Up in the Air

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Up in the Air Page 23

by Rebecca Sharp

  "I don't want you or your brother to think that I'm using you – that I slept with you - just to throw him off during the games. You are not a game to me." His breathing was ragged.

  I gulped. Now, I understood. Now how Wyatt had been acting made sense – why he'd been torturing himself this way. "H-he wouldn't think that," I said softly.

  "Would you?"

  I shook my head. "Of course not." The horror of the thought was expressed in my tone.

  "Because this is one of those moments, Channing, where I'd pull out of the Games if you did," he rasped harshly, his thumbs rubbing back and forth on my cheeks. "This is one of those moments where there is something more important to me than winning."

  "What is it?" I breathed out, letting my heart stop as I waited for his answer.

  "You," he murmured. "Love."

  My heart started again with a vengeance. "If it's more important than winning, it should be more important than my brother. If this isn't a game, then don't let them come between us." And then, with every ounce of need and love I had and could no longer deny for this man, I said, "Be with me, Wyatt. I need you to love me tonight."

  I saw his wall crumbling brick by brick. “I don’t… I don’t even have any protection with me.”

  “I’m on the pill,” I whispered. And I had been for as long as I could remember so that I was regular and so that my cramps didn’t screw up my riding.

  His forehead dropped to mine and he groaned like I'd just ripped his heart from his chest. "Do you trust me?"

  "Yes." Unquestioningly. Unwaveringly. Unbelievably.


  I wanted this to be good – to be magical – like the rest of the night had been, but I knew I was too far gone to be able to make that happen. I needed her too fucking badly.

  Like the storm outside, my desire for her burned white and blinded me to everything else. I felt my muscles twitching as I snaked one arm around her back, my hand cupping her perfectly rounded ass to lower us both back onto the disheveled bed of blankets.

  I seized her lips on our descent, her arms linking around my neck, just like her legs did when we landed on the floor. I plunged my tongue into the hot warmth of her mouth, roughly mimicking the motion with my hips, slamming my erection into her core.

  "Wyatt." She moaned my name, her hips grinding up against my arousal deliberately. The need for her escalated excruciatingly, my cock throbbing against my pants. I knew then and there that if she rode up against me like she rode my thigh the other night, all of this would be over far too soon.

  My mouth broke from hers, gasping in air as I tried to control my body. I looked down at her rapidly rising and falling chest. Her rosy-pink nipples erect underneath the sheer lace of her bra, begging to be sucked. I moved the hand that was underneath her, sliding it up to unclasp her flimsy excuse for a bra before I yanked the damn thing down off of her shoulders, the lace rubbing roughly against her white skin.

  Freed from their cage, her small breasts captured my gaze – the thought of kneading them with my big hands making my heavy erection tingle. I engulfed one small swell with my hand, groaning at the jolt of possessiveness that shot through me. They were small, but they were the perfect size to make me hunger for more of her.

  Channing slid her hips against me again, her wet sex rubbing against the denim of my jeans. I pressed my hips down, pinning her against the floor so she couldn't torture me anymore. Her shudder of pleasure was almost my undoing as I rolled the plump skin of her nipple between my fingers.

  "Christ, Channing," I rasped, "you're making me lose it."

  "At least," she answered breathlessly, arching her chest into my hand, "this will be one loss that you will enjoy."

  I groaned, bending my head to take the begging peak of her nipple into my mouth, first grasping it between my teeth before sucking on it ravenously. I feasted on it for a few minutes before turning my attention to her other breast, my hand taking the place of my mouth on the first. She melted against me, moaning my name over and over again. I knew how sensitive her nipples were – I knew that a few more bites and licks would send her over the edge of another orgasm. But I was greedy. I wanted – I needed – to be inside her for this one.

  My cock was agonizingly hard – to the point where I couldn't distinguish whether each slight movement elicited pleasure or pain.

  "You're mine," I rasped against the goosebumps surrounding her nipple. I slid my tongue down the slope of her breast, briefly licking her sternum before planting a kiss on the soft skin.

  I kissed my way down her stomach, reveling in the way her body quaked underneath the slightest touch.

  "Breathe, Channing," I instructed her, feeling her chest move raggedly underneath my hand.

  "I can't," she answered breathlessly. "Not when your touch takes my breath away."

  Inhaling deeply, I licked the crevice between her thigh and her sex. I inhaled her desire before letting my tongue run up the length of her folds. Her hips seized as I pulled back, standing up to remove my clothes. Ripping my shirt up over my head, I looked down at her perfectly fit and flushed body, her nipples, her sex, and the marks left by my mouth the only things blushing pink against the creamy white of her skin – each of those glistening from my touch and her desire.

  As I unzipped my jeans I felt just how wet she'd made the fabric over my fly. I sucked in a breath as the release of pressure around my cock almost sent me over the edge. I carefully pulled the denim and my briefs down over my arousal, feeling her heady gaze on me. I tossed my clothes onto the floor, now standing just as naked as she, my body ready to pounce.

  I watched her subtle invitation – the way she bit her lower lip, her chest rising on an inhale and her legs parting ever so slightly. And then my gorgeous nymph murmured huskily, "You're mine."

  I lost it. Dropping to my knees, I pressed the length of my body against her. Our moans in sync as the heat of her sex touched the hardness of mine. My teeth found her neck as I raised my hips, the head of my cock trailing down to her entrance.

  I hadn't planned for this. I should have been more prepared. I should have taken more time preparing her. I should have made sure – again – that she was ok with this. I should have been in better control. But I wasn't. I'd lost everything to her.

  And as I sheathed myself inside of her hot and impossibly tight core, I admitted that she was right – this was one loss that was far too incredible and far too enjoyable to regret. I heard her gasp at my sudden entrance into her body and I begged mine to hold for just a second so that I could make sure she was ok. Maybe I did... maybe I didn't... All I knew was that I felt her hips rock against mine – begging for more – as my name left her lips; whatever shred of control I had disintegrated.

  I thrust into her once, twice, three times. She was small and so damned tight, but her throaty groans each time I entered her forbade me from stopping. Just like I'd imagined, her legs were incredibly strong from a lifetime of snowboarding. They tightened almost painfully around my waist, encouraging me as I slammed into her. I thrust harder and faster, feeling every cell in my body tingling.

  "More," she gasped. I loved her rhythmic moans that followed – and the way they made my swollen cock ready to explode. I felt her and subsequently lost every other sensation; her grip on my erection tightened as her orgasm began and it sent me over the edge. My hips jerked uncontrollably, my thrusts unrestrained as my body finally found the release it had been desperate for.

  We came together like the storm – suddenly and with a fury that obliterated anything in its path.

  I collapsed on top of her, our breathing ragged for minutes on end. With a groan, I slid out of her, grabbing some napkins from one of the bags and handing some to her before quickly wiping myself. A quick glance at the window told me it was still snowing furiously outside – a sharp contrast to the warm, heady musk that pervaded the small hut.

  "You ok?" I, surprisingly, struggled with the question, afraid that I had hurt her, gone too fast, too r
ough, too everything for her. I turned on my side, pulling one of the blankets up over both of us. "Sorry. I lost control there."

  When she turned toward me, the sated sigh combined with the smile on her face told me that my fears were unfounded. "All I have to say is... that is the best kind of losing," she murmured with a small grin, "the kind where we both win."

  I laughed at her silly joke. "Seriously, Channing," my hand cupped her face, "I didn't hurt you, did I?"

  "Honestly, my entire body is numb with pleasure so I couldn't tell you. But, even if you did, I'd be the first in line to sign up and have you hurt me again."

  I bent and kissed her forehead, loving how she immediately snuggled closer to me. I may not know exactly what was going to happen once the X Games were over, once I retired from competing, but I did know that waking up with her in my arms everyday was non-negotiable. And I sent up a silent prayer that all my planning this past week would fall into place.

  "When was the last time you had sex?" I knew my mouth had been her first, but she hadn't been a virgin. She had, however, been tight as all hell which made me believe that she hadn't been with someone in a while. A violent stab of possessiveness ran through me; I didn't care who it was, there would be no one else after me.

  "A long time ago," she mumbled and I could hear her drifting off to sleep. "Was only two times." Her hand came to rest up against my chest and one foot slid between my legs. "Some boarder who moved East for college. Wasn't anything like this... why I never did it again."

  I stayed silent, not wanting to disturb her any more. She surprised me by whispering against my chest, "How about you?"

  My fingers lazily rubbed over her back. "A few months." Her response was just a sigh. "But it was never like this..." I continued softly. She breathed heavily against my chest and I knew she'd fallen asleep. Still I answered the question that I imagined she would have followed with. "Because I’ve never been in love with anyone before."

  The light glimmering over my face from the small window of the hut woke me. Channing was still fast asleep against my chest, her soft breathing caressing my skin. I felt around the blankets next to me for my cell; it was almost six-thirty. We needed to get going. I hadn’t planned on us staying the whole night, but we’d both drifted off into a deep sleep to the sound of the wind and snow.

  I trailed my fingers lightly down her back, kissing the top of her head. “Time to wake up, Channing.” She sighed and nuzzled deeper against me. “C’mon gorgeous, we should get down the mountain before they send out a search party.” And before the snow started falling heavily again.

  That got her attention, her eyes fluttering open. “Hi.”

  “Hey.” I kissed her sweet lips softly. “How are you feeling this morning?”

  “Just gnarly,” she murmured and I burst out laughing.

  It only took us a few minutes to get dressed and gather all of the stuff I’d brought with us last night before I moved to open the door and release us and the magic of the night back into reality.


  Son of a biscuit.

  Last night I’d been flung off of a kicker that I didn’t ever want to land.

  Even though we’d been basically sleeping on the hard floor, I’d slept amazingly well, but I’d still woken with the familiar ache between my thighs. Only now it was worse because I knew what was possible. I hadn’t lied when I said that my limited experience with sex hadn’t been like this – it hadn’t even been that enjoyable. I’d thought the kid, the snowboarder, Steve, was hot and he’d been the first boarder to show an interest in me, the rest unable to see me as anything other than one of the guys. We’d had sex twice, behind the rental shop because I didn’t want my brother or our friends to know; the first time, I thought it was because it was my first time. The second time, I figured that it wasn’t worth the trouble. So, I’d kept myself close to my brother and Emmett and eventually Steve got the picture that sex wasn’t happening anymore.

  Wyatt was not just a different story, but a whole different world. The rush, the thrill through my body was more than I could even describe. If I didn’t believe that my body was made for boarding, I would swear that it was made for this – with him. And I wanted more when I woke up and I could feel that he did, too. But, instead, he insisted sweetly that we get dressed and head back down.

  I dressed and waited patiently, coming up behind him as he reached for the doorknob and wrapping my arms around his waist, letting my hand drift down to where I could see his arousal pressing against the denim.

  “Channing,” he ground out, sucking in a breath. “We need to go. Your sister is probably freaking out.”

  I laughed – he clearly didn’t know much about Ally. “I doubt it. I’m sure the longer that the both of us are gone, the more thrilled she will be.” I pressed my palm harder against him. He turned and kissed me hard – and I thought I had won. Until my desire was greeted by a rush of cold air.

  It was pretty chilly outside, the sky looking like it was about to let down another blanket of snow, but it did nothing to dampen the burning in my body.

  “Are you ok?” I asked as he brushed the snow off of the seat and set the bags on the lift, fishing for the keys to go turn it on.


  I wasn’t convinced. “Wyatt.” He turned at the sound of his name and I put my hands on his shoulders and shoved him onto the seat, climbing on top of his lap. He groaned as I settled over his arousal. His eyes narrowed on me as his hands grabbed my waist, but he didn’t push me off of him – baby steps.

  “Why don’t you want me this morning?” I was being totally brazen and I smiled because I didn’t even care.

  He slammed his hips up into mine. “Don’t ever think that I don’t want you, gorgeous. This has been the story of my life since the second you knocked over all of my boards.”

  Yeah, I was never going to live that down.

  “Well, at least now you know how good I am at making wood stand up straight.” I grinned coyly at him, finally putting a smile onto his face. “So, what’s the problem?”

  His hand slid down and squeezed into my ass. “Aren’t you sore?” he rasped. “And don’t lie to me. I wasn’t easy on you last night, gorgeous, and fuck me, I should have been. I should have been tender and sweet and everything that I’d wanted to be when the time came – instead—”

  “Instead,” I interjected, “you took me like your life depended on it and I can’t imagine why you would think I would have wanted it any other way.”

  He groaned. “I was too hard…”

  “Well, you were that. I can’t disagree with you there.” I winked at him. “Seriously, Wyatt, I don’t even know of a word to describe how perfect it was. You know me,” my voice quieted now, my eyes watching as my hands traced down over his chest, “I like hard. I like fast. I like rough.” I found his gaze again. “I’m a snowboarder, after all.”

  I rubbed myself against him, enjoying the catch in his breath and the way the chairlift began to gently rock us together.

  “Alright, point taken.” He pushed forward and kissed me and I sighed into the familiar haven. “Now that you’ve succeeded in eliminating my guilt,” he kissed along my jawline to my ear and I held my breath in anticipation of what was coming next, “we should really head back down.”

  The air rushed out of me in furious disappointment. He clearly was still trying to be a gentleman about it all. Well, I wasn’t having any of it.

  I turned my head and kissed him again. He didn’t push back when I deepened the embrace, my tongue demanding attention from his. Lifting my hips, I slid my hand down over the front of his pants, undoing the zipper before he could stop me.


  “Show me,” I said, “show me that you want me.” It was a dare. We lived in a world of dares – daring fate, gravity, mother nature – to stop us from getting what we wanted. And now, I was daring him to stop both of us from taking what we needed. “Here.”

  Alone on t
he mountain, we were its King and Queen. And the thought of him taking me on a chair lift that I’d ridden a thousand times soaked straight through my underwear.

  “Stand and turn,” his instructions were hard and demanding. I quickly complied. With my back to him, I felt one hand grasp the back edge of my pants and pull them down over my ass, exposing just enough flesh so that I wouldn’t freeze in this process. His hand slipped around to my front, diving beneath my pants as I felt his teeth dig into the firm flesh of my ass. “Always so damn wet for me, gorgeous.” His fingers slid over my folds and goosebumps covered my body. “Now, sit.” His hand moved back onto my stomach and pulled me down onto his lap.

  There was no warning aside from the brief touch of his fingers to assess my readiness as he guided me to sit, impaling me with his hard length. I gasped at the welcome invasion, my muscles were sore from last night, but it only made the fullness even more overwhelming.

  Wyatt held me still for a moment, letting me adjust to him. Desire overwhelming me as I realized that we sat on the lift, fully clothed, except where we were joined. My hips begged to move.

  “Ride me, Ryder.”

  I moaned and began to move up and down on his length, feeling the hot hardness of his cock slip in and out of me. His hand resumed its spot inside of my underwear, letting my movements allow my clit to rub against his fingers. Outside… inside… my climax assaulted me from every angle. I screamed into the silence, the delicious pressure finally bursting inside of me.

  Just to confirm, it was as exquisite as it had been last night.

  I heard his rushed grunts from behind me. He was thrusting up and into me now, the clenching of my core rocketing him over the edge. I felt his hips seize and the warm rush of his desire inside of me.

  “You’re going to be the death of me, Channing.”

  “Well, you are getting close to retirement,” I mused teasingly. He laughed and gently pushed up on my hips, letting him slip out of me. Wyatt quickly pulled my yoga pants back up to make sure I wasn’t cold before he tugged out a corner of a blanket to wipe himself and adjust his pants.


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