Lucien's War

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Lucien's War Page 10

by Jenika Snow

  He couldn’t help but feel this warmth fill him, shit, consume him, at her words. “I love you, Callie Roberts. I love you so fucking much it makes me feel like a bastard for thinking I can actually have something good and right in my life.” He continued to stare into her eyes, felt his cold, once dead heart start to beat hard and fast, and then leaned in to whisper against her mouth. “You’re my fucking woman, Callie, my old lady, and I’d do anything for you.” And then he shook his head. “But I won’t let you ruin your life, your future. You’ll go to Baker, become even smarter, and when you’re done with school you’ll make something incredible out of your life.” He started moving his thumb along her cheek. “But I’ll be here, baby. I’m not going anywhere, because you’re mine, I’m yours, and that’s how it’s always going to be.”

  Callie nodded, and then her smile widened. “You’re right, but not about ruining my life.”

  He let go of her, turned to face the small window in the meeting room, and stared at the few prospect that were working on bikes in the garage. They were alone, well, for the next hour at least, and although he shouldn’t be thinking about anything aside from the upcoming conversation he’d have with Kink about his daughter, when he turned around all he wanted to do was kiss her. He stared at her, and the way she looked at him, a little nervously, had him moving closer.

  Callie retreated a step. She might be trying to escape him, but she smiled, looked excited even, and he wasn’t going to let her get away until he tasted her. Callie was eager for his touch, he could tell in the way her pulse beat at the base of her neck, and the way she was breathing harder, faster. She moved back another step.

  “You running from me, baby?” His voice was low. He could tell she was aroused, that she wanted him, even though this was the most inappropriate time. When the wall stopped her retreat, and she placed her hands flat behind her, he moved closer until their chests nearly brushed together. He took a deep breath in, inhaling her scent, memorizing it.

  “I’m not running.”

  He leaned in so their breaths mingled together and their mouths were only separated by an inch. “No?” He cocked a brow.

  She shook her head, licked her lips, and said, “No. I’m not running.” Her voice was soft and had a whisper-like quality even.

  “Is that right, baby?”

  She nodded and closed her eyes, exhaling a shaky breath out in the process. He dipped his gaze down to her lips. He took her mouth in a deep, penetrating kiss, fucking her like he had between her legs with his mouth and cock. Lucien was forceful with his actions, slamming his hands on the wall beside her head and pressing his cock into her belly. A hoarse groan left him when she stroked his tongue with her own. He broke away far too soon, and she blinked several times.

  He slid his hands down the wall, touched her shoulders, stroked her arms, and took hold of her hands. “You’re mine, Callie. I love you, baby.”

  It was like he was this mushy ass romantic man now. Being with her had changed something in him, and he fucking loved it. She was the one to slam her mouth on his now, and the soft moan that left her had his cock shooting forward, growing hard and uncomfortable with the need to be buried deep inside of her.

  He slid his hands behind her to cup her ass, and in one effortless move he lifted her off her feet. She wrapped her legs around his waist and tilted her head to the side to deepen the kiss. Lucien was so fucking hard for her, loved that she was taking this initiative to be with him, to show him that she wanted him, too. He leaned back an inch, took in the way her skirt was hiked up her creamy, thick thighs, and he pressed his dick against her panty covered pussy. She moaned, let her head fall back against the wall, and he started kissing her throat. He thrust against her again, ground his cock on her cunt, and wanted to just pull her panties aside, get his dick out, and push right into her wet little body.

  “That feels so good, Lucien.”

  He groaned against her neck and added a little more pressure.

  “Fuck me, Lucien.”

  He pulled back and stared into her ecstasy-covered face.

  “Fuck me right here, where anyone could see us.” She grabbed his biceps, curled her nails into his flesh, and he hissed out. “Anyone could look through the window and see you fucking me so hard.” She slid her hands up his neck and grabbed the back of his head. “I’d want to scream so loud because it feels so good, but you’d cover my mouth to muffle the sound.”

  He was breathing harder at this burst of eroticism from his woman. “Goddammit, Callie.” He was so hard, so turned on for her. Right when he reached between their bodies, unbuttoned his jeans, and slid his zipper down, the sound of footsteps coming closer had him lifting his head from the crook of her neck. Before he could move or put her on the ground, Kink walked in. Kink had his head down, his focus on his cell, but when he walked into the meeting room he looked up. For several seconds, all the three of them did was stand there frozen.

  Lucien couldn’t move, despite knowing that he should have put Callie down. It was like he didn’t know what the fuck to do for the first time in his life. Kink stared between Lucien and Callie.

  “Dad,” Callie said softly, shocked and frightened, and so damn vulnerable that Lucien wanted to put her behind the protection of his body, and make sure none of this blew back on her.

  And then all fucking hell broke loose as Kink’s face contorted into a mask of pure rage. He slammed his phone down on the ground, shattering the cell, and charged forward toward Lucien with murder in his eyes.


  Lucien had pushed her aside when Kink had come forward. Callie had never seen her dad so upset, and she had seen him pissed plenty of times.

  Callie moved back another foot when her dad started throwing fists out left and right. Lucien was blocking them, not even defending himself, and she knew he wouldn’t fight her father. Kink was a machine when it came to attacking Lucien, and she felt helpless to stop them.

  “Dad!” She shouted, but the grunts and curses were too loud for them to hear her.

  “How long have you been fucking my daughter behind my back?” Kink grunted out, and swung out. He connected with the side of Lucien, and she cried out, wanting them to stop so she could explain.

  “Please, God, Dad, please stop.” She pleaded, but her words fell on deaf ears.

  “Kink, brother, please let me explain.”

  “You’re not my brother. A brother, and friend, wouldn’t fucking do this behind my back,” Kind growled out. “You and I have nothing to talk about.” Kink swung out, but Lucien grabbed her dad’s fist before he slammed it into his face.

  “We called you to the club today to tell you, Kink. We wanted to tell you yesterday, but the baby news deterred us.” Lucien grunted out when Kink went after him again, but Lucien pushed her dad back. Kink stood there, breathing heavily, his body looking tight and strained, and the anger on his face tangible.

  “So instead of waiting for me to show up you decide pinning my daughter up against the fucking wall and touching her like she’s yours was the right move?” Kink growled out, and cracked his knuckles. “She’s my fucking daughter, Lucien. My eighteen-year-old daughter. You’re over twice her age. Callie’s a goddamned baby compared to you.”

  Kink started to pace, his emotions wild and turbulent, and Callie couldn’t help the tears that started to come forth. She wanted to be strong, needed to be strong right now, but seeing her dad and the man she loved going head-to-head, all because of what she wanted with Lucien, and what they had done, broke her heart.

  Kink stopped pacing and looked at her when she sniffed back her tears. “Daddy, I swear we didn’t mean to hurt anyone. We didn’t mean to do anything behind anyone’s back.” She looked at Lucien, and when he stared at her there was this pained expression on his face.

  “Callie baby, please don’t cry,” Lucien said softly, but the sound of her father cursing and growling out at the same time had them both looking over at Kink.

  He charged forward
again, his face red with rage, and tackled Lucien to the ground. Their big, muscular bodies crashed against the meeting table, and the heavy wood tipped over, barely missing her in the process. She was pressed to the wall, watching in horror as her dad clocked Lucien over and over again in the face, but Lucien still refused to raise a hand at Kink.

  “I won’t fight you, brother,” Lucien said and then grunted out when Kink slammed his fist into his side.

  As her father and Kink went at it, mainly her dad slamming his fist into any available inch of Lucien he could reach and Lucien blocking him, she heard the front doors of the clubhouse open. The crashing of chairs hitting the walls from the force of the fight, the noise of fists hitting flesh, and grunts filling the air, was a horrible, nightmarish experience.

  “Oh shit.” Two prospects were now standing in the open doorway of the meeting room, their faces a mask of shock as they looked at their President and VP of the club fighting brutally.

  Lucien shoved Kink away again. “Kink, brother, please stop this. Let me explain, because I’m not going to fucking fight you.”

  Her father didn’t care, or wasn’t thinking clearly, because he charged forward like a damn rhino intent on taking a tank down. Callie screamed when her father and Lucien hit the wall beside her, knocking the pictures of fallen members onto the ground. Glass shattered, and the sound of crunching under her feet filled her head. She didn’t think and just moved forward. She was stupid for trying to stop her dad, but right now she wasn’t thinking and just reacting.

  Callie reached out to her dad, grabbed his cut, and tried to pull Kink back, but he was as big and powerful as a brick wall. She tugged harder, screamed out his name to get his attention, but the force of their fighting had her falling backward and hitting her hip on the side of the meeting table. Hissing out as pain sliced up her side, she pushed it aside and stared at the two men she loved more than anything. Kink, her dad, was always there for her, and protected her with his life. And then there was Lucien, the MC President that she had fallen so hard for, and was so in love with that she couldn’t even think straight.

  “You fucking asshole,” Lucien yelled out and pushed Kink away. He came toward Callie, seeing that she was hurt.

  “Get your fucking hands off of her!” Kink shouted.

  Lucien pulled her behind him again, had his hand on her hip, and held her close to his back. “I’m not giving her up, Kink. I fucking love her, and you and I need to talk about this.”

  “She isn’t yours, Lucien. She’ll never be yours.” Blood marred her father’s lip from when he was pushed away and slammed into the wall.

  She looked at Lucien’s face, well, as much as she could see, and saw his busted lip, and the bruising and swelling under his left eye.

  “Out of all of the women in the world, in this damn town, why in the hell did you have to go after my daughter?”

  The two of them stared at each other, the silence thick and intense.

  “We didn’t plan any of this, Kink. Fuck, I tried to stay away, but I love her, and we honest to God meant to tell you before this. We didn’t want you finding out this way.”

  “What, you mean you wanted to tell me after you betrayed me by being with my little girl?” Kink growled out.

  Lucien growled out. “I won’t fight you, but watch your damn mouth regarding Callie, Kink.” Lucien sounded intense, dangerous, and squeezed her hip gently. “This is Callie we are talking about. I might not fight you over this, because I have been in the wrong, but I will beat your ass if you say anything else about her.” He turned his head and spit out a mouthful of blood. Lucien ran the back of his arm across his lips, looked down and saw the red covering his forearm and sighed in defeat. “I meant no disrespect, brother, really I didn’t. I also didn’t plan this shit. It just happened.” He growled out the words, and she felt the anger come from Lucien.

  Kink looked at Lucien with narrowed eyes. His chest was rising and falling fast, and her father clenched and unclenched his hands at his sides. “Don’t fucking preach to me about what to say and what not to say concerning my daughter.” He rolled his head around on his neck, and made this low sound in his throat. “You may have meant no disrespect, but you sure as hell didn’t care about any of that while you were with Callie and knowing that she is my daughter, Lucien.” Kink exhaled, turned his back to them, and ran a hand over his short dark hair.

  She moved away from Lucien, and when he tried to stop her, gently pulling her back toward him, she placed a hand on his and shook her head.

  “Dad,” she said softly and moved closer to him. “Pease don’t be upset. We honestly didn’t plan for this to happen, and didn’t mean for this to be done behind your back.” He turned around, and the anger left his expression as pain took its place. “But I’m an adult and know what I want, and who I want to be with.”

  “If you would have come to me, told me how you felt about Lucien, I would have been pissed, yeah, but you’re my baby girl, Callie. I would have supported you if you were truly happy.” He looked at Lucien, and that pain that had been on his face morphed again to anger. “But you fucked with my daughter, Lucien, and no amount of excuses is going to change the fact that you messed with what is mine. You betrayed me.” Kink looked at Callie again. “I thought we were close enough that you could talk to me about anything without fear.”

  He shook his head, and without saying anything else he left the room. He shoved the prospects out of his way, saying curses under his breath, and then the sound of the front door of the clubhouse slamming shut rang through.

  The silence was deafening. She wanted to chase after her dad, explain that this wasn’t how she wanted things to be. But she knew this was how it would end up, and thus why she hadn’t told him. Kink would have freaked out even if they hadn’t seen each other, even if she had waited to be with Lucien in any capacity.

  “I need to go to him, to make this right, Lucien,” she said, sobbing now because she was angry with herself for letting it get like this. “We should have stayed away from each other until we told him.’ She wiped away her tears angrily, hating herself so much right now. She had hurt her dad.

  “Baby,” Lucien said softly, pushed her hair over one shoulder, and kissed her nape. Closing her eyes tight, more tears fell down her cheeks. She was upset, angry, sad, and hated herself with a passion that probably rivaled her father’s emotions right now.

  “He hates me, Lucien.” She was turned around, and they stared at each other.

  “Kink doesn’t hate you. He loves you, Callie baby. He’s your father, and not even being with a fucked up biker like me, one that went behind his back and is in love with his daughter, will make him ever stop loving you.” He cupped both of her cheeks, leaned down, and kissed her softly. “Now, he really fucking hates me, but I’ll make it right. I have to make it right because I can’t lose him, and I sure as hell am not going to let you go.”

  Closing her eyes and rested her forehead on his chest, she breathed out, not even knowing where to start with making this right with her dad.

  “I love you, Callie.” He pulled her closer and cupped the back of her head, holding her to his chest.

  “I love you, too, Lucien,” she said and gripped the sleeves of his shirt.

  “Oh. Shit,” one of the prospects said.

  Lucien didn’t move away from holding her, and said, “Shut the fuck up, and get the hell out of here.”

  One of the most important rules of the brothers, a code of sorts that the members lived by, was not to mess with family, but to treat them as their own. And Lucien had done the opposite, had been with her in a way that was forbidden. Hell, she had done it, too, was just as much to “blame” in this as he was, and she needed to make it right.

  Chapter Twelve

  Callie pulled her car into the driveway of her dad’s house hours after she had left the clubhouse. She had needed to think, needed to try to figure out how in the hell to make this right. She was actually surprised to see Kink’s
Harley parked in front of the house. She had assumed he would have left, driven around to clear his head, drink away his anger, or just get away from everything. She knew she would have done any of those if she had been in his situation. God, her dad was such a good man, and so didn’t deserve this feeling of betrayal, and although they hadn’t meant to hurt him, he was devastatingly hurt. She had seen it in his face. But Lucien was a good man also, and she hated that he was hurting too, because he thought he betrayed his friend. Scrubbing her hand over her face, she breathed out, rested her head on the back of the seat, and prayed everything worked out.

  “It has to work out,” she whispered.

  Getting out of the car she moved up the front steps and into the house. Everything was pretty quiet, but then she heard the sound of a bottle clanking against a glass. She went into the kitchen, and saw her dad leaning against the counter with a bottle of liquor in one hand and a square cut glass in the other. He stared at the ground and then looked at her. He didn’t say anything, and neither did she. He brought the cup to his mouth, and took a long sip from it. Keeping his eyes locked on her from over the rim of his glass, she felt herself want to move closer, but was afraid to. Of course she wasn’t afraid of her dad, but she was frightened of this situation, and of making things worse.

  He turned away from her, set the bottle on the counter, but refilled his glass before he faced her again.

  “Let me explain,” she said softly. “I love him, Dad.”

  He shook his head, looking defeated. “I don’t think there is much to explain, Callie. It’s pretty obvious what was going on,” he said low and deep, and without any emotion. She could handle him angry, could handle the shouting, disappointment even, but what she couldn’t handle was her dad shutting her out because he was so upset he couldn’t show emotion.

  “I just wish things had not gone down the way they had, because I swear to God we didn’t mean to hurt anyone.”


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