Stolen Course

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Stolen Course Page 2

by Aly Martinez

  Unfortunately for me, Sarah was never prosecuted for her drunken activities for a couple of different reasons. The first is that she wasn’t drunk when her blood alcohol level was taken. No one seems to care that her blood wasn’t taken until hours after the accident. Sarah was a cop’s wife. No one in that entire hospital was excited about pointing the finger at her. Oh, and there is always the fucking debate about who was driving the car that night. That conversation always makes me heated. Technically no one can prove who was driving that night. Witnesses on the scene said that it was a redhead, like Manda, driving the car. I’ve always wondered how the hell they saw that in the dark though. Other witnesses at the restaurant said that it was a tall blonde who pulled out of the parking lot. I tend to trust those people a lot more.

  Tonight, as Brett tried to talk Sarah out of killing herself, he uttered the only words that could ever make me help her. “What would Manda say about this?”

  It wasn’t a new idea. I’ve thought about it a million times. But after spending the day at her grave with Jesse at my side, those words finally hit home. Manda would kill me if I let anything happen to Sarah. She would never forgive me if I didn’t do everything in my power to help her get better. She wouldn’t even be mad at Sarah for killing her. Manda was amazing like that. She loved Sarah. So when Brett said those words, I broke every promise I’d made to myself after the accident and saved Sarah from herself. I walked through the door, dropped to my knees in front of her, and told her the truth.

  “Manda told me I need to help you. I still hate you, but she never would. I’m going to help you, Sarah. Not for you, but for her.” Then I picked her up and carried her out.

  Thankfully she didn’t fight me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and repeated over and over again how sorry she was. I didn’t tell her that it was okay. I will never tell her that. I did, however, tell her how much Manda loved her and how she wouldn’t have blamed her for any of this. Manda always was a better person than I am.

  So here I am, wrapped in the tiny arms of my very own guardian angel, Jesse Addison. Brett stands behind her, angry and frustrated. It’s obvious she made him come here today. I don’t blame him. Last night, Brett thought Sarah had a gun to Jesse’s head. He heard the gun shots, and I know they lodged directly in his heart. The fact that he’s here at all speaks wonders about how much he loves Jesse. And I know because a ghost dragged me here today.

  “Hey, baby girl.” I give her a tight squeeze.

  A few months ago, Brett would have blown up at me for touching Jesse, but he knows I’d never try to come between them now. Jesse is a little sister to me, and after everything Brett and I have been through, he’s more than a brother to me…whatever that may be. I’m happy for them yet still so jealous it hurts.

  “How is she?” Jesse asks, looking up at me with tender brown eyes.

  “She’s fine, I guess. They sedated her. You know she’s going to go into police custody after all that shit, right?”

  She looks away and sadly nods. I have no idea how Brett got so lucky. Here is a woman who is genuinely worried about her boyfriend’s soon-to-be ex-wife—even after Sarah broke into her house with a gun. I have no doubts that Sarah would have harmed Jesse if she had been there. Suddenly, it hits me. Fuck, Manda would have loved Jesse for dragging Brett here. And just for that, I squeeze her just a little tighter.

  “What are you doing here still? Have you been home at all?” Jesse asks.

  “Nah, I just figured someone should be here for her. Even if it is just me.”

  My words cause Brett to let out a string of cuss words then roughly drag his hands through his hair. He’s a good guy, and he loved Sarah. But after she pushed him away for years, he finally moved on with Jesse. I know Brett, and I’m sure he feels guilty as hell. He may not love her anymore, but he loved Sarah once.

  “Hey, man. I’m not trying to make you feel guilty. You’re a better man than I am to be standing here right now at all. I just meant…someone should be here, but it definitely should not be you. You did the right thing this time. You two needed some alone time after yesterday.”

  “Thanks, Caleb.” Jesse finally releases me and returns to her position at Brett’s side, tucked securely under his arm.

  Without even thinking, Brett leans down and kisses the top of her head. I have to look away to keep the burning jealousy from seeping out.

  “Brett!” I hear a woman yell.

  I turn to see a tall blonde running full speed down the hall. She so eerily looks like Sarah that I unconsciously take a protective step towards Jesse. Brett, however, doesn’t move, and as she gets closer, the resemblance fades.

  Sarah was always beautiful, but this woman, who barely slows when she reaches us, is easily the sexiest woman I have ever seen. Her long, straight hair is so blonde it’s almost white. It’s natural—I can tell that much. No color from a bottle could ever produce this shade. Her eyes are so bright that they must contain flecks of every color blue imaginable. It’s unbelievable. She’s dressed in jeans that hug her long and lean figure and a tight T-shirt that is barely able to stretch over her large breasts. She completes the ensemble with an unlikely pair of flip-flops. It’s February in Chicago, and we still have four inches of snow on the ground. It’s obvious that this woman isn’t from here. Interesting. I could a use a temporary long-distance distraction, and I have a feeling that body would more than do the job.

  “Brett, oh my God. I’m so glad you called.”

  He steps forward, pulling her into an awkward one-arm hug, never releasing Jesse. Her sweet Southern accent causes my cock to quickly stiffen. My mind instantly drifts to all the fun things I’m going to make her say with that accent while I’m fucking her mouth tonight. Although that wouldn’t give her much time to talk.

  “Hey, Emma. I shouldn’t have called. You didn’t have to come right now,” he says gently.

  The vision of her round tits bouncing while she rides me immediately shatters into a million pieces. Damn it, I recognize that name. Fuck, this is Sarah’s little sister.

  “YES I did have to come! Sarah tried to shoot you. God, I’m so sorry,” I say, feeling guilty as hell that things have gotten this bad with her. “Is she going to be okay? Have you seen her?” My words have barely come out of my mouth when I notice that his arm is draped around a pretty brunette. “Um…” I stutter, looking back and forth between Brett and the short woman.

  It’s obvious that they are together. Her arms are lovingly looped around his waist. Brett is hesitant to answer and stares at me with awkward discomfort¸ but she boldly looks up at me with a soft, warm smile. I have to give it to her—she’s really fucking cute.

  “Em, this is my girlfriend, Jesse Addison. Gorgeous, this is Sarah’s sister, Emma Jane.”

  I am stunned into silence. I probably look like the human version of Wile E. Coyote with my jaw unhinged and on the floor right now. I can’t believe he did it. He finally left her. Sarah’s attack on Brett yesterday now makes a lot more sense.

  “Oh my God, is this what yesterday was all about? Is she pissed you started dating?”

  “Pretty much. She stole one of my guns then broke into Jesse’s apartment. Led everyone to believe she had Jesse, but thank fucking Christ, she wasn’t home.”

  “Jesus, Brett. That sounds horrible.”

  “Sarah’s fine, but this is going to be a long legal road for her. The police were involved this time, and she didn’t just try to hurt herself…” He trails off, and I can tell that he is uncomfortable with what he is about to say. “Listen, Em, we need to talk. I’m not just dating again. I’m in love with Jesse. I filed for divorce, and I’m done with Sarah.”

  “Brett…” Jesse tries to softly interrupt.

  My eyes slide down to her, but she’s staring up at him, silently pleading. Although I can’t for the life of me figure out why the hell she would be pleading for Sarah.

  “No, babe. Don’t. I’ll never forgive her. You told me how you feel, but I’m
not you and I can’t just get over it. I’m sorry, but this is something I have to do.”

  I honestly can’t believe what I’m witnessing. Since the accident, Brett has never had balls when it comes to Sarah. For the last five years, he has been at her mercy. Babying her and letting her run all over him. Now, this Jesse chick is arguing with him about protecting Sarah. I know I must look confused when he looks back at me.

  “I can’t take care of her anymore. I know you two aren’t speaking, but she’s going to need you more than ever. I washed my hands of her last night.”

  I can’t help it. I all but plow over that little girl and launch myself into his arms.

  “Finally!” I scream. Brett deserves so much more than Sarah. Not old Sarah—they were perfect together. However, he doesn’t deserve the person she has become.

  “Jesus, be careful,” I hear a man hiss.

  I turn to give him an annoyed look when I hear Jesse giggling and wiping off her pants where I knocked her to the ground.

  “Oh shit, I’m so sorry.” I try to help her the rest of the way up, but the angry man pushes my hands away.

  “I’ve got her. Just be more careful. Maybe even act like an adult.”

  My eyes lock with his and I sway back a step as the heat of a sexual fire emanates from his skin. Jesus, he’s hot. That messy sandy-blonde hair and steely blue eyes. Crap, if he weren’t being such a dick right now, I might pause to check him out. Oh, who am I kidding? I’m totally checking him out. He’s wearing a fitted grey sweater that clings to his perfectly sculpted pecks and tattered jeans that I’m sure cling to a tight ass. He’s at least six foot two, and for a girl who is five foot ten, that’s golden.

  “So nice to meet you, Mr. Pleasant. Do you have a name to match your warm and fuzzy personality?” I launch full-on sarcasm.

  Brett introduces me. “Emma Jane, this is Caleb Jones.”

  And with those words, I become the ass. I know exactly who he is, and I have a very good idea of why he’s being rude.

  “I’m sorry. Hey, Caleb,” I say awkwardly. He silently glares at me, so I continue to nervously spew words. “I’m really sorry for your loss. I met Manda once when she and Sarah came down to Savannah. She was hilarious, and I’m sorry you lost her.”

  “I’ve got to make a few calls,” he mumbles before walking away.

  “Okay, then. That was awkward,” I say, turning my attention back to Brett.

  “Don’t worry about him. He didn’t get any sleep last night. He stayed up here with Sarah all night.”

  “Um, why? Doesn’t he hate her?” I ask, once again confused.

  “No clue. Caleb isn’t exactly acting like himself. He was also the one who carried her out last night. I’m not really sure what he’s doing here.”

  “Shit. I should thank him for staying with her. Although I might just send him a fruit basket, because the idea of talking to him again isn’t really all that appealing.”

  Jesse quietly speaks up. “Just ignore him. He’s had a rough twenty-four hours. I bet Caleb doesn’t even know why he’s still here.”

  I let out a sigh and get back to the matter at hand. “Okay, back to Sarah. What happens next? Can I see her?”

  “Probably not. Usually in situations like this, once she is stable, they will release her into police custody.”

  “What? They are going to send her to jail? She doesn’t need jail! She needs help!” I scream, drawing every eye in my direction.

  “Yes, she does need help. Unfortunately, after what she did yesterday, it’s up to the courts to make those decisions for her now,” Brett says with a bitter mixture of anger and sadness in his voice.

  “They won’t let me see her at all?”

  “I’ll ask, Em. But I’m really doubting it.”

  I lower my head. I’m virtually helpless when it comes to Sarah—yet again. “So what can I do?”

  “You can head back to Sarah’s place, maybe get some rest. I know you’re exhausted from traveling. There’s nothing you can do tonight.” He digs in his pocket and pulls out his keys. He slides a gold key off the ring and looks at it for a second before shaking his head and handing it to me. “Here. This is the key to her place. We can give you a ride over there.”

  “I think I’m going to hang around here for a bit.” My eyes flash over to Caleb in the corner talking on the phone. Jesse’s eyes immediately follow mine, and my interest causes her lets out an adorable giggle. I drag my attention away from Caleb and look down at her. She’s still attached to Brett’s hip. “You’re cute,” I say with a smile.

  “Jesus, don’t call her cute! I made that mistake on more than one occasion. Trust me. It won’t win you any points.”

  “Oh, shush.” She gives Brett a gentle tap on the stomach. “She’s a girl. She can call me cute,” she says with the tiniest of attitudes. It’s almost comical, and I watch as Brett’s lips twitch when she looks back at me. “Thank you. You’re really pretty.” She offers me the warmest of smiles like we have been friends forever.

  “I like you.” I look back at Brett and repeat, “I’m liking her.”

  “Okay, before you two start exchanging recipes and painting each other’s nails, I’m getting out of here. Emma, it was good to see you. I’ll see if I can pull any strings to get you in to see her in the morning.” He pulls Jesse into his side and walks away. I’m so wickedly happy for him. Brett deserves a good woman, and it looks like he just might have found one.

  I stand for a minute, immediately regretting my decision to stay. I hate hospitals. Everything is so freaking sterile, but they still make me feel gross. I sit down on a worn-out chair in the waiting room and glance around when my eyes settle on the muscular back of Caleb Jones. I’m a real ass for checking out this man. My sister basically killed his fiancée. I wasn’t lying before—from what I knew about Manda, I really liked her. And I know Sarah loved her. I just can’t sit here without saying something to him. Apologizing? I already did that, and he didn’t exactly seem receptive. Maybe I should take a different approach.

  “CALEB, CAN we talk?” I hear Emma ask from in front of me.

  “Nope,” I reply, never looking up from my phone.

  “I love Sarah, but I’m not my sister,” she rushes out. I slowly lift my eyes to hers, trying not to rake them over her tits but failing. “I understand why you don’t like me, but I just wanted to say thank you for being here last night. I’m glad she wasn’t alone. I haven’t been there for her, but that’s about to change.”

  “I didn’t exactly sit at her bedside, holding her hand or anything. I just sat in the waiting room,” I reply, disinterested in her gratitude but very interested in her panty preferences. Fuck!

  “That’s more than I did. I haven’t spoken to her in years. I get the occasional update from Brett, but I never came up here. I couldn’t stand watching her fall apart. So I’m sorry. I know Brett thinks the world of you, and the last thing I wanted to do is piss you off.” Tears well in her eyes. Jesus Christ, is she going to cry? Fan-fucking-tastic.

  “Look, I don’t hate you. I don’t even know you. You didn’t piss me off, it’s just—”

  “Oh good. You want to grab a drink?” She smiles, perking right up and bouncing on the balls of her feet.

  “What? No! I mean yes, I want a drink, but not with you. Did you just fake cry?”

  “No, they were real tears. I’ve been under a lot of stress. The only fake part was when they threatened to escape my eyes. I’m not a crier.” She shrugs. Holy shit, crazy must run in the Erickson family.

  “Okay, well, sorry if I was a prick earlier. I just didn’t realize who you were, and by the time I did… Anyway. Sorry. We’re good.”

  “Wow, you’re easy,” she says with a smile so sexy it leaves me unable to drag my eyes away from her mouth. I’ve got to get out of here and get laid.

  “Okay, well I should probably go. It was good meeting you, Emma Jane,” I lie.

  It was horrible meeting her. I’ll have to fuck everyt
hing in a fifty-mile radius to keep from thinking about her. God damn. Just my luck—Sarah’s fucking sister.

  “Hey, wait, Caleb. Can you do me a big favor?”

  Sure, as long as the favor is stripping you naked and spending the rest of the night between your legs.

  Instead, I answer, “Maybe. What do you need?”

  “I have to go home tomorrow and pack up all my stuff. I’ve decided to move up here and do what I should have been doing all along—taking care of Sarah. Do you think you could call and give me updates about her until I can get back? It might be a few weeks. I just don’t know who else to ask. I don’t want to involve Brett anymore. He and Jesse seem so happy. He deserves to move on.”

  “Yeah, sure. I can do that. Just so you know, I won’t actually see her, but I can definitely keep you in the loop.”

  “That would be great.” She breathes a sigh of relief. “Here.” She reaches into her back pocket and pulls out a card. “That’s my cell number. It’s also my work number, so I never leave home without it.”

  I look down at the small rectangle business card in my hand that reads:

  Magnolia Photography — Owner Emma Erickson

  “You’re a photographer?” I ask surprised.

  “Yep. For five years. Why the shocked face?”

  “Oh, no reason. I dabble in a little photography myself. Nothing professional though.” I lift her card teasingly.

  “Do you think she’s going to be okay?” She suddenly shifts to serious.

  “If there is one thing Sarah is, it’s a survivor.” I try to fake a smile, but that’s all it is—fake.


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