Inked (Tattoos and Leather)

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Inked (Tattoos and Leather) Page 4

by Holland, Jaymie

  “Merry Christmas, Megan,” one of them said in a deep, husky voice. His gaze traveled from her face to her lace-clad breasts, and lower, to the barely-covered dark patch of hair between her legs.

  “Happy New Year, too,” said the other twin. “And I was right. You are a naughty girl.”

  Chapter 6

  Megan lost all sense of up and down, of backward or forward. She couldn’t move an inch. Electric sensations rippled across her skin as the two men looked at her, their expressions so stern and possessive that they literally made her ache.

  “How did you know I’d be here?” she asked, her tight voice giving away her physical reaction to the twins.

  Sean—she could tell it was Sean from the flames on his neck—eased back and hitched one hip against a table. “We had your contact information from DII.”

  Not fair. Probably not even legal. Megan didn’t put any of that into words, but she was tempted. She wanted to be pissed and fiery, but she was too stunned and too embarrassed. Anyway, it was hard to work up a good bitch-face when she was dressed like a sex kitten in heat.

  “We spoke to your roommate,” Nick said. There was nothing relaxed in his posture at all. He was intensity personified. “Drew. Very nice lady, once we explained who we were and what we wanted.”

  Megan tried to swallow, but her throat had gone dry. “And what do you want?”

  Sean’s slow grin and the way his crystal blue eyes wandered over her skimpy lace body stocking kindled a fire in her belly. “I think it’s obvious what we want, Megan.”

  “You’ve been watching us,” Nick said. “Every time we came to DII headquarters. Does it surprise you that we’ve been watching you, too?”

  “Yes.” Megan’s automatic answer surprised her. Nick was so commanding, even his simple questions felt like orders that had to be obeyed immediately. Or else.

  The fire in her belly spread lower.

  She realized she wanted one of them to kiss her. She didn’t care which one, as long as they did it soon. She wanted them to take her, trap her between them again, and brand her with their bodies.

  Stop it. Get a grip. This can’t be real. The cold, rational voice of past experience tried to drop ice on her mounting desire. Men like this don’t want girls like you.

  She didn’t have movie-star looks or a magazine cover build. Why would they be interested in her? They were playing at something. Nervousness made her muscles tense, and worry crowded into her already confused thoughts and emotions.

  Megan fought her brain fog and tried to find her inner steel. “I’m serious,” she managed to say without stammering. “What do you two really want from me?”

  “Everything,” Nick said with no hesitation at all. He didn’t have to go looking for his inner steel. The man was made of it. Every time he spoke, Megan sensed a dark force inside him, an undeniable dominance that made her want to drop to her knees and do whatever he commanded. She reached out to the table full of toys and steadied herself. Her breath came a little too fast, and it was making her dizzy.

  “It’s like this,” Nick said. “Your rent has been paid for a year.” He reached out and lifted a fat mailing envelope off the table as he watched her. “The check for tonight’s party—with a generous Christmas bonus—is right here, along with an introduction to Stanis Grantz at Freidrich’s Imports, and two personal reference letters. They have a position open in their secretarial pool, with full benefits, including tuition reimbursement. You’ll have no trouble getting the job.”

  Megan’s mouth came open.

  A year—bonus—a job? How could they guarantee another company would—who—too many questions. She couldn’t keep them all straight. She could barely keep herself on her feet.

  “You can take the money and leave now,” Nick said. “Or at any time tonight.”

  Sean seemed supremely relaxed, but the tell was in his blue eyes. He was just as close to the edge as his twin brother, just as dominant. Maybe more. He never looked away from Megan, and he never stopped smiling as he said, “You can go home to that life, or you can stay and see how Dorians celebrate the holidays.”

  Megan gripped the toy table harder.


  Oh, God.

  These were the two men who founded DII and took it from the low rent district to an international business power with operations in fourteen countries. They were unbelievably rich, and from everything she had heard, absolutely ruthless.


  Megan wanted to smack herself in the forehead. She had known brothers founded DII, but nobody mentioned twins. Nobody mentioned gorgeous, or tattoos, or drop-dead sexy.

  They’re ruthless.

  They smell like leather.

  And they were saying they wanted her.

  Megan felt her skin turn pink under her body stocking.

  “Your hair is beautiful,” Nick said. “You should see the way it shimmers in the candlelight. You should wear it down.”

  “I like your eyes,” Sean said. “Wide. Innocent. Ah, look at that blush. It’s part of what makes you so damned hot.”

  Megan stood on the stage holding on to the table. She needed to leave. She wanted to stay. What the hell was she doing? What were they doing?

  “Have you ever used one of those toys you’re peddling?” Nick asked.

  “I—um. No.” Why did she admit that?

  “I can see your nipples,” Sean told her, holding her with those blue, blue eyes. “Like red wine under that sheer fabric. Made for squeezing and tasting.”

  Megan’s body reacted like those words were touches. Reflex made her fold her arms across her breasts, but when Nick shook his head, his eyes turning from avid to fierce, she lowered her arms and enjoyed the way his frown faded back to approval and interest.

  How could it be this exciting, just to be looked at?

  “My brother and I, we think you’re a natural submissive,” Sean said. “Do you know what that means?”

  Oh, yeah. She knew. Megan had read a hundred stories and watched a few flicks. She’d even slipped into a BDSM club once and had done a little terrified watching, but she’d never had the guts to try anything close to letting herself be dominated.

  “You should answer when we ask you questions,” Nick said, his gaze steady and unrelenting.

  Megan shivered at the forcefulness in his tone, and she nodded.

  “Answer out loud,” Sean instructed. “Do you think you’re a submissive, Megan?”

  Megan twitched, caught between the urge to answer immediately and the impulse to tell both of them to go screw themselves with their arrogant personal questions.

  Still a little bit of sanity left?

  “Yes,” she said. “I think I’m a submissive.”

  So much for sanity.

  “Your body is made for a man’s hands,” Nick said. “Especially those dark curls between your thighs. Have you ever had a real man?”

  I’ve always wanted a real man. Someone strong and dominant. I’ve always wanted something wild. Something out of my control.

  Was that true?

  She knew it was. Megan shuddered with the truth of it, with the need she was daring herself to acknowledge. When she didn’t answer the question, Sean’s quiet chuckle promised that she’d pay for that little bit of insubordination. The thought of what he might do to her made her wetter yet.

  Nick smiled, and it was nothing short of carnal. “What’s it going to be, Megan? Walk away—or stay?”

  “Think before you answer,” Sean warned. “Because we play rough.”


  Megan hadn’t thought it was possible to climax just from listening, but she had almost done just that.

  Her good sense reminded her not to be stupid, not to do anything rash. She had always dreamed of a walk on the wild side, yes, but these two, they would have no mercy. She could see it in their eyes, in the way they claimed her with each word and look.

  She could get lost in them.

  And two men.

  At the same time.

  Her insides almost had a spasm at the thought, never mind the reality.

  She was alone with two dominant men, in a restaurant, wearing nothing but a body stocking, and standing next to a table full of sex toys.

  Megan ached all over, from shameless anticipation. The fingers of her right hand were cramping from her death-grip on the table.

  Sanity was probably overrated anyway, right?

  Walk away before it’s too late! screamed her brain.

  But her lips knew they were about to be kissed until she couldn’t breathe, until she couldn’t stand it, until she absolutely lost her mind.

  Her decision had nothing to do with rent, bonuses, or a job. She wanted them.

  So she said, “Stay.”

  Chapter 7

  For a few long, torturous seconds, Nick and Sean didn’t say a word. They just stared at Megan until her heart hammered twice as hard. She felt like prey, fixed in the gaze of two bloodthirsty wolves.

  “Rules,” Nick’s voice was little more than a bass rasp. “What are your limits?”

  Rules? Megan glanced from him to Sean, then to the toys, and down at her own body suit. Limits? What kind of rules and limits applied to this situation?

  “She hasn’t played like this before,” Sean said, wonder and hunger competing in his tone. “She doesn’t know her limits.”

  Megan kept her chin up, not wanting to look weak or terrified even though she was shaking all over, and painfully aware of her hard nipples challenging the lace of her body stocking.

  Nick’s stare turned feral and more wolf-like than ever. His eyes practically gleamed. “Maybe she doesn’t have any limits.”

  Oh, God.

  “You need a safe word,” Sean told her. “Do you know what that is?”

  Megan nodded, then remembered she was supposed to answer out loud. “Yes. I—um, okay. I’ll use unicorn.”

  Unicorn? Damn. Did she really just say that? Megan knew she had to be turning an even brighter shade of red.

  The corners of Nick’s mouth twitched. “Unicorn, then. If you want this to end at any time, say that word. We’ll stop immediately, no matter what, and we’ll take you home.”

  “Thank you,” Megan said. She suddenly felt like a college student in front of the dean. Well, two very, very sexy deans. New heat flooded her, but not the embarrassed kind.

  “One more thing,” Nick said. “We play hard. Think you can handle it?”

  She had no idea what playing hard entailed, but something inside her wanted it. “Yes.” She found herself nodding. “I want to play hard.”

  Both men had a gleam like fire in their eyes.

  “Let your hair down,” Sean said, with no hint of his previous playfulness.

  Megan’s lips parted at the firmness of his command, but then, she had known that was coming, hadn’t she? These men weren’t soft and giving. They were hard and powerful and they wanted nothing short of total surrender.

  I could use my safe word.

  I could leave.

  She raised her hands and tugged at the knot of her hair. The heels and body suit made her breasts thrust forward, and she saw her own stone-hard nipples peeking over the body stocking’s lacy black bows.

  Her hair tumbled free down to her shoulders.

  Naughty girl…

  They let her stand like that for almost a whole minute, studying her like they could see right through the little bit of clothing she wore. Megan wanted to scoot the body stocking over her nipples, but she didn’t dare, not with the intensity on their faces.

  Nick gestured to the table behind her. “What did you bring to show us, Megan? We’d like our demonstration.”

  “I—I can’t. I—ooooh.” Megan fanned herself with one hand, feeling wisps of her hair tickle her flushed cheeks.

  “You’re on stage.” Sean’s voice sounded rich with that erotic menace she’d heard when he first touched her at DII. “Don’t disappoint your audience.”

  Or else…

  Megan’s eyes drifted from his face to his neck, to the inked flames marking his skin. She was the one catching fire now. Her entire body was burning. She felt outside herself, but more fully present than she had ever been.

  Now how did Drew tell her to sell the products to men?

  “Make it sensual... Get the male guest’s attention… Give him a glimpse of a little foreplay…” Drew had said. “You know what to do.”

  Oh, sure. But Drew hadn’t known that Megan would be doing it in front of a pair of twins who were going to make her into a Megan-sandwich. Or had she? She probably had.

  Megan swallowed as the image of being sandwiched between the two men went through her mind and she knew she must have turned three shades redder.

  Two pairs of blue eyes drilled into her as she picked up a tweezer nipple chain with red flowers and little silver bells. They tinkled as her hands shook a little.

  “Well,” she began, but Nick interrupted her.

  “Sir will do,” he said. “For both of us. Don’t fail to address us properly in the future.”

  Megan sucked in a breath, then let it out slowly.

  “Well, sir,” she started again. “As you know, foreplay is essential in a satisfying sexual relationship.” Megan knew her voice was trembling as she gave the sales pitch, modifying it for the men, but she kept her eyes on Sean’s tattoo. She stroked the top of one breast with the chain, letting the bells dangle against one escaping nipple, and the sensation almost made her moan.

  “Go on,” Sean instructed.

  “Yes, sir,” Megan responded, more naturally than she would have thought possible.

  She stroked her nipple with the chain again, sending shockwaves through her own body. “Here we have a seasonal treat guaranteed to leave your woman begging for your mouth.” Up and down went the bells on the chain as she recited what Drew had told her. The bells tinkled each time they bounced across the swollen flesh, and her nipple throbbed each time she touched it. “With this sliding ring, you can take her from tweak to pinch in the blink of an eye. These clamps are durable, easy to manage, and sure to stay on even under the most passionate assault.”

  I’m going to die, she thought as Nick and Sean unfolded their arms and moved closer to the stage. I can’t believe I’m doing this.

  She whirled away from them and dropped the nipple clips.

  Unicorn. Unicorn!

  She almost said it. Then she pinched her sensitized nipple. She was pretty sure she was losing her mind.

  I want this.

  The voice was tiny, scared—but excited, and it was hers, rising from deep inside the secret corners of her mind.

  I’ve always wanted this.

  Before she could lose her nerve a second time, she grabbed a tube of crimson lotion, and when she turned to face the twins again, they were standing right in front of the stage.

  “This is Liquid Fire, our top of the line warming lotion.” She opened it, squeezed a little of the fluid into her palm, then began rubbing it between her cleavage.

  Her skin tingled immediately, and she let her hands slip beneath the body stocking to the full swells of her breasts, where she stroked and massaged, biting her lip as the hot lotion set off a cascade of pleasure bordering on pain. She didn’t know where it came from, but she was touching herself in an erotic way that was not quite what Drew had taught her to do.

  Megan continued, “It comes in several flavors, like apple, cherry, strawberry and chocolate—but I prefer cinnamon. A little more spice, don’t you think?”

  Nick and Sean didn’t say anything, but they watched. The heated cinnamon scent stung Megan’s eyes just enough to make them water, and she blinked.

  Sean folded his arms and nodded once. “Continue.”

  Megan’s anxiety climbed another notch. She wanted Nick and Sean next to her, controlling her with their hands and bodies, not their words. She felt close to freaking out, wondering what it would take to pull them to her, to make them touch
her like she needed to be touched—and that need was doubling every second.

  The skin around her lace-clad breasts burned from the oil, and she didn’t think she could stand it much longer. Nipples puckering and aching for attention, Megan reached behind her and grabbed The Satisfier, wanting to use it to stroke the tingling flesh and give herself some relief.

  “Our most popular vibrator.” Megan made herself glance from twin to twin as she ran her fingers up and down its length, hesitating on the head and feeling trashy and excited and panicked all at the same time. “Thick and pleasing. Just what women want.” She lowered her head and slid the tip into her mouth and pulled it back out.

  Smile, she thought. Drew told me not to forget to smile.

  Megan raised her head and smiled. And she turned on The Satisfier.

  For the briefest moment, Nick’s expression shifted to surprised. Sean’s lips parted before he got control of himself again, and Megan felt a rush of power. She caressed the thrusting dick with her tongue, then lowered the vibrator and ran it across the burning tips of her breasts. The humming sensation on her nipples made her want to scream. Quickly, she moved The Satisfier lower, to her belly, then lower again, to the thin fabric barely covering the curls between her legs. The vibrator hummed against her, and she moaned, her whole body shuddering from the pleasure of it.

  A split-second later, Nick and Sean were on the stage.

  Chapter 8

  Megan switched off the vibrator and dropped it on the table behind her, scattering bullets and beads. Nick grabbed her by the waist and pulled her to him so fast and hard that he lifted her off the stage.

  She melded herself to him, wrapped her arms around his neck, and held on tight as he kissed her fiercely, feeding her desperate desire with each thrust of his tongue. He tasted like mint and man, and she couldn’t breathe. She didn’t even want to breathe, and she never wanted him to stop, but he did. He pulled back and spun her firmly around, and Sean took her by both wrists.

  Sean yanked her closer, rubbing the length of his hard body against hers as he claimed her lips, letting his erection press firmly into her belly. Sean tasted like wine, something red and tart and exquisite. He slid his hands down and cupped her ass, and he squeezed the flesh again and again.


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