Zoran Wedding

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by Luna Hunter

  Zoran Wedding

  Luna Hunter



  Also by Luna Hunter

  1. Kelly

  2. Koryn

  3. Kelly

  4. Koryn



  First off: Thank you for signing up for my newsletter!

  I hope you enjoy this free short story, Zoran Wedding is meant to be read after the Zoran Warrior series. You can find the links to those books on the next page, in case you haven’t read them yet.

  Happy reading,


  Also by Luna Hunter

  Zoran Warriors

  Alien General’s Baby - Jillian’s Story

  Alien Warrior’s Baby - Kaitlyn’s Story

  Alien Soldier’s Baby - Kelly’s Story

  Alien Guardian’s Baby - Isabella’s Story



  “You look stunning.”

  I stare at myself in the mirror. A long, lacy, flowing fire-red dress adorns my frame, clinging to my curves. My straight hair is now pulled into a bun, and Koryn’s aunt is applying purple lines in intricate patterns all over my face and neck, which seems to flow into the patterned lace on the dress. I barely recognize myself. The lanky blonde with the jeans is now gone – I look like a bona fide princess.

  I suppose I am, in a way. King Vinz promoted Koryn once we returned from the planet Zenus, with enough evides to make the Archer Cure for everyone who needs it.

  Oh yeah, and we also forged an intergalactic alliance with the Beran people as well. I almost forgot.

  For his service, Vinz promoted Koryn to Grand Vizier, effectively making him second-in-command of the entire Zoran people. This had the added effect of transforming our wedding from a small, romantic affair to an intergalactic political event. It took months of planning, and now, the day is finally here.

  And I’m terrified.

  “Something wrong, sweetie?” Jillian asks. “I said you look stunning.”

  “Thanks,” I say, swallowing the lump in my throat. “My mind drifted for a second.”

  “Don’t worry, we got your back,” Bey says.

  I’m so happy she’s here. Bey’s a Beran, one of the bear-like people that helped save my life back on Zenus. I’m thankful for the opportunity to help show her the stars, and we’ve spent the last several weeks travelling all over Exon Prime with Jillian, seeing all the amazing sights this Zoran planet has to offer. It was our own little version of a bachelorette party. I worried at first Jill and Bey might not get along, but thankfully, my fears were unfounded.

  “Sit still, dear,” Koryn’s aunt Vesna says firmly. “You’re messing up my patterns.”

  “Sorry,” I say. She’s a stern-looking lady, tall and thin, her skin as purple as Koryn’s. Her face is scrunched up in pure concentration as she draws razor-thin, intricate lines all over my pale skin.

  It’s a Zoran tradition, one of many I’ll be facing today – and tomorrow! My wedding is a two-day affair. Two days! I always pictured myself eloping, if I imagined myself settling down at all. I have no living relatives left, so what use would an extravagant affair be to me? My perfect wedding would be just me, Koryn, and my two best friends: Jillian and Bey.

  Instead, my wedding is the intergalactic event of the year. The jet setting elite from several different planets are all here, gathering around this massive palace to witness our union. I’m so anxious I feel I can barely breathe at times.

  “I’m a little nervous,” I admit. Understatement of the century right there. “I didn’t ask for all this attention.”

  “This isn’t about you, dear,” Vesna says. “Contrary to your Earthen ways, this ceremony is about the community. Your bond with my nephew is greater than the two of you. It influences all of us – Zorans and humans everywhere.”

  Jillian laughs. “You’re right, that’s about as far away from Earth tradition as you can get.”

  “I’m sorry, you’re right,” I say. “Doesn’t change the fact that I’m nervous.”

  “You’ll do perfect, dear,” Vesna says. “You look amazing.”

  She helps me to my feet and I admire her handiwork. She’s drawn wonderful, amazing patterns all over my skin. It’s almost a shame that they’ll wash away when I shower – hours of work and it’ll all be erased in a flash! I’ve been told Koryn’s decorations will match mine. I can’t wait to see how amazing he looks.

  My hands rest on my belly as I look at myself. I’m six months along and showing it; I could barely wiggle my way into my dress! I never imagined getting married while pregnant – talk about breaking tradition – but then again, there’s nothing traditional about this wedding.

  My husband-to-be is a seven feet tall Zoran warrior, for one. My two maids-of-honor are Jillian and Bey, a bear-like female from outer space. I could go on and on… In fact, the whole two-day ceremony is a hodgepodge of human and Zoran traditions mixed and matched at will.

  Vesna places a crown on top of my head that matches the color of the paint and is laid in with tiny glittering stones that look like they are plucked right out from the stars.

  “Come, we’re late for the fight.”

  “The fight?!”

  “Oh dear, he didn’t tell you?”

  “What now?” I ask, my eyes growing wide.

  “You’ll see it for yourself soon enough.”

  Vesna leads me outside, into a throng of colorfully dressed people. There are all kinds of aliens here, though most of them are Zoran, of course. I can almost hear their jaws drop when they see me.

  “Ladies and gentleman; the bride,” Vesna says.

  The crowd starts applauding me, and my cheeks turn rosy. I freeze right there, on the spot. I’m not used to being the center of attention like this. Jillian and Bey come to my rescue, each grabbing one of my hands, and they lead me towards the large stands that have been placed in the garden.

  “What are these?” I ask. “They weren’t there yesterday.”

  “These are for the battle,” Vesna says. “Come, it’s almost starting.”

  A circular stand has been built in the garden overnight. It’s totally packed, every seat filled, save for a few on the top level for us four. To my surprise, I see a vision from the gods in the middle of the grounds. A sight for sore eyes. My husband-to-be.

  Nearly naked.

  Golden paint adorns nearly every inch of his fit purple body, in intricate patterns matching mine. A small loincloth strapped around his waist is the only thing shielding his perfect, sculpted body from the crowd.

  Jealousy rears its ugly head. I’m almost angry that everyone can see his amazing body on display like that. I’m his fiancé, that body is mine and mine alone, thank you very much. Vesna must have caught my frown, because she explains me his clan’s tradition.

  “He’s going to wrestle, to win your favor,” she explains.

  Koryn waves at me from down below as we take our place, a broad smile adorning that chiseled face of his.

  “Wrestle? Dressed like that?”

  Vesna nods. “Normally, he’d face the men from your family.”

  Well, that’s not going to happen. I have no living relatives left – but even if I did, I don’t see any human faring well against a Zoran! They’re so tall, so impossibly broad-shouldered…

  “What now?”

  “Oh, some have stepped up to take their place. Look, there is the first one who will fight for your honor.”

  A Zoran wearing nothing but a loincloth enters the arena. My eyes are instantly drawn to his bronzed, muscled, oiled up body. He salutes the crowd before taking his place across my husband-to-be. They nod at each other, before adopting their fighting stances.

  “That’s Am
bassador Tyr, a former general. He lives on Earth now. His human mate, Kaitlyn, is somewhere here as well. You’ll meet her at the dance, I’m sure.”

  I didn’t need Vesna’s reminder, for there are not many Zoran like Tyr around. I know he’s one of Koryn’s friends, and I look forward to meeting him and his mate later today… but right now, I want to see the two of them square off. The bronzed-colored man is every bit as built as Koryn, and this has me sitting on the edge of my seat.

  The two men circle each other, daring the other to strike first.

  “Is this normal on your planet?” Bey asks me as, her big brown eyes opened wide as she stares at the two oiled up hunks in front of us.

  “I wish,” I smirk. “I could get used to this.”

  Tyr dives forwards, but Koryn twirls on the balls of his feet, dodging his grasp and then striking himself, throwing his arms around the bronzed man’s waist. Tyr stumbles but does not fall, and struggles to free himself from Koryn’s grasp.

  The crowd cheers as the two man fight for control. I find myself incredibly invested in the battle. My jealousy is now gone – I’m just enjoying the sight of two nearly naked, oiled bodies taking each other on.

  “Usually, the bride’s family let the groom win,” Vesna says. “After putting on a bit of a show. But Tyr, well… they’re old friends, as you probably know, and there’s nothing more competitive than a few Zoran generals thrown together…”

  Tyr slips from my fiancé’s grasp, grabs his legs and makes him trip. Koryn falls down to the earth, his golden-paint getting messed up in the mud.

  “Is he allowed to do that?” I gasp. “Come on, Koryn! Give him all you got!”

  “Of course,” Vesna says. “In the past, weddings were a lot more… bloody than they are today. Thankfully that time is over.”

  “Bloody?” Jillian says, wrinkling her nose. “How bloody?”

  “Instead of wrestling, the men used to duel with swords. Centuries ago, Emperor Ranko’s son was killed in a duel at his own wedding!”

  “Oh my god,” Jillian gasps. “That’s awful! I can’t imagine the pain of losing your fiancé only hours before the ceremony.”

  Vesna nods. “Put an end to the dueling. Now, it’s just wrestling.”

  Koryn rises from the dirt and charges towards Tyr at full-speed. He tackles him hard and they fall down in a splash of mud. When the dirt clears, Koryn rises victorious, every inch of his body caked in mud.

  “His paint,” I cry. “All that work!”

  Koryn’s aunt shakes her head. “He’s supposed to win while keeping it all clean, but Tyr was not going to allow that. Boys.”

  “That wasn’t it, right?”

  “Of course not. There’s still one contender Koryn has to deal with.”

  A hushed whisper passes through the crowd. We all turn to see the cause of the commotion, and Jillian gasps when she sees the man’s silver body.

  It’s King Vinz himself who enters the arena next – Jillian’s mate!

  “I had no idea,” Jill says. “Oh, I hope he doesn’t get hurt.”

  “He’ll be fine,” I say.

  Vinz’s silver body is oiled up as well, showing off the many tattoos that adorn his sculpted frame. He whispers something into my fiancé’s ear before taking his place in front of him. Instead of bowing, Koryn charges forward, taking his leader by surprise.

  Vinz, however, is not easily bested. He didn’t become the King of the Zoran people for nothing. He dodges every strike, wiggles out of every grapple. The men dance around each other like lions stalking their prey, waiting for the tiniest mistake.

  “I don’t think Vinz is going to let him win,” Jill says. “He’s way too competitive for that.”

  “Koryn doesn’t need Vinz to throw the game. My husband will beat your husband fair and square,” I joke with my best friend. It feels so weird saying that – husband. I never thought I’d have one, let alone a hulking Zoran!

  I remember when Jill and I were still in college, studying together, talking about boys… looking back, we were so young and innocent at the time. I never could have imagined then that one day, we’d be in a palace on Exon Prime, an alien home world millions of lightyears from Earth, watching two gorgeous Zorans fight while nearly naked… while being engaged to one of them!

  Life really takes the strangest turns. One day you’re just a fresh-faced graduate, the next, you’re alien royalty.

  The crowd holds their breath as the fight unfolds. Vinz and Koryn are both battle-hardened warriors. They know the value of patience.

  Then, Vinz strikes. He moves forward, as quick as water, his arms going for Koryn’s waist. My man goes down and I gasp, thinking he lost – but then, he rolls over the moment they hit the earth, pinning the king down. It all happens in the blink of an eye, but Koryn rises, victorious.

  I stand up and cheer, along with the entire crowd. My fiancé beckons me, and I hasten down the steps, careful not to trip. When I get to the bottom I charge into the field and fling my arms around him.

  I don’t care that he’s got mud all over his purple body, and that it’ll mess my dress up – I’m just happy to hold him.

  “Did I win your favor?” he growls into my ear.

  “You won more than just my favor,” I say as I stare into those beautiful, radiant eyes of him. God, Zorans are so beautiful, it’s almost unfair. Their eyes are so bright, colorful and gorgeous, and their bodies look as if they were carved by the gods themselves.

  He shuts me up with a kiss.



  The day I’ve been looking forward to for months is finally here.

  Our wedding day.

  Well, technically, the ceremony is tomorrow. This is a two-day affair, courtesy of Vinz promoting me to Grand Vizier.

  The same Vinz who is now stumbling to get up, mud caked to his silver body, muttering angrily to himself. It’s tradition the groom always wins the pre-wedding fight, but my king wasn’t going to make it easy for me. No way. Me and him, we go way back. I used to serve as his second-in-command, so he was never going to give me a pass.

  That made the win all the more satisfying.

  “Your paint,” Kelly says as her finger traces along my naked biceps. “It’s all ruined.”

  Kelly. I can’t even begin to put into words how much I adore that woman. She completes me. She gives me a reason to get up in the morning. I never thought feelings like these were in my reach. Hell, I never thought they were real.

  I figured everyone who talked like that was lying to themselves, but fuck, this is the real deal.

  “I love you,” I growl. “You know that, right?”

  My fiancée looks up at me, her big, blue eyes filled with wonder. “I know,” she says.

  “How’s your day going? Aunt Vesna being nice to you?”

  She nods. “Very much so. I have Jill and Bey as well, so don’t worry about me.”

  “Good. I have to prepare for the dance, later tonight.” I don’t want to tear myself away from my fiancée’s warm, luscious body, but I have no other choice.

  “Can I come with you?”

  I tilt her head up and place a soft kiss on her lips. “No,” I whisper. “Tomorrow, we’ll be united for all eternity. Just one more day.”

  “I don’t want to wait one more day,” she says. “I want you now.”

  God. She’s making it hard for me. There’s more I want to do than drag her into the shower with me and mate with her against the wall, our wet bodies becoming one… but we can’t. Not yet.

  “Soon,” I say. “Patience.”

  Vesna, Jillian and Bey join us in the center circle, and our moment comes to an end. My guests congratulate me on my victory, and I thank them for their support. Jill heads over to Vinz to heal her husband’s bruised ego, while Bey is standing around, her brown eyes opened wide, taking it all in.

  I’m really happy Bey is here. The Berans helped save Kelly’s life, as well as my own, and I’m forever grateful for that. Pl
us, there’s just something very comical about the large, bear-like woman being in a constant state of surprise. She was born and raised inside a cave back on planet Zenus, so even the most mundane things are awesome to her.

  It helps me appreciate the little things more.

  “I’ll see you later tonight,” I tell Kelly as I kiss her. “Have fun.”

  Minutes later I’m standing under the hot beam of the shower, letting the dirt and mud wash away. Tyr and Vinz didn’t make it easy for me – it’s in every nook and cranny, right up to my ears. I relax my shoulders and let the stress wash away.

  Truth be told, I was a little worried about Kelly. This is not just a wedding (if there even is such a thing), but the intergalactic political event of the year. Everyone who is anyone is here, and they all want to meet her. That’s a lot of pressure that’s falling on her shoulders, on what is already a stressful day.

  However, her smile told me everything I needed to know. My aunt Vesna, bless her, is helping her maneuver the pitfalls of the high society, and Jillian and Bey are doing their best to keep her sane. I couldn’t be happier.

  “Nice moves.”

  Vinz walks in, his naked body every bit as muddied as mine. There’s four showers in the royal bathroom, one of the many perks of this majestic palace, and my king steps under the water across from me. The hot water runs down his chiseled body, cleaning the dirt right off.

  “I got you good, admit it,” I say with a smirk.

  “I let you win,” he growls.

  “Come on, don’t be a sore loser.”

  Vinz spreads his arms wide. “Do you want to go again? Just me and you, no holds barred? I’ll show you every corner of this room if you’d like.”

  My king cheeks are red, his veins bulging. I know he can’t take a loss, and I’m going to milk this moment for all it’s worth. Watching Vinz struggle is something that happens only once every few decades. Our people know him as this cool and collected leader, very much in control at all times, never making a wrong move, keeping all his cards close to the vest.


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