The Easily Defeated Hero's Monster Girl Adventure

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The Easily Defeated Hero's Monster Girl Adventure Page 51

by Amanda Clover

  The light fades to a profound gloom. Theora releases her grip on your hand as your eyes recover from the glow and permit you to take in your new surroundings.


  An intense dream of forbidden pleasures

  Rianna knocks musically at your door and you rise from the bed and open it. The hallway is dark and empty.

  “Rianna?” You call, your voice echoing out into the hall. It seems to stretch infinitely in either direction and you have the distinct sensation that you are looking down to endless shafts. If you stepped out, you know you would fall into that endless blackness.

  “Not Rianna,” purrs a husky voice from behind you. Feminine hands with long, immaculate fingernails stroke your shoulders and turn you back towards the room.

  “You!” You cry as you realize you are looking upon the succubus queen.

  “Hello, Lucas,” says the demonic woman standing before.

  Lady Rachelle stands more than a head taller than you, long horns curling from her forehead over silky white hair that falls past her shoulders. Her breasts are large and perfect, cupped by leather ribbed with bones. Her batlike wings are much larger than Morelle’s and her tail, though ending in a fleshy tip, is barbed along its dark shaft. Her body is exquisite, her smiling lips seeming to beckon you to kiss her. Your cock stiffens at the sight of her and it takes all of your willpower not to throw yourself to her feet and beg for her pleasures.

  “You fight my power?” She lifts an eyebrow in surprise.

  “I… I… you are evil,” you moan, your cock twitching in your shorts. “W-what have you done to my mother?”

  Her eyes flash with violet light and her smile spreads. She flicks her wings and runs a hand over her breast and down to the mound of her cunt, drawing your gaze to her glistening, womanly folds of lavender flesh.

  “You hate me, don’t you, Lucas?” She coos, stroking her cunt. “Would you strike me down with your sword?”

  The Holy Sword of Veleda materializes in your grasp. You grip it tightly, watching as she parts the cups of her leathery bra and exposes her plump, creamy breasts and her hard nipples with a lavender tint.

  “You… yes!” You take a step towards her, drawing back the sword to strike her.

  She disappears and reappears at the doorway of your room.

  “You didn’t think I would make it so easy?” She laughs. “Come along, Lucas. Come and sheath your sword in my breast.”

  She dances out into the hall, her laughter echoing back into the room. You break from your paralysis and chase after her, driven by the thought of saving your mother and destroying this demonic harlot that has worked such great evil in the land. How many men have perished because of her? How many women have been corrupted and enslaved by her magic?

  “I will cut you down!” You roar with anger, stepping out into the hall.

  “You have to catch me first!” She laughs, disappearing around the corner of the stone hallway. You chase her through a castle, always a few steps behind, glimpsing a flick of her white hair, her barbed tail, or her lovely body as she disappears through doorways, around the corner in hallways, or up stairs. You finally reach a long hall with only one door at the end and faint, lavender light glowing from beneath it.

  “Are you in there, demon?” You shout through the door.

  “I’m waiiiiting for you, Lucas,” calls the succubus queen, her voice exciting you like a lover’s cries. You throw open the door, brandishing your holy blade and charging into the room. It is a bedroom decorated with plush femininity, satin cushions, a lovely powder table, and a huge four poster bed with curtains on every side. You can see a woman silhouetted behind the curtains.

  “Prepare to die, demon whore!” You shout, grabbing a handful of the nearest curtain and ripping it aside.

  Your sword melts from your hand and you find yourself peering into an enormous bed, almost like a realm of cushions. Presenting herself to you, nude and willing, is the golden-haired angel Theora. She sighs with desire, parting her shapely thighs and running one hand over the gold-thatched mound of her cunt.

  “I’ve been waiting for you, Lucas,” she sighs. “We can finally be together.”

  “What? Theora?” You are drawn to her and she pulls you into an embrace, kissing your lips. Your clothing is gone and your hard cock is pressing against the warmth of her mound. “You know this is what you want, Lucas. Not a human bride or a demoness lover. You want me to be your mate and to bear your children.”

  “Y-yes,” you confess. “Yes, it is what I want.”

  “Then take me, Lucas,” she moans, wrapping her powerful legs around you and pulling you towards her cunt. You thrust past her silky thatch and into the hot channel of her womanhood, sheathing every inch inside her.

  “Ohhhh, yes, Lucas,” she moans, holding you against her breasts as you desperately thrust into her pussy. Your pleasure rises with immediate force, your desire to cum overwhelming all other thoughts.

  “Oh, Theora,” you moan. “I love you. I love you, my angel.”

  “Lucas, I love you too,” she purrs, her voice seeming to soften. “I have always loved you. Since the day you were born. I held you against my breast and fed you my sweet milk. I raised you into the man you have become today. It’s only right… that you cum inside me, my son.”

  You look down in horror, realizing that you have been thrusting your cock into your fair-haired mother all along. Her soft breasts sway with the force of your thrusts. You cannot stop it. You cannot hold back the tide of your pleasure.

  “Noooo!” You wail. “No, mother! I don’t… ahhhhhh!”

  Your cum shoots from your cock and into your mother’s clutching cunt.

  “Shhhhhh,” she says, holding you against her bosom. “Cum for your mother. Cum deep inside the vessel that once held you.”

  “Nooooo!” You cry, your hips moving against your well, your strength fading with each enervating pump of your orgasm.

  You look up again, barely able to lift your head from your mother’s breasts as her cunt wrings out the last of your cum. You moan in horror to see that your mother is resting with her back against Lady Rachelle. The huge demoness cradles your mother in her demonic arms and against her soft breasts.

  “That’s right, Lucas,” laughs the succubus queen, turning your mother’s face. “You both belong to me now.”

  Lady Rachelle kisses your mother on the laps and violet light pulses from your mother and into the succubus. Somehow, you feel yourself being drained as well, as if your cock buried inside your mother’s cunt is enough to connect your soul to your mother’s.

  You try to scream, but no words come out as you feel yourself being devoured by the succubus.

  “Noooooo!” You cry and sit bolt upright in bed, your body drenched with sweat and your night shorts filthy with your cum.

  It takes several seconds for your panicked heart to slow. You notice the faint gray light of day coming through the curtained window and realize that it was all just a dream.


  Answer her honestly

  You see no value in fighting Anja’s questions. Whatever she may learn from her interrogation will be revoked by the goddess if Veleda reverses time to rescue you. Better to avoid any torture, you reason.

  “I’ll answer your questions,” you say. “I am a monster hunter, chosen by Veleda to serve her and defeat the monsters that have invaded our world. I believe a vampiress dwells in the castle – one more powerful than you – and I am to stop her with my holy sword and my special training.”

  “Oh, do you now?” She smirks and reaches down to your lap. She leans forward, her breasts straining the limits of her bodice as her hand slides over your cock. She gives your manhood a squeeze. “And what about the creature with you?”

  “Wh-what are you doing?” You ask, looking down from her bountiful cleavage to her pale hand in your lap. She unbuttons your trousers and reaches into your underwear, her cool, soft hand closing around your stiff cock. She dr
aws your manhood out through the fly of your pants and begins to gently wank you.

  “Answer me,” she says, her hand working the length of your shaft, her fingers rubbing over your sensitive tip. “What was the creature that Petrov saw with you at the tavern? Is she really an angel?”

  “Y-yes,” you moan, watching Anja’s breasts jiggle in her bodice as her hand pumps on your cock. “Her name is Theora and… and she is an angel of Veleda. A servant of her will and… ohhhh gods… you are good at that…”

  “Yes, I am,” chuckles Anja. “Used to whore myself out to the guards at the castle. These days, I don’t have to stoop to make my coin, but I still get the itch now and then.”

  She stops wanking and lifts her hand from your cock. She licks her palm, covering it with her saliva before returning her grip to your cock. The feel of her wet hand on your shaft is even more intense than before. You groan and strain against the ropes binding you, thrusting you cock slightly against her palm.

  “Now, what is her weakness?” She demands, wanking you a bit more vigorously. “Tell me and a I’ll let you cum.”

  “W-weakness?” You moan, watching her hand pump on your increasingly red cock. “She’s an angel of the goddess… she… she is very powerful.”

  “So is m’lady Izabella,” purrs Anja. “Does this Theora bleed?”

  “I… I have never seen her bleed,” you moan, your pleasure rising swiftly towards your climax. “I… she makes water, she… she glistens when she is aroused... ohhhhh…”

  “You naughty boy,” chuckles Anja. “Defiling an angel, were you? Well, you’ve been a helpful lad. Go on then.” She hooks a finger into her bodice and yanks it down, popping her large, soft breasts free. She dangles them scant inches above your cock, her soft flesh heaving with each pump of her hand on your manhood. “Have it off on my tits then, love. One last go.”

  “Ohhhhhhhhhh gods,” you cry, straining repeatedly against the ropes, your shoulders aching, but the pain nothing compared to the pleasure surging in your cock. You groan as you reach your peak, the hot rush of pleasure rising to rapid pumps of ecstasy. Your cum gushes from your red cockhead, lashing Anja’s jiggling tits with splattering ropes of your cum. Most of it drips back down to your lap. The remainder smears the inner curves of her heaving breasts and drips from her pink nipples.

  “Good boy, Lucas,” she purrs, releasing your spent cock from her soft hand. She wipes her cum-smeared fingers on your trousers. You look up into her eyes and see that they are luminous red and her fangs are bared.

  “Go on then,” you pant. “Get it over with.”

  “So agreeable,” she giggles and lunges forward with supernatural speed. She sinks her fangs deep into your neck, hot blood gushing out and into her sucking mouth. The initial pain of her bite gives way to intense, hypnotic pleasure. You groan almost orgasmically against her as she drinks your lifeblood. She moans against your flesh, “Mmmmmmmm.”

  That sound is still vibrating through you as you sink into darkness. The warmth of her vampiric feeding gives way to an inescapable cold. The last thing you hear is the faint thumping of your heart a final time.


  Settle into your room at the inn

  You sigh and survey your modest accommodations. The light is coming from four fat candles dripping their wax onto a serving tray. There is a single chair and a scuffed writing table no wider than your shoulders. Someone, perhaps Rianna, has placed a wooden bowl of water and a washcloth on the table and a fresh porcelain privy beside the bed. You splash some water on your face and wipe yourself clean with the cloth.

  The bed looks barely long enough for your body and as if someone has broken its back engaging in some enthusiastic love play. The sheets are fairly clean, at least. You sit down gingerly on the musty feather mattress and the bed frame creaks in protest.

  You take off your boots and undress down to your undershorts and a tunic. You lie back on the bed, your hands folded behind your head as you watch the candlelit shadows dance upon the ceiling.

  You wonder if Genevieve is on her way to your family farm right now, riding through the night in a carriage with other passengers bound for St. Ingbert. She is still too inexperienced for the likes of teleportation magic, but you recall how she excitedly described such wonders after returning home for the first time from the Academy for Wizards and Alchemists in Elzeheim.

  “She should be here, not me,” you mutter to yourself. Who are you? Just some farm boy that can swing a sword like he swings a hoe. She is a wizardess in training. She probably knows all sorts of magic that could defeat the likes of a vampiress. Sun charms and fire spells and a petrifaction spell that would turn any undead into stone.

  Then again, you have vanquished quite a few monster girls. Maybe Veleda spared Genevieve for some higher purpose.

  You turn onto your side, trying to put your sister out of your head, which only makes you think of your mother. She’s alive. Somewhere out there, your mother is with the succubus queen. What is that monster doing to her? Why is she holding her captive?

  The questions keep you from sleep. Though you know you should rest before continuing the hunt for the vampiress, that you are safe and sound within your warded room, you cannot stop your mind from turning over terrible images of your mother being tortured at the hands of the succubus queen.

  “I have to talk to Theora,” you say to yourself. You know it’s a bad idea to disturb the stern angel, but you cannot sleep and you suspect she knows more than she has told you about your mother. You step over the ward and out into the dark, quiet hallway of the inn’s second floor. Somewhere down the hall you can hear a man snoring loudly. On the ground floor, faint sounds of pleasure. You creep to the door to Theora’s room, unsure whether to knock or simply open the door.

  As you stand there trying to make up your mind, the door suddenly slams open and you glimpse Theora, face twisted in fury, eyes glowing with her holy power. Her hands grab your tunic and she yanks you into the room, feathered wings snapping against her back as she flings you over her shoulder and into the bed so hard that something breaks within the frame.

  She is on you in an instant, driving her knees into your abdomen and grabbing you around your throat with a grip as strong as iron.

  “Die, servant of the night! By the holy…” The glow fades from her eyes. The righteous fury slackens to mere irritation. “You stupid boy. I nearly tore your head off.”

  Her ample breasts rise and fall in her gown with her excited breathing. She gazes down at you with judgment in her silvery-blue eyes.

  “Do you not understand the danger we are in as long as we remain in the Nightlands? Anyone could be a servant of the vampiress or one of the undead.”

  “Not you,” you say softly.

  Her brows smooth. A faint smile plays at her lips.

  “Not me,” she agrees and the last of her anger seems to evaporate. You look up at her, your body still pinned by her knees and she, dangerously close to straddling you in this position. Your cock stirs, but she does not seem to notice. Her guard is down.

  What do you do?

  Apologize to Theora

  Kiss Theora

  Ask Rianna to pleasure you with her mouth

  You laugh and hold Rianna at bay for a moment, your hands on her shoulders and her tits dangling almost in your face. You look up at her, at the softness of her full, rosy lips, and you know what you need.

  “You’ve got quite a mouth on you, Rianna,” you say.

  “Oh, ya like me dirty mouth, do ya?”She pushes your hands away, falling against you and pushing you back onto the bed. She gives you a sloppy kiss and thrusts her tongue hungrily into your mouth. Her hand finds your cock and wiggles into your under shorts, gripping and stroking your manhood as she kisses you.

  “Mmmmmmm,” she purrs against your lips. “How about I put my mouth to good use on yer prick?”

  “Ohhhhh, yes,” you moan, a grin spreading across your face.

  Rianna breaks her ki
ss and slides down your body, dragging the soft weight of her plump breasts the whole way. She pulls your cock through the flap of your night shorts and rubs her tits over and across your cock on her way down to her knees. Your legs dangle off the bed and Rianna kneels between them, her hand slowly working up and down your shaft.

  “Not a bad piece o’ meat on you, love,” she murmurs, watching her hand tug at your loose skin and wank out a glistening drop of precum. She looks up at you with lust heavy eyes and runs her pink tongue from beneath your glans and over the crimson apple of your cockhead. You suck in a breath as she laps slowly around your ridge, beneath your cock and down to your balls.

  “Oh, gods,” you moan, looking up at the mold-speckled ceiling of the room as Rianna sucks and tongues your bollocks and works her hand on the length of your cock. Her tongue dips lower, surprising you by slipping down to your ass and licking your tender clench. “That’s… ohh… you don’t have to…”

  “What, never met a girl’d do that fer ye?” She laughs and pushes your balls up gently with her hand. “Relax, love, I’ll give it a good tonguin’.”

  Have her warm tongue swirling against your ass while she massages your cock and bollocks is one of the most uncomfortable and also wonderful sensations you have ever experienced. It is exceeded moments late when she lifts her face, looks into your eyes, and takes your cock into her warm, very wet, and velvety soft mouth. She begins to slurp lewdly on your cock, hollowing her cheeks and letting her copious spit spill down your shaft and drip from your sack.

  “Mmmmmmm,” she moans around your cock, bobbing her head and almost wrapping her tits around your cock as she presses against you and sucks you.

  For the next minute or so, you are transported to a sort of warm, liquid heaven that you have never imagined. Then, without warning, Rianna thrusts her middle finger up your spit-softened pucker, curls it slightly inside you, and hits a spot in your body that has never been touched by anyone. Your eyes go wide as you cum volcanically into her mouth.


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