Drake (Dragon Warrior Series Book 3)

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Drake (Dragon Warrior Series Book 3) Page 5

by KD Jones

  “Something must have happened within the last year or two that is affecting our people.”

  “Like what?” Dax asked as they walked toward the hotel where Emily and the baby were staying.

  “Elite Warrior Markus arrived over a year ago and he found a mate among the humans. That had not happened before. He had the lead mage’s medallion with him to help guide him and the ship to eventually land on Earth. Perhaps the medallion carried enough mage power that it jump started the power already on Earth with our people.”

  Dax frowned. “That’s an interesting hypothesis. If it proves to be true, then the remaining mages will be having a resurgence of their power. With them so heavily mixed within the human society, it could be a problem.”

  “Great, more problems we don’t need.”

  “Queen Arena will take the child with her,” Dax told him.

  Drake growled at the thought. “No. The babe will remain with me.”

  He wanted to say the babe would be staying with him and Emily, but he had to woo Emily to his side. The way she already cared for the child, he knew she would accept Wyatt. He just needed time to convince her to accept him.

  One night with Emily, he had no doubts she was meant to be his mate. His dragon wanted them to claim her already. Watching her hold Wyatt created a need in him to put his seed in her, have it take root so she carried his child in her. She would be a wonderful mother. He would give her a home at the ranch. He would build them a cabin on the acreage and they’d raise Wyatt.

  “The queen wants an heir. She will take this child as her own.”

  He would have fought Dax over the matter, but a scream renting the air had him freezing with fear. “Emily.”

  Chapter 15

  Emily had changed Wyatt’s diaper and put a onesie on him. She had him on the bed, her hand held a baby rattle and shook it entertaining him. Wyatt gurgled and appeared to look up at her, pleased with having her do his bidding.

  “You have me wrapped around your little finger, don’t you,” Emily told him laughing at him.

  Arena spoke to one of her guards at the door and glanced her way smiling at what Emily said.

  She started to like the woman but wondered how well Drake knew her. When she tried to ask Arena questions about her relationship with Drake the woman dodged her effortlessly. Where was Drake?

  Some kind of inner alert had her glance toward the balcony. A man stood on the other side of the glass doors and he stared at the baby intently. When he saw her eyes on him, he tried to open the doors, but they were locked.

  Arena and her guards came forward with...swords. “Emily, take the baby into the hallway.”

  “Why? What’s going on?” she asked worriedly.

  She picked up the child and moved toward the door. The next thing she knew, the glass shattered behind her as the man burst through the balcony doors. She screamed holding the baby securely to her, covering his head as glass shards hit her back.

  Emily quickly ran into the hallway scared and confused. What the hell? Turning to look back into the hotel room, she saw the stranger who busted the doors swung a sword at Arena.

  Arena dodged to the side and swung out with her own sword hitting the guy in the side. He roared in pain and anger. Emily watched in shock as his eyes glowed and claws formed on his hands. Then she noticed one of Arena’s guards roar as claws popped out of his own hands.

  “Oh my God!”

  She panicked. Turning, she ran to the elevator holding the baby close. She stabbed the call button over and over, her mind replaying the grotesque image of the man changing into...something else. Everything in her screamed for her to run, and this time, she listened.

  The doors opened and she jumped inside. She pressed the button for the lobby and hit the close button. This couldn’t be happening. Those people weren’t...human. As soon as she got to the lobby, she hurried to the front desk.

  “Help! Someone help me! They’re not human!”

  In her panic, she knew she made no sense to anyone.

  Big hands grabbed her shoulders turning her around. She punched out with her free hand at the large chest. “Let me go!”

  “Emily, are you okay? Is the baby safe?”

  She looked up at Drake shaking her head. “They’re not human.” she said again.

  “What happened?”

  “A man burst through the glass doors. Then he...his hands turned into claws.”

  Drake’s eyes glowed as he heard a roar. “Stay here.”

  Then he left, taking the stairs.

  They weren’t human. Did that mean Drake wasn’t human either? She didn’t know what to think. Nothing made sense. She didn’t know who to trust. Were there more of those...creatures around her?

  Quickly, she left the hotel and ran across the street. She ran and kept running. Emily didn’t know where to go. The baby cried, and she tried to calm him.

  “It’s okay, we’re okay. I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

  She needed to get help but even the local police might not be trustworthy. She could only think of one person she would trust to help her in a situation like this.

  Walking by a table outside a café, she bumped into it. “I’m sorry,” she mumbled to the couple before quickly walking away.

  Lifting her hand, she used the phone she just stole from the couple to place a long-distance call. Emily felt terrible taking the phone but this was a life and death situation and she needed help. She heard the other line ringing. Please be there.


  “Daddy, I need your help.”

  Chapter 16

  Drake arrived at the hotel room in time to see the intruder dash out the balcony doors and shift into dragon form. Arena’s two guards gave chase.

  “What the hell happened?” he demanded.

  Arena turned to face him, her eyes glowed and her hands had claws. Slowly, she calmed enough to retract her claws. “They’re coming for the baby. Where is he?”

  Drake frowned. “I left him and Emily in the lobby.”

  “We need to get them to safety now. I’m sure Dyson is close by,” Arena told him.

  Drake rushed down the stairs. When he entered the lobby, Arena right behind him, he felt his heart sink. He worried that Dyson might grab her.

  “I don’t scent Dyson here. Why would she leave if you told her to stay?”

  He walked out the entrance of the hotel. “I don’t know. She seemed really scared of something. Did she see you change?”


  He glared at Arena. “I haven’t had a chance to tell her about what I am.”

  “Humans are not to know about our kind,” Arena reminded him.

  “She is my mate. Mates are exempt from that rule.”

  “She’s not your mate unless she agrees. Has she agreed?”

  “That is none of your business,” he said angrily.

  They walked across the street following Emily’s trail.

  “Well, that female has the baby—a baby the enemy would kill to get his hands on. I don’t care about anything but that baby!” Arena let her anger show.

  “This wasn’t Emily’s fault. I’m the one that brought her into it. I needed a safe place to take the baby while I healed. She didn’t hesitate to help either one of us.”

  “How long have you known her? How do you know you can trust her?”

  He didn’t answer the first part knowing it would only give Arena the right to keep giving him a hard time. “Both my dragon and I want to claim her.”

  That stopped Arena in her tracks. “You can’t be serious.”

  Drake kept walking, picking up his mate’s scent. “She’s headed toward the docks.”

  “Who does she know there?”

  “I don’t think she knows anyone. She had been visiting Vigan City for the weekend.”

  Arena growled. “We need to get to her. If she takes a boat, it will be harder for us to track her over the ocean during the day hours. We can’t shift and fly in daylig
ht for fear of showing our dragons to the humans.”

  “I know that!” he growled back.

  Drake felt so many things: anger, fear, frustration, confusion. He knew she was scared but why wouldn’t she wait for him to explain things? If Dyson and his men got their hands on her and the baby. . . No, he couldn’t think about what they would do. That couldn’t happen.

  “She’s not going to give the baby up without a fight. She’s bonded with him, but he can’t stay with her. He’s one of ours and she’s not,” Arena reminded him.

  Emily could be part of his clan if he claimed her. Then they would claim the child as theirs to raise. His dragon chuffed in agreement. He wanted that…all of it. Emily, the baby, his own family. He couldn’t lose them now.

  “There’s the loading docks. Shit! There has to be at least a handful big boats and a dozen smaller ones.”

  Drake growled. “We’ll have to split up. Be careful. I don’t want to have to answer to my king if the only queen of our people gets injured.”

  Arena glared at him. “I can take care of myself.”

  “You start here, and I’ll go to the opposite end. Don’t scare Emily; she’s not like us. She’s gentle and kind. She’s scared right now and might risk herself and the babe unnecessarily.”

  “I want that babe, Drake.”

  He ignored her. Arena may want Wyatt, but he would never give up the child without a fight either. Emily wasn’t the only one who bonded with the tiny boy.

  Jogging to the end where a larger fishing boat docked, he inhaled deeply. Her scent had been masked by the salty and fishy air. He flagged one of the crew of the ship.

  “Have you seen a female with red hair and a baby?”

  The crewman shook his head. “No.”

  Drake eyed the man then looked at the boat. He couldn’t see her, and the guy didn’t act like he was trying to hide anything. He moved on to the next three small boats. The vessels had been packed full of people but didn’t see Emily among the passengers. His heart squeezed tight with worry for her.

  He headed toward another larger boat. Drake didn’t see any crew hanging around above deck. He walked up the ramp to board the boat.

  “Hello?” he called out.

  No answer. He inhaled but didn’t smell her. He went into the cabin of the boat, didn’t see anyone but he could hear footsteps down below.

  “Is anyone here?”

  “Who is it?” a voice called out just before the door to below deck opened.

  An older shaggy-haired man stepped up into the cabin. “Can I help you?”

  “I’m looking for my friend. She has red hair and a baby with her. She’s lost.”

  “Right, a friend. Are you the friend that scared that little red head?”

  Drake felt hopeful. “No, I’m trying to find her. Is she here?”


  “But you saw her right?”


  “Please, she’s in trouble. I’m just trying to help her.”

  “I think she’s safe enough.”

  Drake growled. “Where is she?”

  The old man held up his hands. “Gone. She left at least ten minutes ago.”

  “Where did she go?”

  “By now she’s on board a cruise liner heading out to sea.”

  Drake looked out at the ocean, and in the distance, he could make out a large cruise ship. Damn it! He turned back to look at the boat, then at the old man.

  “Does this thing work?”

  “Hell, yeah, but I’m not going anywhere.”

  “What if I paid you?”

  “You don’t have enough money to afford me,” the old man said as he puffed up his chest.

  Drake narrowed his eyes at him. “Ten thousand...cash.”

  The old man smiled showing his missing teeth. “We leave in five minutes and you can call me Captain Bill.”

  Chapter 17

  Emily shook badly, she worried she would drop the baby. Her father had talked her through what to do. He had a friend in the military in the area and knew of a cruise liner she could go back to the States on. The military friend paid for her transportation on her father’s behalf. She checked in at the cruise ship’s lobby desk.

  “Miss Campbell, you father is charging everything you need to his credit card.”

  She sighed with relief. “Thank you. Do you have a store on board with baby supplies?”

  “Of course. Your father explained that you went through a horrible ordeal and that he wanted security to escort you to your room immediately upon your arrival.”

  Wyatt cried and Emily frowned. “The baby comes first.”

  “This is Thomas, head of our security. He’ll take you to the store on the first floor and then to your room.”

  “Thank you.”

  She followed Thomas who seemed to look at her and the baby with concern. Thankfully, he didn’t decide to have a conversation. She wasn’t in the mood to answer a bunch of questions. She needed to get Wyatt fed.

  “What do you need?” Thomas finally broke the silence.

  “Everything. I left everything behind, my identification, my money, my keys, the baby’s stuff and clothes.”

  “Your father’s credit card will take care of all that. Pick out your immediate needs now and we’ll have the rest sent to your room later.”

  Sighing in relief, she smiled at him. “Thanks. I am stressed, the baby’s hungry and I don’t know how much longer I can stay upright.”

  Thomas put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “We’ll get you to your room shortly.”

  Emily selected formula, baby bottles, diapers, wipes and a few baby clothes that had the name of the cruise liner on it. She even found a small bottle warmer.

  “We’re both going to need more clothes, shoes and baby stuff.”

  The cashier smiled at her. “Just tell me sizes. I’ll get more things for you and have it sent to your room.”

  “I appreciate it.”

  Thomas carried her purchases while she did a bouncy routine in her arms to calm the baby. Finally they got to a one bedroom with a small sitting area and a window overlooking the ocean. The cabin had a microwave, a small refrigerator, and thankfully a decent sized bathroom. A small cabin but big enough for her and the baby.

  Thomas placed the bags on a nearby chair. “Is there anything else that you need?”

  “No, thank you for your help.”

  “I’ll be right outside your door. I have several men that will alternate guarding you every six hours. I’m taking the first six and will be back in the morning. Don’t hesitate to get me if you want or need anything.”

  The way he said that surprised her. He gave her a sexy smile. Thomas was a good-looking man, short blond hair, built like a soldier. If she hadn’t met Drake first, she would have asked Thomas to show her around the ship. Her priority had to be keeping her and Wyatt alive.

  “I’ll let you know.”

  Closing the door behind him, she locked it.

  “Come on, Wyatt, let’s change your diaper and get you something to eat. Then I’ll order me room service.”

  She placed the baby on the bed and reached inside one of the bags. Emily pulled out the formula and a couple of bottles. Then she pulled the bottle warmer out. “Thank God,” she breathed.

  A few minutes later, she had changed Wyatt’s dirty diaper and held him in her arms with a bottle in his mouth. He looked up at her with such trusting eyes.

  “You’ve had a rough start in life, haven’t you? Ripped from your mother’s arms when you were born, she died, and we don’t even know her name. Then...”

  She couldn’t say out loud exactly what had happened in her hotel room. It was still too confusing and scary. Emily hadn’t told her father everything. He didn’t press her for more, but she knew he would eventually demand answers and dreaded having to give them to him.

  “We’re safe little one.” But for how long?

  Chapter 18

  Drake stood on the t
op of the boat, looking out at the wide expanse of water. Emily and Wyatt were out there somewhere, unprotected. Arena’s guards had hunted down the attacker at the hotel, but he refused to give any information on Dyson. Arena insisted they take the male with them to continue questioning him. Her warriors held the male below the boat’s deck.

  He stiffened as he sensed a presence at his back. Inhaling, he took in the scent of the only living dragon shifter queen standing behind him. Arena. She was small, fierce and beautiful, but he preferred Emily’s soft delicate skin and hair the color of fire.

  Arena once had an on-going long-distance relationship with his king but that soon ended after his king found his own mate among the humans. The queen had not been pleased. As Reichardt’s second, the queen shared her body with him a few times, but his dragon wasn’t into it. Now, he too wanted to mate a human.

  “Why this female?” Arena asked.

  Shrugging his shoulders, he kept his eyes on the ocean. “My dragon knew within the first moment of catching sight of her that she belonged with us. Her scent...it surrounded me, and I had to touch, to taste…”

  “You can have the female when we find her. Will you give me the child without a protest?” Arena asked.

  Clearly Arena’s only wanted an heir to her throne. His people lived long, but the birth of Drakonian children had dropped to nearly non-existent. Since dragon shifters could not find a true bond mate, many of the matings between Drakonians had not produced dragonlets.

  All that seemed to be changing. Two of his people successfully mated with humans and both had bred and carried a dragonlet.

  “I want the child,” he told her.

  She did not look happy at that. “Why would you deny me?”

  “Why don’t you find your own mate?” he challenged her.

  Growling low, she glared at him. “It is not up to you. The Drakonian council will meet and decide the fate of the babe.”

  Damn it! He had to obey whatever the council decided, and she knew it. She walked away, and he let her without saying anything else. More talk would lead to fighting, and as queen, she had protections that no other would from the council.


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