Stolen Course

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Stolen Course Page 26

by Aly Martinez

  Today, Collin is one month old. It’s been an extremely long month. We are both exhausted. Collin isn’t fond of sleeping, I still cry at the drop of a hat, and Caleb still obsesses about germs and hand sanitizer. (Thank you, NICU Nurse Autumn, for that.) Hunter and Alex are finally coming up to meet Collin for the first time. We held them off for as long as possible so I could really recover and enjoy their visit. We decided to do a little get-together, and as much as it pains me, I can’t have everyone I love together in one place. Caleb and Sarah have marginally made up, but there are some bridges that can never be rebuilt. There will never be a future where Sarah and Brett can ever be in the same room. While I hate it, I can’t say that I blame him.

  I don’t know the full details about what happened with Caleb, Brett, and Eli, but everyone is still alive and no one—that I know of—ended up bloody. I do know that they decided amongst themselves not to pursue an internal investigation against Eli’s actions that night. After hearing the whole story from Casey and Eli, they decided that they didn’t want them to pay for it criminally. Casey got the help she needed, and they all agreed that she had paid the price. What can I say is…having a baby changed Caleb’s outlook on life. He never would have given Sarah that leeway. While it burns, it also makes me happy that no one else will be weighted down with the responsibility of that night.

  I don’t completely understand their decisions about this, but I don’t have to. I’m Sarah’s sister and Caleb’s wife, but on a very surface level, that accident didn’t involve me. I’m more than happy to voice my opinion in most situations, but in this one, I just have to sit back and let them figure it out.

  Ultimately they asked Eli to quit the force. They both agreed that they didn’t want a man like that serving beside them. I think deep down Caleb understands that he was trying to protect Casey, but their friendship is permanently severed. I asked him the other night in bed if he hated them now. I was worried that he was going to fall back into his dark space with a new vendetta against Eli and Casey, but he quickly put my fears to rest. He told me, “There is no way I can look at you and that baby and have any room left in my chest for hate.” It was a really fucking good answer.

  “Look at this little man!” Hunter says, pulling the baby from my arms. “Does he look like me?” He holds him up against his face.

  Caleb lets out a growl and rolls his eyes. He has surprisingly warmed up to Hunter since we got married. He still pretends to be annoyed with him. I mean, let’s be honest. Hunter is a little over the top.

  “You want a beer, man?” Caleb asks.

  “You know it.” He kisses Collin and hands him over to Kara, who is eagerly awaiting her turn.

  “So what’s up with you two? Y’all getting serious?” I ask as she coos, running her finger over his little nose.

  “Something like that. We met up in Georgia last weekend at his best friend’s wedding. He introduced me to his mom and everything.”

  “Wait, Mason and Lacey got married?”

  “Yep. Apparently she got knocked up too. I’m making Hunter wear two condoms from now on. This shit is contagious.”

  “Wow. I can’t believe he went to the wedding. I’m going to have to get a full update on how that little reunion went down.”

  Jesse shows up with Brett behind her. “Can I hold him?”

  “Sure thing.” Kara passes him over.

  Tonight, we’re moving the party over to Sarah’s place after Brett and Jesse head home. I know right now she is with Casey preparing dinner. Casey won’t stick around though. She might be close with Sarah and friendly with me, but she avoids Caleb at all costs. Trust me. That’s probably for the best.

  Sarah and Casey have become close again since the truth came out. It’s great to see them together again. Casey helps Sarah learn to live again and Sarah helps Casey let go of her grief. They need each other more than anyone ever knew.

  I look around the room for a moment. Jesse and Kara are huddled together, talking about how adorable Collin is and debating who he looks like. Caleb, Brett, Hunter, and Alex are all in the kitchen sipping beers, talking sports, and laughing like old friends. It’s not everyone, but this moment, right here is as close to perfect as it can get.

  Caleb catches my eye from across the room, and we stare for a second before he tosses me his signature smirk and a wink. I smile back as he mouths, “I love you.” I don’t say anything in return. I just hold up my fingers about an inch apart. His face warms at the memory and we both laugh at our unspoken joke. The truth is that no amount of space in the world could adequately portray how much I love Caleb or our life together. This really is it.

  Oh God. I’m going to cry again.


  “CALEB, YOU are not taking a baby into a tattoo parlor.”

  “Parlor? You really are from the South. And apparently the 1800s. And why not? It’s not run by a biker gang,” I tease, unbuckling Collin from his car seat.

  “Don’t they like smoke and stuff inside?”

  “What?” I laugh at her comment. “No, they don’t smoke! Emmy, have you ever even been to a tattoo parlor?”

  “Well, no,” she says hesitantly, and I shake my head.

  “Well I’d let Collin crawl on the floor at this place. They have done all of my ink over the years. Seriously, this place is the best. It’s clean, and sterile, and smoke-free. I swear.” I pull her into my side and kiss her forehead. I hold Collin on my hip and push my sunglasses up to sit on my head so I can nuzzle his chubby cheek before going inside. “You ready to get your first tattoo, li’l man?” I ask, and as expected, Emma rolls her eyes.

  “What are you getting done anyway? Do you even have any space left?” she asks, pulling away Collin, who’s squirming from my arms.

  “Oh, I’ve got plenty of room for you, Emmy.” I slide my hand down her back and squeeze her ass.

  “What do you mean, for me? Caleb, what are you getting done?” she demands, but I just laugh and head inside.

  “Come on, sweetheart.”

  I pull open the door and walk into the familiar shop. I’ve spent many painful days in this place. It’s so fucking nice to be here for something I want instead of a feeling I need.

  “Jones!” I hear Paul shout. “What’s up, man? Long time!” He walks over and stops in front of Emma and Collin. “What’s up, little Jones?” He gently pokes his stomach with a finger. “Jesus, if that isn’t your kid, I would suggest hitting Maury Povich up for a paternity test. He looks just like you!”

  “Paul, this is my wife, Emma, and son, Collin. Emma, this is Paul. He’s done one hundred percent of my tattoos. I won’t let anyone else touch me.”

  “Wow. Well I have to say you did a fantastic job on his back. I’ll have to send you some of the pictures I took a few weeks ago,” Emma says with a huge smile.

  “Yeah, send ‘em over. I never thought he’d finish, but it turned out pretty badass.” He turns his attention back to me. “Give me minute. I’m transferring your stuff now.”

  “I thought this was an impromptu stop?” She spins to face me.

  “Yeah, I totally lied.” I shrug but can’t wipe the smile from my face. “Oh and Brett and Jesse should be here in about five minutes to pick up Collin.”

  “What!” she screams.

  “Oh and we’re go out to dinner afterward.”

  “What!” she screams again.

  “And I packed him his pajamas and enough bottles to get us through ten o’clock. So after dinner, I’m taking you home and fucking you against the wall, maybe on the stairs, and definitely in the kitchen. ”

  “What.” This time she breathes the word as heat floods her eyes.

  “Come on, Emmy. I knew if I’d asked you about this, you’d have said no. I haven’t been alone with you since he was born. I packed his bags and dropped them off with Brett this morning after the gym. It works out for everyone. I get to have loud sex with my wife without fear of waking the baby, and Jesse gets her baby fix for the week.”<
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  “I don’t know…” she starts, but the door opens and Jesse comes skipping into the shop.

  She addresses Collin first. “Hey, cutie!”

  “Jesse, I don’t know about this,” Emma says as Jesse plucks him from her arms.

  “Em, it will be fine,” Brett says as he joins the group.

  “Oh and the best part. I was worried about the whole car seat switch, so Brett’s just going to take the SUV and leave us the BMW.” I smile eagerly.

  “Be careful with my baby, asshole,” he snaps as he hands over the keys.

  “I could say the same.” I look down at Collin, who’s giggling while Jesse blows raspberries on his cheek.

  “Come on, sweetheart. It will be fine,” I urge.

  She finally relents. “Yeah, okay.”

  “I’ll text lots of pictures,” Jesse promises, using Collin’s hand to wave over her shoulder as they walk away.

  Emma’s eyes look a little teary as the door closes behind them, so I pull her into a hug. After pushing her hair off her shoulder, I place a wet kiss on her neck. She immediately relaxes into my arms.

  “He’ll be fine. He loves Jesse.”

  She nods, biting back the tears as Paul comes out from the back.

  “You ready, man?”

  I turn to Emma and ask, “We ready?”

  “Did you draw it?” she asks, referring to my soon-to-be new tattoo.

  “Yeah. I did.”

  “Then I’m ready.” She stands on her toes and pecks my lips.

  Two hours later, I finally stand up and look in the mirror.

  “Holy shit. That is gorgeous!” Emma gasps when she sees my newest additions.

  I had the word Stolen filled in with green ink—the same color as the bird’s eye. I didn’t need that word anymore, but I wanted to keep it as a reminder of how I got here. In a grey section at the tail of the bird, I had the word Reborn added in sky-blue ink—almost the exact shade of Emma’s and Collin’s eyes. But my absolute favorite part is the addition of their names. On the left side of the bird’s body, I had Emmy added vertically in black script, and on the right is Collin.

  “What the hell are you going to do if we have more kids?” she asks from behind me as she inspects every inch of my new markings.

  “Are we having more kids?” I ask with a laugh.

  “Well yeah, eventually.” She steps around in front of me.

  “Okay, two more, but that’s it. I like to keep things symmetrical,” I say, and she stands on her toes to kiss me.

  “I love it. Like a lot. Maybe even more than I love you,” she teases, kissing me again little deeper.

  “You hungry? Because I really want to skip dinner right now. That wall at home is calling my name.” I pull her tight against my body. Then I slide my hand down the back of her pants, cupping her ass like no one can see us.

  “Yeah, that’s definitely a better idea.”

  We finish up and I all but throw my credit card at Paul in a rush to get out of there and get home. No sooner than I sign my name on the receipt, I grab Emma’s hand and drag her to the parking lot. Just before we get inside the car, I suddenly swing her around and push her up against the door, kissing her with a deep and promising kiss.

  “You know that’s permanent, right? No getting rid of me now,” she explains against my mouth.

  “That’s the plan, Emmy. That’s the plan.”

  Read more about Hunter Coy in

  Savor Me: A Novella

  Available Now!


  Brett Sharp’s Story in

  Changing Course

  Available Now!

  Coming Summer 2014

  Among the Echoes

  “I don’t know who you truly are, Riley. But tiny flashes of that woman whisper around the room between us. I will find the real you among the echoes—and I will make her mine.” –Slate Andrews

  Not too long ago, I decided to start writing. It was a huge decision for me and quite possibly one of the best ones I’ve ever made. Along the way, I have met some truly amazing people who have selflessly given their time and support to me. I have also seen the true colors of the friends I have had for years as they have blindly taken my back during this new endeavor. I can’t thank everyone who has helped me, but here is where I try.

  To my family: I love you. I don’t think I will ever be able to say that enough.

  Mike, you have listened to me talk books for more hours than I care to admit. Thank you for keeping the wild animals that we call kids while I go away to signings, and all the nights where I lock myself away to meet deadlines. I kinda love you….a lot.

  Lunny, Toots, Grey, and Hoppy, mommy will one day cook vegetables again. Enjoy the pizza and chicken nuggets while you can.

  Mom, Dad, Lori, Jennifer, Jay, Matt, Yeah, I wrote another book. No, none of you are allowed to read this one either. Let’s just pretend this never happened. M’kay.

  Juan, Wilma, Anthony, Ashley, and Telisse, What can I say? Seriously, don’t even try to read this one either. (Except for Ash, she is allowed. After all, she did practically write one of the best lines in here.)

  To Bianca J, Adriana, Bianca S, Tracey, and Krissy I have absolutely zero idea what I would do without you ladies. You read every single rough sentence of Stolen Course. Then you helped me make it in to something better. I love you all for not sugar coating it. Yes, even you Mean B.

  To Ashley Baumann: I can’t thank you enough for Caleb’s amazing tattoo. I gave you my idea, and you took it to a whole new level. You are truly talented and above all that, you are just plain awesome.

  To Ash T: I don’t even know how many hours you spent listening to me ramble about this book. Thank you for helping me plot and plan. And also for not being afraid to say, “Yeah, that’s dumb.” You are a rock star.

  To Fall: Wow…you pulled out all the stops for Caleb and Emma. Thank you for spending so much time pumping up the sexy factor in this book. Caleb deserved some heat, and you more than brought it. You are the cheese in my macaroni. (I hope you remember this convo or that is a really stupid joke.)

  To Danielle: I WANNA COME HOME!!! Wahhhhhh!!!!!

  To Jessica VW: Your pimping hand has got to be tired. Thank you so so so much for forcing everyone you meet to read my books!

  To Stacey and Tessa: You ladies make me want to be a better writter (← yes I spelled it that way on purpose.) I love you both so hard.

  To the IRAC Ladies: I know this technically doesn’t exist anymore, but each and every one of you have had a huge impact of my writing life. I’m sad it’s over, but it was one hell of a ride. I have never laughed harder, learned more, or seen more dirty pictures than when I hang out with you ladies. I hope I get to meet each and every one of you in person eventually.

  To the Bloggers: Oh God! This is so stressful. I’m going to leave someone off, I can feel it. I’m sorry. There are so many of you who have reached out to me since I started writing. I wish I could list you all.

  K & T Book Reviews, Short and Sassy Book Blurbs, The Rock Stars of Romance, Crystal’s Many Reviewers, A is for Alpha B is for Books, For the Love of Books, Schmexy Girl Book Blog, Love Between the Sheets, Three Girls and a Book Obsession, Biblio Belles Book Blog, White Zin Bookends….and to each and every blogger who took a chance on Changing Course. I love love love love all of you!!!

  To Mickey Reed: You rocked my freaking socks off! You are amazing and I laughed so freaking hard at your gifs. Thank you so so so so much!

  Born and raised in Savannah, Georgia, Aly Martinez is a stay-at-home mom to four crazy kids under the age of five, including a set of twins. Currently living in Chicago, she passes what little free time she has reading anything and everything she can get her hands on, preferably with a glass of wine at her side.

  After some encouragement from her friends, Aly decided to add “Author” to her ever-growing list of job titles. So grab a glass of Chardonnay, or a bottle if you’re hanging out with Aly, and join her aboard the crazy t
rain she calls life.







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