Stud Muffin

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Stud Muffin Page 15

by Lauren Landish

  “Are you ready?” His smile is pearly white, and my mind starts whirling, thinking of all the ways that he could be meaning his question. Am I ready for the festival? Yes. Am I ready for this trip to be over? No. Am I ready to maybe break his heart? Fuck, no, I don’t think I ever will be ready for that, not without breaking my own.

  He takes my hand, and I hear Cassie and Caleb whispering, probably about us. I smile back and decide that no matter what tomorrow brings, tonight is about one thing. Tony, and what we can have . . . for now.

  “Yes. I was born ready to party.”

  Chapter 18


  The beat of the Hawaiian drums pounds in tandem with my heartbeat as Tony and I walk onto the festival grounds, trailing the rest of the group.

  There are all sorts of colorful tents set up and down the shoreline, each offering some kind of delicacy, the aromas mixing in with the vibrant colors and carried on the warm winds. There are even game booths further on down where people are gathered around, shouting and engaged in fierce competition.

  I suck in a deep breath as I take everything in, my eyes feasting on the explosion of culture on display. There are groups of women here and there hula dancing, their tanned bodies moving in a seductive, ritualistic manner. As they swirl around each other, the air seems to come alive with a kind of joyous energy, crackling against my skin and causing goosebumps all over.

  With the backdrop of the sparkling ocean, the kaleidoscope of colors, and bright lights, the wild pounding music, dance, and people, I’m almost dizzy with wonder.

  “This is beautiful,” I half whisper, shaking my head in awe.

  “It sure is,” Tony agrees. He points. “Look over there.” In the center of the village, we can see the recreation of a volcano glowing orange-red and spewing clouds of steam. Some wiseass has even painted a sign in front of it, Mt. Fuka’ayuu.

  “A sign?” I ask.

  Tony smiles, flashing his beautiful teeth. “Maybe.” He reaches out his hand to me. For a moment, I stare at it and then glance ahead, where Cassie and Caleb are razzing each other, blissfully unaware of us. Meanwhile, Wesley and Alani have already walked off and are talking with a group of locals. None of them are paying attention, but even if they were, it seems everyone already knows there’s something going on between Tony and me.

  Smiling, I take his hand. He squeezes, and my anxiety ebbs. My heart swells in my chest as we walk hand in hand together, slightly trailing Caleb and Cassie.

  “You’re always talking like I’m not good enough for you,” Cassie is complaining just a tad too loudly. “Like, I’m too young, or I’m too short. Like what the hell? Get out of here with that mess. You want to know what I think? I think you’re just scared that I would rock your world.”

  “Don’t flatter yourself, darling,” Caleb chuckles. “The only thing that would end up being rocked is your mind when I gave you the best orgasm of your life.”

  “Tell you what, Mr. Hot Shot,” Cassie says, placing her hands on her hips. “Let’s make a bet. If I can grab a girl faster than you can, you have to bow down and kiss my feet. If I lose, I’ll do the same.”

  Caleb arches an eyebrow and guffaws in disbelief. “You grab a chick?”

  Cassie nods. “I’m not ashamed. I’ll show you that not only am I hotter than you, but I have more swagger and a bigger set of balls, too.”

  “You’re fucking nuts!” Caleb laughs. “But game on!”

  The two quickly disappear off into the crowd, and Tony and I shake our heads, chuckling.

  “Since becoming an adult, I’ve never in my life seen Caleb act this way,” Tony remarks. “You’d almost think he was a kid in the candy store.”

  I shrug helplessly. “What can I say? Cassie is a bad influence.” I sigh wistfully as we pass a stand with mouth-watering delicacies on display. “But to tell you the truth, I like having her around. She kind of reminds me of myself a few years back.”

  Tony chuckles, arching a skeptical eyebrow. “Seriously? I can’t imagine you acting like that.”

  “I was different, sure. But Roxy and I did get into some crazy shit.”

  Tony appraises me with interest. “So you’re telling me there’s a wilder version of Hannah locked away somewhere?”

  I grin and poke him in the side. “Maybe, so don’t fuck with me.”

  Tony laughs. “Oooh, scary. I’ll make a mental note not to cross you.”

  “Good decision.”

  Tony can’t contain his grin as joy seems to surround us, and he tugs on my arm. He leads me around the festival and we take in the sights. I have to admit, it feels good walking around on his arm in public, like we’re a couple. No one here cares, and it just feels so right. For all of my self-talk about not needing a man to be complete, I know that as I put my arm around Tony’s waist and he pulls me close around the shoulders, I’ve never felt more complete in my life.

  We stop by several booths to play games, and Tony shows me his competitive spirit that I’ve come to love, playing aggressively to win. But each time, he gets to the end of the match, only to lose to some local. Finally, in an arm wrestling contest, he triumphs, winning a stuffed animal. A parrot.

  I scowl at the parrot in disgust. It even looks like Mo Mo. “I love you for winning this, but . . .”

  Tony laughs. “Just think, you got her a boyfriend. She might love you now.”

  I certainly won’t miss being called big booty ho, that’s for sure.

  We come up to a food stall, where they have a whole pig roasting on a spit. Tony tries it, then holds out a sample to me. “Here, it’s hot but delicious.” I take it into my mouth, and he’s right, it’s sweet, salty, a little spicy . . . it’s the best pork I’ve ever had. I suck on his finger, lost in the flavor, when Tony chuckles and leans in to whisper in my ear. “Watch it, you’re going to make me pop wood out here in front of all of these people.”

  I chuckle and wipe at my mouth with my pinkie finger. “Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.”

  He grins, motioning over to a group of couples dancing. “Wanna give it a go?”

  “You’re joking!”

  “Hell no, I’m not!” Tony says, pulling me toward the group. A couple of the locals look surprised, but when Tony strips off his shirt and starts dancing, recreating the moves that we did for the competition, they’re getting into it. My heart soars so much that I wrap my arms around him, kissing him hard.

  “I can’t believe we just did that!” I say as we get applause. He’s covered in a fine sheen of sweat, but I don’t care. He’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen as he kisses me back.

  “Let’s go get a drink. I’ve worked up a sweat.”

  We go to a punch bowl stand, grabbing two massive cups. I see that this is the real stuff, not shit from a bottle. Tony makes a joke about keeping the punch in the cup and not in his face this time. It seems like that happened a lifetime ago, as I give him a little sheepish grin. I’m finishing my last drop when Cassie comes by with a girl on her arm. “See? What’d I tell you?”

  Caleb, who’s just coming up empty handed, looks shocked. “No fucking way.”

  “Way. Told you, don’t doubt me,” Cassie boasts, triumphant even though her newfound friend is at least half drunk. “Kalena, say hello.”

  Cassie’s newfound friend giggles and squeezes her cheeks. “Hello. And who wouldn’t love her dimples?” she says.

  “Well if it weren’t for Tony’s dancing messing up my game, I would've won,” Caleb says, stopping by the water balloon game stand. “His little display has all the girls around here eyeing him.”

  “Sure. Excuses, excuses,” Cassie says, kicking off her sandals and brandishing her petite feet. “But you know what time it is. Don’t be a sore loser. Get down on your knees and get to worshipping!”

  Cassie’s so caught up in her gloating that she doesn’t appear to notice Caleb’s hand moving behind his back as he moves his lips toward her feet. But with mere inches to go, he shakes his head.
r />   “Kiss ‘em real good,” Cassie gloats, winking at Kalena. “Don’t be afraid of the toe jam.”

  Caleb hikes his arm higher, opening his mouth.

  “Tell me he is not gonna—” I begin to say, but Caleb is fast, throwing the water balloon right into Cassie’s chest, where it explodes, soaking her and her friend.

  “Boom! Money shot!” he yells, taking off running.

  “Motha . . . fuck!” Cassie yells, shoving Kalena to the side and running after him. We both laugh at them as Cassie calls after him, “Get back here, asshole!”

  “Someone’s gonna end up dead.” Tony laughs as Cassie’s newfound friend squawks, then shrugs and walks off. “We’re so gonna have to patch one of them up.”

  “Forget them—let’s go for a walk,” I reply, taking his arm. I grab a water balloon to hold as we pass. It feels cool in my hand to hold, refreshing against the heat. We move away from the main festival, melting into the shadows as we walk. The moon is still high, and while not quite full, it’s beautiful as we head down a walking path that connects the village to Wesley’s place. “This whole trip has been life changing.”

  “I know what you mean,” Tony says. “I can’t believe it’s going to end soon.”

  “I don’t want it to,” I admit. “Tony . . . I don’t want it to end.”

  We stop, and he pulls me close, kissing me softly. I wrap my arms around his neck, my desire tempered by the mood. He’s tender, looking at me with something that shakes me to my core, and I lay my head against his shoulder when we’re done. Tony strokes my back, his voice heavy with feeling. “For now, let’s just enjoy the night.”

  “Okay,” I reply, feeling a little better. I don’t want to ruin the night thinking about it. I want to retreat to a safe place from my feelings, and I look back toward the village. “I wonder if she’s caught him by now and beaten his ass.”

  “I’m pretty sure she’s all talk,” Tony says with a chuckle. “But still, she’s a feisty little thing. I can’t picture you being so bold.”

  “Oh, you wanna bet?” I ask.

  “I do,” Tony challenges me.

  I lob the water balloon I’ve been carrying in his face. Splat!

  “That was for doubting me!” I yell, running for my life.

  “You’re so dead!” he shouts, laughing.

  I pump my legs fast, feeling like a child. Everything drops away, all the worries, all my thoughts about how it’s going to end. Instead, there’s just this moment, my muscles straining as the air pours in and out of my lungs in laughs and squeals. There’s only the moon, and the path, and the laughter as my man comes pelting down the path after me, coming to claim me.

  “You’re mine!” he yells, stumbling over something in the path before recovering. I pour on the speed. Maybe I can outrun him. Laughing, I push just a little harder.

  “You’ve gotta catch me first!”

  Chapter 19


  “Your ass is mine!” I yell, running her down. She got a head start, and I stumbled once, but I’ll catch her. My heart is pounding, my entire body flooded with testosterone and desire.

  She’s wearing herself out trying to run as fast as she can. I close within a foot and grab her, the two of us falling to the soft ground of the path, Hannah yelling in protest. “Ahh! Get off me!”

  “Get off you?” I ask, pinning her to the ground and holding her hands over her head. “You sure that’s what you want?”

  Hannah’s reply is cut off as I kiss her neck, and she moans as I run my hands down her body. I bring my hand up to cup her breast, massaging it through the thin fabric of her top. Her nipple pebbles against my palm, and I stroke it, pulling away to look into her eyes. “Give up?”

  “I give up . . .” Hannah moans, putting her arms around my neck.

  I get off her, lifting her in my arms. “Come on, I don’t want us to be interrupted. There’s a little clearing through those trees.” I swoop her up into my arms, crossing the tree line into the field and setting her down in the soft grass.

  “Tony . . .”

  A streak catches our eye, and we turn, watching as shooting stars start to fill the sky. It’s beautiful, and as I turn back to Hannah, I remember a childhood ritual. “You know what they say about shooting stars . . . we need to make a wish fast.” I watch as Hannah closes her eyes, her lips moving silently. As her eyes open, we lock eyes, and she lies back, opening her arms and offering herself to me.

  “Tony, tomorrow is tomorrow. But tonight is ours. Make my wish come true?” she asks with a hopeful look in her eyes. Hannah reaches for the tie on her dress and undoes it, letting the top fall down to reveal her perky tits, her nipples already hard with desire.

  I nod, understanding her wish for tonight’s magic to carry us through, as if tomorrow won’t destroy everything. I reach behind my neck and pull my shirt off, lowering down to meet her halfway in a kiss. The kiss is sweet and tender, with an undercurrent of passion that soon has our tongues wrapping around each other, my hands running up and down her body, working her dress to her feet and then off. She lies before me, her pussy hidden by a tiny scrap of lace. “Fuck, you’re beautiful,” I tell her as I grab the sides of her panties and lower them.

  Lying back down over her, my lips trail down Hannah’s throat, sucking and licking her delicious skin. I cup her ass, massaging it and squeezing, her moans of arousal growing as I knead the taut flesh. I trail my lips lower but stop and smile into her hip as I remember something that I saw earlier. I get up, telling her not to move, and Hannah gives me a worried look. “What are you doing?”

  “Making perfection even tastier,” I joke, walking away for just a few seconds before coming back with what I remembered. “Mango.”

  The fruit is ripe, and I tear it in my hands, squeezing the fresh juice over her breasts as I kneel down, burying my tongue between them. The taste of her skin with the sweet mango leaves me ravenous, and I suck hard, licking and tasting her skin before I devour her nipple, tugging and biting it, Hannah moaning my name and running her hands through my hair. “Tony . . . for God’s sake, Tony, you’re amazing.”

  I growl, switching sides and sliding a hand between Hannah’s legs, rubbing her slick lips. She spreads her legs and I slip two fingers inside, pumping them in and out as I lick and suck on her breasts until there’s no mango left, just the wonderful texture of her skin under my lips. I rub her clit with my thumb, Hannah’s hips jerking as I stroke in and out.

  I kiss up to her lips, sharing the last of the mango with her as my fingers speed up, pumping her tight pussy as I stroke her hair and kiss her tenderly. “You’re amazing,” I whisper to her. “Nobody is like you.”

  Hannah tries to answer, but her body shakes so much that all she can do is clutch at my back, her fingernails digging into my shoulders. A moan rolls from the depths of her belly, and her pussy clamps down tightly on my fingers as she comes. “Mmm . . .” I moan, licking my fingers clean before sharing them with her. “Sweeter than the mango.”

  Hannah laughs. “That was amazing. But you still haven’t done what you promised. You still planning to follow through on your claim?”

  “What?” I ask, confused for a moment until Hannah rolls over, wiggling her ass at me with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. “You serious?”

  “You said my ass was yours . . . here’s your chance, studmuffin,” she says. “Rare chance. Take advantage.”

  I don’t need any more encouragement, getting behind Hannah and pulling her ass toward me. I reach out with my tongue, coating her asshole with spit while I rub her pussy with my right hand, gathering her juices to add to the sensual massage. I can’t believe she’s offering this to me. Her sighs turn into joyous moans as I slide in one finger, then another into her ass, slowly stretching her open.

  “Tony . . . please, my mouth,” she begs, and I understand. I move around, my two fingers still buried in her ass as she turns her head and slides my cock into her mouth, pumping it slowly in and out to get it extr
a nice and wet for her. I pull out with a loud pop and move behind her. I pull my fingers out and just touch her with the tip of my cock.

  “You ready?” I ask softly. As much as I want to plunge in hard, I know she needs to have a chance to prepare, and I wait until she nods to push the head of my cock in slowly. I wait, listening to her breathing as she hitches, then gasps as I slide in further, opening her up. “Fuck, you’re tight.”

  “Or you’re big,” she teases, her words slurred with lust as I slide more into her. I go slow, small strokes that open up her body as Hannah reaches down, rubbing her pussy with her hand to relax herself until I feel my hips settle against her ass. I growl, reaching down and pulling her up for a shared, lingering kiss. “Take me,” she begs.

  I kiss her hard in reply, letting her settle back onto the grass before I pull back and thrust in long and deep, my cock filling her until we’re both gasping, the tight clench of her ass around my cock making my heart hammer in my chest. I thrust again and again, stretching her and gradually speeding up. It’s like some sort of island magic fills us, and sweat glistens in the moonlight while I pound her, crying out words I don’t even recognize, just sounds and nonsense, but Hannah seems to understand, the two of us going faster and faster. My hips slap hard against her, and Hannah pushes back, squeezing herself around the throbbing length of my cock and sending chills up my spine.

  The world evaporates. I can’t feel the grass under my knees, I can’t hear the cries of the forest animals or feel the wind on our skin. There’s just the growing heat in my belly, the sound of Hannah’s cries as I thrust in and out of her, and the beating of our hearts. My cock throbs, and I’m on the edge of coming deep inside of her. But there’s something holding me back, and I know what it is. It’s my heart. I need to open it up completely to her, all the risks be damned.


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