The Billionaire

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The Billionaire Page 7

by Jordan Silver

  “I’ll see you later sweetheart have a good day.” She climbed out after assuring me she would and I watched her walk into the building. As soon as she was out of sight and the car was pulling out into traffic my mind went to what laid ahead. All the planning and moving things around to make sure she had a smooth transition. The first order of business would be to clear my schedule for her upcoming vacation. Maybe tonight after dinner I’d have her pick out a place that she’d like to visit. Or maybe we’d take the yacht out onto the Mediterranean for the whole summer, whatever she wanted.

  “ Good morning Sandy hold all my calls until farther notice and I’m out to anyone but family or the school.” I’d already let those who needed to know that she was to be put through to me no matter what if for some reason she couldn’t get me on her phone. I’d bought her a new one and programmed all my numbers into it but I wasn’t taking any chances. Until I’d dealt with her father once and for all everyone was on high fucking alert. “Yes sir.”

  I went into my office and set up the tape recorder schooling myself for whatever fuckery I was about to walk into. Nothing could’ve prepared me for the shit that was about to unfold.

  I sat in stone cold silence as I listened to Cliff Sanders and Keith Starks discuss how they were going to get Ashley back. As they argued the merits of going up against me, compared to the money they stood to lose from the sale of a human being, I felt my gorge rise. To hear him speak of her as though she were nothing made the blood in my veins boil. I wanted his blood in my throat in that moment, had he been standing before me he would be dead.

  After I'd thrown up what little contents I had in my stomach I started planning.

  I made copies of the tapes, I couldn't stomach any more for now that was enough for me for today. Especially after hearing him go after her when he found the things I had bought her. The things he'd said to her, the names he'd called her, no man should ever speak to his child like that and especially not one who didn't deserve it.

  I couldn't think about that right now though, I had things to do. I had to combat whatever play they were going to make.

  I called up my pilot and had him fuel up the jet, then made some last minute phone calls canceling some very important and highly lucrative meetings for the next few days. Too bad, they could wait or they could go elsewhere, this was more important, she was more important.

  I checked my watch as I placed the recordings in my safe, another hour before she had lunch.

  I went to the house to pick up a few things and debated calling my mom but decided to put that off for now. She'd understand I had no doubt.

  When I pulled up to the school she we just coming out the door. Since I'd warned her not to go to her tree alone she was headed to a bench closer to the school.

  I got out and walked to the edge of the little grassy area where she sat surrounded by her peers, though she sat off to the side by herself.

  I watched her for a while as she took her lunch out and put her headphones in her ears.

  With my hands stuffed in my pockets I made my way towards her.

  She saw me coming or sensed me and looked up with a smile as she rose from her seat.

  "Hello Blossom."

  "Hi, what're you doing here?" She made as if to hug me but then remembered where we were as we felt the curious eyes on us.

  "I need you to get your things, did you have tests today?"

  "Yeah but we're done, why what's wrong?" She started wringing her hands fear already palpable in her eyes.

  "Is it my dad, is he coming to get me?" She looked around like a hunted animal and I wanted to howl. I bit down on my anger and focused on her and what I had to do.

  "No sweetheart, no one's going to take you away from me, I just need you to come with me okay."

  "You promise?" She bit her lip. How could I not touch her? I didn't want to scandalize the student body so I settled for caressing her cheek.

  "I promise, now go get your stuff and do what you need to do in order to leave, do you need me to go to the office?"

  "No that's okay, I can do it I'll be back before you know it."

  She skipped away, once more reminding me just how young she was. I hope I was doing the right thing if not I would be screwing up both our lives.

  She was back in less than fifteen minutes, taking my elbow as we headed back to the car. At least she didn’t look so scared anymore.

  "So where're we going?"

  "I'll explain everything as soon as we're in the air."

  "In the air, we're flying somewhere?"

  She got so excited she grabbed my arm. I knew she'd never flown anywhere before, today was going to be a lot of firsts for my little Blossom.

  I kept the conversation light as we travelled to the airfield, which was easy because Blossom jabbered the whole way with excitement. The strength of my feelings for her were very evident to me in that moment as she took me out of my brewing inner rage with her innocent joy in something that I so often took for granted.

  It's just one of the ways that she gets to me. That first day seeing her across the way, all I saw was her beauty of form. I had no idea she would turn out to be this magnificent creature that would wrap herself around my heart and pull me into her sweetness.

  We boarded the plane and she still had not stopped. She asked a million questions, but not about where we were going. That’s another thing, if I told her I would explain something later she pretty much took my word for it and waited without badgering me to death. That was a condition most adults couldn't even master. I was sure it had something to do with her upbringing but I saw it as strength.

  So her questions had nothing to do with what you’d expect of a female, especially one so young on her first flying adventure, instead my Blossom wanted to know everything about the plane. How it worked, could she see the controls? She was like a kid in a candy store. Her excitement almost made me forget why we were here in the first place.

  "Would you like to take flying lessons little one?"

  Her eyes and mouth opened wide as she nodded her head not quite able to speak it appeared. So adorably cute I couldn’t resist kissing her lips closed, just a soft brush from mine to hers. “So you shall have them I’ll teach you myself.” I couldn’t wait to show her the world out there, open up all the wonders that she’d been missing.

  She jabbered away at me a mile a minute until I had to recall everything I’d ever learned about flying, I think I still had some old manuals at home I’ll have to remember to dig them out for her. Was I ever this excited about anything as a teen? I’m sure there were tines I was, but usually I took most things in stride. I guess that comes from living a life of privilege, you just expected everything to be as you wanted it. With her I suppose I’ll be seeing the world in a whole new light.

  “You didn’t get to finish lunch baby how about something to eat?” She was practically vibrating with excitement and it was all I could do not to laugh. She put her hand over her tummy shaking her head. “I’m not hungry Gideon.” Too much excitement I guess, all the same she had to have something she hadn’t eaten since breakfast, which had been fruit and cereal. “Just have a little snack for me okay?” She consented to an apple and I guess I had to be satisfied with that.

  She put her head on my shoulder and took my hand in hers. I smelt her hair and her soft scent tickled my nose. I think she fell asleep within minutes of laying her head there. So innocent, so trusting, and just like that the anger was back.

  I put my arms around her as we flew off into the sky, vowing to myself that I would rid her of every threat to her happiness, no one would ever again be allowed to harm her not in anyway. I had already set things in motion to protect her, what I was about to do will be the first major step in putting myself between her and danger. But there was still much to be done and time was of the essence. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do to safeguard her.

  What was the use of me having all this power if I wasn't going to use it? Especially to pr
otect my own, which she now was, now and forever if I had my way. I sat there holding her while she slept my mind forming and discarding ideas, there was no longer any doubt in my mind that the asshole had to be destroyed. I’d thought to spare him because of what it might do to her but he was more of a danger to her than anything else. I couldn’t let that stand. She made waking sounds and stretched in my arms.

  "Ashley, do you remember when I asked you to marry me?"

  She nodded her head against my chest and squeezed me without moving.

  "Well, it looks like we're going to be doing it a lot sooner than I thought."

  "Really?" She squealed and picked her head up, asking a thousand questions at once until some of the light faded from her face.

  "Your mom didn't want to do it?" Shit, I should've known she would think something like that. I didn't want to tell her the truth about why we were racing across the sky to get hitched in a quickie ceremony. But I wouldn't have her thinking that her new mother in law hated her either.

  "Baby, it's not that, it's just…I gave it some thought and in order for us to get your father's name removed as your guardian and take away all his power over you, this is the best thing to do. I just don't want to wait any longer. If you want to have a ceremony and celebration later then that's what we'll do, but I want us to be married as soon as possible." There that sounded feasible, though why the fuck I was protecting that asshole I don’t know. You’re not protecting him you’re protecting her heart the truth would destroy her.

  "I don't need a ceremony Gideon remember, that was for your mom and your friends. I don't have anyone to invite so..." She shrugged her shoulders, having no idea that she'd just gutted me with her innocent acceptance of her fate up to this point. She'd also just sealed Cliff Sanders and Keith Stark's fate they were both fucked.

  I sent her to the restroom to change into the dress I'd bought her for the occasion. It was just a simple ivory colored silk sheath with matching flats, my baby does not like heels. Her only Jewelry was her new ear studs, and later the rock I had picked out for her finger. I hope she liked it I’d not had the time I would’ve liked to choose and since it was going to be gracing her finger for the next sixty or seventy years I needed it to be spectacular. The jeweler had assured me that it was the best of its kind.

  When she came out of the room, hair brushed and flowing down her back, holding the little nosegay of flowers I'd had the presence of mind to grab, she looked simply stunning.

  "Gorgeous." She blushed, smiled at me, and hid behind her hair.

  "Come sit with me, we're almost there."

  We landed and headed for the waiting limo, which took us to the prearranged destination. For something that had been thrown together last minute things were going rather smoothly. That’s what having money and power can do, it removes obstacles, and makes shit happen.

  The ceremony was short and to the point, but it got the job done. We walked out of there as husband and wife. Ashley never stopped smiling the whole time and her grip on my arm was very comforting. She was happy, that seems to be my only goal these days, making her happy and that smile alone was worth everything I’d had to do to get us here.

  "We'll go have dinner and spend the night here, tomorrow we'll be back home, but when school lets out for the summer we'll go on our honeymoon okay?"

  She just nodded as she gazed at her ring for the one-hundredth time. I'm glad I'd gone for the three carat round surrounded by smaller circular stones and the matching wedding band. My own ring was a plain platinum band that said all I needed it to say. I was taken.

  She was back to jabbering away about everything which made me feel like a youngster again, she found such delight in everything it was impossible not to be sucked in to her pleasure.

  Dinner was a simple affair. She was too excited to eat so we had tropical salads with grilled pineapple and strawberries tossed in romaine with pineapple vinaigrette, topped with blackened Mahi Mahi. She was tired after that so it was back to the hotel for the night and then off again in the morning. My wife needed to go back to school. Fuck me.

  Back in the presidential suite of the hotel Ashley said she had to run down to the lobby for something. I had no idea what that could be but let her make her mad dash. There was no danger here, and even if there was, the men I had on her were more than capable of dealing with it, so I went and took my shower while she ran downstairs.

  She was back when I returned and rushed into the bathroom as soon as I was coming out.

  "I won't be long."

  "What's in the bags?"

  "It's a surprise."

  I just kissed her forehead and left it at that.

  I sat up in bed going over some proposals from today's missed meetings. I knew there wasn’t going to be a traditional wedding night and I was fine with that. She was mine now and that’s all I cared about. No one would ever take her from me and anyone who tried will learn fast what it meant to face the wrath of Gideon Thorpe. With my mind settled where her safety was concerned it was safe to turn my mind to other matters, anything but the missed wedding night.

  When she first came out of the bathroom I didn't lift my head right away. I was so caught up in what I was doing that I hadn't heard her enter. Then her scent drifted to me and I raised my head and almost choked on my own saliva.

  Merciful heavens, she was...she looked...

  "Blossom!" I couldn't form the words, she was stunning, beautiful, astounding, I can't...she was also trying to kill me. I had to remind my dick that she was still too young and that no matter what we will not touch her, not yet, not until she was older.

  "Do you like it?" I could only nod like a simpleton form a sentence Gideon if you don’t handle this right you’ll do more damage than good.

  "But what are you doing baby?" She wrung her hands suddenly back to being shy.

  "It's our wedding day silly, we're supposed know." She was red as a cherry and her eyes pleaded with me not to turn her away. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

  "Come here." I held my arms out for her as she drew closer to the bed. Pulling her down next to me might not have been the smartest move on my part. Her softness, her beautiful scent they combined for a heady mix of seduction.

  "My sweet girl, we don't have to do that today, you're still so young..." I kissed her hair and ran my hand up and down her back hoping that would be enough to reassure her.

  "Don't you want to?" Shit, now she looked hurt, how do I get us out of this mess?

  "Of course I do baby, but remember we talked about this, you're still so young, it's only a few more months, not long..."

  "But it's our wedding night." Now you choose to be stubborn Blossom? Help me out here please I’m only thinking of you.

  "I know precious one, and I'll make it up to you I promise, but please take it easy on me and cover up for now."


  I forgot how innocent she really is, should I show her? Why not, what could be the harm in that? Famous fucking last words!

  I took her little hand and led it to my extremely hard cock so she could feel what she did to me.

  "Oh...ohhh." Her eyes were back to being wide as saucers again and she got a look of wonder on her face.

  "You see, so could you please put something else on?"

  "Does it hurt?" She squeezed my cock and a bolt of electricity ran through my body.

  "Ashley stop...don't." She was fascinated by it and wouldn't stop squeezing. Fuck I’m gonna embarrass myself any minute if she didn't quit it.

  I removed her hand from my throbbing dick and tried to cover up with a pillow. Right before my eyes my little Blossom turned into an imp. She wrestled me for the pillow, tickling me to get her way.

  We laughed and rolled around on the bed as she tried everything to get ahold of me while I blocked her every move.

  "Fine, I'll leave you alone, go back to your reading." She smacked me in the head playfully with the pillow

  before flouncing down on the bed beside me. The short
skirt of the teddy she wore rode up to expose the bottoms of her ass, which was left exposed by the baby blue thong she wore.

  Was it an innate thing with women? Did they just know at any age how to bring a man to his knees?

  "Baby, you forgot something." My eyes were glued to her body even as I pleaded silently for her to cover it up.

  "What?" She turned her head my way rising up on one elbow, which pulled the material tighter across her breasts. Sweet...I swallowed really hard as I gestured to her state of near undress.

  "I thought you were going to cover up?"

  "I'm already covered up." She looked down at her scantily clad body and then back up at me. The look of hunger in her eyes was almost my undoing, but I promised myself to hold strong. This was for her after all, just a few more months and she would be old enough. Yes the law of our state says she's already there, but for me, I'm not sure.


  "It's my wedding night, the only one I'll ever have, shouldn't I get at least one kiss, please, pretty please with sugar on top?" Coy, shy, sweet, and so fucking innocent.

  Help me.

  "Okay, just one kiss but that's it." She jumped on me before I could finish getting the words out. Her lips were soft and strawberry flavored this time.

  "Hmmmm." I groaned into her mouth as she tentatively gave me her tongue. Her body wrapped around mine like a vine as she sought to feel my hardness against her pussy folds.

  "Blossom...don't." Even I could hear the weakness in my voice.

  She looked at me with a secret smile before recapturing my lips with her own. Her little hands played my body as she rubbed herself gently against me.

  I held her close as I realized my young wife was trying to seduce me. I hope like hell I survived this night with her hymen intact.

  Chapter 11

  I learned something new about my wife that night, two things actually she's stubborn as hell and she doesn't like to be told no. On the one hand I'm ecstatic that she feels so confident with me already that she can flex her wings, on the other hand she's giving me fits. If I touched her now I'm afraid I might not be gentle enough, not the way she needed me to be her first time, her teasing had driven me to the point of no return.


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