Jingle Balls

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Jingle Balls Page 13

by Waltz, Vanessa

  The walk down the slopes is long, the silence broken by blasts of wind as skiers zip past. Our breath mists the air. Snowflakes dot Gigi’s dark hair in tiny clumps of white, her cheeks still blazing red. I can’t tell if it’s from cold or shame at mangling my foot. She’s quiet—and impossible to read.

  "Penny for your thoughts?"

  "I’m thinking about how beautiful it is up here. The mountain…the trees everywhere. There’s barely anyone on the slopes, and it feels nice. Tranquil."

  "Better than Jersey. Or Danville."

  "Yeah," she says emphatically. "Definitely. Rutgers is great, but I couldn’t see myself living there forever. Guess it sort of depends what I want to do."

  "Med school. Right?"

  She grimaces. "I’m not sure."

  "Really? It seems right up your alley."

  "Lots of work," she says dryly. "And you have to be passionate about medicine. I don’t know if I’m that invested. You’re so lucky, Ronan. You already know what you are. I’d kill for that."

  "Football? Yeah, I guess. I’m on the fence about going career."

  Gigi goggles at me. "Why?"

  "It’s not the only worthwhile endeavor. What if I’m meant to do something else?"

  "You’re great on the field, it’s fun, and you’d get paid very well. Why the hell would you leave that?"

  "Might be a grass is greener thing or I could be more like you—not sure if I want to invest my whole life in football."

  "You wouldn’t have to play forever. A few years in the NFL, and you could quit and get a sweet contract coaching college ball. Or become a sportscaster. A scout."


  "Then why are you wishy-washy?"

  I glance at her. How would she react I told her the truth?

  Because being with you makes me happier than all that. "It doesn’t make me whole."

  "Huh. That’s unexpected."

  "Believe it or not, there’s more to me than football."

  "I know," she says with a smile. "It’s just the last thing I expected you to say."

  "What about you? When are you going to figure your shit out?"

  "No idea, but my reluctance to study the MCAT speaks volumes, doesn’t it? I can’t even crack the books, and I’ll bet the tests in med school make the entrance exam look like child’s play." Gigi shrugs. "I’m taking it one day at a time. No need to decide now."

  We finally reach the bottom of the slopes, and I hobble toward the lodge. I slump on a bench at the ski rental, grateful to rip off my boots. Unbuckling the first strap feels heavenly, until the blood rushes to my injury.

  Gigi helps slide my foot out. "How is it doing?"

  Like hell. "Not too bad."

  I can’t tell her the truth—that my ankle feels more like a bloody stump and any contact with the ground is agony. By the look on her face, she’s already consumed with guilt.

  "Maybe we should go back to the suite. You can make it up to me in private."

  Gigi swats my shoulder, blushing. "Keep your voice down."

  As soon as we’ve returned all the equipment, Gigi drags me to the elevator, talking about driving to the store to buy Icy Hot. I hop into our suite and collapse onto the mattress.

  Worried, Gigi cradles my foot, her gentle touch soothing. "We should put it on ice immediately."

  "You know, there’s an easier way to direct my blood away from my injury."

  Gigi looks up, nonplussed. "Elevate it?"

  "No. I’ll give you a hint—it requires your mouth."

  Comprehension dawns on her face. "I should’ve known you’d work sex into the conversation somehow."

  There might not be literature on the effectiveness of blowjobs, but when Gigi touches me, my jeans tighten. It doesn’t matter where. She’s that irresistible.

  And the girl knows it.

  "I do owe you one." A feline smirk tugs at her lips. "Why not?"

  Gigi unwraps her scarf, tossing the winter jacket onto a chair. Then she shimmies out of her leggings. I’d get up to help her undress, but I love watching her hands glide over her curves. Her panties follow the leggings.

  Blood rushes to my cock. My breathing sounds far and distant as she climbs over the bed and straddles my waist. She seizes her wool sweater. I watch the hem tease her flat stomach before it glides up her abdomen, over her breasts, and is finally tossed aside. Gigi’s thick, brown curls bounce on her shoulders. She smiles as she reaches behind her and unclasps the nude bra. Gigi’s tits tumble free, and my fingers act like they have minds of their own.

  Her smooth skin is softer than velvet. She lowers herself, hair tickling my face, and kisses my open mouth. Her breasts pool into my hands. I want to fucking bite them, but Gigi palms my chest. She pushes me down.

  "It’s my turn to play with you."

  Hell yes.

  She unzips my jeans and pries the belt apart. She pulls my cock out. It’s already stiff, stabbing the air. Gigi smiles before crushing her lips against mine, tongue lashing hard. I caress her curves, looping around her thick ass, legs, and tits. It’s too much. If she doesn’t stop, I’ll throw her down and fuck her.

  Flushed, Gigi draws away. She moves to my side, displaying her body as she positions her mouth over my cock. A stream of precum glides down my shaft, and Gigi laps at it as though it’s honey. She grips the base, pumping slowly as she tongues my length. Up and down, swirling over the head, sucking the sensitive underside.

  She’s amazing at this. Who would have thought?

  It’s as though she’s studied how to suck cock. I don’t have to tell her to go faster or slow down. She does it intuitively. I’m primed to explode by the time she finally takes me into her mouth, but I force myself to keep it together. This is an occasion that’s meant to be savored, and it’s clear that Gigi wants me to enjoy myself. She opens her mouth wide, taking all of me. Her lips flatten against my balls as I bulge in her throat.

  Holy fuck.

  She’s deep-throating me. Gigi pulls back to gasp, intent on shoving as much cock as far as possible. She does it again. And again.

  At some point, I’ll have to stop her.

  "I’m going to fill you with cum and it’s only been a few minutes."

  Gigi releases me with a loud pop, lips gliding up and down my wet shaft. Her haughty gaze taunts me as though to say—So do it.

  She can’t really want that. "Babe, slow down. You don’t want me to come in your mouth. Do you?"

  Gigi’s sigh tingles my dick. It twitches, bumping into her lips. She takes me again, tongue whipping a frenzy. My balls tighten as pressure behind them builds. My hips grind into her, and then she wraps her arms around my waist and keeps me buried. Her tongue strokes the base of my cock.

  And then it surges forward. Before I can summon the strength to stop, I come. I thrust into her twice before pulling out, because I’ll be damned if I’m not fucking her pussy. I seize her ankle, drag her across the bed, and open her legs. With a shuddering moan, I sink into her.

  Gigi grasps my neck as I pound her, so turned on another orgasm builds. Her wet heat grips me. Gigi digs into my hair and pants. A few quick thrusts, and we meet our climaxes together. She moans into my mouth.

  I bite her lip, groaning through my teeth. I feel nothing but Gigi’s soft lips. Her velvet skin. Her tits against my chest.

  After a long while, she meets my eyes. Her smile tugs at my heart, because this woman isn’t just dynamite in bed.

  She’s the one for me.


  God, I wish I could keep him.

  Ronan is hot in a suit. On some men, it makes them more imposing. I could see his brother giving off that aura, but Ronan’s too playful to be intimidating. No longer the neighborhood bully, he’s still young at heart.

  I find everything about him alluring, from the huskiness of his voice to the soft down of his chest hair. Forty-eight hours alone with Ronan has made me intimately familiar with his body. I’ve identified ten different shades of blue in his eyes.
  I’m heartsick at the thought of leaving. I can’t even piece it together—why? Maybe it’s the knowledge of his feelings for me. The fact he loves me makes me giddy. It warms my soul, which troubles me. I should agonize over not returning those sentiments. I should be punishing myself.

  Instead, I’m the happiest I’ve been in the longest time.

  I touch Ronan, ensnared by a memory of digging my nails into his back. He swivels on the stool and takes my waist. His heart-stopping smile draws me close, and then we kiss. Ronan isn’t shy about expressing his emotions. It’s one of the things I love about him. It didn’t take much to get used to kissing him in public. Ronan has a way of making me forget everything else.

  He pulls away, his forehead against mine. "Gigi, it’s our last night."

  I’d avoided thinking of it all day. "This weekend went by so quickly."

  Truth is, I expected this getaway to be nothing more than a steamy fling. We’d fuck like mad, have a good time, and I’d get this ridiculous attraction purged from my system. I’ve lost count of how many orgasms he’s given me. My desire for Ronan isn’t going anywhere.

  If anything, it’s deepened into something more.

  That’s a problem.

  Ronan waves at the bartender. "Another one, please."

  I study Ronan as his shoulders curl inwards and his grin trembles. That’s his third round.

  Something’s eating him. "What’s up?"


  It isn’t hard to catch Ronan in a lie. He’s not good at hiding his emotions. It’s as though a decade of bottling them up ruined that ability forever.

  Ronan chugs his drink without looking at me. Then he puts it down, disappointed. Miserable.

  I take his shoulder. "Hey, what’s wrong?"

  "Nothing, babe."

  He reaches for my hand after paying, and we slide from the bar to walk through the lodge. Instead of taking me directly upstairs, he strolls the gigantic lobby. We loop the ground floor. Ronan stops at a windowed stretch, his face shining with illuminated snow from outdoor lights. He releases me and looks at his feet.

  "Ronan, I know you’re upset. Tell me what’s wrong."

  For a long moment, he says nothing.

  "All right. You got me." He shoves his hands into his pockets and sucks in a deep breath. "I-I guess I’m a little sad. Tomorrow, everything reverts to what it was."

  "Between you and me?" My pulse pounds when he nods. "I mean—that’s what we both agreed to."

  "I want you, Gigi. Not as a friends-with-benefits. Not as a fling."

  "Oh." The air catches in my lungs. "Then what?"

  "I know that I need you."

  His words are white-hot. They consume me. The glow of warmth around my heart builds to an inferno. "Our schools are hours from each other."

  "Difficult doesn’t mean impossible. I’m not asking for anything except for a chance."

  "A chance?"

  "Yes. Things don’t have to end when we get home." He grasps my chin, luring me closer with his gritty voice. "I don’t want to let you go. I need to know if you feel the same."

  He was good enough to give me honesty. I owe him the truth.

  "This wasn’t supposed to turn into anything serious. I was ready for a fun weekend, nothing more. But ever since we got here, I’ve been dreading our last night. You’re different."


  "For one thing, I can’t stop thinking about you."

  Relief washes over Ronan. A grin staggers across his face. "Well, you haven’t had enough moments by yourself."

  "But that’s just it. I don’t want to be alone."

  He grabs my waist, his lips crashing into mine. I melt in his arms as he pulls away and says, "Me neither, Gigi. I—I"

  I silence him with another kiss, heart thudding. I’m not ready to hear that he loves me. If he confesses that, I’ll have to shoot him down. And I really have no desire to ruin this beautiful weekend.

  "Ronan." I whisper against his hot mouth. "Take me upstairs."

  "Soon." Ronan’s eyes flare like two bright stars. "I need you to answer another question."

  I pull away, slightly. "What is it?"

  "Do you want more or not?"

  I’m not leaving until I reply to him. He’ll never let this go.

  So I tell him the truth. "Yes."

  "Am I just a rebound?" He grimaces through his pain. "Shit. I am, aren’t I?"

  "No, you’re not! Ronan, I swear to God. You are—We’re much more than that. We have a connection. What James and I had didn’t light a candle to what you and I share."

  "Are you sure you want this?"

  "I just ended a relationship, and jumping into another seems crazy. But I want you. It feels right."

  Once again, relief washes over Ronan with a smile. Unlike his hard-eyed smirks, it’s as though there are windows behind those clear blues.

  He inches closer, forehead once again pressed against mine. "I feel the same. I want you everyday, and I want you now. Let’s go upstairs."

  Hell yes.

  * * *

  I lie on the mattress, warm air kissing my bare skin. My legs hang over the bed, where Ronan stands. He’s poised in a mouth-watering stance. One hand touches himself, and the other smoothes my thighs.

  "I had an idea. Something that’ll help your shyness."

  "How am I shy? I’m naked."

  "You’re not shy about your body—you’re scared to tell me what you like. I’m not a mind reader, Gigi. That’s why I snagged this." He flourishes a branch sprouting with small berries.


  Ronan ceases stroking himself to lean over me, grazing my body with the leaves. It glides up my stomach. "I want you to point this wherever you want my mouth."


  My heart does back flips as he pushes the branch into my hand. Images of the night at the theater burn into my mind—I hadn’t felt his lips on me since then. Asking to have my pussy licked was hard for me. The very question, phrased in my head, burned my cheeks.

  "Mmm. I wonder what you’re thinking." His warmth returns to my thighs as he kneads my skin. "No limits, Gigi. I’ll go as long as you want."

  I stare at him, quailing under his intense gaze.

  I make my choice. I tap my lips with the branch, which seems like the coward’s way out, but doesn’t seem like it when you’re making out with Ronan. He’s an amazing kisser.

  His weight pins me down as he snakes his arm behind my neck and crushes his lips against mine. My head tilts as he digs into my hair and pulls. I wrap my arms around him, loving how his body lights my nerve endings, reveling in every sensation. I’ve never been so safe and cherished. I wish I could hold on to this forever.

  The branch grazes my neck.

  Ronan pulls away, taking a moment to steel himself. And then he kisses my neck. His sensual lips blaze my skin, following the dragging mistletoe. Somehow he makes every part of me sing. He nips at my collarbone, slowly gliding down, until I trail the berries over my breast and circle my nipple. Ronan’s head moves lower with a smile..

  The first kiss sends a jolt to my pussy. The second drags a moan from my throat. "Ronan."

  He loves that, squeezing my tits as he sucks. He takes his time moving to the center, pink patches welling where his mouth has been. Slowly, he tongues my areola. His wet heat closes over me. I arch my back, nail digging into his skin. I keep the branch there until I’m almost raw, and then I tease it across. Ronan swipes his tongue and gives the other breast attention. He suckles until a cry hitches in my throat. Then he pushes them together, alternating.

  My desire for him is unrestrained. It’s as though it rips from my grasp like the reins of a horse bolting. I take his free hand and guide it between my legs. His fingers curl into my pussy, dragging my wetness up and around. He sweeps to my clit and rubs.

  I need his mouth there.

  Ronan pauses, watching the progression of the mistletoe. It trails between my tits. The berries drag down
my skin, until I reach the part of me that aches for him.

  "As you wish," he sighs against me. "Can’t wait to get my tongue inside you."

  I want more than his tongue. I want all of him.

  His lips make a slow dance on my body, slowly leading to the place I long for him most, where his fingers massage me. They glide down my swollen nub and curve inside me. And then his wet heat swallows my clit.

  I grab at my chest, caught in an agonizing battle between pleasure and restraint. I could nudge myself and come over his tongue, or I could enjoy it for a little longer.

  "Ronan, I fucking need."

  He stops, breath billowing over my pussy. "Need what, babe?"

  "You." I glance at his cock trembling at full-mast.

  "I just started licking your pussy—"


  Ronan smiles. "Tell you what. Let’s compromise."


  Ronan’s head dips between my legs as his fingers slide out. He pushes apart my knees, and a glorious heat spreads over me. I tighten my thighs as he dives in, tongue and all. It curls before he seals his lips and sucks.

  A moan bursts from me.

  Ronan’s mouth disappears, leaving me cold and wet. He quickly stands. Grabbing my thighs, he positions himself. A firm pressure builds. It pushes through, spreading me wide as he slams into me. I cling to his ass, wanting him to go faster. Harder.

  But Ronan’s measured thrusts pulse at the same pace. He grinds into me and pulls out. The ache returns in full force before he drops to his knees and once again kisses my pussy.

  "Oh my God, Ronan."

  It’s so dirty. So hot.

  He reaches all the way back. He massages my clit, and down again, to and fro, until I’m ready to scream.

  And then he disappears. I open my eyes, finding Ronan upright. His cock sinks into me, and I can’t keep from crying out. He climbs into my embrace and claims my lips. He bites. The shock jars me.

  We climax together, Ronan’s face buried in my neck. My pulse rockets as I ride a wave of ecstasy.

  My body wants more. "Is it always this good?"

  "No, Gigi." Simmering with his own orgasm, Ronan pulls me into his arms. "Not even close."


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