The Ex Killer Series

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The Ex Killer Series Page 56

by Bridget Bundy

  “I fucking hate you!” Every part of my being was shaking.

  “I hate you even more, bitch!” Tanie spoke with equal conviction.

  “I will come down there-”

  Tanie cut me off by saying, “And you will get your ass buried alive! You think you’re all that because you’ve killed your boyfriends. I am ten times worse than you are.”

  “I’m not afraid of you, Tanie! I’m going to kill you when I see you again!”

  “Empty fucking threat,” she stated calmly.

  I slammed that phone down. I screamed. I was hurt, humiliated, and helpless. I just couldn’t believe it! We grew up together! She was my best friend! This can’t be happening!

  “ANGELA,” Poppy’s voice brought me back. Poppy and Billy were staring at me. I didn’t know what to say.

  “Was that Tanie?” Poppy asked in a calm voice.

  I didn’t want to answer. I lowered my head, letting the tears go.

  Poppy remarked, “You have to get yourself together. You need to call her back.”

  I shook my head. I wasn’t going to do it. There was no way I was going to carry on a conversation with her after knowing that awful truth.

  Poppy went around me to the phone. She dialed a single number. I turned when I heard it redialing Tanie’s number. Poppy looked right in my eyes. I heard Tanie answer the phone.

  “Tanie,” Poppy waited for her to answer before continuing, “My name is Poppy Shepherd. I need for you to get a message to your boss, Roscoe Madison. I need a supplier, and I have a lot to offer him. I’m willing to work out a partnership. All he needs to do is contact me. He knows me, Tanie. Just give him my number on your cell. I’ll be waiting to hear from him today.” Poppy listened to Tanie, and then she hung up the phone.

  “Billy, give us a moment, please.”

  He gave me a warning glance, and he walked out slowly.

  “Whose side are you on?” I sobbed.

  “Angela, your priorities are wrong.”

  “My priorities,” I asked angrily. Is she kidding? I was incredulous.

  “If you expect to survive this, you need to have a level head. I know this is painful. Losing your family is never easy, but now, this is your chance to live.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “Roscoe is no doubt responsible for killing your sister, and he wants you, as well. But I can help you. With the opportunity I will offer him, he will no longer come after you.”

  “I don’t care anymore, Poppy.”

  “I know you want to give up but you can’t. If you stop caring, he wins.”

  “You just don’t get it. This is more than just Olivia. I have been living a shit life, Poppy. Your dealings with Roscoe will not make it any better.”

  Poppy stared at me, finally at a loss of words.

  I blew in complete exhaustion and sat down. It was time to tell her the truth. So, she’d understand exactly what I was dealing with. So, I spilled my guts. I told her about my life in Colum, living in squalor, barely having food to eat, sometimes sleeping outside when Andrea was mad at us. I told her I dropped out of school when my mom died, and never did get my high school diploma. I spoke about the abuse I endured with Jason, and the humiliation with Alex. And yes, I told her I killed them both.

  I went on to explain how I ended up working for Roscoe to pay off the rent, and then when I had the chance, I ran. I revealed my time in Wisp, who I met, and where I lived. Not skipping a detail, I explained how I killed Dillon and why. I told her I buried Lawrence Clark in his wife’s backyard. Then I told her about being raped in Raleigh, and the identification Terrell took from my backpack was the guy that did it. I made sure I told her I shot him, too, and I wasn’t sure if he was dead or not. I mean, damn, what else was there for me to do in this life? Did she really want me to face the dude that had my sister killed, too?

  Poppy stared at me like I had four heads and a tail growing out of my ears. She was stunned by my admission. She noted smartly, “It isn’t easy doing dirt, is it?”

  I laughed and cried at the same time.

  Poppy got closer to me and said, “It’s time to let it go.”

  “How is that possible?”

  “One second at a time, one minute at a time, one hour at a time.”

  I exhaled, feeling the tension being released. I felt like I was freed when I confessed. A little bit of anxiety still lingered, but I felt rejuvenated.

  “Angela, you’re definitely a Shepherd. That insane drive of revenge is in you, and you can’t control it sometimes. It is an unfortunate trait of this family, and a lot of people have become a casualty of it.”

  “You’ve killed somebody before?”

  “I haven’t gotten to where I am by throwing roses at my enemy’s feet. Let me help you, Angela. The first thing is to get Roscoe on our side. Then you can stop worrying about him coming after you.”

  “It’s just the fact that he had my sister killed. That’s what pisses me off.”

  “When you got involved with him, did he warn you not to leave?”

  I nodded.

  “Angela, men like him are not to be played with. You should have known he would find a way to get to you.”

  “I thought I could hide.”

  “Everyone leaves a trace of some kind. Family, friends, financials, you name it. Something always led back to you. It’s just a matter of recognizing it, and Roscoe was smart enough to see it.” Poppy took me by the arm gently and escorted me out of the entertainment room. “Angela, you’re going to be fine. Don’t think for a moment you need to just give up. It’s not in you.”

  Billy met us in the foyer and said, “Roscoe Madison is on the phone.”

  Poppy smiled at me and winked. “Billy, I’ll take the call in my office. Why don’t you go to the dining room for brunch, Angela?”

  I felt so much better. I didn’t feel like the world was completely closing in on me. But my trouble wasn’t over. There was going to be a meeting with Roscoe Madison, and I wondered if he would demand my life. And would Poppy agree?


  I entered a dining room with the family sitting in their unspoken normal spots. On the left side from the head of the table was an unknown man, Terrell, and Kenia. On the right hand side, the chair closest to the head was empty and Billy’s wife was next. Michael came in behind me and sat down next to Kenia. He immediately started picking on her, and she was instantly irritated with him.

  The woman sitting on one side of the table said, “Angela, I’m Valerie. I’m not sure if you remember me from last night.”

  “I’m sorry I don’t remember.”

  Valerie stood and whisked me over to her side of the table.

  “That’s okay. It was a big party.” Valerie pulled a seat out for me to sit. Unfortunately, my chair was across from sore puss Kenia.

  Valerie was dressed in a flower printed shirt and a blue skirt. She appeared to be a good natured person. I didn’t get any kind of vibe that she was being shallow. Instantly I liked her. She asked, “How’s your stay so far?”

  “Eventful,” I stated.

  “Whenever things settle down a little more, you and I should go to lunch.”

  “Okay,” I said not sure why she would want to go to lunch with me.

  “Are you married, Angela? You look like a baby still. I bet you’re not.”

  “I’m single, no relationship.” I admitted.

  “Billy is my husband.” Valerie remarked proudly. “The gentleman over there is Hollace. Did you meet him last night?” Valerie smiled at Hollace, catching his attention.

  He appeared to be around Billy’s age, and probably the same body build and weight. Hollace had neat, healthy braids on his head. He had a pencil thin goatee. It actually made him look very sexy.

  “I’m not sure.” I said truly not recalling.

  “We met only briefly. I didn’t stay long.” He admitted. His voice was husky and deep. “It’s nice to meet you again, Angela.”

  I smiled at him, watching his dark expression. He was a man with pride. Billy and Hollace were probably stable, trusted leaders that Poppy kept close. They were more adult than Michael and Terrell. They had an aura of importance, men with knowledge of how things should be.

  “And you know Terrell, Kenia, and Michael?”

  “Yes.” I said avoiding eye contact with Kenia.

  She continued talking like we had been friends for years. I enjoyed listening to her. It was an escape that I was most grateful for.

  Poppy entered with confidence. Billy was at her tail, pulling the chair out for her. She thanked him and sat down with perfect posture. She began, “I got a phone call from a connection in Alabama. I plan on going down there tomorrow. I’m taking Hollace, Terrell, and Angela with me.”

  My heart stopped. This was not good, and I wanted to object.

  Kenia immediately spoke up, “Poppy, she doesn’t know anything about our business. Why does she get to go?”

  Poppy gave Kenia a death stare, and she shut down. I wanted to bust out laughing. I really did, but I didn’t think it would be received too well.

  “We’ll only be gone a day. Billy,” Poppy turned to him, and he nodded reading her mind. She didn’t have to explain herself further. “Anyone else have concerns?”

  The room was quiet. I wasn’t about to speak up seeing how everyone else didn’t. The food started coming in, on cue, it seemed like. Nina and another woman were setting platters of food in the center of the table, and everyone started grabbing what they wanted. Poppy hardly touched any of it. She was talking with Hollace as everyone else started eating.

  From out of the nowhere, Kenia asked, “Angela, where are you from?”

  What was the purpose of her talking to me? I didn’t like her, and I wasn’t about to sit and have a conversation with her. I answered smartly, “You know where I’m from.”

  Kenia didn’t look up as she cut her roast. “Are you a cop?”

  “Are you kidding me?” She must be stupid.

  Michael laughed and said, “She ain’t a cop!” His laughter was contagious, and I found it hard to contain myself, as well.

  “She came out of nowhere, Michael. How do we know she can be trusted?”

  Poppy stepped in with authority and said, “She’s family, Kenia. She can be trusted.”

  “I don’t have a sister. I have two brothers and that’s it.”

  “And I have a low tolerance for your games. Don’t try me.” Poppy had this look that I never saw before. It was of complete anger. Her eyes were dark and piercing.

  “I apologize if I was disrespectful.” Kenia stated nervously.

  “Do you and I need to have a separate discussion?”

  Kenia placed her hands in her lap and lowered her head. “No,” she answered.

  “Does anyone else feel like questioning my judgment? Nothing has changed. The same rules apply. I will not tolerate any subordination. My decisions are the final fuckin’ word in this house. Am I understood, Kenia?”

  “Yes,” she choked up.

  “Good,” Poppy cleared her throat and continued, “Angela is part of this family now, and she will not be mistreated. If I find out otherwise, you will answer to me. And we all know what that means.”

  I can’t remember the last time anyone spoke up for me like that. I just wanted to hug my aunt. I smiled down at my plate, loving every bit of the attention.

  Poppy began eating and everyone continued. Valerie immediately put her attention on me, and she started asking me questions about my life. She seemed like a great person, and I hoped that we would become friends. At this point, I needed a female companion I could talk to and hang out with. Poppy was great, too, but I had a feeling that me and Valerie would jive better.

  I ate really well and I had a surprisingly good time. My mind needed a break from all the trauma and horrible news. It just felt great to be in loving company. Poppy was right. Love does make you stronger.

  MONDAY, JULY 6, 2009


  We landed in Atlanta, Georgia around nine in the morning. I must admit it was scary taking off and landing, but the flight for the most part was smooth and exhilarating. I thought it was so cool to be flying above the clouds, looking at the landscape. The earth was sectioned off with natural and man-made barriers. Sometimes cities would pop up from expansive fields and disappear. I loved flying. I wonder if I could learn how to fly big planes like this one? Was I capable of doing something so monumental, having a piece of machinery at my control? This had to be the ultimate, knowing you could fly like a bird.

  We got a rental SUV after landing. Terrell drove, and Hollace sat up front with him. Poppy and I sat in the back. The closer we got to Alabama, the more nervous I got. I really, really did not want to go back to Colum. I had a feeling I was about to go to my death, but at the same time, I felt safe with Poppy. Eventually, we crossed the Alabama state line. It seemed like the scenery instantly changed. Perhaps, it was just my mind.

  Soon enough, we entered into Colum, Alabama. My heart was going crazy. It was the same small town. The same buildings, the same people, and the same old slow living. I came back too soon. I wasn’t supposed to come back. We were out of town and driving down the long road towards Roscoe’s mansion. I was anxious, crazy now.

  “I’m scared, Poppy,” I whispered.

  “It’ll be fine, Angela, I promise,” she said as she patted my hands.

  We drove up to his gate finally. Hollace pressed the button, and the gate opened. We were immediately greeted by men with automatic weapons pointed at our vehicle, and Janea was in the center. We were all told to get out of the car. Hollace didn’t like the fact he was unarmed, but Poppy assured him they’d be fine. Roscoe was paranoid. I wasn’t so sure like she was.


  We were searched. After the all clear was given, two men and Janea asked Poppy to get in their vehicle. Another one of Roscoe’s men got into the driver’s seat of our rental car, and he drove the rest of us up to the house. I didn’t even look up once I got back in the car. I was too scared that I’d see Roscoe standing in front of his house when we drove up.

  Our vehicles stopped in front of the main house, and everyone got out except me. No one seemed to notice at first. Hollace came around to my side, and he opened my door. He offered his hand, and I stared at him, tears rolling down my eyes.

  He stated in a soft voice, “You can do this, baby girl.”

  My hand trembled as I placed it in his. I got out the car, and we went over to stand with Poppy and Terrell. I made sure to stand behind her. We were all led into Roscoe’s house, and I was amazed by its size and elegance. We were taken to a room that had mostly different types of chairs and tables. Roscoe stood in the center of several people, and Tanie was beside him on the left. I only made quick eye contact. I couldn’t look at her for long because it just hurt too much.

  “Poppy Shepherd,” Roscoe had a huge smile, and he opened his arms to her.

  She beamed at him, and they hugged each other. He looked at her like he wanted her right then and there. Sparks were definitely flying between them.

  “It’s been a long time, Roscoe.” She remarked.

  “Too long,” he said as he eyed her from head to toe. “You look too damn good.”

  Poppy was pleased with his compliment.

  “I know you want to get down to business.” Roscoe flicked his hand, and everyone except Tanie, Janea, and a man I’ve never seen before walked out. Roscoe offered a plush high back chair to Poppy, and she took her seat like a lady. Roscoe sat down beside her, facing her fully. He was taking her in, loving what he saw.

  Hollace, Terrell, and I waited quietly. I was trying to calm my nerves.

  “You and I should speak privately.” Poppy remarked never breaking eye contact with him.

  “Janea, see to our guests, please. Make sure they are comfortable.”

  She came over to us and ushered us through another door into a
n entertainment room. There was a full bar, and a huge flat screen television on one wall. There was one long sofa. The room was a bit disorderly, but lived in.

  I made sure to keep my distance from Tanie. Janea offered us something to drink, and Hollace declined for all of us. He was clearly on edge, concerned about Poppy being alone with Roscoe. I had no worries. The way they were eyeing each other, she was going to be just fine.

  There was no discussion between any of us as we waited. The tension was thick, but it was controlled. Even though, I was in the same room with Tanie, I didn’t want to question her. I didn’t want to accuse her to her face. The power I had behind the phone wasn’t the same in person. I felt weak, scared, and I never made eye contact with her. At that moment, I realized our friendship died when she killed my sister. There was no turning back. It was another monumental loss in my life, and it really made me sad. I suffered well deserved consequences. It was a life I built. Death, revenge, and hate, and as long as I was breathing, I would continue to suffer.

  The door finally opened releasing the pinned up air of distrust from the room. Poppy indicated for me to come in the room. Oh shit! I looked at everyone. I wanted to run, but there was no use in acting like a fool. There was no place to run. There were no more places to hide. It was time to come face to face with Roscoe again.

  I hesitantly went to Poppy, and she closed the door behind me. Roscoe stood staring at me, and Poppy was behind me. This was it.


  “Angela Gray,” Roscoe Madison stated as he shoved his hands in his pockets. “You had me a little crazy for a while. Why did you leave?”

  “I was scared,” I said in a trembling voice.

  “Yeah, I bet you were. Do you know why I had your sister killed?”


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