The Easily Defeated Hero's Monster Girl Adventure

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The Easily Defeated Hero's Monster Girl Adventure Page 28

by Amanda Clover

  “Ooh, I taste your early seed, Lucas!” Even though her tongue is swirling around your bulging tip, she speaks without impediment. She wraps her soft lips around you and engulfs your cock in her cool, soft, and incredibly slippery mouth. She continues to speak even as she takes more and more of your twitching manhood into the exquisite, sucking softness of her mouth. “So delicious and warm! I cannot wait for you to squeeze your stones and squirt out so much yummy-yummy seed!”

  “Oh, gods, forgive me,” you moan, dropping a hand to her head. She begins to bob against your cock, sliding her lips and slimy tongue around you, taking your cock to the back of her throat. You cannot resist the pleasure and you jerk your hips, fucking into her mouth to meet her bobbing head. She takes your cock into the distinct squeezing channel of her throat. You let out a gasp, nearly at the brink already.

  “Give me your yummy seed, Lucas,” she purrs, somehow speaking even though you can see your cock pushing in and out of her throat and down into her translucent neck. “You’re dripping inside me! Teasing me with that yummy taste! Squirt it out, Lucas!”

  “Oh-okay,” you gasp, grabbing her head with both hands.

  “Yes!” She burbles excitedly. “Fuck my mouth! You will not hurt me like a boring human girl!”

  “Ohhhhhh!” You grab the fat tendrils of her slimy hair and squeeze her head in both hands as you roughly fuck into her mouth. She takes you happily, burbling with pleasure as you slide your cock in to the root and back out again, fucking her mouth and deep into her throat with every stroke. The pleasure builds with each thrust and you are drawn by the rush of your rising orgasm. “Ahhhhh! Here it comes!”

  “Yes! Feed me your yummy-yummy seed, Lucas! I need your essence!”

  You thrust with sudden force, leaning into her face. A human girl would be suffocating, but Oola massages your surging cock as if she has a hand inside her throat. You arch and thrust again, watching your cock drive down her neck and twitch. Cum spurts from your tip and becomes a cloud like milk poured into tea, swirling inside her translucent violet chest. You pump again and again, firing your seed deep into her gelatinous body. For a moment, her breasts and neck are almost opaque, but that milky swirl fades as Oola absorbs your essence into her body.

  You sag against the wall, dizzy with your defeat, but Oola is not done with you. Her mouth remains latched to your cock, sucking you past the point of over-sensitivity, bobbing mercilessly on you even as you squirm and twitch.

  “Oola! Wait!” You gasp, helpless to stop her as her head bobs up and down and swallows your cock to the root. Your hardness never flags inside her insidious throat.

  “More!” She burbles excitedly. “So yummy and delicious, so warm, I need more! Give it to me!”

  The tunnel fills with the lewd slurp of her sucking slime. Her mouth bobs up and down on you and her hand massages your dangling balls until they begin to tighten up against your root once more. It seems only a moment since you spurted down her neck into her swirling slime and here you are, on the brink once more. Your hips begin to jerk. You fuck up and into her mouth and Oola giggles happily.

  “Ah! I’m going to cum again!” You cry, suddenly grabbing her head and surrendering to the pleasure.

  “Yes! Feed me more!” She burbles, slurping wantonly on your cock. You arch beneath her, fucking into her throat and exploding. As your swirling seed disappears into her violet slime, you know you are utterly defeated.

  Spent, you slump back to the floor, but even then Oola’s eager sucking does not stop. Her mouth continues to bob atop your cock and her hands slip under your tunic to play with your sensitive nipples. You can only moan in despair, knowing you have been totally defeated by the slime girl.


  Fight the slime girl off

  You cannot let this pleasure continue! Instinctively, you reach out to grab Oola’s gelatinous wrist as her hand fondles your stiff cock. Your fingers encircle her cool, slippery wrist and when you squeeze your fingers sink into her slime. She giggles and continues to pump her hand on your cock, sending a twitch of pleasure through your hardness.

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” you say as you grip your sword.

  “A sword?” She giggles. “A blade won’t—“

  You press the edge of the blade to her wrist and there is a soft hiss like fat in a hot skillet. Her slimy hand releases your cock instantly and she recoils from the sword.

  “OooOOooohh,” she moans, slithering a pace or so away from you. “That hurt me. You are a mean boy, Lucas!”

  She pouts her lower lip as she rubs at the discolored spot where your sword sliced into her wrist. Her dismay only lasts for a moment. The discoloration soon fades from her wrist and she faces off against you, her feet and shins replaced with a single mound of slime, but the rest of her body a voluptuous exaggeration of humanity.

  “Please no fighting,” she burbles. “But if you want to fight before fun, I will fight. I am a tough slime. And I am not letting you leave.”

  “I will defeat you!” You brandish your sword.

  “You have all the fun juice inside. I need it to make my babies!”

  There is a strange fierceness to her simple innocence. You do not want to hurt the slime, but there is no alternative. She is a monster and you are the Champion of Veleda. If you do not defeat her, she will bring terror to the nearby village of Edelbern.

  You must defeat her!

  What do you do?





  Special Ability


  The message from Veleda

  You pull your mule cart up to your barn and Theora leaps down before it has fully stopped. You hasten to follow her. When a goddess calls, you must answer swiftly. The bright beam of moonlight is aimed at one of the small, wood-framed windows of your farmhouse. It seems to fill your entire house with brilliant light that glows from beneath the door and between the planks.

  Theora throws open the door of your house and the light inside is almost blinding in the darkness outside. Your eyes adjust as you enter and you see that the beam of light is illuminating a radiant orb of gold. As you and Theora approach, this orb levitates into the air and a large, feminine mouth forms on its surface.

  “Lucas LeBlanc,” says a clarion voice that sends goose pimples up your arms. This is the voice of the goddess herself and it is so beautiful and powerful you nearly weep at the sound. “The time comes to face your next foe, Hero of One Thousand Lives. Another monster stalks these lands.”

  “Where, my goddess?” Theora asks.

  “In the ancient temple to Dunesef. It lies in ruins in the woods to the east. This creature gathers her strength and prepares to strike out at the humans who dwell nearby.”

  “The ruined temple,” you say. “I know it! It lies in the wooded hills just north of Edelbern.”

  “Yes,” thunders Veleda. “You must reach her by morning. Do not let her unleash her evil upon this town. She is protean and her appetites cannot be satiated.”

  “A protean?” You ask, but the golden orb is already fading like a million motes of dust in the moonlight. It disappears and the powerful beam of light is blocked once more by the clouds. You look up at Theora questioningly.

  “A slime girl,” says the angel. “Gather your wits, pack what you will need, we must leave immediately.”

  You soon shoulder a pack containing a bit of food, a water skin, lantern and some rope. The terrain has no roads, so you and Theora proceed on foot. You are surprised, but actually glad, to have the angel along with you. It gives you a chance to ask her more about your quarry.

  “What is so dangerous about a slime girl?” You ask.

  “It depends on the type,” says Theora, her expression determined as she marches through the moonlit forest. “Blue and Violet are breeder slimes, they suck the essence of a man and use his seed to procreate and spawn more slimes. A single ejaculation can produce another slime, so they
breed very rapidly.”

  “There are other types?” You ask.

  “Green slimes are simply curious, not very dangerous, while red slimes are carnivorous.” She spares you a serious glance. “They will literally devour you if they catch you. They will enjoy it too. They are quite sadistic.”

  “Is that all of them?”

  “Pink slimes capture females and control their bodies to move among society undetected,” she explains. “They will force the females to mate with males and produce more pink slimes. They are clever and difficult to root out of a human settlement. Then there are the gold slimes, queen slimes, which are truly intelligent, though thankfully rare. They are carnivorous and mate with humans to produce any of the slime types.”

  The woods grow deeper and darker. The sounds of the forest become more muted. You feel a creeping sense of dread as you finally reach the ruins of the temple of Dunesef. The dwarf god once had followers among the dwarves and humans, but the dwarves are long gone and the humans abandoned his worship in favor of more present gods like Veleda.

  What remains of the temple devoted to him are the crumbling lines of a mossy bailey, the collapsed stones of a well, and an inner bailey rising on an earthen motte. This stout inner structure is partially intact, though well-concealed with its covering of plants. A tree has even grown up atop the inner bailey’s roof and sent roots dangling over the walls like locks of hair.

  You start to emerge from the woods and Theora stops you with a firm hand on the shoulder.

  “Look there,” she says, pointing to an ancient bit of masonry that glistens in the moonlight. “Residue of the protean.”

  She walks with you to the stone and you crouch down beside it. There is a faintly sweet aroma, like flowering plants. Theora runs a finger through the slime and holds it up to the moonlight as the mucus-like residue drools from fingertip. You can see through the translucent fluid and it has a distinctly purple coloring.

  “Thank the gods,” you hiss. You were terrified it would be red or gold.

  “Do not feel relief, Lucas,” says Theora. “A violet slime girl is just as dangerous. Their lust is insatiable. If you are caught in her clutches, she will enslave you for weeks and drain you of your essence as she uses you to reproduce. When she is done, you will be an insane husk and she will have multiplied a thousand fold.”

  You crouch beside the stone, contemplating a fate that in some ways would be a perverse fantasy and in others a fate worse than death.

  You are not quite certain how to pose the question that comes to mind.

  “If… if the protean doesn’t kill me, will Veleda…”

  “Yes, Lucas,” says Theora, giving you a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder. “She watches over your path in the mortal realm. When escape becomes hopeless, she will lift you from danger and restore you to your path.”

  She adds, rather sternly, “That does not mean you should give yourself willingly to the hunger of the slime girl. Though that may be an exciting prospect for a twisted young man such as yourself.”

  “I would never do such a thing,” you protest.

  She grimaces, somehow seeming to know all too well the enjoyment you find in the Crystal Sanctum in the embrace of Morelle, your captured succubus. Theora points to the dark entrance of the inner bailey, partially blocked by a fallen statue of Dunesef that has turned green with lichen.

  “Go, Lucas,” she says. “Dawn approaches. She will have nearly gathered her strength to set out for the village. You must find her and defeat her.”

  You begin to rise. Theora calls after you, “Do not forget your special abilities. And this…”

  She throws you something that glints in the predawn light. You catch it and see the holy serpent of Veleda rendered in gold on a golden chain.

  “It was why I went to see that priest,” she says. “I doubt it will help you against a slime girl, but I thought you should have it.”

  You grin and hang the necklace around your neck. It seems to emanate the same holy magic as your sword. Perhaps it will help after all. It also fills your heart with happiness, because it means that Theora, for all her stern posturing, actually does care about you.

  On a whim, you embrace the beautiful angel, leaning up to plant your lips on hers. She stiffens in the embrace and pulls back.

  “Lucas! Now is not the time for your childish fantasies!” She shoves you away, but your smile does not fade. She growls, “Go! Before I waste one of your lives by punching your brains out of your head.”

  That sets you in motion. Though you doubt she would actually punch out your brains, you do not doubt Theora’s ability to inflict such an injury.

  “Do not forget the abilities I have taught you, Lucas!” She calls after you. “Make Veleda proud!”

  Dervish Strike and Startle Eye have not proven useful as of yet in your adventures, but perhaps the whirling attack or the blinding flash might work against the slime girl.

  As you approach the ruins of the inner bailey, you catch a whiff of the distinctive, pleasant aroma of the slime girl. You see more of her glistening residue clinging to loose stones and left in smears upon the floor. The ground level of the bailey was once timber, but these have rotted away, leaving a bare staircase descending into the darkness of the temple’s lower levels. You spark your lantern and rest your hand on the grip of the Sword of Veleda.

  Each step you take seems to echo loudly in the darkness. You descend to a level well beneath the rotted out ground floor. Your lantern reflects in numerous puddles as you move slowly towards the mouth of a tunnel that seems to plunge into the bedrock. It is not a natural construction however, as ancient stone arches brace the inner tunnel.

  The scent of the slime girl grows stronger the deeper you descend beneath the earth. You try to move as silently as possible, your heart hammering in your chest with every step. Each turn off the main tunnel forces you to pause and search the darkness, anticipating that the slime girl might leap out at you and attack.

  You reach a dead end in the main tunnel, but it branches into two narrower tunnels. As you stand at this branch, trying to decide which path to take, a soft burbling sound reaches your ears. It sounds almost like music bubbling up from underwater. You hear a slurping sound and realize it is definitely coming from the branch on the left.

  Every part of you animal brain tells you to turn around and get out of there, but your faith in Veleda and your unwillingness to disappoint Theora urges you on. You draw your sword and grip it tightly in your hand, the blade faintly glowing with holy magic.

  “I’m probably about to get myself killed,” you mutter.

  Despite your fear, you set off down the tunnel on the left, walking directly towards the strange, burbling music and the wet slurping sound.


  Go to the brothel and have some fun

  Your father had long warned you away from the Bawdy Maiden, and your mother had often cursed its presence in St. Ingbert. Your parents had only served to concentrate your attention on the naughty sign that hung above the door or the voluptuous women who sometimes paraded in the street outside, enticing men (and a few women) to enter and spend some coin.

  To your knowledge, your father had always resisted the temptation. You, however, had slipped away from the market and your father’s watchful eye on a rather recent summer afternoon. You had saved enough coins over the harvest season to buy the affection of a whore for a single hour. Ella Deneva, dark-haired, shapely, and born in a faraway land, had seemed a giantess in her high-heeled boots, but her gentle hand and husky voice had put you at ease.

  She had certainly not needed a full hour to satisfy your desires.

  Your cock stiffens at the memory of what Ella did for you that day: no less than to make you into a man. With a few coins jangling in your pocket once more, you decide that you would like to pay her another visit.

  You hear the murmur of voices, a sharp laugh, and the clank of tin cups as you approach the door to the Bawdy Maiden. A rathe
r stout man, deeply red in his face, brushes past you and out the door into the street. A curly-haired woman nearly bursting from her corset follows after him and shouts, “Don’t try to sneak it up my arse again, Donnel, or I’ll have Bernard thump you in the bollocks!”

  She turns her perfumed cleavage back towards you and her anger transforms into a solicitous smile.

  “Well hello there, handsome,” she says, slipping an arm around your shoulder. “Come on inside! What’s your name?”

  “Ella,” you blurt.

  “Oh, is that it?” She pulls your shoulder against her soft cleavage and walks you into the bar. Men and women are drinking and carousing around the bar and in the curtained booths where men’s lusts are cheaply satisfied. You take in the lewd scene and manage to somehow come to your senses.

  “I want to see Ella,” you say.

  “Oh.” The curly-haired woman’s expression sours. She pushes you dismissively away. “Ask at the bar then, farm boy. I ain’t her mum.”

  You stumble away as she flounces off to find another mark. A brutish, bald-headed man eyes you from behind the bar. He has just about the most unwelcoming face you’ve seen, but you remember Ella’s hand sliding into your trousers and the memory strengthens your resolve. You approach the bar feeling very out of place in this sinful environment. Speaking loudly enough to be heard over the loud conversation, you tell the barman, “I’m looking for, um, Ella Deneva.”

  The barman reaches over and taps a wooden sign hanging beside the bar. Your mind is so singularly focuses on seeing the whore that it takes you a bit to decipher the writing.


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