The Billionaire

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The Billionaire Page 3

by Jordan Silver

"That's about it for now."

  "And if I don't agree?"

  "Oh Cliff, you do not want to play hardball with me. There're so many things to choose from, where should I start? Should I start with the alienation of your daughter by letting her in on some of your more hostile feelings towards her? You really should be careful what you say when out drinking with the boys. Should I tell her of your plans for her when she finishes school? Looks like I came along just in time. On second thoughts, I don't think I can leave her here alone with you after all."

  "Listen here you, if you..."

  "I'm not interested in your threats Cliff, just know this. If you do anything to harm her, I will fucking bury you. I have some compassion for the lost of your wife, but your treatment of your daughter in the years following border on criminal. Your neighbors might see it as over protectiveness while I see it as fucking abuse, and of one who is so undeserving of such. You've stifled every impulse..."

  "Why should she live and be happy when my Dana is gone because of her? Dana was sunshine and light and that fucking brat and her fucking whining robbed me of my life."

  In that moment he came dangerously close to bleeding. I clenched my fists and prayed for patience. It wouldn't do to strangle my Blossom's one remaining parent in their living room the first time we met. The man had raised an amazing creature, how could he be such a dick?

  "You really are pathetic, I came here hoping the reports were wrong for her sake, that there was some redeeming quality to be found, but you have none. Just remember what I said, mess with her, I'll mess with you. One more thing, when she asks you about this later you will give her your support one hundred percent or there will be hell to pay."

  I turned for the door, I'd said all I came to say after-all and if I spent one more second in his presence I might knock his teeth down his neck. How could he look at that beautiful girl and see anything less than a gift? Whatever, his reign of terror was over. Whatever hell he'd put her through because of his misguided misplacement of guilt ends now. Come tomorrow one little girls' life was going to change drastically and all for the better. I couldn't wait to introduce her to my world, to watch her grow up and Blossom into the beautiful being I know she is.

  Of course I'm going to keep an eye on her father, any man who could hold a grudge against an innocent child for so long couldn't be all there. I knew though that she loved him, it would be hard to get her to see what he really was without breaking her heart, which I am not going to do. Even if I have to protect her from the truth of what he is I will. As long as he doesn’t fuck with me and mine.

  Where I've learned that the first part of her existence was...less than pleasant, I planned to make sure she enjoyed all the good that my money could buy. Everything else I'd have to see to, and after meeting that man face to face I was sure it wouldn't be long before I found a way to get her out from under him. Stupid fuck, how could he not love my girl? His fucking loss I will make up for everything he denied her in life.

  Outside on the sidewalk I inhaled some much needed fresh air. The man left a bad taste in my mouth. I couldn't imagine my girl dealing with that shit day in and day out.

  I think maybe I'll pick her up from school, give her the good news. Maybe I'll start taking her to my office after school starting today. Why wait? I looked back at the little house she shared with that ogre and was suddenly struck by a thought. Since meeting my Blossom I've been acting totally out of the ordinary, what was one more thing?

  I picked up my car phone as soon as I was seated. "Agnes please, it's Gideon Thorpe."

  "Gideon so nice to hear from you, what can I do for you?"

  "I need to look at mansions sometime today."

  Chapter 5


  I spent the better part of the morning looking at homes with Ashley in mind. That meeting with her father had done more than left a bad taste in my mouth, it had left me feeling unsettled like there was something I was missing. It was one thing to get reports and guess at what they meant behind the scenes and quite another to see the reality first hand. I didn’t know exactly what the fuck I had walked into here but my gut was telling me to get my shit together. I’m a very possessive beast by nature and in all my dealings, all my acquisitions to date, none had ever come close to her. In one moment I had seen her and been ensnared now she consumes my every fucking thought. She’s little more than a baby and she had that kind of power over one of the most powerful men in the city. Life truly is stranger than fiction.

  This was a delicate situation no doubt. I will have to tread carefully but some way some how I was getting her away from him. It was by the third house viewing that I had the idea that maybe I should bring my Blossom along with me on this house hunt. It was for her after all and she should have some say, in fact she should have all the say. I’d gotten the feeling from her cold fish of a dad that she didn’t have much of a say in anything in her life so far. All of that was about to change.

  “Listen Agnes I think I might’ve jumped the gun on this one.” Ever the professional she didn’t bat a lash at the thought of losing a sale. Though I’m sure as a businessman who understands that time is money the prospect of losing such a lucrative deal after spending hours going from place to place couldn’t be too palatable. “There’s someone else who needs to be here, I’ve seen some places that I really like but I think we’ll reschedule for a time when she can be here to make the final choice.”

  “Of course Mr. Thorpe I understand; and will you be needing me to reschedule or will you choose a time and place?” We headed back to our cars while I looked back over my shoulder at this last place, not bad, not bad at all. I could see her in a place like this. “Why don’t I give you a call when it’s convenient?” She nodded her assent and I split off and headed for the limo to head back to the office. I had a lot of work on my desk to take care of, some of it I’d left unattended because I’d been too preoccupied. Now that I’d start the ball rolling I could relax and breathe a little easier. Soon I will start my courtship, fuck I’ve never courted anyone in my life. Too fucking jaded even at a young age. I’m sure I’d figure it out. With her it seems all I have to do is go with the gut. And my gut was telling me to spoil the fuck out of her.

  At lunchtime I made my excuses and headed for her tree, today I will be bringing her lunch.

  I didn't even want to think about why she hadn’t been eating anything the last time I saw her. If I found out his neglect went farther than just being careless with her feelings, like he was abusing her in any way, I will put a fucking hurting on him the likes of which this town has never seen. I clenched my fists at the thought of her being hurt. Put it away Gideon don’t go borrowing trouble.

  I watched her for a few seconds before exiting the car, so beautiful, so innocent. It was amazing that she could be this, after dealing with what she must've been dealing with behind closed doors her whole life.

  She looked around as if sensing my eyes on her and it made me smile. Yes, I wanted her as attuned to me as I was becoming to her.

  I climbed out of the car after telling my driver to stay seated. In my hands were her lunch and a bunch of flowers. They were a chaotic blend of beauty in shapes and color that reminded me of her. No boring roses for my girl, they weren't exotic enough, her lips alone called for more.


  She jumped off the table where she’d been sitting reading one of her classics and ran to me. She did this as if she had been doing it for a long time, so natural. On her face was the widest, brightest smile and it went right through me. Damn she packed a punch.

  I caught her to me and kissed her brow while running my hand softly through her hair.

  "Hello beautiful, I've come to share lunch with you."

  She blushed; I wasn't sure if it was because of my attention, or because I had figured out that her piece of shit father hadn't sent her to school with lunch or any way to get something to eat.

  I let it go for now, there will be plenty of time for th
at later right now I wanted my complete focus on her. I wanted to see her smile again. Her face does amazing things when she smiles, not to mention what it does to me.

  I'd gotten us Caesar salads with grilled salmon, fresh fruit salad and water to drink.

  I watched to make sure she was eating before I began to tell her of my morning's activities.

  "I saw your father today."

  I kept my eyes on her watching closely for her reaction. Was the fear that entered her eyes the normal fear any teenaged girl would have in this situation, or was it something more?

  Tread carefully Gideon, do not push, not yet, no matter what has come before, you're here now, just see to it that her life is better for having you in it. I had to repeat that shit to myself when the fear on her face grew palpable.

  "What happened?" Her voice was so soft, so...fearful, one day soon I will take that all away.

  "He gave us his blessing."

  I saw the disbelief in her eyes when she finally picked her head up to look at me. Fear mixed with hope, a sad combination in one so young. She made me want to weep. What is this? Was she my penance? How could she make me feel when I never had before? Why her, why now? This whole situation felt beyond my control, which was never a favorite of mine.

  "He...Are you sure?" For fuck sake Gideon you can’t pick her up and sit her on your lap with a schoolyard full of teens walking around. They’re probably wondering who the fuck you are in the first place, no need to make a spectacle of yourself and her. But that hopeful sadness in her voice pierced me to the quick.

  "One hundred percent, in fact I'm picking you up from school this evening and you're going to spend some time with me before I take you home later. Would you like that?"

  "Oh yes please."

  So innocently eager to be with me; please don’t let me fuck this up.

  "Go ahead, finish your lunch Blossom, we'll talk later. Just know that your dad knows about us, and although he was a little worried in the beginning, I guess that had more to do with my age than anything. He came around in end though, you can call him and check if you'd like."

  I held out my phone to her but she refused.

  "I believe you."

  Now she's back to blushing and ducking her head. I lifted her head with a finger under her chin.

  "Why so shy?"

  She just shook her head and blushed even harder. I wanted to kiss that amazing mouth of hers, but not here. Too many prying eyes, last time I'd forgotten myself not today. There will be plenty of time for that later, I'll make sure of it.

  When lunch was over I had her stand in front of me so we could talk. It was almost time for her to return to classes but there was one more thing before I let her go.

  "Look at me little Blossom."

  She looked up at me, so fucking beautiful, damn. Will I ever get used to it? I hope not, I hope I never lose this feeling of awe whenever I look at her.

  "I need to know, need to hear you say it, do you want this, with me?"

  She bit into her lip in that way that was bound to make me crazy before long, before nodding her head.

  "No baby, say it."

  "Yes, I want...this with you..." Done deal, the last hurdle crossed. Now I can forge full steam ahead.

  "Good, now is there anything you need before I leave you? I'll be back to get you later, should I meet you here?"

  "Here's fine, and no, I don't need anything, just..."

  "Just what baby?"

  "Don't hurt me."

  Fuck, those words in that soft, hesitant almost tearful voice was my undoing. How could someone hurt such a thing of beauty?

  "Come here Ashley."

  She came to me without hesitation, head down looking at her feet. I wonder if I should work on that or if that was a big part of her appeal? I didn’t want her to be this way with anyone else though. As my woman she would be queen of the fucking city. I didn’t want her being shy and meek with anyone else. The sharks I swam with would see that as a weakness and go for the jugular. Then I’d have to get blood on my hands and that’s never good. There you go again getting ahead of yourself Gideon. You’ve lost all sense of propriety and what little bit of civility you had seems to have disappeared entirely. Well that’s what happens when a lion has to protect his mate. I imagine that’s exactly how the king of beast feels.

  "Look at me, you have nothing to fear from me, I will never hurt you, not in any way, and from now on no one else ever will."

  She swallowed deeply and I knew what she was thinking. Okay then Gloves off, begin as you mean to go on. I didn’t plan on keeping anything from her, and ain’t that a kick in the head? Me Mr. Tight-lipped Thorpe wanted to be transparent.

  "I you understand?" I spoke the words softly trying to take some of the sting from them. I didn’t want to embarrass her after all, far from it.

  She’d looked into my eyes fearfully when I said I know. She knew what I meant it was evident by the sudden tears that sprang to her eyes. Fucking bastard, I should just make him pay for the hell of it. As it stood I'm tempted to go back on my word for the first time in my life.

  I don't think I will be leaving her in his house after all.

  Chapter 6


  I spent the time between leaving her and the end of the school day pondering my next move. If I'd thought for one second that she was ignorant to her father's true feelings towards her I would be able to leave her there, but the knowledge in her eyes was my deciding factor.

  It felt as if I was walking a minefield, I knew without a doubt that my Blossom would be the kind of girl who wanted the love of her father. She wouldn’t want to just walk away from him and everything she’d known; so how do I come between the two of them without losing her in the process? How do I get her to see the danger without becoming the enemy in her eyes?

  I'd started out wanting her body yes; it was her beauty after all that had first captivated me. But there was something else there. That softness of hers was drawing me in, that sweet air of vulnerability had me wanting to wrap her up and keep her safe for always. This was more than lust this was so much more than anything I’d ever done before. I’d never once wanted to protect, to own to consume. Everything about her just made me want to be everything she could ever want. Fuck I’m in trouble here.

  She wasn't something you possessed for a time she was a treasure you cherished for a lifetime. That much I knew and I was determined to be the one to do it. No one else will ever tap into all that sweetness. I’d kill the motherfucker who tried.

  Her youth gave me pause but only for a moment, it's my intentions that should bear scrutiny. If I meant to go forward with this, it must be more than a momentary fling, it must be...forever.

  Could I do forever? Forever is a long fucking time, I've never wanted forever before. Somehow with my Blossom I think I could do two lifetimes and still not have enough. So yes, the answer is yes, I most certainly can do forever. I could feel the lock click into place as I got ready to say goodbye to my freedom. Somehow I always thought there would be panic and fear associated with that thought but, nothing. I felt nothing but excitement at what was to come.

  That was one burden lifted, now to the other.

  By the time I was waiting outside the school for her I had a course of action in mind.

  I had already called her dad to say that I will be keeping her after school before returning her to him after dinner. To say he was displeased would be putting it mildly but I could care less, he was lucky he was seeing her again at all; the dumb fuck. I’d hung up on him when he started his bullshit, there was nothing he could do or say to stop this. If he knew what was going through my mind he’d shut the fuck up or find a hole to hide in.

  I’d made up my mind how I wanted to do this now all that was left was for me to work on getting her use to the idea of living with me permanently. How would she react to such a thing? The interest was there yes, but having lived such a sheltered life, having only known me for a handful of d
ays how would she react? Fuck Gideon since when do you think like this? She’s the most important thing in your fucking life you’ve gone after lesser things with more fire don’t punk the fuck out. Just do what you always do, take shit.

  I had no doubt I could possibly force the issue in a roundabout way, but I needed her to want it, to want me, to want us. She’s not a business acquisition I can’t approach this situation the way I did everything else. And that was my fucking problem and what about her? This was still so new to her. I’ve had weeks to deal with my obsession she’s had days. But something inside me screamed that I had to move and move fast. There was something way the fuck off about Clifton Sanders and waiting for the report to be completed was gonna drive me nuts.

  The thought of him hurting her in any way destroyed me. How could anyone seek to crush a Blossom? How could her beauty, both inner and outer, not sway him? Was the man fucking blind, or was his hatred of his own daughter so deep he couldn't see reason? I was afraid the latter would prove true, and it was that fear that had knots in the pit of my stomach. By coming on the scene the way I had, I had escalated something, how would he react? How would he handle my existence in her life? And if he couldn't will she pay the price?

  I saw her as I waited in the back of the car. Rolling the window down I beckoned to her as she drew nearer.

  That smile, only for me, always for me, I will make it so.

  The driver got out and let her in as some curious onlookers tried to get a glimpse of me. She was in and in my arms in seconds. I couldn't resist; all day she had plagued me, I had hardly looked at the spreadsheets still covering my desk, my only thoughts were of her, and us, and our life together.

  "Gideon, you came."

  "I said I would." I smiled at her exuberance as I kissed her forehead. As she pulled her head back to look at me I noticed her lips were a bit chapped. "Where's your lip balm sweetheart?" I ran my thumb gently over her lower lip. She hung her head and blushed, why would such an innocent question cause such a reaction unless, shit...


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