An Archdemon's Dilemma: How to Love Your Elf Bride: Volume 9

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An Archdemon's Dilemma: How to Love Your Elf Bride: Volume 9 Page 7

by Fuminori Teshima

  But somehow... it’s warm. It was the same feeling she had when Zagan or Nephy brushed her head. And after Foll contented herself to that sensation for a while longer, Alshiera eventually answered her in a resigned tone.

  “The answer to your question is... I don’t have the qualifications to speak the Silver-Eyed King’s name.”

  Foll didn’t think she would actually answer, so she stared back at the vampire.

  “Is that important?”

  “Indeed. It is for me.”

  “Zagan probably doesn’t think so,” Foll remarked, but Alshiera shook her head.

  “Even if the Silver-Eyed King permits it, I never will.”

  Her reply was startlingly obstinate, and Foll let out an involuntary sigh.

  “...So awkward.”

  “That may be so.”

  Alshiera was fully aware of that fact, so she giggled, displaying the same cheeky attitude as always.

  Around this time, Selphy returned with three people’s share of cookies and tea atop a tray.

  “I found some snacks! They’re the cookies Miss Nephy made yesterday.”

  “Won’t Raphael get angry if we eat them?”

  “It’s A-OK! We can just apologize if he gets angry!”

  Watching Selphy laugh it off without giving it any thought, Foll’s lips slackened.

  “You’ll also have to say ‘sorry’ too, Alshiera.”

  Alshiera looked at the young dragon in surprise. And having expected this reaction in some way, Selphy strained a smile.

  “Did you do something to anger Mister Raphael? It’s okay! He’s got a scary face, but if you’re honest, he’ll totally forgive you! Actually, if you don’t say anything, he’ll get even angrier, so you’ve gotta hurry!”

  Alshiera smiled in a troubled manner at the endlessly optimistic girl.

  “That boy would surely forgive me, but I am not so generous as to forgive myself after a simple apology,” she replied in a self-deprecating tone.

  Foll remained silent and started munching on the cookies Selphy had brought over. Nephy’s baking didn’t disappoint. The moderate sweetness and fragrant aroma of spices were exquisite.

  “So you need to properly apologize to Alshiera yourself, Alshiera.”

  The vampire looked ready to spill her tea upon hearing such a nonsensical comment. Foll then took a sip of tea herself before rising from her seat.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you until Alshiera forgives you.”

  It seemed that was Foll’s way of repaying her debt.


  “Hmhmm, it’s just like you to worry about this kinda stuff, Nephy.”

  Nephy’s avian friend Manuela snickered as she put together some casual clothes for her. This clothing shop clerk had a habit of dressing Nephy up every time she came to talk to her, so she was quite used to it already and just let it happen. Though, she did so with a bitter smile.

  “You’ve really been a big help,” Nephy said as she nodded her head, then claimed, “I was worried I was going off track.”

  “It’s fine. Coordinating outfits is my expertise.”

  Manuela was currently fitting a pure white silk dress on Nephy.

  “Hmm, you’ve got white hair and skin, so I think we need something else to make them pop... We really should go with more exposu—”

  “Wouldn’t an overcoat be more appropriate for the season?”

  It was standard fare for Manuela to make her wear strange clothing all the time, so Nephy forestalled her efforts.

  “Awww, come on. You’re finally looking to enhance your charm. Shouldn’t you try challenging yourself a bit more?”

  Would Master Zagan be happy with that...? Nephy froze up at the thought that he would end up disillusioned, thinking that she was shameless. It was too embarrassing to do it anyway. So Nephy shook her head.

  “I’ll refrain. It’s too embarrassing.”

  “Hmmm?” Manuela smiled suspiciously and brought her face to Nephy’s ear as she whispered to her. “But didn’t he like that swimsuit you wore? And you did too, right?”

  “Ah...!” Nephy gasped. She almost wanted to praise herself for not bursting out and asking how she knew that.

  Well, Master Zagan was rather pleased. And that made me happy! It was entirely possible that she didn’t find it bad herself... or rather, that she liked it. However, she didn’t expect someone else to be able to so accurately pinpoint her feelings over this when she wasn’t so sure about it herself. Nephy writhed over this fact, and Manuela began cackling.

  “Ahahahah! Well, I guess it’s a little early for you, seeing that you still turn red just from holding hands.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “Hmmm, I wonder...”

  Every citizen of Kianoides knew at least that much, since the two of them were in that state every single time they came to town. However, Manuela watched over them with far more joy... or rather, kindness. She went to get another set of clothes to pull things back together. This time, it was an outfit suitable for a noble composed of a shirt, trousers, and a black mantle with a chain clasp.

  “By the way, how about this set for Zagan to match yours?”

  “I think it’s wonderful!”

  Nephy liked Zagan’s usual attire, but she also wanted to see him wearing something else once in a while.

  Looking over her with an entranced look on her face, Manuela sighed in a regretful tone.

  “Oh yeah, I’ve been wanting to play around with... I mean, have Chastille try a bunch of clothes, but she just won’t come by the shop.”

  Isn’t that because she knows what you’re planning...? Nephy kept it to herself with a strained smile, and Manuela gazed out the window towards the church.

  “That girl’s on a business trip to the Holy City, right?”

  “Yes. I believe Nephteros is with her.”

  “Little Kuroka is also away, so only the three idiots are left at the church, huh?”

  “Those gentlemen aren’t so bad once you get to know them, you know?”

  Nephy felt they were afraid of her, but she didn’t quite know why. Sure, they had first met amidst a battle, but she didn’t think they would drag out a grudge. Especially not when they were the ones who had acted all haughty around Zagan, which had forced her hand.

  Now that I think about it, I believe Master Zagan asked Lord Barbatos to do something for him... It didn’t appear to have anything to do with his relationship with Chastille, so perhaps there was something in the Holy City that required further investigation? Nephy’s expression clouded over as she pondered the matter, and having sensed that, Manuela changed the topic.

  “Anyway, wouldn’t it be better if you were a little more assertive?”

  “I don’t know how to do that even if you tell me that...”

  Nephy wanted to make Zagan happy. She wanted to attract him more. She had plenty of desire. However, she didn’t have a clue as to how that could be accomplished.

  “Well, I guess you’ve got a point...” Manuela nodded as if to say that was actually a good thing. “Let’s see... How about trying to suddenly crawl into his bed...? Ah, I guess that’s going a little fast for you two, though.”

  Manuela just said what came to mind, but she shook her head, and Nephy replied with a bitter smile.

  “Master Zagan normally sleeps while sitting on his throne anyway.”

  “...Oh, so that’s also a bit of a problem, huh?” Manuela said as scratched her head. Then she smiled suspiciously, looking just like Gremory as she continued, “Well, why not try it out if you ever spot Zagan sleeping in a bed?”

  Crawling in bed with Zagan... The mere thought of that set Nephy’s heart ablaze, making her hot in the face as well. However, at the same time, she seemed rather confused by the idea.

  “But what do I do after crawling in?”

  “Pffft! Ahahahaha! Now that’s my Nephy! It’s fine, just sleep there next to him. Zagan will probably do as he likes after that... I’m sur
e the two of you will enjoy it.”

  “I see,” Nephy replied with a nod.

  Master Zagan was quite pleased when I let him sleep on my lap that one time. Sleeping atop a bed may have an entirely different atmosphere to it. I’m a little interested... It was possible that he would find this shameless, but Nephy felt like it would be nice to embrace him while in a bed.

  “Understood. I’ll try my best.”

  “Hnnngh! I must inform Comrade Gremory!”

  Nephy didn’t notice that Manuela was grinning with a mischievous look right next to her while she was gathering her resolve.

  After leaving the shop, Nephy realized that she had spent a fair amount of time there.

  I have to figure out how to heal Kuroka... What am I doing...? Well, Nephy was feeling quite gloomy, so maybe she wanted Manuela to comfort her. Still, she had to focus. And just as she slapped her cheeks to pull herself together...


  “Huh? Oh, Master Zagan.”

  Zagan just happened to pass by in the street in front of her. Taking a closer look, he was accompanied by Raphael, who was wearing Valefor’s armor. Raphael usually didn’t come to town, so it was quite an unusual combination. Though it was surprising, Zagan did spend a lot of time in town searching for his old friend and dealing with the clash with another Archdemon. It seemed that Raphael’s strength was necessary to him this time.

  Nephy ran over to him, and Zagan’s expression loosened up considerably.

  “Are you on your way back already, Nephy?”

  “Yes. It’s about time to start preparations for dinner,” Nephy replied. She didn’t realize what time it was until just now, so she answered in a somewhat flustered tone. Then, she continued, “Are you also on your way back, Master Zagan?”

  “Yeah. I’d ask to go together... but I’ll be leaving the castle for a bit.”

  Nephy’s ears trembled as she blinked.

  “Do you have some business to attend to?”

  “Mm. I have to look for someone, you see...”

  Is this about his old friend? It seemed Zagan was at his limits regarding his investigation of Marc. It only stood to reason that he would want to search for clues farther away from the castle.

  “Understood. I’ll be lonely... I mean, I shall await your return.”

  It was impossible for her to even consider getting in Zagan’s way at such times. Nephy immediately put on a smile, and Zagan began scratching his head in a troubled manner.

  “No, I mean, I planned to have you come along too... But, well, Gremory or the like will probably tag along as well.”

  “Huh? Really?!”

  Nephy spontaneously clapped her hands together. Her voice was just a little more excited than usual. And naturally enough, Zagan was left staring back at her. Nephy herself realized that her reaction just now was a failure on her part.

  Oh, Master Zagan has definitely figured out that I’ve wanted him to bring me along with him all this time. She could tell just by looking at his face. It was saying, “Oh, I see. Nephy wants to tag along, it seems. Hm, that would be a problem if things get dangerous. Still, anyone incapable of fulfilling such a simple request cannot call themselves an Archdemon.”

  “U-Um, that’s not what I...”

  “No, it’s fine. I understand. It’s alright!”

  Nephy was troubled precisely because he understood. She endured wanting to cover her face in embarrassment and then took a look around her in a fidgety manner.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Oh, not much. It’s just that Miss Gremory would usually be watching us from the shadows with a shady gaze... but she doesn’t seem to be around today?”

  Nephy cocked her head, and Zagan let out a tired sigh.

  “That idiot ran away the moment I mentioned Orias’ name. Kimaris is currently taking chase. I’m sure she just doesn’t have the leisure to mess with us.”

  “Oh, lately she’s been rather crazy about Kuroka and Shax, after all.”

  “I do want to tell her to restrain herself a little.”

  Both Zagan and Nephy let out a dry laugh and cocked their heads.

  Huh? Does that mean Miss Gremory isn’t watching us? Even if Raphael was with them, didn’t that mean the two of them were all alone without anyone to get in their way?

  And the first to take action upon realizing that was Zagan. He firmly gripped both of Nephy’s hands.

  “Nephy! Let’s go on a trip to the Holy City Raziel right now!”


  She replied immediately but stiffened up a moment later.

  The Holy City? Isn’t that where Chastille and Nephteros went? She’d heard the name of the city before, but had no idea where it actually was.

  “Um, the Holy City? Right now?”

  “Yeah! I’ll let Foll know right away. We’ve got some additional hands in the kitchen, so it’ll be alright.”

  “U-Um, nobody will get angry?” Nephy asked in a bewildered voice.

  “And who are you saying will get angry if I’m the one to say it’s fine?”

  She had no other choice but to nod along. All of Zagan’s followers gathered around him because they idolized him. If he told them he was going on a vacation, they would surely see him off happily.

  Zagan continued to grip Nephy’s hand and looked like a sad puppy. “Well, if you don’t want to...”

  Nephy found this rather unfair but held Zagan’s hand up to her face anyway.

  “Of course I want to go.”

  And so Zagan and Nephy’s trip to the Holy City was set to go.

  Chapter II: It was a Thousand Years Too Early to Act as a Married Couple, Even After Going Three Thousand Miles to Visit My Mother-In-Law

  “Mm. Got it. We’re fine here. You two have fun,” Foll said to Zagan after getting a telepathic communication from him while she was in the forest a short distance away from the castle.

  He couldn’t even use telepathy before, meaning he learned something new again. It was pretty much expected of Zagan at this point. Foll thought that she had gotten stronger, but Zagan had taken yet another step further away. His back was so far in the distance. But that’s precisely what made him a father worthy of her yearning and admiration.

  “Sorry. I want to bring you along too, but...”

  “It’s fine. I know you’re thinking of me, so you should just take your time and enjoy yourself.”

  It was the first time that Zagan said he wanted to go on a trip all alone with Nephy, though it seemed Raphael was with them. Just what kind of daughter would she be if she didn’t allow that? That’s why Foll wanted to send them off with her blessings.

  She was pretty sure it went well. Zagan cut off his telepathic communication soon afterward. He did leave behind several requests for her that had to be taken care of. There were three days until they returned to the castle. Foll had to manage the kitchen now that Nephy and Raphael were gone, tell Kuroka that her treatment would have to wait until they were back, and continue gathering information on Marc.

  “But first... there’s this,” Foll said as she turned her attention toward an androgynous sorcerer.

  “Hehehe... You didn’t ask Zagan for help? How brave of you...” Archdemon Bifrons was, for some reason, standing right before her.

  I thought I felt a weird gaze this morning. That’s why she had thought to take a look around the castle, but she ended up finding an unexpected intruder. The first time she’d met this Archdemon, she’d fallen back on her butt in an unsightly manner. If not for Zagan, she probably wouldn’t have returned from that ship alive.

  Such a terrifying Archdemon had managed to slip past Zagan’s sight and was now standing before her. It was an utterly hopeless situation. And yet, Foll replied in an unperturbed voice.

  “Go away, Bifrons. I don’t want to fight right now.”

  Zagan and Nephy weren’t coming back. Raphael was out. Gremory and Kimaris were also still away. The only one here was Foll. No help would come. And the
young Archdemon replied to her with a pleased smile.

  “Mm. What a truly brave little girl. You’re so cute that even I feel like I want to protect you. If only my little doll was as cute as you.” Bifrons nodded with an air of admiration then pointed a smile at Foll without even a hint of malice to it. “So it’s not out of the question for me to comply with such a request, but... that obviously depends on your attitude.”

  The Archdemon’s smile was entirely innocent, but their words were coated with dark malice. Foll was at least prepared for this much.

  “What do you want?”

  “Nothing much, it’s not all that complicated. I just want to borrow your powers a bit. Or more specifically, your eyes, I suppose.”

  “My eyes...?”

  “Yup. I’d like to swap my eyes with yours. With that, I’ll be able to see what you’ve seen, and you’ll be able to see what I’ve seen. How about it? Doesn’t it sound fun?”

  A contract with the devil. Foll could tell what was going on immediately. But it was a proposal worth considering nonetheless.

  Will it help Zagan if I find out what Bifrons has seen? It probably would, but Zagan wouldn’t be happy about it. Besides, there was too large a possibility that the information would just go over her head.

  More importantly, there’s no guarantee Bifrons will settle with just my eyes. Foll knew that this sorcerer had once hijacked a pitiful vulpin girl named Kuu. Foll wasn’t so foolish that she didn’t think of the possibility of meeting an even worse fate as the price for having her eyes stolen. Even considering the advantage of being able to drive Bifrons away without a fight, the downsides were just far too large.

  Foll shook her head while remaining as cautious as possible.

  “I can’t do that. It’ll bother Zagan.”

  “Oh? I didn’t think my conditions were all that bad though. So what can you offer me instead?”

  Foll simply bobbed her head down.

  “Please go away.”

  In her own little way, this was her being perfectly sincere. This was something she’d been incapable of in the past, even if the one she was speaking to was an Archdemon.

  This is a cheap price to pay if I can protect Zagan and Alshiera.


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