, throwing a bit more power at Jayden, "You know where to find me."

  "I do," Jayden said agreeably.

  Giving Jayden a last parting smile, Lee scooped up his driver's license and paperwork. He headed towards the elevators, waving off the busboy who approached to help with his bag. It was a little odd Jayden hadn't fallen all over himself to agree, but then, Lee hadn't used too much power on him. That would draw attention. Jayden might have a natural resistance anyway. Some people did, much to Lee's annoyance. Everything was much easier when he could sway people into doing his bidding.

  Not that he abused that. His mother would whoop his ass. It was also easy to tell when someone wasn't into it, even with his encouragement, and that was the biggest downer. Jayden hadn't not seemed interested, so maybe Lee would see him tonight. If he didn't, well, it was a beach town. He'd find someone to spend the night with.

  The elevator chimed as it reached the fourth floor, and his room wasn't far down the hallway. He let himself in, letting the door swing shut behind him with a clang. It was a nice room: a king-sized bed dominated most of the room, and the bedding, curtains, and walls were done in a nice, dark red and cream theme. A large dresser sat opposite the bed with an oversized TV settled in the center. There was a desk, a chair and low table, and a patio visible through the sliding doors.

  He also had an ocean view. So Astor really, really wanted details on the haunted lighthouse up the street. Dropping the key cards and welcome packet on the dresser and his duffle on the floor, Lee kicked off his shoes and headed for the patio. Tossing himself into one of the two chairs on the balcony, Lee settled his feet on the ottoman and leaned back, watching the ocean roll in on the beach below.

  A knock on the door startled Lee awake awhile later. He rubbed at his face, swinging his feet to the floor as he wondered when he'd even fallen asleep. He didn't remember even getting sleepy. Yawning, he crossed the floor to the hotel room's door, peeking through the peephole.

  Jayden stood on the other side of the door, and Lee immediately felt more awake, his pulse quickening. Opening the door, Lee leaned against it, giving Jayden his most seductive smile. Jayden no longer wore the hotel's uniform; he'd changed into a snug, dark blue t-shirt that showed his abdomen and chest to great advantage. He wore baggy cargo pants and easy-to-remove flip flops and completed the outfit with the stereotypical surfer boy hemp necklace, though with a few small brown beads instead of a conch shell.

  "Hey," Lee drawled, dragging his eyes down Jayden's front and then back up to catch Jayden's dimples appearing. "I thought you didn't do room visits."

  "I don't," Jayden said, lifting his chin in challenge. "I can always leave, if you want."

  "No, that's pretty much the opposite of what I want," Lee said, stepping back and giving Jayden another assessing look. God, he wanted to touch, to peel that t-shirt off and expose the tanned, toned skin beneath it. Jayden flashed him ano
ther grin, stepping into the room—and Lee was well aware that Jayden didn't need to step so close to get into the room, but he wasn't complaining.

  Jayden smelled of a mix of mint and basil. It was a refreshing, clean scent, and Lee decided he liked it as he gave the door a nudge to shut it. It clicked loudly, and Jayden turned back towards him, tilting his head up invitingly. Lee was briefly surprised—given Jayden's initial rejection of the idea, Lee had anticipated a bit more work to get Jayden into bed.

  He wasn't one to look a gift horse in the mouth, however, and he took full advantage of the invitation, stepping close and kissing Jayden, who returned the kiss with an enthusiasm that took Lee's breath away. He wrapped his arms around Lee's neck, pressing close against Lee's body. Lee tried to give as good as he was getting, deepening the kiss and curving his hands over Jayden's hips, up under Jayden's shirt.

  That was obviously the wrong move, as Jayden broke away, grabbing his hands as though they'd burned his skin. The wicked grin Jayden cast him belied that, though, and was the only warning Lee got before Jayden spun him around and shoved him back towards the bed with a surprising amount of strength. Lee tripped over the edge of the bed, sprawling back onto the covers. The bed was softer than most of the hotel beds he'd had inflicted on him in the past, and that thought immediately fled as Jayden stripped off his shirt.

  "Jesus," Lee muttered. He hadn't expected Jayden to take the initiative, especially not as thoroughly as he had.

  "No, my name is Jayden," Jayden replied, flashing Lee another wicked smile. Lee snorted, but he didn't get a chance to do more than that before Jayden was there, straddling his legs and leaning down to draw Lee into another kiss. Jayden's weight settled on Lee's thighs, and he reached up, grabbing at Jayden's hips, his hands sliding across the bare skin above Jayden's shorts.

  Jayden yanked at the hem of Lee's shirt, shoving it up to expose his stomach. He never broke away from kissing Lee, sloppy, wet, kisses that told of his impatience even more than the hand that ran down Lee's stomach.

  Lee arched into the touch, barely holding onto Jayden as he shifted up Lee's thighs, rubbing the bulge in his shorts against Lee's. Lee groaned, digging his fingers into Jayden's hips to keep him close. Jayden laughed into his mouth, breathless and giddy, before sitting up.

  "Your shirt needs off." Jayden yanked at the hem again, drawing it up further.

  "More than my shirt needs off," Lee said, making Jayden laugh again.

  Jayden leaned down, his lips brushing against Lee's cheek and sending a shiver down his spine. He murmured, low and quiet, in Lee's ear, "We'll get there." He slid off Lee's lap, and Lee reluctantly sat up, pulling his own t-shirt up over his head. He tossed it in the direction of the bathroom, and then was completely distracted when Jayden undid his shorts and let them fall to the ground.

  He wasn't wearing anything beneath, and the second thing Lee noticed was a complete lack of tan lines. The first was, of course, the hard, leaking cock jutting towards him. Jayden laughed, a low, husky noise that went straight to Lee's cock, still trapped in his own shorts. Stumbling to his feet, Lee quickly divested himself of them and his boxers, impatient to get back to the part where he touched Jayden.

  Lee had barely tossed his shorts aside when Jayden was right there again, dragging him into a deep, thorough kiss that shot right to his cock, making it harder than ever. Jayden sank a hand into his hair, tugging slightly even as he slid his other hand boldly down Lee's front and wrapped it around his cock.

  "Je-Jayden," Lee choked out, startled and thoroughly turned on by Jayden's boldness. Jayden's touch was firm and confident, no trace of hesitation, and while Lee was more used to taking charge, he was definitely enjoying the change.

  "I like the way you say my name," Jayden said, his lips brushing against Lee's as he spoke. His hand never stopped moving in slow, steady strokes along the length of Lee's cock. Jayden kissed him again, his fingers trailing away, much to Lee's disappointment. In the next moment, though, Jayden was pushing him back down to the bed, urging him up it, towards the headboard.

  Lee shuffled back until his head hit pillow, and he spread his legs out wide in invitation. His cock was painfully hard, both from the way Jayden had touched him already and in anticipation of what was to come. Jayden still stood at the foot of the bed, surveying Lee like he was a prize cut of meat, which, Lee supposed, wasn't too far off the mark. Giving Jayden a cocky grin, he shifted his hips. "Planning to join me?"

  "The view's nice from here," Jayden said, flashing that perfect smile again. "Do you have a condom?"

  "Front pocket on the duffle," Lee said, wanting to smack himself for not remembering that. In his defense, though, he had been distracted. Jayden stepped away from the bed, and Lee watched Jayden's lovely ass walk away, followed by his lovely front returning. Jayden skirted around the foot of the bed, walking up the side of it. He tossed the condom and lube on the side table, then crawled up on the bed next to Lee.

  He threw one leg over Lee's, leaning down to kiss him even as Lee reached for him. Jayden's lips brushed his, but he seemed to have ideas other than kissing, trailing his lips over Lee's jaw, under his chin, and Lee could only cling to Jayden's shoulders as he scraped his teeth against Lee's neck, the sensation making his cock throb with the need to be touched.

  Jayden's weight was pressing down against him, heavy and sure, and while it was odd not to be taking the initiative for once, Lee really was enjoying it. Jayden nipped the spot where Lee's neck and shoulder met, and Lee bucked his hips up, startled and entirely turned on by being the one bitten. Jayden snickered, breathless and pleased, and shoved at Lee's hip carelessly.

  "Stay," he said, flashing Lee a grin. Lee just nodded, not sure he could manage anything more coherent than that. Jayden's mouth returned to his skin, and he slowly made his way down Lee's chest, driving Lee crazy with the way he touched, licked, bit, and sucked along Lee's skin. Lee shifted his grip from Jayden's shoulders to the covers when he got low enough, only barely keeping his hips from bucking whenever Jayden found a sensitive spot.

  Jayden ran a hand down his hip to his upper thigh, and Lee groaned because he was so close to touching Lee's cock but he wasn't. Jayden lifted his head to meet Lee's eyes, and then asked, "Appetizer or main course?"

  "What?" Lee asked. His brain was in no shape to be interpreting anything at the moment, and it was entirely unfair to try to make him think when all his blood had relocated.

  "What do you want?" Jayden asked. Then he proved he didn't really want an answer when he wrapped a hand around Lee's cock, completely short-circuiting Lee's brain. Lee groaned, arching into the touch, and Jayden grinned again, obviously pleased with the effect he was having. Lee was all right with that so long as it meant more touching and more of that really pretty smile.

  Jayden seemed to take that as an answer—or at least, he gave up on Lee having any sort of coherency. His hand regrettably disappeared, but Lee choked back the protest when Jayden grabbed the condom wrapper off the table. He tore it open, and then his hands were back on Lee's cock, slowly, torturously smoothing the condom down Lee's length.

  Just when Lee thought he couldn't take a moment's more delay, Jayden ducked his head, taking Lee's cock into his mouth. Lee made a strangled sort of noise that he'd be embarrassed about later, but for the moment he didn't care so long as Jayden's mouth stayed where it was.

  It did, thankfully, and Lee lost track of everything except the feel of Jayden's mouth and hands on his cock. Lee sank a hand into Jayden's hair, leaving the other tangled in the mussed covers. Jayden paused, mouth still around Lee's cock, making Lee groan and tamp down the urge to buck his hips to get more of the lovely sensation of Jayden's mouth. Jayden resumed after a second, thankfully, and from there it didn't take Lee long until he completely lost it.

  "Jesus," Lee breathed.

  "Not my name," Jayden said, his smile never faltering.

  "Oh, shut up," Lee said without rancor. He forced his wobbly limbs to work, shoving himself
to a sitting position. As he'd thought, Jayden was still hard, and it definitely wasn't polite to leave him like that. "Come here."

  Jayden obliged, shuffling forward on his knees until he was sitting between Lee's spread legs. He opened his mouth to say something, but Lee cut him off, dragging him close for a kiss. Jayden tasted of semen, but Lee could overlook that considering it was his own and because of the blow job he'd gotten. Reaching between them, he wrapped his hand around Jayden's cock, swallowing the groan that got him.

  Lee kept up a nice, slow, steady pace, jerking Jayden off patiently. Jayden was as noisy as Lee had been, and it didn't take him long before he was spilling into Lee's hand, saying something incoherent as he did so. Jayden slouched back, looking thoroughly debauched with swollen lips, little red marks scattered over his torso, and his spent cock on prominent display.

  Lee took a moment to appreciate the view, grinning stupidly. Then he shuffled back along the bed, reaching over to the side table to grab some tissues from the box on the side table. Cleaning up his hand, Lee tossed the tissues in the general direction of the waste can.

  "So can I stay for the main course?" Jayden asked. He hadn't moved from leaning back on his hands, but he was grinning lazily at Lee now. "Because I'd really like a piece of that ass."

  Lee snorted, Jayden's metaphor finally falling into place. "What if I want a piece of your ass?"

  "We could do that, too," Jayden said, looking thoughtful. "Though I'd probably have to stay the night, then."

  "Breakfast in bed?" Lee suggested, making Jayden laugh. "I'm okay with it, if you don't have anywhere else to be."

  "Nah, my brother can fend for himself." Jayden sat up, the lines of his body falling into something entirely more predatory. Lee's cock stirred in anticipation. A night in bed with a hot, willing partner was definitely the right start to his vacation. Another round and Lee would be willing to bet that Jayden's blood would be perfectly sweet, humming from the aftermath of two orgasms. He could also wait until morning and see how it was after a third…


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