The Easily Defeated Hero's Monster Girl Adventure

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The Easily Defeated Hero's Monster Girl Adventure Page 67

by Amanda Clover

  “Ahhhhhhh!” You roar with pleasure, your hips squeezing against her breasts and your cock pushing into her mouth as you begin to cum. She sucks you hungrily, slurping around your cock as you pulse your load over her tongue and down her throat. She moans around you and drains your cock, leaving you woozy and weak-kneed.

  “You came in my mouth, Lucas,” she giggles. “I thought you were going to warm my breasts, not my belly. But now that I’ve had a taste… I want more.”

  “More?” You gasp, still catching your breath.

  She licks her way down your cock to your balls and begins licking and sucking them as her hand gently massages your cock. You barely lose your hardness under her expert ministrations. Her tongue roams from your bollocks to your thigh. She plants a cool, wet kiss there. You feel her fangs tease against you.

  “What are you… AHHHH!” You cry out in pain as her fangs sink into your inner thigh. You try to push her away but she is clamped tightly to you, her arms wrapped like iron bands around your back. The hot gush of blood into her mouth is accompanied by a rush of pleasure. You moan as she slurps at the blood, drinking you greedily as your legs give out and you sink to the floor. She follows you down, latched to your thigh, drinking you until your heart is straining weakly.

  “N-no,” you gasp. “I beat you…”

  “Mmmmmmmm,” she murmurs against your thigh.

  Darkness and cold closes in around you as the vampiress finishes her meal.


  Visit with Izabella the vampiress

  “I would like to see our new guest,” you say.

  “Very well, master,” says Hina, bowing slightly and setting off through the palace for the crypts. You are familiar with the dungeon area of the castle, but a heavy iron door opens to a colder, mustier area that stretches onto an even lower level. A miasma of fog clings to the floor and ancient, moldering bones cover the ossuary shelves.

  “Who are all these dead people?” You wonder.

  Hina walks over to a nearby skeleton and lifts the skull. A few scraps of dusty hair cling to the skull.

  “This is Penotra Belan-Kreuz,” says the golem. “She was the 19th Hero of a Thousand Lives and battled back the horde of Agomongus the king of the orcs. She mated with six hundred goblins.”

  “Yikes,” you say.

  “She was incredible,” says Hina, returning the skull to the shelf. “She was mistress of this castle for six years during her struggle against Agomongus.”

  “So, um, you’re saying my bones are going to end up here?” You say, following Hina deeper into the crypt.

  “You are welcome to remain here when you are dead,” says Hina. “It would be my pleasure to care for your skeleton, master.”

  “Uh… thanks?” You follow the cheery golem down another flight of stairs, into a chamber illuminated only by the blue glow of her eyes. She steps to a red door and then stands aside.

  “Through this door, master,” says Hina.

  “Uh, any idea what mood she is in?” You ask, feeling nervous about facing Izabella now that you have beaten her.

  “She was very insistent that the room was in a particular order,” says Hina. “She is a woman that knows what she wants.”

  That sounds like Izabella. You knock weakly on the door and it creaks open. You are surprised to be greeted by another Hina on the other side. This one is different, with glassy red eyes, red hair, and a black gown over her porcelain body.

  “Hello, master,” she says. “Welcome to Mistress Izabella’s quarters.”

  She holds the door open for you as you wander into the gothic grandeur of Izabella’s lair. The ceilings are arched, sconces brass, and furniture upholstered in red velvet. It takes the style of her room in the crypt beneath Castle Ulvenblad. Your boots thump against the mosaic tiles on the floor that depict some occult blood-letting ceremony with a bound man as the victim of a coven of witches and the knife-wielding high priestess bears an uncanny resemblance to Izabella.

  “That’s me,” you realize, looking down at the mosaic image of the man tied to the altar with his heart cut out.

  “Yes, it is,” says Izabella from across the room. She floats out from her huge bed like a ghost, her billowing red gown fluttering around her blue flesh. “A little dream I have to one day repay you for your… generosity.”

  “Um, I only did what I had to do,” you say, taking a step back and walking into the red-eyed Hina. She steadies you with a hand on each of your shoulders. Those hands also seem to be holding you in place as the vampiress glides closer.

  If anything, Izabella’s beauty has increased since being banished to the Crystal Sanctum. Her silky black hair is loose against her bare shoulders, stirred by unseen currents as she glides to within reach of you. Her slender arms are completely bare and her red gown shifts and billows around her body, revealing her voluptuous contours one moment and hiding her body’s shape the next. You cannot avoid looking from her ample cleavage up to her glowing red eyes.

  “Um, hello,” you say, smiling nervously as she presses her hands against your chest and glides so close that her lips are almost touching yours.

  “So, have you come to gloat over me?” She purrs, letting her breasts mash against your chest. “Come to punish me for all the baaaaad things I did?”

  “You murdered people,” you say.

  “For centuries,” she says. “And then you imprisoned me in your sword. You have no idea how angry that makes me. How much I want to… mmmmmmm… tear your cock off. Or claws out your eyes.”

  “Oh, gods,” you moan as Izabella’s hand grasps your manhood through your trousers.

  “But I can’t do those things,” she says. “In fact, I feel some unwanted attraction to you. Like you are my… master?”

  “N-no, I’m not your master,” you say, nervous with the idea of being her master.

  “He is our master,” say the red-eyed Hina.

  “No avoiding it now, Lucas,” she says, unbuttoning your trousers and reaching inside. “I am your responsibility from here on out.”

  “Gods,” you moan, looking down and watching as her pale blue hand wraps around your stiffening cock. Her soft mounds jiggle with each pump of her hand over your rigid shaft, her soft, cool fingers stroking your sensitive tip.

  “Do you like that, master?” She ask, her voice oozing with venomous sensuality. Her hand squeezes around you more tightly, pumping even more vigorously as your cock begins to leak precum.

  “N-not… ohhhh… not your master,” you moan.

  “But you’re such a big, strong warrior,” she purrs, rubbing her body against you as she wanks your cock in her silky hand. “You might throw me on the bed and ravish me!”

  She pulls you into her arms and falls backwards onto the bed, pulling you atop the cool softness of her body. Her breasts heave, her thick nipples poking up visibly through the red gown. She kisses you and draws your tongue into her mouth and her sharp fangs prick at your lips in the heat of the moment. You gasp, trying to pull back, but Izabella folds her long legs around you and your cock slides against the tufted furrow of her cool cunt. She turns her hips, pulling you tight with her heels against your back.

  Your hard cock, throbbing with desire, slides smoothly into Izabella’s tight, slick, and cold cunt. You groan at the sensation, every measure of your hardness buried in her clutching tunnel.

  “Ravish me, Lucas,” she gasps against your lips. “My flower is at your mercy!”

  The pleasure of her cunt squeezing around you is too intense to resist. You begin to move atop her, trapped by her legs, hips working as you thrust your length in and out of the delicate folds of her undead pussy. The faster and harder you thrust into her pussy, the more passionately she kisses you and the warmer her pussy becomes.

  “I can feel your heartbeat,” she gasps, squeezing tightly around your cock. “Every pump of blood through your veins in that swollen cock. Give it to me, master. Give me your cock!”

  “Yesss!” You growl, k
issing her savagely and withholding nothing from your powerful, eager thrusts. You slam your cock into her pussy, hilting with every stroke, your reluctance left far behind.

  “Fuck her, master,” chirps the red-eyed Hina, watching intently from the bedside.

  “Yes, fuck meeee,” moans Izabella, her cry of pleasure sounding more like a command. You obey it eagerly, thrusting so hard into her that the bed shakes beneath you and her breasts nearly burst from her gown. She wails with a pleasure that cannot be feigned, writhing beneath you as you slam her into the bed with every thrust. She arches and calls your name as she cums in fluttering waves around your cock.

  She muffles her pleasure against your neck and you cum inside her, pleasure surging and exploding in hot spurts into the depths of her slick cunt. You fill her clutching channel with your seed and overflow her cunt, wetting your throbbing stones and the bed beneath her as your seed trickles out.

  “Gods,” you cry.

  “Oh, master, your warmth fills me,” moans Izabella, squeezing every drop from your cock. “I need more. I need it in my belly.”

  Pain pierces your neck as Izabella sinks her fangs deep into your flesh. The pain is gone a moment later as she latches to your body and begins to drink your flowing life force.

  “Ohhhhh… Izabella…”

  You moan, unable to resist her or fight off the sense of plunging ecstasy as she slurps nosily at your neck.

  “Mistress,” says the red-eyed Hina. “It is time to stop.”

  “Mmmmphhhmmm,” moans Izabella, clutching you tighter and greedily slurping out your blood.

  There is a sudden jolt of electricity that causes a spasm in every muscle in your body. The force of the jolt must be much stronger for Izabella, who is forced to release you and convulses wildly on the bed, her face and gown stained with your blood. The red-eyed Hina stands over her, the golem’s fingertips glowing blue-white and crackling with electricity.

  “I apologize, mistress,” says the red-eyed Hina. “I cannot permit you to kill Master Lucas in my presence.”

  “Awful… doll… bitch,” gasps Izabella, rubbing at a scorch mark on her shoulder.

  You scramble off the bed and pull on your trousers. Izabella is calling out for you as you stumble out of the door of her private suite and bump into the Hina guide.

  “Master,” she says, her blue eyes glowing softly. “Are you injured?”

  “She bit me,” you say, woozily feeling your neck. Although there is blood on your neck and shoulder, the wound has already closed. “I think I’m alright.”

  “I have a new tunic for you, master,” says Hina, handing you a folded shirt. You change shirts as she watches you. When you are finished she hands you a small silver cup of blue liquid. You sniff it and detect a faint, fruity aroma. Hina explains, “It is caloberry juice. It will restore your vital fluids.”

  You drink the contents of the cup and feel much better almost immediately. The slight dizziness fades and your weakness has been dispelled.

  “There are many guests that want to see more of you, master,” says Hina. “Where would you like to go?”

  She cocks her head and looks at you expectantly, her eyes shining their light on you in the darkness of the crypt.

  What do you do?

  It is time to return to the real world

  Visit with Morelle the Novice Succubus

  Visit with Oola the Slime Girl

  Visit with Gretchen the Cow Girl

  Get more training from Theora the Angel of Veleda

  Spend some time with Hina the Golem Girl

  Question the locals about the baroness

  You give Rianna a last look and then sigh. Flirting with the buxom bar wench will have to wait. You rise to your feet with a groan, pick up your burr cider, and wander over to the nearest table. The occupants, a pair of grizzled men puffing thick clouds from their long-stemmed pipes, look up at you curiously.

  “Mind if I sit?” You ask.

  “Cain’t say to care one way or to the other,” says one of the men in a scratchy voice. The other man, gray-bearded and gaunt, puffs out a ring of purple smoke as his answer.

  You sit down next to them and offer a salute with your mug of cider.

  "I'm Percel," says the man with the scratchy voice. "That there is Tomask."

  "Lucas," you say.

  "Heard you talkin' to that fine blonde with the big, eh, wings," continues Percel. "If you want us to answer any questions then you'll buy us some o' that burr cider."

  "Fair enough," you say and wave Rianna over to fill up their mugs with the strong drink. Percel sips at his frothy mug and Tomask, still wordless, gulps his cider almost as quickly as Theora.

  "Well, then," says Percel. "What is it you want to know, lad?"

  Even though you already know the answer, you decide to ask, "Who is it that lives in that big castle overlooking the town?"

  "Ah, Baroness Lydia Carminus," says Percel and he shakes his head. "'Tis a sad story, hers. Came from the high country, where the air is clean and the skies are bright. Fair-haired and innocent, she came to the Nightlands to marry the Baron."

  Tomask mumbles something unintelligible.

  "That's right, Tomask," says Percel. "Wed to the Baron Xavier Carmine, our local despot. A hard man, though not cruel, she made him happy and brought joy back to our village. But the baron soon fell gravely ill and the baroness sent for healers and bloodletters. None could cure his malady. In desperation, she sought out a witch trained in the old ways."

  Tomask mutters again.

  "Yes, Izabella," says Percel. "A beautiful woman, but cold and strange. She sequestered the baroness in the castle. Little has been heard from either since the baron's funeral."

  "He died?" You ask, surprised by the turn.

  "Two days after Izabella arrived," says Percel. "Some says it was her that struck him dead, but I think he was a goner before she ever darkened our village. They joy has left us in Ulvenblad, my friend. And... my cider is empty."

  "You've been helpful, Percel," you say, rising from the table. "Thank you too, Tomask."

  You visit with a few other locals, but none can offer much more than Percel, other than Izabella is definitely still in the castle with the baroness. A few seem wary to talk with an outsider, although you put this down to the usual distrust of strangers in small towns.

  You are about to give up when you notice that you are being watched by a rather unsavory-looking fellow in the corner of the tavern. Far from the hearth, he sits in a long duster coat and a drooping hat, sipping sherry from a glass. His eyes are sunken but gleaming black and his face has an unhealthy cast. His oily hair hangs past his shoulders.

  You approach him and sit down when he does not object.

  "The name is Lucas," you say.

  "Petrov," he answers, his voice high and soft. "I do not have any gossip for you."

  "Sorry," you say and begin to rise.

  He catches your wrist and leans across the table, revealing rotting teeth and a pocked face.

  "But I know someone, Anja, who works in the castle. She is a housemaid, part time. I can take you to her for a few silvers."

  You glance over your shoulder. Most of the patrons have cleared out at this late hour. Theora is still occupied doing whatever she is doing to protect the rooms from the undead.

  "it's not far," adds Petrov. "Two silvers."

  What do you do?

  Go with Petrov to question the maid

  Wait for Theora to return

  Surrender to the pleasure of her breasts and tell her

  The pain of being denied orgasm again and again is too great. You need to cum and you are willing to sell your soul for that relief. Anja squeezes the root of your cock, denying you your orgasm, but teases the weight of her tits against the sensitive cockhead.

  “I’ll… I’ll tell you,” you gasp. “Please. I’ll tell you, just let me cum.”

  “Of course, lad,” she giggles and plays the tip of her pink tongue against y
our leaking cockslit. “Just answer my questions and I’ll give you what you want.”

  “I’m… I’m the chosen hero of the goddess Veleda,” you gasp, which earns your cock a squeeze between Anja’s pillowy tits. “I fight… ohhhhh… fight monsters to protect mankind.”

  “You?” She laughs, but begins to squeeze you and wank your cock in the press of her cool titflesh.

  “It’s true!” You cry, thrusting desperately into her cleavage, but denied much movement by the ropes tying you to the chair.

  “Alright, Lucas, I believe you,” she laughs, pressing her tits more tightly and wanking you more vigorously. “Now tell me about your friend. Tell me everything, her strengths and weaknesses, and I’ll let you cum.”

  “Theora,” you moan, watching your red cockhead disappear and reappear between Anja’s ample mounds. “She’s an angel of Veleda. She… ohhhhh…. She is my mentor and a powerful warrior. She can fly and she is really strong.”

  “Weaknesses?” Anja demands, slowing her tit-wanking as if she might stop.

  “None!” You cry. “I mean, Veleda’s magic is weak in the Nightlands… so maybe… oh, please… maybe Theora’s is as well…”

  “Good enough,” purrs Anja. “You may spill your seed all over these lovely tits.”

  She resumes bouncing her bountiful breasts around your cock. It only takes a few more strokes for your need to reach a crescendo. You strain against the ropes, cry out hoarsely, and orgasm into the velvet vice of her cleavage. Long ropes of your cum fire from between her tits, splashing her chin, her throat, and covering her pale mounds in your milky seed.

  “Oh, Lucas!” She laughs, slowing her tit-wanking but squeezing out every drop of your cum. She looks down at her cream-slathered mounds. “What a mess you’ve made!”


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