Captivated: 3 (Mating Ritual)

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Captivated: 3 (Mating Ritual) Page 7

by Candro, Ria

  His jaw tight, Bannor glanced straight ahead through the clear, impenetrable shield protecting the opened front panel of the ship. “I must tell her. If she learns it from someone else, she will hate us for sure.”

  Yes, Devan had feared Bannor would say something like this. He clenched his teeth to resist the urge to protest. Bannor was their leader and his orders were law. Besides, as much as Devan wished it weren’t so, Bannor was right. Their mate needed to learn from them that it was their carelessness that had led to her being found out.

  “We should have faced the Malucons on the spot,” Tempos growled from his seat on his chair. “Had we killed them, no one would be left to know of Cindra’s existence. Now they’ll spread the word to other Malucons.”

  “We didn’t know how many of them there were,” Bannor pointed out, his voice defeated. “Had we engaged them and there had been more Malucons on their ship, we would have been slaughtered. And now it’s too late to go back. No doubt they’ve already communicated with others of their kind.”

  Devan let out a sigh. Bannor was right, of course. Their best option at this point was to get their mate back to Spygia, where she would be safe.

  After a long, tense silence, Tempos let out a dry chuckle. “At least we accomplished our mission. The method may leave much to be desired, but she’s ours…as she should be.”

  “She’s here with us now,” Bannor responded, his voice weary, “but that doesn’t mean she’s ours. She has not agreed to mate with us.”

  Stefon straightened in his chair, his expression growing concerned. “Is there a question as to whether she’ll stay?”

  Devan’s jaw locked as he exchanged a look with Bannor. Stefon and Tempos didn’t want to acknowledge the very real possibility that they’d bungled their entire courtship with Cindra, and he couldn’t blame them for that. But neither could he nor Bannor lie.

  “Until she specifically agrees to become our mate,” Devan finally said, “anything is possible.”

  And the knowledge of that made his gut clench with fear.

  * * * * *

  The next several days passed by in a haze for Cindra. After they’d escaped, Bannor had given her a tour of the spacious ship while Devan, Stefon and Tempos took care of navigating away from Keulot. Even through her shock, she’d been awed to see the sheer size and luxuriousness of the ship, complete with dining hall, greenhouse, library and a training room. And the quarters they’d built for their mate. For her…

  Gods, it was exquisite. She hadn’t seen its rival since fleeing her world, and she had to say, it was a room fit for a princess. A huge, soft bed—the biggest she’d ever seen—boasted dusky rose satin sheets and a comforter of the softest down. She trailed her fingers along the fluffy fabric. No doubt she and all four of her Spygians could easily fit on this bed.

  The adjoining bathroom had a sunken tub that could easily accommodate four or five. And the large closet was stuffed full of traditional Spygian wear for women, which consisted of low-cut silken tunics in all colors and lengths. No surprise to her, however, that most of them were really, really short.

  It had been beyond her expectation, and the fact that these men had gone to so much trouble to build such quarters and obtain such finery for their mate before even meeting her spoke volumes. Their mate was clearly a pivotal part of their lives, and it saddened her that she couldn’t be the woman they deserved…that she couldn’t stay.

  Distressed by that truth, she’d fled into her quarters where, with the exception of the meals she shared in the dining hall with the men, she’d for the most part stayed. Thankfully the men had given her space, acknowledging that she needed to be alone with her thoughts.

  Late during the afternoon of the third day, there was a soft knock outside her chamber. Rising from the bed, where she’d sat staring out the window into space, she turned toward the door.

  “Come in.”

  The door panels slid open to reveal Bannor. He strolled in, and her chest tightened when she saw him in his customary dress. That happened every time, making her fear she’d never grow accustomed to it. But then, how could she? The man wore nothing more than a tiny white loincloth. His honey-toned chest glimmered under the lighting of the ship, its silken beauty highlighted by locks of the dark, waist-length hair that flowed over his shoulders. Having supper with four men dressed in this manner was a study in restraint. All she wanted to do was launch herself at them and tear those poor excuses for clothing from their body. She might have indulged if she didn’t know that doing so would bind her permanently to them.

  But no…she couldn’t stay here. Not when she was a ticking time bomb. If she stayed, they’d be caught in the crossfire when the Malucons eventually caught up with her. And now she had no doubt they would.

  Bannor stopped just a few feet from her, an empathetic expression on his face. “How are you, Cindra?”

  She tried to force a smile to her face, but it wouldn’t come. Finally giving in to the urge to sigh, she collapsed onto the bed. “I’m adjusting.”

  “Anything you want to talk about?” Bannor took a seat on the bed beside her, so close that his arm brushed her shoulder.

  She stifled a shiver and crossed her arms over the silky fabric of the emerald-green tunic she’d donned. It came only to mid-thigh, but she’d found that all the longer tunics were too large, and far too low-cut for her liking.

  “I just can’t believe I’ll never return to Keulot,” she finally said.

  Bannor sighed, his shoulders slumping. “Cindra, there’s something I must confess. Much as I would like to wait until you are feeling more yourself, I don’t want to hold onto this any longer and have you think I’ve kept it from you.”

  Her throat constricted. She turned her head to gaze on his profile. “What is it?”

  Casting his gaze downward, he said, “I believe we are responsible for the Malucons traveling onto Keulot. Relations between Malucons and Spygians are strained, to put it mildly. Their ship was near ours, which leads us to believe they spotted it and decided to investigate the reason we’d landed on Keulot.”

  Her breath caught at his words. So they, rather than her, were responsible for her being found out?

  She waited for the fury and condemnation to come, but they didn’t. And the reason for that was obvious.

  “It’s okay,” she finally said.

  Eyes wide, he looked at her. “What?”

  Shrugging, she gave him a weak smile. “Ultimately you did me a favor. I didn’t have the sort of life there that I’d thought. In the end, I would have probably been quite miserable.”

  His eyes glittered like silver beams in the harsh lighting. “Why do you say that?”

  “Adamon,” she whispered. “He wasn’t…”

  “Wasn’t what?” Bannor prodded softly.

  “I saw him in the barn when I was fleeing,” she confessed in a rush. “He was having a…a lover’s quarrel. With a male farmhand.”

  Wow, now that she’d gotten that out, she sort of felt relieved. It had been a lot to keep bottled up within her.

  Bannor’s brow lifted. “A lover’s quarrel with another man?”

  “Yes.” When Bannor said nothing, she added, “I don’t know how things are in your world. In Chivea same-sex relationships were fairly common and readily accepted. But in Keulot it’s an unforgiveable offense. His parents would disown him.”

  Bannor stiffened. “So he sought to marry you as cover for his sexual proclivities.”

  She nodded. “Apparently.”

  When Bannor’s hand closed over her back, gently rubbing in a gesture of empathy, she said, “I don’t blame him. Not really. He was given quite a difficult lot in life.”

  “I can’t imagine being forced to hide the identity of the person you love,” Bannor murmured.


  “Still, it wasn’t fair to you. I’m sorry.”

  She met Bannor’s gaze, feeling as if his magnificent eyes were drawing her very soul into him.
“I didn’t love him. I thought I did, but when I discovered his secret, all I felt was…pity.”

  “You’re entitled to feel rage, you know. He used you. Perhaps there were some true feelings on his part as well, but ultimately he used you.”

  She nodded. “I know, but that’s the thing. I didn’t feel anything, other than very sorry for him. Maybe, deep down, I knew all along. Not that he favors men, but that something was off. I…I suppose I just wanted the security a life with him would bring. I wanted to feel safe again.”

  “Oh, Cindra.” Bannor leaned closer, his head grazing hers. “We can make you feel safe. I vow it.”

  His proximity made her lightheaded, and she could do nothing more than stare at his full, luscious lips. But when he leaned further in, she forced herself to pull back.

  “You don’t understand, Bannor. You’re not safe with me. None of you are. I’ll be hunted for the rest of my days.”

  He smirked. “You think that matters to us?”

  When she said nothing, he murmured, “Cindra, why don’t you let go of the worry for once? Let go of the past.”

  “I can’t—”

  “I’m not asking you to bury your head in the sand. I’m just saying allow yourself to live a little. For once.”

  Live a little.

  His words resonated within her soul, because they were so very true. She didn’t know how long she had left of this life. The Malucons might hunt her down tomorrow. Why not live just a bit for today? After all, what was the worst that could happen?

  She allowed her gaze to lock with his, letting all her emotions and desires go into that one loaded glance. His pupils widened and his nostrils flared, and a moment later he crushed his lips to hers.

  All her fears, all her worries, disappeared, leaving nothing but sinful, amazing heat. She melted into Bannor, giving him everything she had.

  * * * * *

  Bannor felt Cindra curl around him like a ribbon of heat and passion. After all that had happened these past few days, after all that she’d been through, she was finally letting go just a bit, and the thought of that excited him to no end. He pushed himself into her, closing his arms over her hips, while his cock hardened to painful intensity, tenting the fabric of his loincloth. Ecstatic as he’d been to get to wear his customary dress once again, it certainly didn’t do much to conceal the depth of his passion for her. Then again, that could be a very good thing. Now that she wore a Spygian tunic, there were but two very thin layers between them and ecstasy.

  “You taste like heaven,” he murmured against her lips. She was like clover and wine, a heady concoction, and he longed for nothing more than to devour her.

  “Bannor,” she whispered against his lips.

  Bending her backward until she lay fully reclined on the mattress, he pulled away to gaze into her luscious, heat-filled eyes.

  “Do you know how crazy it’s driven me knowing that you let Stefon and Tempos taste you?” he confessed.

  Her cheeks grew pink but her gaze didn’t waver. “Really?”

  “Yes.” He slid his fingers down her neck, grazing one full, round breast before tugging the silky fabric down to her navel. “I’ve stayed up at night imagining the taste of your juices in my mouth, the slide of your silken folds along my tongue.”

  The color in her cheeks increased. “The thought of that truly tempts you?”

  “Do you doubt it for one moment?” The look he gave her was so disbelieving she’d have no choice but to believe the veracity of his words. His fingers trailed lower, rubbing lightly along her mound through the fabric of her tunic. “Will you let me taste you now?”

  Her lips parted on a breathless sigh, and she gave him a slow nod. His gut tightening, he wasted no time in moving back on the bed, then dropping to his knees. He parted her legs and she let out a gasp, but didn’t fight him.

  By severn, she was stunning. The petal-pink folds of her femininity glistened with dew, making his mouth water from the temptation. And her scent was of the purest honeys.

  Drawing her legs over his shoulders, he placed his mouth at the juncture of her thighs, sliding his tongue out to taste her essence. She cried out, and his cock jerked. Heavens, but she was beyond delicious, better than he’d ever imagined. With a growl deep in his throat, he set about feasting on her delicate flesh, laving and sucking at her juices before thrusting his tongue within her tight walls.

  “Gods, yes,” she cried out, her legs quivering, and he spread her with his fingers so he could fuck her deeper and harder with his tongue. The knowledge that she’d taken no man there before, that she was virtually untouched, was almost his undoing. He increased the intensity of his thrusts, plunging his tongue over and over into her moist, delicious cavity.

  Finally she let out a deep moan and pulled up on his hair so his gaze met hers. The crazed look in her eyes almost drew his cum from his body. He flexed his thighs for control and held on for dear life.

  “Please,” she gasped, her expression wild. “I want your rod in my mouth.”

  Hell, he hadn’t even dreamed that she’d ask that of him.

  Rising to his feet, he crawled onto the bed, positioning his crotch at her head while bringing his face back to her mound. As much as he wanted his cock between her lips, he wasn’t willing to sacrifice a moment of tasting her.

  She gasped and lifted his loincloth, grabbing his ass to force him down into her mouth. Obeying her silent command, he continued the deep, erotic movement of his tongue between her folds, focusing on the sensitive nub at her entrance.

  When she moaned and urged his rod between her moist lips, he plunged in deep, knowing he should be more gentle but unable to do it. She didn’t seem to mind, however. She merely dug her fingers into his ass to force him down harder, opening her throat to take more and more of him in. By severn, the woman gave head like a pro, even though he knew she’d never done it before that time with Stefon and Tempos.

  He repaid her efforts by thrusting two fingers into her wet body, using his tongue to prod and lave her flesh. When she let out a little scream and arched her body, he surrendered to the urge to follow her into oblivion. Unable to tear himself away from her greedy hands and mouth, he let out a hoarse cry as his seed tore from his rod, pulsing down her throat. She pulled him deeper and greedily swallowed his essence, continuing to grind her hips into him until the last of her tremors had died away.

  By the stars above, that had been amazing. It easily equaled every sexual experience he’d ever had in the past, and it was easy to understand why.

  She was his mate.

  Before he’d even had a chance to recuperate, the ship’s intercom buzzed and Devan’s voice sounded out.

  “Bannor. Bannor, please contact the control room.”

  Cursing, he slid out of Cindra’s mouth. He rose from the bed but leaned over to smooth stray strands of her long, blonde hair from her face. Her gaze was unfocused but a satisfied smile transformed her face. After pressing a kiss to her lips, he asked, “Are you okay, beloved?”

  “Yes,” she murmured dreamily. “That was amazing.”

  With a self-satisfied grunt, he straightened, tugging the loincloth down. “Ship, connect me to the control room.” When the static receded, he said, “What is it?”

  “Sorry to disturb you, Bannor, but we’ve been contacted by a close-by Spygian ship.”

  Their treks through space occasionally resulted in run-ins with other traveling Spygians, and it was customary to greet each other, but that wasn’t something that necessarily needed his presence.

  “And so?” he growled impatiently.

  “Well,” Devan continued. “They have some interesting information for us.”

  “What is it?”

  “You’re not going to believe it,” Devan said, a hint of a wondrous laugh in his voice. “You should get up here immediately. And bring our mate.”

  Something that required Cindra’s presence?

  Interesting indeed.

  Turning to their
gorgeous mate, who still lay on the bed with a happy smile on her face, Bannor cocked a brow. “Well, beloved, it appears we are being summoned.”

  Chapter Eight

  Cindra’s curiosity built to a crescendo as she followed Bannor to the control room, her hand ensconced safely in his. Her legs were still shaky from his incredible lovemaking, and she could taste his essence on her tongue. Part of her wanted to do nothing more than lie on her bed, basking in the afterglow of their encounter, but Devan had been insistent that she accompany Bannor to the control room.

  What could be so important that they’d want her there? She didn’t know any other Spygians, so she couldn’t see how the other ship was of any import to her.

  Maybe it was customary for Spygians to present their mates to one another.

  But then, why did Bannor seem so bemused about the whole thing?

  They entered the control room just in time to hear Devan say, “Permission to board granted.”

  Bannor stopped short inside the entrance, one of his thick brows arching. “They’re coming aboard?”

  From his position at his controls, Devan turned to face them, grinning like a loon. “With good reason.”

  Before Bannor could say anything further, the air shimmered in the transporter portal set up in one corner of the room. Three figures appeared. Cindra’s gaze automatically passed from the smaller person in the center to those on the ends. They were two large Spygians who looked mouthwateringly similar to Bannor, Devan, Stefon and Tempos, complete with long hair, bare chests and loincloths. But then the familiarity of the center figure registered. Her eyes going wide with shock, Cindra dragged her gaze back to the woman.

  Hauntingly recognizable eyes stared back at her, shimmering with unshed tears. The woman’s long, honey-blonde hair tumbled in loose waves down her back and her tawny skin gleamed under the harsh lighting, its soft shimmer visible even under her cream-colored tank top and tan breeches.

  No…no…it can’t be.

  “In-Inara?” Cindra choked out.

  “Cindra,” the woman replied, her voice hoarse and shaky.


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