The Ex Killer Series

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The Ex Killer Series Page 53

by Bridget Bundy

  “Well, I’ll leave you guys alone. I have to find my friend.”

  “Actually, we wanted to speak with you.” Agent Logan remarked. I didn’t like the way he was staring at me. There was an icy persona underneath those eyes, and probably a man who had no patience.

  I asked, “About what?”

  “Your sister, of course,” Agent Benning answered. “You do want to help us find your sister’s murderer and kidnapper, right?”

  I had an idea of who might have done it, but I wasn’t about to spill my guts and point fingers.

  “Why don’t you have a seat?” Agent Logan said as he rounded the room to a nearby chair. I had a feeling I had no choice in the matter, and I did as I was told.

  “Do you mind if we speak to Angela alone? It won’t be long.” Agent Logan requested. I don’t know if Tony noticed the icy undertones, but it rung loud and clear in my ears.

  “Angela, will you be okay?” Tony asked.

  Hell no! My heart was freaking racing.

  I answered in a polite voice, “I’ll be fine.”

  Tony walked out. Where the hell was Terrell? He wasn’t at my side like he was supposed to be! That was the longest phone call I’ve ever heard someone making in my whole life. I took in a deep breath. I decided on two things if nothing else before this interview started. I wasn’t going to reveal too much, and I wasn’t going to get upset no matter what they said. As far as I knew, they probably had someone in mind anyway, and they were just following up with everyone that knew Olivia. I shifted on the sofa to get more comfortable and waited for their barrage of questions. This was going to be interesting.


  Agent Benning opened a notepad. I thought he was going to say something first, but Agent Logan lead the way instead.

  “Angela, what happened to your face?” He asked as he unbuttoned his jacket and crossed his legs.

  “I got beat up.” I answered dryly.

  “By who,” Agent Logan asked. He was overshadowing to me, even when he was sitting down. I wasn’t really comfortable being in the same room with him. It’s like he sucked up all the oxygen.

  “Are you going to arrest that person?” I was being a smart ass. I already knew the answer.

  “That’s something the local authorities have to do. I just want to know who hit you.”

  I was so tired of answering that question. I remarked, “Afro.”

  “What’s his real name?”

  “I don’t know. It has nothing to do with my sister. So, it’s time to move on.” I was getting impatient real quick. I wanted to find Terrell and leave.

  “I’m just being thorough, Angela.” Agent Logan said with a clear attitude.

  “Okay. Is there anything else you want to ask, Agent Logan? May I go now?”

  “No, I wanted to speak with you about Tony and Olivia’s history. When did she decide to come up here and live with her dad?”

  Even though Agent Logan was asking all the questions, he was also studying me. He was making mental notes of how I was acting, the way I looked. He made me feel really weird.

  I answered, “I don’t know. I was never really around when she spoke to Tony.”

  “Were there other reasons why she left Colum?”

  “She wanted to go to college.”

  “Was it her idea to come up here? Did Tony pressure her?”

  “I don’t know whose idea it was, and I don’t think Tony pressured her.”

  “Did you follow her up here?”


  “Did you come up here at any time before today?”


  “How often did you two keep in touch?”

  I was surprisingly calm when I answered, “I spoke with her once on the phone, and that was it.”

  “What was that conversation about?” Agent Logan asked as he tilted his head a little.

  “She wanted to give me her phone number, and she wanted to speak to Andrea, our other sister.”

  “Did she speak to Andrea?”

  “No, she wasn’t home.”

  Agent Logan thought for a moment before continuing, “Did she ever mention someone was after her or that she was in trouble?”

  “When she lived with me, everything was fine. Nobody was after her. She was a kid going to school. That’s about it.”

  “Was Olivia on drugs, hanging with the wrong people?”

  “No, Agent Logan, she was not on drugs, and she was not hanging with the wrong crowd. She was a straight A student, and she never bothered anybody.”

  He continued, “Did you see her at any point after she left Alabama?”

  “I did.”


  “The day before Andrea’s funeral.”

  “How did she die?”

  “She was hit by a car.” Thinking about the fact I had two dead sisters was very disconcerting. I was done. I was ready to leave. “Is that it? I have to get going.”

  They glanced at one another quickly. Agent Logan cleared his throat and asked, “Who hit her? Was it intentional?”

  “It was ruled an accident as far as I know.”

  “Where were you on Friday, June 12th?”

  “I was in North Carolina.” I didn’t want to answer that question, but I had a feeling they were trying to pinpoint where I was.

  Agent Benning finally asked, “Where in North Carolina?”

  “I was in Threshold.”

  “Why were you there?” Agent Logan asked.

  “It was a stopover. I was travelling.”

  “How long did you stay? Long enough to check into a hotel?”

  “I stay at Threshold Inn,” I answered quickly.

  Agent Logan remarked, “I have one more question. What was Dr. Turrino and Olivia’s relationship like?”

  “I wasn’t around them. I have no idea, but I do know she loved her dad.”

  Agent Logan stood satisfied with my answers. He reached in his jacket and pulled out two business cards. “This is our contact information. If you hear anything or remember something that might be pertinent to your sister’s case, contact us immediately.”

  They both departed the room. That wasn’t as bad as I thought, but I regretted telling them where I was in North Carolina. Hopefully, they won’t look too deep into the events of Wisp.


  Terrell wasn’t in the den. I ended up leaving the house finding him beside his car. He was still on the phone!

  I rushed over to him and asked, “Why are you out here?”

  “Poppy wants to talk to you.”

  I took in a deep breath and answered, “Hello.”

  “Angela,” Poppy’s voice sounded through the distance with concern. “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing is going on.”

  “Terrell said you were talking to the FBI.”

  I cut him a look. I didn’t think he knew I was talking to them. I answered, “Yes, I was.”

  “What did they say to you?”

  “They asked me about Olivia and my whereabouts during the time she was killed.”

  “Did they accuse you of anything?”

  “No,” I answered.

  “Alright, listen to me carefully. You are no longer allowed to speak to the police about anything else.”

  “I was only trying to help them with my sister’s investigation.”

  “I understand, Angela, but they can use anything you say against you. You have no idea if they are considering you a suspect or not. You have to protect yourself. If the police make another request to speak to you, decline the offer. You speak to them only with a lawyer present.”

  Poppy was right. I shouldn’t have said a word, but I didn’t want to appear guilty.

  “What should I do if they want to ask me more questions, and there isn’t a choice in the matter?”

  “You tell them you want a lawyer. Then, you call me, and I’ll handle it from there.”

  “Okay,” I said.

  “After the
funeral, you come back home. I know you love your sister, but you can’t stay down there. He’s not your father, you understand?”

  “Yes, of course,” I was amazed by her possessiveness, but I was kind of flattered, too. I never had anyone truly claim me like that. Well, my mom used to, and honestly, it felt great.

  “How is everything else so far?”

  “It’s fine. Olivia’s father is really nice.”

  “Don’t forget to call me if you have any problems. Also, I recommend you staying in a hotel. I know he’s trying to be pleasant because you’re Olivia’s sister, but if you look at the big picture, you don’t belong in his home. Okay?”

  I nodded like she could see me and answered, “Okay, Poppy.”

  “Alright, Angela, give Terrell back the phone, and I’ll talk to you soon.”

  I was learning real quick that Poppy was smart. Terrell ended the phone call with her, and he shoved it back in his pocket.

  I asked him, “You sneaked out the house when you heard the FBI talking to me, didn’t you?”

  “Yeah, I don’t mix well with those guys.”

  “Are you wanted by the police or something?”

  “No,” he answered.

  “I’ll go tell Tony we’re staying in a hotel. I’ll be back.”

  When I went back inside, Abigail told me that Tony was in his study talking to the FBI, which was fine with me. At least, I didn’t have to think of a lie.

  After I left, Terrell and I went downtown to a hotel near the water. It was nice actually, small, and quaint. We got separate rooms, which was no problem for me. I made myself at home. I unpacked, turned on the music channel on the television, and I started the shower. I got undressed and stood under the hot water for a long time. Afterwards, I slipped into my new nightclothes and rested on the bed. I wasn’t too sleepy, but I felt really lazy.

  Just when I was about to turn the channel, I heard the familiar hum of Terrell’s car. I pushed the curtains back and saw him leaving. I wasn’t freaked out, but I wondered where he was going. I guess I will never know. I really didn’t want to know.


  A knock at the door roused me from my sleep. I was dead tired, and I was slow getting up. Terrell had a white plastic bag with food in it, and I welcomed him in. I dragged back to the bed and sat down.

  “Are you hungry?” He asked.

  “I’m not sure. I just woke up. What did you bring?”

  Terrell placed the bags on the table and answered, “Cheeseburgers and fries.”

  He pulled out cartons, utensils, and napkins out of the bag. We sat down at the table, and we ate quietly. I don’t know why I was so tired, but I felt like there was cement bricks on my entire body.

  “Is something wrong?” Terrell asked.

  “No, not really,” I answered.

  “Are you mad at me?”

  “No, why do you ask?”

  “I told Poppy you talked to the FBI, and I also told her you agreed to stay with your sister’s father.”

  “I should be mad at you, huh? You’re a snitch.” I playfully said.

  Terrell and I laughed.

  “I’m not mad at you. This is better. I don’t think I would feel comfortable in his house anyway.”

  “I know I wouldn’t.” Terrell was about to bite into his burger when his cell phone started ringing again. He pulled it out and shut it off.

  “Kenia,” I asked.

  Terrell nodded.

  “How long have you been seeing her?”

  He answered without hesitation, “A year.”

  “You two plan on getting married?”

  “No,” he answered even faster this time.

  “Does she want to get married?”

  Terrell chewed his burger and said, “I think so.”

  “A man knows when a woman wants to get married, and I’m sure you’re no exception.” I added.

  “It doesn’t matter if she does. I’m not doing it.”

  “Why does she call you so much?”

  “She calls me because she’s jealous.” Terrell flipped a napkin open to wipe his mouth. “She thinks I’ll sleep with anything walking.”

  “What did you do to make her think that way? You slept with her best friend?”

  “No, I’ve never cheated on her, ever.” he started with deep conviction.

  “You have kids with her?”

  “She has a son, but he’s not mine. What about you?”

  “No kids,” I answered.

  “How old are you?”

  “I’m nineteen years old. My birthday is December 15th.”

  “You’re not even legal yet.” Terrell laughed.

  “Why is that so funny?”

  “I thought you might be older. I’m just surprised.”

  “How old are you?” I asked.

  “Twenty-three years old.”

  Now, that surprised me. I didn’t think he was that old. He didn’t have a baby face look, but he didn’t look like he could be older than me.

  We continued our conversation, talking about my life with my sisters in Colum, and he talked more about his mother and her husband in New Britain. Terrell’s life was much like mine. It was complicated, sad, and painful. His mother just tossed him out. He was on the streets for a while, and Terrell thought he truly wasn’t going to make it. He knew he was going to catch a bullet or be in jail before he would see twenty years old. He sold drugs but never consumed it. He pick pocketed and stole for food, and a couple of times he was involved in a street brawl. When he met Poppy, his life changed. She promised him a better life if he’d stop the craziness in the streets. He walked away from stealing and drugs to be introduced into a life that made more money than he could ever imagine. She paid for him to go to a community college. She bought an apartment for him, and he was living really well. Terrell doesn’t have a worry in the world now. I wondered if Poppy would do all that for me, too.

  “What is it Poppy does for a living?” I asked.

  “It’s not my place to tell you her business.”

  “If I asked her, will she tell me?”

  “I can’t speak for her.”

  “I think she’s involved in drug trafficking.” I stated with confidence.

  Terrell laughed and repeated, “You think?”

  “I don’t have a clue, honestly.”

  “No, you don’t, Angela.”

  We finished our burgers, and we watched a sitcom afterwards. There wasn’t any sexual tension between us the entire time. It was refreshing just to sit with a friend and enjoy the simple moment of keeping each other company. Terrell was proving to be a gentleman. I don’t know why Kenia was so worried. Even though I never met her, I had a feeling it was her own insecurities. Maybe, she’s cheated on him, and she was afraid he’d do the same.

  Terrell left after he cleaned the mess on the table. He told me he’ll see me in the morning, and that was it. There was no goodnight smooch, no cop a feel, and no lustful staring. Maybe, the simple truth was I wasn’t all that. I did have terrible black and blue marks on my face. I wasn’t the sexiest thing around, and perhaps I wasn’t his kind of woman. Maybe Kenia was all he could handle, and anyone else was just an additional migraine on top of the current one he had with her. I’m glad there wasn’t anything between us, less complication in my life, that’s for sure.

  I couldn’t sleep after he left. My mind was heavy on Andrea and Olivia, and how they suffered. They both died violently, and I traced it back to me. If I had of fought for Andrea to get treatment for her addictions, she’d be alive. If I had of fought harder for Olivia when she needed me, she’d be alive, too. There was no in between, no one else to blame. I mean, I didn’t hit Andrea with a car. I wasn’t the one who kidnapped and killed Olivia, but it felt like I did all of those things anyway. I let them down. It was horrible feeling this way, but I couldn’t get away from it. I saw no other truth to it.

  I went to bed. Being in that hotel room, I felt really lonely again. Poppy w
as great so far, and I was so happy to find her. But when she wasn’t there, and I was left alone to my thoughts, I had some heavy burdens on my mind. They weighed a ton, and it was breaking my soul. I lay in that bed, with the volume low on the television, feeling sorry for myself, feeling bad for my sisters. The sleep wasn’t coming easy for the rest of the night.

  FRIDAY, JULY 3, 2009


  The next morning, I decided to put on make-up to hide the trauma done to my face. I just wanted to look really nice for once. I wore a sensible black knee length dress with a black belt. It looked like a long shirt, and it fit really well. Terrell wore a black shirt tucked in and black pants. He was handsome, and I was proud to have him at my side.

  We arrived to a street choked full of cars, and we had to park on the next adjoining road. There were so many people, and they were standing around waiting for the funeral procession to begin.

  I asked Terrell before we got out of the car, “Will you stay with me the entire time?”

  He said, “Sure.”

  We went to the front door. I figured it didn’t do any good to knock because there were people going in and out before we got to the porch. Most of them were older Caucasians, probably doctors and nurses that Tony knew. They were all dressed in simple black clothing, solemn sad faces, and they were quiet. There wasn’t any drama, just a deep respect for Tony.

  “Angela,” a voice greeted me. I was surprised to see Helen. She gave me a superficial hug, and I could feel the tension between us.

  I remarked, “This is Terrell, my friend. Terrell, this is Helen.”

  “Hello,” she said with a wave.

  He smiled and nodded.

  Helen asked, “What are you doing here?”

  “Olivia is my sister.” I couldn’t believe she asked that question.


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