Married To A Marquess (Hearts And Ever Afters Book 2)

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Married To A Marquess (Hearts And Ever Afters Book 2) Page 26

by Joyce Alec

  He saw a barely perceptible nod from Lord Penn, who then left the room, staggering with each step. Anthony felt the anger drain out of him as he turned to look at Eliza. Her eyes were huge, her face wet with tears, but she did not come to him when he held his arm out to her, instead picking up her reticule and rushing from the room.

  Chapter Nine

  Eliza woke early, as was her custom, pushing herself up on her elbows. She had slept deeply for what felt like the first time in many months. Now that the worry and concern over Lord Penn was gone, her burden had vanished. The Williams necklace was safely back in her wardrobe, soon to make the journey home.

  The thought of what Lord Penn had tried to do caused her to shiver, but she knew he would never be able to come near her again. The earl was to pay all of her father’s debts, so Lord Penn would have no cause to even cross her path. Why had he shown her such kindness after speaking to her so callously? It did not make sense. And why did he lie to her and make her believe he was a gardener?

  Dressing quickly, Eliza was determined to make her way to the woods, in search of Phillip – no, Anthony. She would thank him profusely for saving her, and then take her leave, knowing that her job was done. She could not leave his estate without ensuring she let him know the depths of her gratitude.

  Anthony sat in the clearing, dressed in his shirt and old boots. He had started a fire, hoping that she would come to him. He longed to see her again, to explain himself and to beg for her forgiveness. He kicked a chunk of wood morosely, thinking that he had hoped in vain.

  “My lord?”

  Spinning on his heel, Anthony saw Eliza coming towards him, dressed simply and with her blonde hair in a braid, as it had been the first time they met. “Eliza,” he breathed, rushing forward to take her hand.

  “My lord,” she began again, taking her hand from his. “I have to come to thank you for your generosity towards my family and me. Father’s debts are vast, and there is no reason for you to pay them. Regardless, I must thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have saved me from a great deal of trouble.” She curtsied, intending to move away, but Anthony stopped her, his hand grasping her arm.

  “Eliza, please,” he implored. “Won’t you let me explain? Please, I beg of you.” Such was the desperation in his voice that she had no choice but to acquiesce, seating herself on the tree stump, the familiar scene tugging at her heart.

  “I must beg your forgiveness for my behavior last evening. I spoke words of such cruelty, and the look on your face told me how much I'd pained you.” He swallowed hard, his eyes searching her impassive face. “I happened upon Lord Stockton and yourself in an embrace the previous evening, and I believed you to be using me, making me feel like a fool for falling in love with you.”

  Eliza colored immediately, remembering the scene. “Oh, Anthony, it was not what you thought! Yes, I had asked John to kiss me, but it was to see if I felt the way I did with you.” She covered her red cheeks with her hands. “It became apparent that I did not, and so we parted ways.”

  “He is now betrothed to your sister,” Anthony replied gently.

  “Yes, yes,” Eliza replied, getting to her feet. “And I wished them both a lifetime of happiness. It appears that they have longed for each other for a while, but John’s attention to propriety was all that was hindering him.” She gazed at him, her hands on her hips, exasperated by the muddle they were in. “Anthony, I must ask why you lied to me. You made a fool of me, and I don’t understand why you didn’t tell me your true identity when we first met.”

  “Eliza, you must forgive me on that account as well,” answered Anthony. “I only hid my identity so you would open up to me about how the guests truly felt about me. I did not expect to fall in love with you.”

  Eliza thought about his confession, and said, “Well, things would have turned out much differently if I did know your true identity. I would never have opened up to you, and I certainly wouldn’t have told you of my troubles.” She looked Anthony in the eyes, “But, you must promise never to tell falsehoods again.”

  Anthony got to his feet, making his way towards her. “I promise. I will always tell you the truth, even if it’s something you don’t want to hear. Oh, Eliza, I have been such a fool,” he confessed, holding out his hand. “If only I had asked you before coming to my conclusions about you and Lord Stockton, I might have spared us both this heartache.”

  Eliza glanced down at his open hand and then back up into his face. Anthony had asked for her forgiveness, and she was willing to give it. She loved him too much to hold a grudge, taking his hand in her own. “I waited for you in the woods yesterday morning,” she said quietly. “I wanted to confess something to you.”

  “What was that?” Anthony asked, his hands now slowly sliding around her waist.

  “I wanted to confess my love for you,” she whispered. “Gardener or not, I know that my heart belongs to you.”

  “And you hold mine,” Anthony replied, lowering his head. Their kiss was soft and sweet, both a promise of love and a giving of forgiveness.



  An Unexpected Hero

  Text Copyright © 2017 by Caroline Johnson

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictionally. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  First printing, 2017


  Love Light Faith, LLC

  400 NW 7th Avenue, Unit 825

  Fort Lauderdale, FL 33302

  An Unexpected Hero

  By: Caroline Johnson

  An Unexpected Hero

  Chapter One

  London, 1842

  “It's so exciting, Lady Jane. Imagine it, all the balls, the gowns, and the jewelry. You will surely be the envy of all, especially with your new wardrobe,” Alice Sinclair was brushing her ladyship's hair.

  Lady Jane Guildford was preparing for her second Season in London and the family had decamped to Grosvenor Square to ensure Lady Jane would be invited to the most elite parties.

  “I'm not sure about that, Alice, but it is nice to get a wardrobe change. You've been taking the dresses and finding a use for them, haven't you? I wouldn't want to see them wasted.”

  Once a year, Alice would go through her lady's wardrobe to find the dresses with hems that were past saving and distribute them to seamstresses to reuse the material to make fine cushions and other bits. Other ladies’ maids saw receiving their lady's clothes as a perk of their job, but Alice was a practical girl who had no need for glamorous materials. She wore a uniform for her work and had two dresses in her suitcase. She needed nothing else.

  Alice had worked for Lady Jane for two years. Lady Jane envied Alice, whose porcelain and delicate features conveyed an air of a lady, rather than a lady's maid. Lady Jane felt very plain in comparison to her maid, but Alice was extremely loyal, and Lady Jane could feel superior in her position as her mistress.

  “Yes, m'lady. I have some dresses to dispose of while we're in London.”

  Suddenly their conversation was disturbed by a man shouting for everyone's attention. It was Barker, the butler, and his Lordship, Lord Guildford.

  “Papa, whatever is the matter?” Lady Jane had rushed out of her bedroom, and standing at the top of the stairwell, shouted to her father.

  “Everyone is to gather in the hall. Now. Barker, get to it.” His Lordship shouted when no one appeared to move.

  Barker checked that the staff was all present before he made his announcement. The family retired to the study.

  “His Lordship and I have discovered a theft. The Bankwell Jewels have
gone missing. Lady Jane was to wear them tomorrow evening, and now they are nowhere to be found. Does anyone wish to tell me anything?”

  A hush had fallen over the whispers when Barker told them of the theft. Alice looked around. Who would do such a thing? It had to be one of the new hires they had taken on.

  “No one has anything to say. Very well. I am beginning a search. You are to remain here.”

  With Barker's leaving, the staff began to point fingers at the new staff members who were vehemently denying any involvement. The Guildfords were a fine family to work for and treated their staff well. Connie Lakes, lady's maid to Lady Jane's younger sister, spoke up.

  “Was it you, Alice? Are you looking for a little extra money and think you can blame the new staff?”

  All eyes fell upon Alice, and she blushed. It was a condition that plagued her since childhood, given her pale complexion and reddish tinge to her hair. She could never lie. Her constitution could not cope with deceit. She only wished she were quick-witted in her retorts, but she wasn't.

  “Why would you say such a thing, Connie? The good Lord knows I am no thief. That is a dreadful thing to point a finger at someone.”

  Alice looked at Connie wondering why she was smirking. Connie had taken an instant dislike to Alice upon her arrival, and while Alice had tried to mend the relationship on numerous occasions, Connie never failed to make her uncomfortable or pass comments while they were in the company of others.

  She knew that Connie had reason to be annoyed with her. Connie's new chap, Archie, had tried to coerce a kiss from Alice a few weeks earlier before they arrived in London. Alice felt embarrassment, assuming Connie had set him up to do it, but when Connie had come upon them, it was clear that Connie was not part of the plan. Despite Alice pushing him away, Connie had been extra vindictive towards her.

  But while she prayed for the strength to forgive Connie and Archie for their behavior, Alice was having difficulty turning the other cheek. She had avoided Connie as best she could, but now they were to be more confined in a town house, Alice had no choice but to see Connie every day.

  “He's coming back,” someone whispered, and sure enough, Barker was returning and went to the library. They couldn't hear what was being said, but after what seemed a very long time, Barker came out to address them.

  “You are dismissed. Every one apart from you, Alice.” Barker's eyes fell on Alice, and she frowned with concern. Why had he singled her out? Connie guffawed and bumped Alice deliberately as she walked by.

  “You had it coming, Miss High and Mighty,” Connie sneered, but took care to ensure no one else had overheard.

  “What did you say, Connie?” Alice, in her innocence, looked at Connie and wondered what on earth was happening.

  “Alice, don't keep your Lordship waiting!” Barker snapped at her.

  “Certainly, Mr. Barker.”

  Alice walked into the library, and the Guildfords looked at her. Lady Jane was in tears, being comforted by her sister, and her ladyship looked pale. His Lordship was sitting at his desk.

  “Alice, do you know why I wish to see you?”

  He had never spoken to her in such a severe tone before.

  “No, my lord. Have I done something wrong?”

  “You were looking after the jewels for Lady Jane, were you not?”

  “Yes, Your Lordship. I put them away when we arrived. Into the safe, as Mr. Barker had directed.”

  Alice's legs were wobbling under her as she had to remember the day of their arrival. There was so much upheaval and Lady Jane had called for her and she was rushing about.

  “What would you say if I told you that Mr. Barker had found earrings in your suitcase?”

  “No, my lord. That is quite impossible. I never separated the jewelry.”

  “Are you saying Barker fabricated the story?” His Lordship's eyes pierced through her.

  “No, my lord. But I did not put the earrings in my case. I assure you of that.”

  She was trying to be strong, but it was very difficult when the focus was upon her, and she felt her face redden.

  “And what if I told you a witness had come forward and said you had been acting out of character recently. You left the house without reason yesterday.”

  Alice looked at Lady Jane who stared back at her, but then looked away. She had gone on an errand for Lady Jane, but her parents wouldn't like to hear how their daughter was extending an invitation to the son of an earl that she fancied. Alice prayed that Lady Jane would reveal the truth, but Lady Jane didn't say a word.

  “I was on an errand, your Lordship,” she said calmly, hoping that Lady Jane would back up this part of the story.

  “An errand, you say. Well, Lady Jane, did you send Alice on an errand?”

  “No, Papa, I did not. In fact, I was looking for Alice, and she could not be found.”

  “Lady Jane?” Alice called out.

  “Shush, Alice. Are you trying to tell me that Barker and Lady Jane are somehow in cahoots? You have put me in a very difficult situation. I've a good mind to call for the police and have you arrested, but Lady Guildford is fond of you. I do not wish any scandal either. The gutter press would love such a story.”

  Alice could only bow her head as she tried to hide her tears. She wondered what fate was before her. Then she remembered, Connie had distracted her that very morning. In fact, Connie had been unusually pleasant, and Alice, not wanting to cause offense, had let Connie see the jewels. It was Connie who had promised to lock them away.

  “Your Lordship, I do not wish to speak ill of others, but it was Connie who had the jewels last.” Alice said, praying the Lord would forgive for implicating others.

  “Yes, Connie told Barker you might say something like that, but in fact, it was quite the opposite. Please do not try to implicate others. Connie has an alibi, which is what you seem to be lacking.”

  Lord Guildford seemed quite pleased with himself.

  Now Alice understood. When Alice arrived in the house with the position of lady’s maid, without working her way up through the ranks, Connie was jealous of her.

  Lady Guildford, as patroness of the orphanage, had taken a liking to Alice who was polite and genteel, despite her background. This was the payback for standing out as someone special, and no doubt Archie's liking of her, which drove Connie to come up with such a cunning plan.

  “You will leave our employ at once, Alice. There will be no reference, as this incident has caused her Ladyship much distress. She gave you a chance of a better life, and this is how you repay us. Only for the kindness of her Ladyship's heart are you being spared jail. Barker, make sure she only takes what she is owed and pay her up today. I wish you would return the jewels, but I'm sure it is too late by now.”

  Alice's life was over.

  “But where will I go, my lord? I have no one and no place to sleep. You can't turn me out onto the street. Please, Lady Jane.”

  But her pleas fell on deaf ears. While Alice had lived in London, it was in the orphanage, and she hadn't been allowed out alone, so she didn't know the city very well. Moving to the Guildford’s family estate had been her only home, outside of the orphanage.

  She hadn't much to pack and soon was on her way out the door. Mrs. Dempsey, the cook, gave her hug and pressed a piece of paper into her hand.

  “Alice, go to Betty, who used to work in the household. She'll take care of you. I know she will.”

  “But I didn't do it, Mrs. Dempsey. Why is this happening?”

  Alice was in a daze as she was escorted onto the street. An hour earlier, she was thinking about new hairstyles for Lady Jane, and now she was in a strange city without anyone to care what would happen to her. Where was she going to find work? She was trained for nothing except being a lady's maid, but that career was over for her.

  She had to take a cab to Betty Cooper's home. There was no way she could walk the streets at this time of night. She didn't know Betty very well, as she had left shortly after Alice's arriv
al. She had married and was living in London. Now she was the only contact Alice had.

  Much to her surprise, Betty was welcoming. Mrs. Dempsey had kept Betty abreast of all the gossip in the household.

  “That Connie. She's a sly one. Tried something like that on me a few times. She doesn't leave a trail, but some day she'll take on the wrong person and then she'll get her comeuppance. We don't have much, but you are welcome to stay as long as you like, Alice. Mrs. Dempsey spoke highly of you.”

  With the little space Betty had, Alice thanked the Lord for the charity she was receiving. Betty was helping her from the kindness of her heart. As Betty and her very quiet husband, Jim, settled into bed in a curtained off section of their one-roomed home, Alice lay by the fire. She began to cry.

  Her faith had always been strong. She prayed, but couldn't help question the Lord on why He sent her this trial. She had always been a good girl, helpful and obedient. Yet it seemed to her that the bad ones seemed to flourish.

  “Dear Lord, I trust you have a plan for me. It is not for me to understand everything. I pray for the strength to trust in Your wise ways, for now, I cannot see any reason for my predicament.”

  It saddened her to feel abandoned, but that was how she felt. How could the Lord allow Lady Jane's conscience to lie, how could Connie come up with such a plan when Alice had never done wrong towards her? It was so confusing. What work was she going to get now?

  Despite herself, Alice fell asleep, to be woken in the early morning by Betty who needed to get the fire started to make her husband's breakfast.

  Alice's new life was about to begin.

  Chapter Two


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