The Easily Defeated Hero's Monster Girl Adventure

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The Easily Defeated Hero's Monster Girl Adventure Page 81

by Amanda Clover

“Wait! You can’t—“

  Yasmeen’s mouth opens and keeps opening, wider and wider, until all you can see is her pink tongue reaching around your neck and her cavernous mouth opening to swallow you up. You try to pull away, but her serpentine body is already wrapped tightly around your legs up to your waist.

  She lifts you and slams you into her mouth. If you try to fight it, her teeth will tear you to ribbons. You slide down the warm, pink tunnel of her gullet and into the tight, stretching space of her stomach. It is dark and hard to breathe and in moments you are covered with warm digestive juices.

  “No,” you moan, pushing on her stomach with your hands and feet. “No! Let me out! I don’t want to be eaten!”

  She caresses you with her hand on her stomach.

  “Then you should have answered the riddle correctly, Lucas,” she says. “Now be a good boy and digest.”

  As Yasmeen’s digestive fluids fill her stomach up to your chin, you have little choice in the matter. Soon, your mind becomes hazy and you begin to dissolve into mush within her stomach. It is not painful, but you know there will be no rescue this time.

  The goddess cannot save you from becoming the lamia’s meal.


  Drink the Swirling Milk Potion

  Gretchen is always working on new formulas for her potions and she promised you something different when she handed over the swirling pink and blue potion. You suspect that it will change you into a cross between a man and a woman, something unusual that might confuse Saleen, but leave you ready to fight if you are prepared for the transformation.

  “Stop stalling,” shouts Saleen, slashing at you with her daggers. The blades of her weapons clang loudly against your sword as you deflect her attack. You push her away, shouting fiercely.

  “You have no idea what you are facing,” you laugh a bit madly, which catches her by surprise.

  Saleen backpedals, giving you room and time. You reach for your hip pouch and take out the vial containing the swirling pink and blue milk potion. You notice a sparkle to the faintly luminous liquid you had not noticed before. No time for second guessing. You pop the stopper from the vial, tilt it to your lips, and gulp down half the potion. It has a strong, sweet and salty taste, with a nutty flavor almost like your mother’s walnut cake.

  You feel the thrill of the strange liquid burning through your body almost instantly. Your hands are shaking as you stopper the vial and return it your hip pouch.

  “What was that? What are you doing?” Saleen’s daggers flash with almost nervous movement as she keeps her distance.

  “Your… def… def…” The words aren’t coming easily. Something is wrong with your head. Pain in your chest. In your groin. You let out a bovine cry of, “OoooOOOOooo!”

  Huge breasts swell from your chest and your body takes on a feminine shape. Horns erupt from your forehead, sending you to your knees, but before your knees hit the ground, the blunt tip of your cock, now dangling through your robe, smacks into the sun-warmed stone. Your cock is massive and pink, with a flattened tip like a bull’s, your testicles immensely enlarged and your new breasts and fat nipples aching with engorgement. You cry out as milk begins to spurt from your enormous teats and soak through your robe.

  “By the shades of the underdeep!” Saleen hisses, looking at you with confusion.

  “This one has turned himself into a human cow!” Toad croaks with amusement. “Do you know the fortune he know holds in his teats and his bullocks! The battle is won, Saleen. Kahad, take him to the stables. Let my concubines milk him dry.”

  The massive warrior standing guard beside Toad steps from the cushion-covered platform and approaches you. The concubines also slither down from the platform, following behind Kahad.

  “WhOOOOooooOOo nooOOo,” you moan, throbbing pleasure radiating from your thick nipples as you fall onto your hands and knees, milk dripping steadily from your tits and through the drenched fabric of your robe. The sensation causes your huge cock to begin to stiffen.

  “Toad, you cannot do this,” warns Theora.

  “He will be fine,” laughs Toad, wrapping his scaly arms around Theora from behind. The last thing you glimpse as you are dragged through the red curtain by Kahad is the Toad forcing Theora into a sloppy, wet kiss.

  You are brought into a dusty barn, lowing like a frightened cow as Kahad lifts you up by your shoulders and ties you to leather straps hanging from the ceiling. The beautiful concubines strip off your sodden robe, exposing your massive breasts dangling beneath your slender, feminine body. They exchange words in a foreign language as your cock is fully revealed. They heft your huge bollocks and idly stroke your massive shaft, making you moan in a bovine way, pearly drops of precum spilling from your blunt tip and splattering onto the straw-covered floor. The concubines giggle and tug on your cock more forcefully.

  “Ooooohhhhhh goddsss ooOOOOOoo,” you moan, sounding like a cross between a woman and a cow.

  Kahad brings in a silver pail to place beneath each of your huge, dangling breasts and a third pail beneath your dripping cock. Kahad’s rough hands palm your breasts and he grunts from behind his mask as he begins to forcefully milk your breasts. Streams of warm titcream spurt from your thick nipples and patter into the pails beneath your dangling tits. Each forceful gush of milk sends a thrill of pleasure through your body and causes your huge cock to twitch in the grasp of the concubines.

  While Kahad milks you roughly with his callused hands, the concubines begin to licks at your cockshaft and daintily kiss your dangling bollocks. Your sack tightens against the root of your massive cock, your pleasure rising by the moment as their tongues smear saliva all over your huge shaft and their delicate hands milk your male meat. With a bullish snort and roar of pleasure, you jerk in the leather straps and thrust as much as you can against the hands stroke your cock. Pleasure surges through you, your massive bollocks throbbing and your huge cock pumping thick ropes of spunk into the pail.

  The concubines do not stop at one load of cum, one of them coaxing you back to full hardness with her warm tongue on your tip and the other moving behind you to roll her hot tongue over the rim of your asshole. The combination of sensations has you at the edge of release again in under a minute. While the concubines are tonguing and stroking you towards another orgasm, Kahad continues to milk your laden breasts into the pails beneath them.

  Kahad says something to the concubines and a moment later he pushes the iron mask up from his face. He reveals a weathered, battle-scarred face the color of wood. His small dark eyes gaze up at you as he leans in and takes one of your nipples into his mouth. The sensation of Kahad drinking your warm cream directly sends a fresh thrill of pleasure through your body. You cum again into the bucket, your breast being slurped by the massive warrior.

  Kahad seems excited by his taste of your milk. He shouts orders to the concubines and they move to your breasts, milking you into the pails. Kahad moves behind you and your eyes go wide as you hear his belt and feel his hot cockhead rubbing at your tongue-slicked asshole.

  Your words of protest come out as more mooing sounds and before you realize what is happening, the mighty warrior has thrust his big cock up your ass and reached around to wank your huge cock. The sensation of being ass-fucked and wanked at the same time as the two concubines milk your breasts sends you over the edge again. You moo with pleasure, your stretched ring clenching against Kahad’s fat cock as you erupt for a third time into the pail.

  Your shame is complete as Kahad bellows and unleashes his seed deep and hot into your bowels. The sensation of his cum pumping into your ass makes you low with dismay. He pulls out of your ass, leaving you dripping.

  The concubines finish the work of milking you as Kahad departs. You are stunned by the violation, but they still manage to wank your cock again, milking you a fourth and final time into the pail. By then, your cock is beginning to shrink and your tits are disappearing into your chest. They work together to lift you from the leather harness and walk you, a
bit gingerly because of your rear, to a small bedroom within Toad’s palace. Scarcely half an hour has passed since your foolish gambit with Saleen.

  You are brought a tray of food and a pitcher of cool water by a serving girl. Fresh robes and underclothes are provided. As you suffer in solitude in relative comfort, Theora’s nightmare with Toad must be just beginning.


  The Toad’s Champion

  You had expected you would be fighting the hulking brute guarding the Toad on his throne of pillows. The figure that steps through the curtain could not be more different than the massive warrior.

  The woman stands less than five feet tall, her black hair pulled back in a short, tight ponytail. Her compact frame is lean, her breasts small beneath a tight top of red silk. Her midriff is bare and golden above matching pants worn low on her girlish hips, the silky red fabric loose and billowy around her slender legs. The arches and tops of her delicate feet are wrapped in cloth and her toes are exposed. She practically bounces with each step.

  The woman’s eyes are wide and beguiling, a hint of violet in her gray irises, her lashes long and feminine. She peers out above a mask of gauzy red cloth that covers her nose and mouth. Those eyes hold you entranced for a moment, but your attention turns to her ears, long and pointed, sticking out from the sides of her head.

  “An elf?” You murmur.

  “Saleen,” says the Toad. “My most skilled fighter. She has put down every gang of thugs and every dead-eyed hashashin sent to take me down. Now, little boy, she will put you down.”

  “You can beat her,” says Theora. “Hold nothing back.”

  “Her family was killed by humans and I raised her as my own daughter,” says Toad.

  “You raised an elf-child?” Theora raises a doubting eyebrow.

  “Well, she spent her middle years with the Karomingal Blade Fighters,” chuckles Toad.

  “This speck of meat?” The woman prowls slowly around you, looking you over. “Shall I kill him for you?”

  “No, not this time,” croaks Toad. “Beat him, but do not slay him.”

  Before you can object, Saleen draws and throws a gleaming dagger at you. It flies so close to your face that the blade slices a few strands of your hair.

  “That was all the warning you get,” says Saleen.

  Theora backs out of the light and you step away from Saleen, giving yourself some room to maneuver. You stare at her and draw the Sword of Veleda, feeling its power in your grip.

  “Begin!” Toad croaks. One of his concubines hits the loud gong.

  Saleen begins to circle you, a dagger in each of her hands. You spare a glance at Theora and she gives you a nod to focus your attention on your opponent. You have never really battled with another human, or a half-human, but you know the vile consequences that will follow if you let this petite warrior defeat you.

  “Come on then, speck,” taunts Saleen, her blades in motion as she circles. “Show me what you can do.”

  What do you do?




  Special Ability



  The answer is nothing

  “What does a pauper have that a king needs?” You shrug your shoulders. "It’s nothing. If you try to eat that, you are going to starve to death.”

  Yasmeen’s smile fades. The huge lamia’s face darkens to a shade of crimson and contorts with rage.

  “You!” She snarls, baring her fanged teeth. “You cheated! Somehow, the angel told you the answer!”

  She charges at you, her huge serpentine lower body bucking furiously and propelling her at you so quickly that you have to backpedal and bring up your sword to deflect her attack. Even as you narrowly avoid her sharp nails raking across your face, you manage a cocky smile.

  “It was a pretty lame riddle,” you tease.

  “I will slice open your belly and slurp out your entrails!” She snarls, pursuing you around the chamber. You leap onto the pillow-covered pedestal and turn to face her again as she rises up on her muscular tail. She reaches for you with both hands. Instead of trying to dodge her or flee from her, you leap at her face and drive the tip of your sword into the center of Yasmeen’s forehead.

  For a moment, you feel the hardness of her skull and then there is a flash of blinding light and you fall through where she was standing. You land hard on the floor at the base of the pedestal, your sword clanging to the floor. You lift your head in time to see the last flashes of the pink crystal in the grip of the Sword of Veleda.

  You pick yourself up and dust yourself off. As you turn the sword over in your hand, it sinks in that you have succeeded; you have trapped the deadly lamia in the Crystal Sanctum. She hasn’t give you the information you need to reach Chthona, but the vampiress Izabella was not very forthcoming either until she was trapped in the crystal in your sword.

  I can make her talk, you think, holding your sword up.

  Theora groans nearby and pushes herself to her hands and knees. You sheath the sword and hurry to her side.

  “It’s alright,” you say, helping her to her feet. “It’s over. I beat her.”

  “Knew you… knew you would,” she says and tousles your hair.


  Visit with Izabella the vampiress

  “I would like to see Izabella,” you tell the guide Hina.

  “Of course, master,” she says merrily, setting off through the palace. “She is currently with the seamstress.”

  “Oh? I didn’t know we had a seamstress,” you say, looking down at the new clothes you are wearing. “I guess you can do just about anything.”

  “I cannot give birth to offspring,” says Hina, her tone changing slightly to become sad. “I am only a creation of magic and parts.”

  “That is sort of like everyone else,” you say. “The magic is just, you know, not the sort you read in a book.”

  “Very good, master,” she says this and makes a sound that you think is supposed to be laughter but which seems more like some sort of warning alarm.

  Before you have much of an opportunity to be disconcerted by Hina’s laughter, you arrive at a sumptuous parlor with gold leaf wallpaper and gas lanterns that provide bright, golden illumination. The light is an unusual juxtaposition with the gorgeous, dark-haired, bluish-tinted vampiress standing half-dressed in the center of the room. A Hina wearing spectacles and with pins tucked between her lips is inspecting the fit of a garment of rose-colored lace that she is pinning to Izabella’s shapely body.

  You watch the seamstress Hina work for a moment, admiring Izabella’s bare breasts and dark blue nipples. The seamstress Hina adjusts the fit of the corset Izabella is wearing, cinching it tighter and lifting Izabella’s breasts even more impressively.

  “Lucas LeBlanc,” says the vampiress, noticing you watching. “Do you always spy upon your captive women?”

  “I like to think of you as more of a long term guest,” you say, approaching Izabella. “Although I do enjoy watching someone as beautiful as you being dressed.”

  “Yes, she is actually quite good,” says Izabella, gently pushing the seamstress Hina away. “I have had her create a number of elaborate costumes to impress you in the hopes that you will decide to have mercy on me and release me back into the world.”

  Izabella steps forward and does a slow turn, showing off the unfinished dress with its skirt of black lace hinting at the shape of her lower half and the cupless corset revealing her ample blue-tinted bust. Her dark hair is pinned up to emphasize her slender neck and keep out of the way of the seamstress’s work.

  “I am stunned by your beauty,” you say, daring to step closer.

  “And I am very hungry,” she says, cocking her shapely hips to one side. “It has been days since you’ve given me anything real to eat.”

  “Blood?” You ask, holding up your wrist.

  She wets her lips and nods intently. “If you give me a taste you can have me any way you

  “Well then,” you say, stepping so close that her nipples are pressing against your tunic, “I suppose you should have that taste.”

  You lift your wrist to her full lips. She cradles your arm in both hands and looks into your eyes as she presses a kiss to the inside of your wrist. Pain stabs into your flesh and you suck in a hiss of surprise. A moment later, pain turns to warm pleasure that spreads up your arm and saturates your body. She sucks lewdly at your flowing blood, drinking your vital fluid as it pumps past her piercing fangs.

  She is still sucking your blood from your wrist as you feel her hand unbutton your trousers and begin to wrap your cock. She wanks your manhood as she slurps out more and more of your blood. Although you are beginning to feel a bit lightheaded, Izabella’s soft hand is combining with the strange pleasure of her feeding to make you want to cum. You gaze into her eyes, mesmerized by the red light flickering there. Her hand moves faster and faster, almost in time to the beating of your heart as she drinks your blood.

  “Oh,” you moan. “Oh, Izabella, I am going to… going to…”

  Your cum spurts through her fingers and decorates the black lace of her skirt in milky pearls. She pumps your cock deftly, working out every spurt of your seed and finishing by rubbing just beneath your cockhead with her pressing thumb. You shudder and manage to pull your cock from her grasp and your wrist from her sucking lips. A last flick of her tongue closes the wound on your inner arm.

  “A fair trade,” she says, looking from your spent cock and down to her soiled skirt.

  “Hardly,” you say. “I am just starting with you.”

  She cries out in surprise as you scoop her into your arms and carry her to a plush couch nearby. You stretch her out on the red velvet and tear off the black lace of her skirt. The seamstress Hina groans as you ruin her hard work, but you are not concerned with making her put in long hours. You drop heavily to your knees and part Izabella’s supple blue thighs. She cradles the back of your head, cooing with pleasure and guiding you to the trimmed thatch of her cunt. You bury your tongue in her hot channel, lapping at her slit and tasting her blue-tinted peach before turning your attention on the bud of her clit.


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