6+ Us Makes Eight_Baby Makes Three

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6+ Us Makes Eight_Baby Makes Three Page 70

by Nicole Elliot



  When I reached his house, I walked up the steps to his porch and knocked on the door. He opened it and motioned with his head for me to come in.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, shutting the door behind me. “What happened?”

  “They ran away when I called the campus cops.”

  “Did you file a report?”

  “Yeah, but the cop was kind of a dick to me. Said they were watching my house because of all the craziness. Oh an apparently Jocelyn is on drugs.”

  He put an arm around my waist. “Sadly, that makes a lot of sense. All the neediness, the attention, the partying. Her constant flip flopping of emotions.”

  “You seem to know a thing or two about it,” I added.

  “Yeah, a guy on the team got addicted to heroin last year. I saw him spiral, hell we all did. I should have noticed it about Jocelyn before. Always in her robe, never wears short sleeves, does she?”

  I shook my head realizing he was right.

  “Just tell them you were with me the night Jocelyn said you attacked someone. Trust me, you don’t want to get wrapped up in this. She needs help, and rehab or jail might be the only place she’ll get it.”

  “It’ll ruin your chances of going pro, Austin. I can’t do that to you.”

  “I don’t want a career if the only way I can get it is by screwing you over.”

  “That’s noble, Austin, but you’re not screwing me over.”

  “I will be. Do you have money for an attorney? They have no proof you attacked that woman, but I wouldn’t put it past Jocelyn to have her friends to say you were. You need to tell them you were with me that night.”


  I shook my head then rested it against his powerful chest.

  “This isn’t just a college fling anymore, Brooke. I love you. More than I’d like to admit.”

  I threw both my arms around him and squeezed tightly.

  “That’s sweet, but you can’t make me tell them the truth. If I keep my mouth shut and deal with it on my own, you’ll be fine. Maybe we can get back together at the end of the semester.”

  “No,” he said. “I can’t wait that long.”

  I kissed him.

  “Shh. We can talk about it later. I want to finish what we started earlier. You have a condom here, right?”

  He nodded.

  “Let’s go.”

  I took his hand in mind and led him up the stairs to his bedroom. After closing the door behind us, I turned around and kissed him again.

  He led me toward the bed, both of us stripping our clothes off, getting back into the mood after the crazy interruption earlier.

  Maybe we should have been talking more about our future or something else, but the only thing I had on my mind was this last night together.

  I sat down on the edge of his bed, liking it so much more than my own. He kneeled down in front of me and put his hands on my thighs.

  “No,” I said. “I’m dirty.”

  “I don’t care.”

  He buried his head between my legs, that masterful tongue of his doing its dance across my tender flesh. Our interrupted lovemaking came back to me in a flash.

  We had switched locations, but I was with the same person, the man I would be beside for the rest of my natural born life if I had anything to do with it.

  The thought of not seeing him until the end of the semester or longer weighed heavily on my mind, but I pushed those thoughts aside as he moved his lips back and forth against mine.

  I clenched my thighs together, pressing them against his head. He didn’t slow down, speeding up instead, increasing the intensity to crazy levels. Am I going to come already?

  He pushed his middle finger inside my pussy, opening me up as he continued to lick, kiss, and suck all my favorite spots. The world faded away as I stared down at his face.

  “Fuck me,” I begged. “Do it now.”

  I glanced down between my legs and saw him looking up with a hungry look in his eyes.

  After getting to his feet, he got a condom out of the nightstand. He crawled between my spread legs, lifting them on his broad shoulders. It’s going to be inside me again. The thought of his hot, hard cock filling my pussy drove me wild.

  I stared deep into his brown eyes, getting lost in them as time slowed. He did not look away, meeting my gaze with equal intensity. I felt his cock rubbing against my pussy.

  Held up by his toned and rock-solid arms, he slipped it deep inside me in one quick motion. I moaned as he moved his hips. He fit perfectly. I never wanted the moment to end.

  As he thrust in and out, building up momentum, I found myself rushing toward an orgasm. He pumped faster, his condom covered dick making my entire body tingle.

  Did he realize how much I love him? I wondered as I studied his face. All doubts fell aside as he switched his angle of entry slightly while still sliding in and out like a piston.


  I came at the exact same time I called out his name. He didn’t stop or even slow down. My pussy clenched his cock tightly as my body exploded in ecstasy.

  He stared down at me, a labored look on his face. I enjoyed the sensation as my first orgasm died down. If he kept it up much longer, I was sure I would come again.

  No man had ever been able to do that for me. Another sign? He grunted, breathing faster.

  His cock throbbed inside me. I thought about earlier, him fucking me without a condom, how different it had felt. This was good, but that had been heavenly.

  The memory of his smooth shaft sliding in and out without protection turned me on. My breathing became more labored, matching his as he fucked me harder.

  “Oh, Austin. Come with me,” I begged.

  “Yes!” he grunted, arching his back and moaning.

  Seeing his face full of pleasure pushed me over the edge again. I closed my eyes, almost passing out with all the sensations shooting through my body.

  He stayed inside me, not moving as my body shook. It felt so good I screamed, not caring who heard me. Life without Austin was not a possibility.

  “Oh, Austin. Kiss me.”

  His head lowered, and I attacked his lips, unable to get enough of the slightly salty taste.

  “Wow,” he said as he pulled out.

  A moment later, he was laying on the bed next to me. I rolled over on my side and cradled my body against his, my arm draped over his tight, sculpted stomach.

  “That worked out,” he said, still trying to catch his breath.

  “What do you mean?”

  “We were doing it without a condom at your place. Remember?”

  “I remember,” I said quietly.

  “It’s just not a good time for us to have a baby.”


  “Maybe someday, though, huh?”

  He craned his neck to look into my eyes.


  “You okay?”

  “You fucked all the words out of me.”

  A grin slid across his face, but it quickly faded. Had he realized this might be the last time we were together for a while? That we might never get back together?

  “I love you, Brooke. No matter what happens.”

  “No matter what,” I said then sat up. “I should go.”

  “What?” He sat up too. “No. Stay tonight.”

  “No, we need to get used to being apart. It’s been nice sleeping next to you, but we have to be practical, Austin.”

  I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up.

  “Fuck practical,” he said, also getting to his feet.

  He stared at me as I slipped on my panties.

  “Be realistic, Austin. We both have so much else going on right now. I’ll wait for you.” I put one leg into my pants then the other. “Will you wait for me?”

  “Of course I would wait, but we don’t need to split up.”

  “We do,” I said. “Your coach is kind of crazy, but he’s right. Y
ou need to focus all your energies on going pro after you graduate. Having me in your life will just distract you.”


  He walked around the bed and put a hand on my shoulder as I buttonned my jeans.

  “Yes, Austin. It’s the only way.”

  “Sleep on it at least, okay?” he begged.

  “Okay, but I’m sure it’s the only thing for us to do. I’ll call you tomorrow, okay? Can you hand me my bra?”

  “I’d rather not,” he said, but bent down to pick it up off the floor. “But here.”

  I took it from him and put it on, reaching around to fasten it as he watched.

  “Look, I’ll think about it, okay? Get some sleep tonight. You need to think about football.”

  He frowned, not looking happy.

  “I’ll call you.” I leaned against his body and kissed him on the lips. He resisted. “Don’t be that way, Austin.”

  “Be what way? In love? That’s like telling me not to breathe.”

  “Okay, now you’re being dramatic.”

  I put on my shirt. He stood in front of me, still completely naked.

  “I love you, Austin. That’s why we have to do this.”

  “Think about it some more tonight.”

  “I will.”

  He kissed me again, the most passionate kiss we’d shared up to that point. As I walked out of his room and headed downstairs, tears filled my eyes. His roommate Teddy glanced up at me from the couch as I passed, but he said nothing.

  I opened the door, walked out, then shut it behind me. It sounded final, like I’d never see Austin again. You’re making the right decision, I told myself as I walked home to my apartment. Jocelyn was still MIA, which was a plus. All I had to do was get Austin out of my mind.



  On my run the next morning, she called me. I was hoping for good news, but somehow knew I’d be disappointed. She was stubborn.

  “Hey, Brooke.”

  “Austin, I’ve been thinking about this all morning. Don’t try to stop me.”

  “Stop you?”

  “I’m breaking up with you.”

  “You can’t. I won’t let you.”

  “You can’t stop me. It only takes one person to break-up.”

  “No,” I said, at a loss for words.

  What could I say to explain to her the way I felt? I would give up football and everything else I held dear for her. Coach and others might think me young and foolish, but how I felt about Brooke had blinded me to reason.

  “Goodbye, Austin. I’ll talk to you around Christmas.”

  I had no words. She ended the call. Nothing made sense to me in that moment. Why the hell was I so into this woman? Did she really mean more to me than football?

  She thought she was the only one who has a decision in this? I don’t think so.

  I ran back to the house, hoping to catch Teddy before he left for the day. He was in the kitchen, eating a bowl of oatmeal. Brian sat next to him, watching intently.

  “Hey,” I said. “Got a minute?”

  Teddy looked up.


  “If I write a letter to the editor, can you get into the paper tomorrow?”

  He picked up his phone and glanced at the screen.

  “It’s a bit late, but maybe. What’s up?”

  “I want to write something about Brooke and clear her name. She doesn’t need to be dealing with legal problems while trying to go to school.”

  “Won’t that mess up…”

  “Yeah,” I said, cutting him off. “But I need to do this.”

  “Cute,” Brian said meekly.

  “Can you help?”

  “Sure. I might be able to call in a favor. Have you written the letter yet?”

  “No, I was hoping you would help me.”

  He nodded.

  “Yeah, we can work something out. Grab your laptop. You can start while I finish eating.”

  I went into my bedroom and grabbed the laptop, having no idea of what I might say. The only thing I was certain of was the fact I needed to do something to help Brooke. Whether she wanted my help or not, I had to at least try.

  Teddy and Brian both helped me craft something short and to the point but with enough emotion to give me a fighting chance when Coach found out what I did. He would probably disown me and might even try to kick me off the team.

  I loved Brooke more than football, and I would prove it to her. Teddy talked me out of calling to let her know before it was published, saying it would be better if she read it unaware. I agreed with him, but it was hard not to call her.

  “Looks pretty good,” Teddy said after reading the most recent draft all the way through.

  “Pretty good won’t work. I need something spectacular.”

  “Needs more love,” Brian said.

  Teddy and I both looked over at him.

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “You want to appeal to a raw human emotion like love. It’s too sterile right now. You give all the facts, but why is anyone going to care? On the other hand, if you profess your love publicly and give up football for Brooke, people are going to sit up and take notice.”

  I nodded.

  “You know, Brian. You’re a smart dude.”

  “I have to get ready to go into the newsroom and put the paper to bed, but if you have it ready, email it to me.”

  “Yeah, give me a few more minutes. I want to love it up some like Brian said.”

  “Good idea.”

  Teddy stood up. Brian did the same. I turned my attention back to the screen of the laptop. The words swirled and danced on the page in front of me. How the hell anyone sat down and typed up any amount of words that made sense when read together was beyond me.

  Word by word, I went over the letter to the editor. I would likely go down in school history as a great football player who was an idiot and gave it all up for love, but in the heat of the moment, I pushed all doubts and fears aside.

  Brooke needed my help. I loved her. End of story.

  Maybe I would get lucky and Coach would still help or at least not throw me off the team. Would the students and faculty allow him to get rid of me?

  Questions flew through my mind as I emailed Teddy a copy of the letter.

  “Here it is, bro,” I wrote at the bottom. “Thanks for the help.”

  I hit send then sat back in the kitchen chair.

  Did I just make the biggest mistake of my life?

  Only time would tell.



  The letter appeared in the campus newspaper the next day thanks to Teddy.

  Dear Buffalo State Students,

  Many of you know me from the football team. It pains me to say this, but I will be quitting soon. Why? Unwritten rules have put me in a terrible position. I’m being asked to choose between the two things I love most in life, football and a very special woman I met recently.

  This wonderful woman means the world to me. Because of her, I’ve begun to understand love and that football may not be the most important thing in the world. I know, you’re probably surprised I would say such a thing, but it’s true.

  My writing abilities are not great, but I want to publicly state that I was with Brooke Harrison on November 3rd, 2017. We were together from dusk until dawn, wrapped up in each other’s arms. She means the world to me, and I don’t care who knows anymore.

  As I said, I will be quitting the team. This will affect our chances at winning the regional championship, but that doesn’t matter as much to me as my love for Brooke. To Coach and everyone else I let down, I apologize, but this is the right decision.

  Yours if you will have me,

  Austin King, Running Back

  I read it three times, wondering what people would think. What Brooke and Coach and Trey would say. As I scrolled down the page, I saw the first comment. It was supportive. Over a dozen people had already commented, saying they back
ed me up and would protest if I got kicked off the team.

  Was this really happening? Did I make the right decision?

  As I sat in the Student Center food court, eating a bagel and reading the comments, my phone rang. Fuck. It was Coach.

  I accepted the call and put the phone to my ear.

  “Hey, Coach, about the letter…”

  “Get your ass in my office. Now!”

  He hung up on me. I sighed, wondering if I should finish my bagel first or not. Compromising, I took it with me as I walked across campus toward the stadium.

  * * *

  As soon as I walked in, I knew it wasn’t going to be good.

  “What the hell is your problem, son?” he asked.

  “I’m sorry, Coach, but I love her.”

  “Sorry? I thought you were serious about football and going pro.”

  “I am, Coach, but…”

  “No buts,” he interrupted. “Do you know how competitive it is these days? Not very many men make it all the way to the pros. You have a special talent, but you’re wasting it away!”

  “I’m sorry, Coach,” I said, staring down at my feet.

  “Quit fucking apologizing! I’ve been getting calls all day saying there will be protests and petitions and who knows what else if I don’t let you keep playing.”

  I looked up.

  “You’re going to let me play and stay in a relationship with her?”

  “Of course not,” he said. “But I’m going to give you one more chance to make the right decision. Break it off with her until you both graduate. I don’t care what you do then, but I need you practicing twice as much as you are now. You don’t have time for puppy love.”

  “It’s not puppy love, Coach. I want to be with her.”

  He glared at me in silence a moment, which made me more uncomfortable than his yelling.

  “Are we on the same page?”

  “Yes, Coach.”

  “Good,” he said. “Go get suited up and on the field. We’re doing two scrimmage games today to prepare for the playoffs coming up.”

  “But I’m not agreeing to ending it with her. I can’t do that.”

  His eyes narrowed as he stared at me.

  “You’re fucking kidding me, right?”


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