The Easily Defeated Hero's Monster Girl Adventure

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The Easily Defeated Hero's Monster Girl Adventure Page 59

by Amanda Clover

  You pop your lips free of her nipple and slip a hand between her ample thighs. You run a delicate touch over the hot, silk-thatched furrow of her cunt.

  “A better time for this?” You ask, looking up at her. “Let me taste you, Theora.”

  She cannot resist such an offer. She shifts onto the bed, bending her knees and pulling her legs up to expose the glistening pink of her inner folds and the dainty flower of her anus. You fall upon the bed, smacking your hands on the backs of her thighs and pressing kisses to the steamy groove of her pussy. Your hard cock grinds against the bed beneath you as you lap at Theora’s sweet fruit, tasting the flow of her honey and slipping your tongue into the hot, clutching channel of her cunt.

  “Ohhhh, Lucas,” she moans, combing fingers into your hair.

  You explore the depth of her cunt with your tongue, pressing your nose into her silky tuft and kissing her cuntlips with relish. She writhes against you and you slide your tongue up to her throbbing bud, lashing it again and again with your tongue. Your hands press her legs back until her knees are nearly against her breasts.

  Her honey trickles out of her blushing pussy, down her crack, and over the puckering divot of her asshole. You follow that slow trickle and bathe her pink clench with slow, rimming rolls of your tongue. As you lick her naughtiest spot, thumb working her clit, Theora whines with pleasure and pulls you against her thighs and ass.

  “You… you’ve learned so much,” moans Theora. “I have taught you welllllLLLL OHHHHHH!”

  Her velvet flower clenches tight beneath your tongue and the flow of her nectar down her crack increases as Theora cums. You can feel the tension in her thighs and the flexing of her anus. She wails with her ecstasy, surely awakening half the town with her unrestrained pleasure. In that moment, you pull your tongue from her crack and dive on her clit, sucking it with your mouth and making her scream even louder. You drive a finger up her well-lubed bottom and make her cum for what seems like minutes.

  “Ohhh, Lucas,” she moans, weakly pushing your head away from her. “That’s enough. By the goddess, you do know a thing or two.”

  You grin as you sit up beside her, wiping her juices from your lips and chin. You are about to say something about having an inspiring teacher, but Theora cuts you short.

  “You may leaven now,” she says, waving dismissively. “Go to bed.”

  “What?” You blurt, astonished at her selfishness.

  “Yes, you made me cum, thank you, now return to your room,” she said, rising from the bed and showing you her folded wings and creamy bottom as she strides over to the table with the wash basin and begins to clean between her thighs with the washcloth. She stops and looks at you over her shoulder. “What are you waiting for? Go.”

  Angry, but wise enough not to challenge the beautiful angel, you rise from the bed. Your hard cock rubs painfully against the inside of your night shorts. You head for the door, opening it into the dark hallway.

  Theora waits until you take a step out of the door before calling out, “Lucas, come back here.”

  You return to the room and she shakes her head with a smile on her full lips. “You really are a bit of a whimp, aren’t you? A real man would have growled and bent me over for being so selfish.”

  “I was a bit annoyed,” you laugh.

  She closes the door behind you and presses your back to it. Her breath is hot, her lips tantalizingly close to kissing you.

  “Even I am not so cruel as that,” she says and her soft hand squeezes your cock through your night shorts. “Is this for me?”

  “Y-yes,” you moan.

  “Mmmmmm, I suppose it’s only fair if I return the favor,” she says, sinking down to her knees before you. A grin spreads across your face and you rest your hands on her shoulders, your fingers touching her soft wing feathers as you feel the warmth of her mouth engulf your cock.

  Theora’s mouth is as heavenly as her beauty would suggest. Her lips glide over your cockhead and shaft, her tongue flicks at your glans and traces the sensitive ridge of your bulb. You twitch in her mouth and she purrs like a contented kitten, gazing up at you with those beautiful, silvery blue eyes, a lock of her golden hair spilling over her cheek. You savor the warmth of her sliding mouth, the urgent suction, and admire her kneeling beauty, breasts heaving with the motion of her head and her round ass perched atop her heels.

  “Oh, gods,” you moan, your hands moving to her head and cradling her.

  “Mmmmmmmhmmm,” she replies, the words vibrating up your shaft. One of her hands is upon your stones, gently squeezing and massaging them as she bobs her mouth on your cock.

  Days ago, nearly a virgin, you would have exploded instantly into Theora’s mouth. Even with your experience, y do not last long, but long enough to savor it.

  “Yes, yes,” you murmur. “Oh, Theora, I am going to spill my seed into your mouth.”

  “Mmmmhmmphmm,” she replies, clearly desiring exactly that. Her cheeks hollow around you and her head bobs a bit faster. The warmth of her saliva spills over your shaft and down your balls. Your grip tightens in her blonde hair. Your body tenses, your cock on the edge. She looks up at you, straight into your eyes, one hand stroking your abdomen and the other on your tight stones.

  “Ahhhhh!” Your cock races with pleasure and explodes into Theora’s mouth. She blinks once as the first shot of your seed spurts across her tongue. Her bobbing head slows, her eyes close in concentration, and she carefully sucks out every drop of your seed. She swallows it all down before lifting her warm mouth from your cock.

  “Quite a buildup of your essence,” she says, amusement quirking her lips. She rises to her feet and pulls you into a kiss salted with the remains of your seed. Her hand cradles your head and you cannot avoid her warm, swirling tongue. Tasting yourself on her lips is little deterrence from the pleasure of her embrace.

  She pushes you away at last, opening the door and shoving you out into the hall.

  “It’s been fun, my sweet champion, but the time has come for you to retire.” Theora slides a hand over her body and seems to paint her gown into existence upon her naked flesh. “To bed, Lucas, and do not come and visit me again. You have a vampiress to defeat.”

  “Y-yes, right,” you say, smiling sheepishly and tucking your cock into your shorts. “Goodnight, Theora.”

  “Goodnight,” she says and closes her door in your face.

  You sigh at the closed door and shuffle down the dark hallway to your room. Once you are securely inside, you flop down on your bed and stare up at the moldy ceiling. After the pleasure of Theora’s mouth, you can tell that sleep will come easily.


  Politely refuse her company

  Much as you would like to learn the extent of Rianna’s talents as a naughty wench, you are concerned that Theora will react unfavorably to you paying a whore. Veleda is not a particularly judgmental goddess when it comes to sex, but Theora is nothing but judgmental and she has a rather mean right hook.

  “I, um, my companion,” you say, glancing towards the stairs up to the inn. “She probably would not appreciate me, um, you know…”

  “I got it, lad,” chuckles Rianna. “No harm turnin’ me down. Why pay for some freckled tavern girl when ya got that winged beauty in yer bed, eh?”

  “What? No! No, not in my bed. Well, I mean, there was… but no, not in my bed.” You shake your head vehemently as Rianna giggles at your embarrassment. “She’s my traveling companion, we’re not, you know…”

  “Oh, I know, believe me,” laughs Rianna. She takes her feet out of your lap and picks up her shoes. “Well, you an’ your ‘traveling companion’ have a good night together. I’m sure me pap would be happy to keep me warm.”

  She winks lewdly at you, her last words leaving you speechless as she departs to the back room of the tavern. Not a moment later, Theora descends the stairs. Seeing you sitting alone in the mostly empty seems to make her angry.

  “The rooms are warded and ready for occupation,
” she says, looming over you. “Have you managed to gain any useful information or have you mucked that up?”

  “Have I ever told you how charming you are, Theora?” You say, leaning back in your chair and folding your hands behind your head. The statuesque angel kicks your chair and tips it over backwards, sending you sprawling onto the floor with a loud thump.

  “Did you accomplish anything or spend all your time flirting with that barmaid?” She demands, hands on her hips and silvery blue eyes aflame with anger.

  You relate everything you managed to learn from Theora about Baroness Lydia and the witch called Izabella. Theora grudgingly admits that you did a better job than she expected. You don’t add the fact that all of your information came from Rianna.

  “Then the castle is our destination in the morning,” says Theora. “Tonight, we rest and gather our strength. You will need it to face down a vampiress, even in the daytime. She will be weakened, but here in the Nightlands she will not be in a deep sleep like the undead elsewhere. Come, let us retire to our rooms.”

  You offer no objection and follow Theora up the stairs. You cannot help but admire her ample bottom in her gauzy gown, her wide hips swinging side to side as you climb the stairs behind her. She escorts you to your room and shows you inside past the wards chalked on the floor and walls. There is a tiny table, a ramshackle chair, and a bed that slumps as if it has been broken repeatedly and poorly mended.

  “A small bed,” you note.

  “Your room,” she says sternly. “Mine is next door. Do not leave this room. We do not know what blood-hungry creatures might be stalking the halls of this inn late at night.”

  “There’s a comforting thought,” you say.

  “Goodnight, Lucas,” she says, backing out of the room. “Sleep well.”

  She pulls the door closed behind her. You sigh and sit down on the edge of the bed.


  Strike her down while you have the chance

  Izabella is a sinister beauty, her heaving breasts an inviting target for your lust, but you are no fool. This is a trap, certainly, and once your cock is between those luscious tits you will be the one in the vulnerable position.

  “Please, Lucas,” she moans, tugging on her nipples and squishing her soft breasts together. “Fuck my tits with your big, warm cock.”

  “The only warmth you will feel is the burning justice if Veleda!” You shout and swing your sword downward in a blazing arc of light. She has just enough time to lift her arms to try to shield her face from your sword.

  Just as the holy sword is about to cleave the beautiful vampiress’s head, there is a bright flash of light that burns through your eyelids. You are staggered back a step by the force of the explosive light. You hear a scream from the vampiress, but it seems to fade into nothingness as if she is falling down a deep hole.

  You open your eyes and see that the gem in the hilt of your sword is glowing pink. There is no sign of the vampiress.

  “I’ve done it,” you say softly, turning your sword over in your grasp. It feels colder. All of your fears of this powerful monster girl have been alleviated in the flash that trapped the vampiress in your Crystal Sanctum.

  You sheath your sword and pick up the candelabrum. You give a last look around the well-furnished chamber of the vampiress and depart. On the castle’s ground floor you encounter the baroness.

  “Did you… did she…?” She looks at you, tears quivering in her pale blue eyes.

  “Yes,” you say. “She is beaten. She will not trouble you or your lands again, my lady.”

  “Oh, thank you, Lucas!” She cries, throwing her arms around your shoulders and kissing your cheek.

  “It was my duty,” you say, feeling bigger and more powerful than you have ever felt with the slender baroness in your arms.


  Triumphant over the vampiress

  “I must go,” you say, gently releasing the slender baroness from your embrace. You see that she has tears spilling down her cheeks. “Oh, don’t cry, please!”

  “I know I have much for which to atone,” she says, wiping away her tears. “So many lives were lost and so many people were enslaved by her evil. I will change things in Ulvenblad. I will protect my people from the darkness that encroaches on their lives.”

  “You have a good heart, baroness,” you say. “I wish I could remain her to aid you, but—“

  “No, you will stay here for a feast!” She takes your hands and leads you towards the dusty dining hall. “I insist. The pantry is stuffed and I am not guilty of killing all of the cooks. You deserve a proper meal.”

  The baroness sits you down at the head of the table and turns to leave the room. You take hold of her hand and pull her back.

  “My friend,” I say. “Theora. I would like her to join me.”

  “Oh,” she says, her happiness fading. “I did not know you had an, um, companion…”

  “She is my guardian angel,” you say. “Literally. She is an angel of Veleda. She is waiting for word that I have defeated the vampiress. If I could go and fetch her—“

  You begin to rise from the chair and the baroness pushes you back down. Her modest bust is in your face as she urges you down into the chair.

  “I will send a runner for her,” she says. You begin to protest, but the baroness gives you a hard look. You close your mouth and remain silent. “Good boy. You sit down. A servant will be out soon with the most delicious Agavarian apple wine.”

  True to her word, a middle-aged mouse of a woman soon bustles over with a tray. She pours you a cup of the sweet, crisp wine and departs again. Roasted vegetables, cheese, yesterday’s bread, and a pat of slightly curdled butter are served next. You are gulping down wine to make it through another hard crust of bread when the door at the far end of the hall opens and a guard in a tattered tunic ushers in Theora. She relaxes as she spots you seated on the opposite end of the table.

  “Theora, she insisted,” you say, motioning her closer.

  “The vampiress?”

  “No, I killed her,” you say, holding your sword up so she can see the pink flash of light catching a facet of the gem in the hilt. “It wasn’t easy. Then the baroness started crying and insisted we stay for a feast. I couldn’t refuse her.”

  “Obviously,” said Theora with a roll of her silvery-blue eyes. “We may stay for a bit, Lucas, but there is little time to spare. We must interrogate the vampiress about the location and intentions of the so-called Lady Rachelle.”

  “Right,” you say as the doors open and servants bring out steaming potato mash, baked ham, and tureens of sugar-glazed apples and pears. Theora sighs, spreads a cloth napkin in her lap and begins to pick at the food. You watch her daintily eating as you gorge yourself on the delicious food. Half the servants might be dead, but the ones still alive are quite good at preparing a feast.

  The baroness joins you for the main course. She has changed into a blue gown that is tight at her waist to reveal her slender hips. She has a sweet smile and looks at you adoringly. As the roasted goose is placed upon the table, she sits at your right hand, across the table from Theora at your left.

  “A pleasure to meet you,” she says to the angel. “Lucas here says you are his guardian angel. I can’t imagine a man such as him needing protection.”

  “You would be surprised,” says Theora. “However, I am his teacher, not his protector. Beyond the skills he has learned, it is the will of the goddess whether he should live or die.”

  “He faced the vampiress and lived,” says the baroness lightly. “So you have taught him well.”

  Theora casts her gaze in your direction and grudgingly says, “Perhaps.”

  After a pleasant meal, punctuated by compliments and grateful looks from the baroness and eye-rolls from Theora, the baroness presents you with a substantial sack of gold coins.

  “It is not much,” she says. “Under the domination of that witch I neglected my duties, but the taxes continued to flow into the cof

  “This is more money than I have ever had,” you say, looking down into the sack.

  “And we will not be accepting it,” says Theora, taking the bag from your hand and passing it forcefully back to the baroness. “Your kingdom is in need of hired guards and alms for the poor. Do not open your coffers to Lucas LeBlanc. He lives in a magical palace and eats feasts whenever he desires.”

  “Is this true?” The baroness asks, looking at you starry-eyed.

  “Um, yes, it is,” you say.

  “So you are of a noble bloodline?” She asks and bites her lower lip.

  “He most certainly is not!” Theora pulls you away from the baroness. “He was chosen by the goddess for reasons unknown to me and he will lose his palace when he completes his duty to Veleda.”

  “Oh,” says the baroness, obviously confused by what Theora is saying. “Well, Lucas, you are welcome to visit any time. The Nightlands are not so bad when you have friends, I promise you.”

  “Oh, right, I, um, I might visit,” you say.

  “We require a room for the night,” says Theora. “Any room will do. It does not even need a bed.”

  “Um, yes, of course,” says the baroness. “There is a suite on the second floor. You are welcome to stay as long as you like.”

  “Not long,” promises Theora.

  The baroness takes you up to the room. It is dusty and darkly furnished. Theora lights the candles and lanterns around the room with a snap of her fingers. The baroness departs with a last flutter of her lashes at you.

  “We must go,” says Theora, locking her arm with yours. “Draw the sword and take us to the Sanctum.”

  You draw your sword and hold it above your head.

  “Sanctum Serenity!” You shout and in a flash of pink light you and Theora are transported to the gates of the Crystal Sanctum. A stone path leads through the gate and up to the palace of white stone. The beauty of a permanent sunset glows in the sky.


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