Indelible Love Jake's Story

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Indelible Love Jake's Story Page 2

by D. W. Cee

  “Why don’t you bring her over tonight before going out for dinner? I’d love to meet her.” My mom was way ahead of herself.

  “Honey,” my dad chimed in, “don’t you think we’d scare her off before Jake had a chance? That’s a bit serious meeting the parents on the first date.”

  “Yeah, I guess but… Jake, where are you off to? We want to hear more.” I heard my mom call out as I ran up to my room. I didn’t have time to respond. It was 8:00 and I had a phone call to make.

  “Hello?” Tired and weak, her voice sounded like I woke her up.

  “Good morning Emily, how are you feeling?” There was a couple second very awkward pause. “It’s me, Jake.”

  Still a pause…

  “Did you forget me already?”

  I heard a groggy giggle.

  “How can I forget you when you’re the last person I talked to yesterday and the first person I’m speaking with today? You won’t allow me to forget you.” There was hearty laughter on her part. I didn’t find that funny.

  “Is that a hint?”

  “No. Good morning, Dr. Reid. To what do I owe this very early call?”

  “It’s 8:00am already. You call this early?”

  “It is when someone kept you at the hospital till three in the morning.”

  This girl was impossible not to love. I needed to come up with an excuse to go see her this morning.

  “I’ll ignore that last comment. How’s your ankle? Are you in any pain?”

  “Now that you mention it, I am in a lot of pain and my ankle looks like a tree trunk.”

  Perfect. Here was my chance to go see her. “Let me come by and take a look. It shouldn’t be so swollen. Can I stop by right now before going to the hospital?”

  “Right now?” She sounded horrified.

  “Uh-huh. I need to be at work by 9:00 so if I stop by it has to be now.”

  “Jake, I’m still in my pajamas. I haven’t even brushed my teeth yet.” Her whining was even cute.

  “Give me your address.”

  It was like pulling teeth to get her address but she gave it to me and I ran down the stairs and jumped in my car before we said good bye. Her house was within minutes of my parents and the hospital. How could she have been so close to me and yet so far away?

  Ding Dong. I counted to thirty before trying again. Ding Dong.

  Looking through the window, I saw her hobbling to the door. Between the plush robe and flannel pajamas under it, she was covered from neck down.

  “Hi,” she answered with her signature shy but angelic smile.

  I couldn’t answer. Awestruck I walked in and closed the door behind us. Not minding my manners, I placed one arm around her back and the other under her legs and picked her up again. She looked startled.

  “You shouldn’t be walking on that ankle.” That was my lame excuse for carrying her to the sofa.

  “Then you shouldn’t insist on coming over. You’re the one who made me get out of bed.” Her biting remark alarmed me until I saw her lips curl up again. I wanted to shower those lips with love as I laid her on the sofa.

  “I’m just doing my job as a doctor. Let’s see your ankle.”

  I undid the bandage and saw that it was quite swollen.

  “Emily, your ankle doesn’t look good. I’m going to take off the bandage and have you rest it on this cushion.” I gently put her legs up. “Let me get you some ice. Where do you keep Ziploc bags?”

  They’re over there.” She pointed to a cabinet.

  I went into her kitchen and made several ice bags for her and placed most of them in the freezer while bringing one over and placing it on her. Her big brown eyes followed my every move. When I thought about this situation, I wondered why she let me in her house – why she trusted me so much when we had only met a few hours ago. I hoped she didn’t do this with everyone.

  “Emily?” I sat halfway between her ankle and her erect body.

  “Yes?” She stared intently into my eyes.

  “Are you always this trusting?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, it’s a bit weird that you’ve allowed a perfect stranger into your house to take care of you. You don’t just allow anyone into your house, do you?” That thought was more than alarming.

  “Funny you mention it. I was thinking the same thing. I’m usually a paranoid person. I go around making sure all my windows and doors are locked every night before I go to bed. I don’t know why I let you in this morning.” She shrugged her shoulders. “But, I suppose you’re not a stranger. Aren’t you my dinner date tonight? Though, I think dinner is shot. This robe and pajama will not be coming off today if my ankle persists to stay swollen.”

  “Does that mean I’m someone you’d like to get to know?”

  “Perhaps… or I might be keeping you around only till my ankle gets better so I don’t have to go see those creepy ER doctors again.” Her giggle came back.

  Whatever the reason, I’ll take it.

  Her phone rang and I walked over to get it for her.

  “Thanks,” she mouthed to me while answering, “hello? Hey Sarah.”

  I probably should have scooted down the sofa and sat in the empty spot at the end but I didn’t want to be so far away.

  I listened to her conversation.

  “Why are you and Charlie around here at this hour? What? No, I don’t want to go to the picnic. I have a legitimate excuse now, I can’t go.”

  She looked at me like she needed my help.

  “I’m not kidding. I sprained my ankle and it’s really swollen. I can’t go anywhere, right Dr. Reid?” She nodded her head feverishly so I nodded my head along with her.

  “Here.” She handed the phone to me. “Tell my best friend I can’t go to any picnic with her.”

  “Hello Emily’s friend,” I answered. “Emily wants me to tell you she can’t go to any picnic although if you put her in a wheelchair, she would be fine.”

  “Jake!” She pushed me off the sofa. “I think you’re late for work.”

  It sounded like her girlfriend was asking her who I was. Emily began stammering. “He’s a doctor who makes house calls. Anyhow, I’ll talk to you when you get here.”

  “Who was that?”

  “My best friend.”

  “What’s with this picnic you’re trying to avoid?”

  “College reunion of sort. I don’t want to go.”

  “Could it be because of your ex?”

  “Kind of.”

  “Do you still like him?” Did I really want to know this answer?

  “No. I don’t like him anymore but he has a girlfriend already and I don’t really want to see either of them.

  “Got it.” I would’ve been happy to escort her if she would’ve asked.

  “Jake, it’s almost nine. Don’t you need to leave?”

  “Yeah, I do. I’ll come back later with a set of crutches for you. Do you want a wheelchair as well?


  “Ok,” I chuckled. “Will you be alright without me?”

  “I’ve been okay the last twenty-four years so I think I can survive a few more hours,” she teased.

  “You want to give me a set of house keys so I won’t be scolded by someone for making her hobble to the door?”

  She didn’t even think twice about pointing to her keys.

  “Take those. I won’t be needing them today.” Either she really trusted me or there was something seriously wrong with this girl. She had just handed me the keys to her house and her car.

  “Emily.” In walked a tall, fairly good looking woman and what looked to be her husband or boyfriend.

  “Hey, Sarah. Hi Charlie.”

  “Oh my gosh, what happened to you? You weren’t kidding when you said you got hurt.”

  I got up to introduce myself when Emily beat me to it.

  “Sarah, Charlie, this is Jake.” She turned to me, “Jake, this is my best friend and sometimes mother, Sarah and her boyfriend since birth, Ch

  We all said hello and Sarah gave me a funny look.

  “When did you and Emily meet?”

  “About nine hours ago.” I saw Sarah and Charlie both stare at Emily for an explanation.

  “Charlie, can you walk Jake out? He’s going to be late for work.”

  “You’ll be okay?” I checked on her one more time. “There are more ice bags in the freezer and I’ll call you from the hospital. I should be done around four.” Maybe I sounded too intimate? We really weren’t at any stage to be talking this comfortably. “Sarah, will you be taking care of her for a while?”

  “Sure.” Sarah somewhat slowed her word.

  “Bye, Dr. Reid.” Emily was trying to shoo me out the door. I walked out with Charlie disappointed I couldn’t stay with her the whole day.

  “It was nice meeting you, Charlie. Hope to see you again.”

  “Well, if you’re around Emily, we’ll definitely run into you again. Sarah and Emily are like Siamese twins. I think my girlfriend prefers to be with her girlfriend and only comes to me at nights.”

  We shook hands and I left for the hospital. I wondered the whole way to work what Emily was telling Sarah about me – how she was describing who I was in her life. I wished I didn’t have to work today.

  As soon as I walked onto the third floor of the hospital, I was beseeched with patients. Luckily there were no surgeries this morning but I had no time to call Emily. I sent a quick text.

  It’s been a crazy morning. Sorry I haven’t been able to call you. Hope you are doing okay. Is Sarah still there taking care of you?

  She answered back immediately.

  Sarah and Charlie left for the picnic. You have a knack for waking me up. Please let me sleep. See you soon.

  People walking by stared as I chuckled to myself. I counted down the minute till I could leave the hospital and be with her again.

  I ran into Chief Henry Reid, my uncle and the Chief of Staff. The main reason I became a heart surgeon was because my uncle had been such a positive influence in my life. My father, now retired, was an internal medicine doctor but I was always fascinated with operations. Uncle Henry bought me all kind of heart books when I was younger and encouraged me to study hard so I could eventually do what he did daily – save lives. Little did I know this job would kill my social life. He never explained the casualties of becoming a surgeon.

  “Hey, Chief. Can I leave early today?”


  “I’ve got a date with the most amazing woman.”

  “If she’s so amazing, why would she be going out with you?” The Chief had a wicked sense of humor I didn’t appreciate today.

  “Yes or No?”


  “Chief… Come on, don’t you want to see your favorite nephew get married and have kids one day?”

  “I’m sure Glen will get married and have kids one day. What’s that got to do with you?” he guffawed. “Alright. You can leave now but you’re on call tonight. Your Aunt Babs and I have a dinner to attend so I’m putting you in charge.”

  “No, not tonight. Let me have one night without any interruptions. Please. I beg of you.”

  “You can have that one night tomorrow.”

  And just like that, he walked off.

  In exchange for a possible interruption tonight, I left the hospital immediately. I drove as fast as I could back to Emily. I was about to ring the doorbell when a happy thought entered my mind – her keys.

  “Emily?” I called. I felt like I was home. It felt right. “Where are you?”

  “If that’s you, Jake, I’m where you last left me.”

  She hadn’t moved.

  “You’re dressed. Are you feeling better?”

  “Well, I thought I should get up and do something so this is all I got done today.” She pointed to her outfit.

  “How’s your ankle?”

  “I think it feels better. I can’t tell whether it’s getting better or the ice has numbed me to a point where I can’t feel my legs anymore. Either way, I’m starving. Can we go eat?”

  I tried to pick her up again but she got up and limped towards the door. She locked her arms around mine and we got in the car.

  “What do you want to eat? What are some of your favorite foods?”

  “Do we have all day? I have a lot of food I like to eat.” She laughed to herself. “I’m not picky as long as it tastes good. I’ll let you decide.”

  “I need to be near the hospital because the Chief put me on call tonight. Do you mind? There’s a slight chance we might get interrupted.”

  “Do I have a choice?”

  “I guess you don’t.”

  We drove to a Mexican restaurant blocks away from the hospital and settled into a booth. I was happy to have this time to ask her questions about her life.

  “So Emily Logan, tell me some basic facts about you.”

  “What do you want to know?”

  “Only everything.”

  Her beautiful smile came back. “Well, I’m 24 and I’m a school teacher. I did my undergraduate and graduate studies at UCLA…”

  “Uh-Oh! We’ve got some problems already.”

  “What? Oh no! You’re not a Trojan are you?”

  “Yup. Although, I did go to UCLA med school.”

  “We’re going to have to call off this date now. You can take me back home. I can’t be out with a Trojan. My friends would have a heart attack, though I suppose you could be of help if they did have a heart attack.”

  Her kidding nature kept her smile at bay.

  “What kind of doctor are you, by the way?”

  “I’m a heart surgeon.”

  “Wow.” She sounded impressed.

  A server interrupted us to take our order and since it was early, we ordered a couple of drinks and a mixture of appetizers to begin.

  “So tell me more about you. Where are your parents? Any siblings?”

  “No parents, no siblings,” she answered with sadness. I wanted to put my hand over hers and console her.

  “I’m sorry to hear that.” Seeing the sadness in her eyes I decided not to pursue this aspect of her life.

  “Tell me about you and Sarah. How long have you known her?”

  Her face lit up again. “Sarah and I met our freshman year at UCLA. We’ve been best friends since. She has three younger siblings so she can be somewhat motherly.”

  “And Charlie?”

  “They started dating in high school. They’re going on 8 ½ years now.”


  “I know. He’ll probably propose any day now. He won’t tell me when because he knows I can’t keep a secret from her.”

  “What about your ex? Did you meet him at UCLA as well?”

  “Yeah, Max and I met our freshman year. We lived in the same dorm.” My stomach knotted at the thought of them living in the same building, possibly in the same room.

  I was about to ask her more about her ex when the pager went off. This was my reality – my nightmare.

  “Sorry. I need to call the hospital.”

  “Not a problem.”

  I couldn’t believe this was happening. The hospital was calling me back in. In the middle of our first date I was going to have to take her home without having fed her any dinner.

  “Emily…” I stopped with her name when I returned from the phone call.

  “We have to leave.” She posed it as a statement rather than a question. Already sliding out of the booth, she not only understood - she was understanding. “Let’s go.”

  I helped her up and placed my arm around her. She leaned into my body.

  “I feel terrible I didn’t get to feed you anything. Do you want me to pick something up for you before we head back to your house?”

  “Don’t be silly. You have patients waiting for you. I can go home and fix myself something to eat.”

  To my chagrin, her house appeared sooner than I’d hoped. Out of habit and desire I took her off her feet and carri
ed her to her house. Her cheeks flushed to a beautiful rose color and she couldn’t look me in the eye. There was something very raw about her.

  She got herself down when we arrived at her door and there was that awkward silence again. I wanted to place my lips on hers but thought it was too early to try. Instead, I opened the door for her and asked if I could take her out again.

  “Are we talking about another meal?” That was an odd question to ask I thought.

  “Yes. I’d love to try and make up for tonight.”

  “Alright. I’ll remember to eat something before you pick me up just in case this is a regular occurrence with you. I guess these are the casualties of going out with a doctor.”

  “Emily... That’s not fair.”

  “I’m only kidding. We’ll try again soon.” With that she waved goodbye while I just stood there. “Go. Save a life, Dr. Reid.”

  Unhappily I said good bye.

  Chapter 3 Can Your Lips Be Any Softer?

  Sunday, my day off, couldn’t come soon enough as I fastidiously waited for 8:00am to roll around so I could call Emily again. I had become borderline obsessed with a woman I’d met only a day ago. I couldn’t stop thinking about her and wished to be with her right now. I assumed we could spend all day together and thought about what we could do and where I wanted to take her.

  “Good morning!” I was my chipper self again.

  “Boy, we’re seeing a lot of you these days. So you decide to come over only when it’s convenient for you?”

  “Mom, do you know Emily lives five minutes from you? We could walk to her house.”

  My mom looked excited. “Where does she live? Maybe I’ll take a walk over in her neighborhood.”

  “Jake, you do know it’s Uncle David’s birthday today and that we’re all having lunch by his house?”

  “I know but I was hoping to leave early so I could spend the day with Emily.”

  “Why don’t you bring her?” Mom looked excited again. “We’d all love to meet her.”

  “I’ll ask. If you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a phone call to make.” I hurried up to my room again.

  I dialed her number praying she wasn’t sleeping.

  “Hello?” A groggy voice greeted me again.


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