Reunion with Her Alpha (Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance)

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Reunion with Her Alpha (Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance) Page 3

by Joanna Wilson

  “Don't you think I wanted to? I couldn't! They wouldn't let me leave.”

  She didn't believe him. “Why not?”

  “They told me that I..” Marty looked away. “That I had to learn to control it, then I could leave.”

  “Control what? What are you talking about?”

  Marty took a deep breath. Mila saw something flutter in his eyes. Something different. Something wild.

  “Do you remember that summer when my parents kept dragging me to get all kinds of doctors for blood test and physicals even though I wasn’t sick?”

  “Yeah. We used to think they were hypochondriacs.”

  “Well, they found something.” He nodded. “Something that made me... different.”

  Mila looked at him in confusion. She was getting frustrated knowing Marty was trying to get to the point, but he was being indirect.

  “What do you mean different? Marty, can you please stop talking in riddles and just tell me?”

  He licked his lips slowly, as if searching for the right words. Finally, he said. “There are special people in the world Mila. And I don't mean special like you're super smart. I mean there are people born with... well I guess you can call it a gift. They don’t show any signs of being this way until they turn sixteen and then.” He paused and looked over. “Then they change.”

  “I left, Mila.” He continued. “Because I was about to go through the changes myself. You have to be able to control these things and control simply didn't come so naturally. That was why my father took me away.”

  “What the hell are you talking about, Marty? What happened to you?”

  An uncomfortable silence descended. Finally, Marty said. “Mila, my father, and his father before him were... Hundings.”

  She shook her head. “Hundings? What does that mean?”

  “Werewolves Mila. I'm a werewolf.”

  Of all the bullshit out of his mouth, this was by far the biggest.

  “Get out.” She hissed. “I don’t know what happened to you or why you left Marty, but if you expect me to believe that, that you're a fucking werewolf, then you are out of your fucking mind.”

  Marty reached for her hand but she pulled back. “Mila, you know I would never lie to you, especially not about this.”

  He could tell she still did not believe him, so he did what he had hoped he wouldn’t have to. He stood up and off came his shirt. Mila’s squawk of surprise when his pants followed made him smile. The room they were in was big and had lots of open space, so he wasn’t worried about breaking anything. Closing his eyes, he called his wolf to the forefront and let him take over.


  Mila stared at Marty as he undressed. Why the hell was he taking off his clothes in the middle of her mother's living room? He turned to her and closed his eyes. Even as she was about to cuss him for disrobing, she had to appreciate his body. Strong, athletic and toned. And below his hips, his...

  Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, she opened her mouth and sucked in her breath. Her hand went to her heart. She couldn’t believe what was happening right before her eyes.

  Marty was gone. In front of her was one of the biggest wolves she had ever seen. Not that she had seen many, but they couldn’t be that big, could they? On all fours he stood almost to five feet.

  And he was beautiful. Oh there was no denying that. Glossy brown fur with white tuffs. There was certain elegance to him, and the way his golden eyes looked at her. She couldn't scream even if she wanted to.

  Mila stared at this wolf that used to be Marty; overwhelmed, she did the only thing her mind was capable of doing. She fainted.


  “I don’t know what has gotten into her, Charlie. But I don’t like it. She won't answer any of my calls either. When I went over, she wouldn’t answer the door, even though I knew she was there.”

  Charles didn’t know when he had became 'Charlie' to Mila’s best friend, but at the moment it was good to hear someone call him that. Things had been going downhill fast with Mila ever since that guy Marty showed up two weeks ago. He sat in Carly's living room, listening to her rant about Mila. In a way, it made him feel better.

  He didn’t know what it was about the guy. Carly had filled in the blanks for him about who Marty was, but if the whole story was true, then why did Mila even care that he was back. Whenever Charles spoke to Mila, she was distracted and seemed like she didn’t care anymore.

  She looked as if something was on her mind but refused to talk about it. So here he found himself with Carly again, discussing what the hell is going on with Mila.

  “Charlie. Are you listening to me?”

  “Huh, yeah. Sorry I’m just thinking of Mila. When was the last time you went over?”

  “Yesterday. But I didn’t talk to her.” Shrugging Carly went to the fridge. She grabbed a vodka and pineapple juice as she got two glasses out of the dishwasher. Filling the cups with ice, she went back to the den and poured two drinks. Handing one to Charles, she took a sip of hers.

  “So what are you doing tonight?” She finally asked.

  “Not too much. I don’t have class and my fiancée won't talk to me, so I have nothing.” He sipped his own drink. It tasted bitterer than he expected. Carly poured a generous measure of vodka

  “Do you mind staying for a while?” She asked. “I couldn’t stand it if I had another boring night.”

  The words came blurting out before he could stop himself. “Sure. Go get that Vodka.”


  Mila took one more look at herself in the mirror and nodded. She looked great. She had bought herself a new outfit and it hugged tightly to her body. Red and backless, it put her large breast on display. A pair of black stilettos paired with a black clutch finished off her look. She had some make up to do, and she intended to do it right.

  Mila had been out of sorts for the last two weeks. That afternoon with Marty had thrown her for a serious fucked up loop, and she had been off her game lately. She wasn’t talking to anybody, trying to wrap her head around what happened.

  She had woken up in her bed and Marty was gone. She didn’t know whether she had dreamt it all; that is, until she went to the kitchen for a glass of water and saw that her phone had several messages from Marty.

  I know that was hard to see, and I apologize for scaring you. Please understand that you needed to know. We have so much more to talk about. Come see me.


  She knew then it wasn’t a dream but the weird harsh reality that she didn’t know what to do with. Marty was a fucking werewolf. What the fuck was that about? That was something out of a damn movie, yet he had showed her that is was as real as she was.

  In the days since she had found out, she withdrew. Not knowing what to say to anyone. Both Charles and Carly kept trying to get Mila out to talk to her, but what the hell was she supposed to say. The man that I’ve known since I was in diapers is a werewolf, and he’s not the only one. There are lots of them. Yeah right. People would think she was crazy.

  Mila, however, did feel bad about how she had treated Charles. He just asked her to marry him, and she was acting like he was just another guy. That stopped tonight.

  Turning off all the lights, she grabbed her keys and headed out the door. She was going to make a quick stop at Carly’s and apologize to her for the way she was acting. It wasn’t their fault Mila’s world had been rocked on its axis.

  Pulling into Carly’s apartment complex, she got out and walked up the stairs to the apartment. Mila was carrying a box of chocolates that she knew Carly loved and wanted to surprise her. Luckily, Carly had given her a key to her place a month before. Mila quietly inserted the key and turned the knob slowly as not to ruin the surprise.


  “Yes baby. Oh yes. Right there.” Carly’s head turned from side to side on the floor in front of her couch. Charles had his face buried between her legs. As Carly cried out again in pleasure, he licked his way up and kissed her, letting her taste herself on his li

  His cock slid in, wet and smooth, and set a pace that was fast and hard.

  “You like that baby?” He grunted with every thrust.

  Her only answer was a moan as she grabbed his ass and pushed him deeper. Her legs coiled around his back and her hips met him stroke for stroke.

  “Ooh baby, you feel so good. Don’t stop.”

  Charles pumped faster until he felt the familiar tingle at the tip of his cock. They had been at it for a couple of hours and he was ready for more. He was numb to everything but the feeling of wetness sliding on and off his manhood.

  And then he heard a voice, a voice that he hadn't heard in days.

  “Car-” Mila’s voice stopped. Charles stopped all movement. “Shit!”

  Carly tapped his shoulders, trying to get him up but he didn’t want to move. He didn't want to see her face, didn't want to see the hurt there.

  “Get the fuck up Charles. Damn it!” Carly screeched. There was nothing else for him to do.

  “What in the fuck. Really Charles? You bastard!” Mila’s voice got higher and higher until she was screaming. “You sick cheating bastard!”

  “Mila. Wait!” Carly was pulling on her pants and running to the door as Mila turned and left. “Mila! Please, let me explain.”

  “Explain what? You were fucking my fiancé, what is there to explain?”

  “Mila, I didn’t mean it. It just sort of happened. I’m sorry.”

  “It just sort of happened?” Mila was in hysterics. Her heels stamped and clicked on the vinyl floor with every word. “Just sort of happened? I hope you enjoyed him! Keep fucking him for all I care. I’m done. With both of you.”

  “Mila, please.”

  “Go to hell!”

  Charles looked on sheepishly as the sound of Mila's clicking heels faded.


  When her car door slammed shut, Mila was so mad she couldn’t cry. She felt like a fool. And to think she was coming to apologize. She knew she didn’t deserve that. And if the bastard can cheat this quickly after he proposed, she wouldn’t wait around for it to happen again.

  Driving down the street, she didn’t even realize she drove to Marty’s hotel until she was parked in front of it. She didn’t know exactly what she was doing here, but she needed someone to talk to and since her “best friend” was fucking the object of her stress, she couldn’t exactly go there.

  Grabbing her phone she sent a text. A few minutes Marty was coming out the lobby door and walking to her car.

  Getting out, she looked at him and gave a small smile. “Hey.”


  “Can we go inside? I’ve had one hell of a night.”

  “Of course.” Putting his hand on the small of her back, he guided her inside. A tingle of electricity ran through Mila and she was sure that Marty felt it too

  As they made it to his room, Mila went and sat down on the couch. “Do you have anything to drink?”

  “Yeah. Are you ok?”

  “I’m just peachy. My best friend and my now ex-fiancé are fucking each other. I’m perfectly fine.” She didn't mean to come off so bitter.

  “I’m sorry Mila. Hey, let me get that drink for you.”

  “Thanks.” She took the glass and gulped it down almost immediately. Looking at Marty, she

  held it out and he refilled it.

  “You know what? I’m won’t give them the satisfaction of thinking about them.” Turning her head to Marty, she asked, “Sorry I haven’t called or come by before now.”

  “It's fine.” He sat down across from her. “I’m glad you came though. But the reason I wanted to talk to you. Well, I think this might be a bad time with... well, you know.”

  “No I don’t.” Mila put her glass down. The alcohol was already rushing to her head. “I'm not thinking of them remember? What's on your mind Marty?”

  “Are you sure, Mila?” He asked, his eyes flashed.

  She remembered how cute his eyes looked three years ago. His time away in the wilderness of Canada had given them a new sheen. They weren't the cute eyes of a teenage boy anymore. They were the fierce eyes of a man.

  And lord knows she could use a man, a real man, right about now.

  “Marty, after what you showed me, which I’m still not sure what to think of, there’s nothing you can tell me that would be as shocking as that.”

  “True enough.” He chuckled. “Well if I’m right, and I’m pretty sure I am, you smell something when you're around me. Right? Something different but somehow familiar?”

  Mila thought about that for a second. She sniffed the air and noticed the coffee and sandalwood smell she smelled only when he was around. And there it was again. That other scent buried deep in the folds of the coffee and sandalwood. The scent that she couldn't place her finger on. She had smelled it for hours after he left, or maybe she just had imagined that.

  “That's not your cologne?”

  “No, it's something... something different. Deeper.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “When I was in Canada, I was going through the things I had saved that used to belong to you. The things I kept to keep you close. There was a shawl that you had left at my house once, and I just happened to smell it. My wolf sat up at attention immediately. He took control for a while; he smelled and sniffed everything in my possession that belonged to you or has ever been touched by you. He had only one word for it.”

  Mila leaned in, goaded by curiosity. “What?”

  Marty stared at her and for a moment. Mila wasn't sure whether she stared into Marty's eyes or his wolf's. Finally, a single word escaped his lips.


  “Over and over. I went to my father and told him what had happened. He told me chances are that you are my mate.

  “And when I saw you at your party, that smell set my senses on fire. I wanted to go to you right then and claim you but,” his voice dropped to a snarl. “Charles. Charles was there and you needed to know about me first.”

  Mila sat there and stared at Marty. After a while of utter disbelief she started. “I don’t know what to say Marty. This is a lot. If you're saying what I think you are, this is big. I don’t know if I can do something like that... I mean...” And why not? She thought as her voice trailed off. You were ready to commit to Charles a few days ago, why not Marty?

  “What does it smell like?” Marty's voice drifted to her ear.

  “Excuse me?”

  “When you smell me? What do you smell?”

  “Um, coffee and sandalwood. And this other smell, something I can't describe, but it's so masculine and literally the best scent I’ve ever smelled.”

  The smile on Marty's face melted her heart. “Lavender and honey. That’s what you smell like. Just like the cookies you made for me on my fifteenth birthday.”

  The coffee and sandalwood scent grew stronger. Mila asked. “Your smell just got a lot stronger, what does that mean?”

  “It means I’m fighting myself right now.” Marty closed his eyes. “It's taking everything in me to not get up and pull you into my arms and kiss you till you don’t remember anything but what I’m doing to you.” His eyes opened and the fire burned. “I want you Mila. It's been hell staying away from you for three years.”

  With each word, Mila’s heart beat just a little bit faster. She felt the words in her heart and also other parts of her anatomy. She found herself squirming a little in her chair.

  Marty licked his lips. “Your scent just got stronger.” He sat closer and Mila's nostrils were filled with him. “You can't hide it from me, Mila.”

  Before she could answer, he swooped down and kissed her. Soft at first, but his wolf was demanding more. He kissed her as if claiming her. Long slow strokes of his tongue across her lips, sucking them into his mouth. Plunging his tongue into her mouth, exploring every nook and cranny. His hand reached up her back to pull her closer as he deepened the kiss, moaning a little while she gave as much as she took.

lding on to his shoulders, she opened herself up to him. The kiss took her breath away.

  Pulling away reluctantly, he said her name softly. “Mila, you're mine and I'm yours. If not you, then no one. But I won't force it on you.”

  Mila put her head on his chest and felt him rest his chin on the top of it. “Give me some time to digest all this. Okay, Marty? Can you wait? Please? A lot has happened tonight and I need to sort through some things.”

  The look of sadness in his eyes nearly broke her heart. But he mustered a wan smile and said. “Of course. You know where to find me.”


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