The Easily Defeated Hero's Monster Girl Adventure

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The Easily Defeated Hero's Monster Girl Adventure Page 112

by Amanda Clover

  She reaches out her human hands and touches your breasts, squeezing and fondling them gently. You thrust them into her palms and lean in to give the Scylla girl a kiss on her soft lips. Her mouth is cool and faintly sweet. Her tongue is every bit as nimble as one of her tentacles. You press closer, mashing your big breasts against her smaller mounds. Your twin cocks rub against the slimy mass of her tentacles. You thrusts through the writhing appendages and feel the warmth of her cunt.

  “I will mount you,” you say, “in both holes.”

  “No,” she gasps. “I cannot. Not in both. You would not enjoy that. You can only mate with one hole the other is not for mating.”

  “That is for me to decide you slimy river slut,” you laugh, tossing her to the river’s edge and grabbing two of her tentacles in each hand. You push and pull them until you expose her red-tinged pussy and the reddish knot of her asshole. They are both slimy with her natural lubrication, making it easy for you to guide both cockheads to her tight holes.

  “Ooooooh,” she croons. “You can’t do it! Please! Not theeerrrreee!”

  She wails and tosses her blonde hair as you thrust into her pussy and ass in a single stroke. Your upper cock sinks easily into the steamy folds of her cunt; your lower cock requires a harder thrust before her clenched divot yields. She gasps and you groan with womanly pleasure as your lower cock finally pushes past her ring and sinks into her asshole.

  Both holes are incredibly hot and slippery, making it easy for you to quickly build up a rapid stroke. You lean over her, releasing her tentacles and pinning her human arms to the ground as you plunder both her holes at once.

  “Ooooooohhh, yes, it is better than I thought,” cries Charlotte, looking up at you. “Like you are mating me in my ass. Even though there are no eggs. It is good.”

  “Yes, it is good,” you laugh, leaning over her, your heavy breasts swinging and dragging against her tits. You kiss her, mashing your tits down against hers, pounding hard and deep into her clutching pussy and incredibly tight and silky ass.

  The motions of your body are feminine and new, writhing and sliding against Charlotte’s slippery flesh as you fucking her harder and harder, your pleasure building with every stroke. You can hardly believe it, your kiss hungry as you ascend to the brink of your climax.

  “Aaaaahhh!” Charlotte croons against your lips, her tentacles wrapping around you and pulling you deeper. “I am cumming!”

  She didn’t need to tell you that for you to know. You can feel it in the stiffening of her body, the way her tentacles grip your feminine ass and lower back tightly, and the way her ass rhythmically clenches against your lower cock. Her squeezing pleasure, gasped directly into your kiss, is enough to push you over the brink. You cry out girlishly against her, kissing her slender neck and pressing down hard atop her as you bury both cocks deep in Charlotte’s holes and explode.

  Your seed pumps into Charlotte’s pussy and clutching ass with intense, alternating spurts. Every blast of your seed seems to propel the Scylla girl back to the peak of her own orgasm.

  “You are breeding me in both holes,” she gasps. “You are breeding my ass with your human seed!”

  You fuck her until your cocks begin to soften, slumping atop her and kissing her as she strokes your shoulders and back.

  “That is a very good mating,” says Charlotte, caressing your head with a tentacle. “Now we will go back to my home and we will mate again and again.”

  “What? No, I’m going to—“

  But Charlotte moves with astonishing speed, wrapping you tightly in three tentacles and dragging you into the nearby river. You cry out one last time as the Scylla girl drags you beneath the rapidly flowing water. You cannot see anything, but you feel as if you are going to drown as she takes you deeper and deeper.

  Suddenly, she is dragging you through an underwater tunnel and up into a grotto under the ground. She pulls you out of the water and onto a mat of soft moss.

  “You nearly killed me,” you gasp, trying to catch your breath.

  “You turned back into a boy,” say Charlotte, looking down at your normal human body. “And you only have one piece of mating flesh now.”

  “Yeah? That was a potion,” you say.

  “Do you have more of this potion?” Charlotte asks.

  “Yes, but it’s in my pouch up on the river’s edge.”

  “I will retrieve it,” says the Scylla and before you now it she has dived back into the water of the grotto, leaving you behind in her cave. You contemplate some means of escape, but your sword was left behind and the tunnel was too long for you to traverse at a normal human swimming speed. You are still trying to think of a way to contact Veleda or Theora when the Scylla girl returns with your potions.

  She hands you the swirling potion and tells you, “Transform again. I require to be bred in both my holes.”

  She gets on her hands and knees, or what would be her knees if she had any bones in her tentacles, and offers up her luscious pussy and ass. Seeing no alternative, you unstopper the bottle, feel the change come over you, and eagerly plunder both her holes with your hard cocks.

  “Yessss,” hisses Charlotte. “Breed my hole again. Mate with me again and again.”

  It is as you pound your cocks into her tight pussy and silky ass, that you know you have lost, that you will be her obedient mate for as long as you survive.

  Or at least until your prayers to be rescued are finally answered.


  Call upon Yasmeen to defeat the goblin

  You draw the Holy Sword of Veleda and hold it above your head, shouting out, “Yasmeen emerge!”

  With a flash of pink light and a sudden gust of dry, hot wind, the giant figure of Yasmeen appears in the midst of the clearing. She towers over you and Theora, a giantess on an immense snake’s body, the goblins no more than toys compared to her huge size. She is terrifying and beautiful, her shapely breasts swaying as she slithers and turns from you to the goblins.

  “What is this, Lucas? Some treats for me to devour?”

  The goblins fire their arrows, which bounce harmlessly off her armored scales. She hisses and charges at the goblins and they screech in terror and bolt for the jungle. She thunders off in pursuit, disappearing into the tree line with a crash of foliage.

  “Don’t eat them all!” You shout after her, although you have no idea if she heard you.

  “I rather hope she does not eat the one that can speak the common tongue,” says Theora.

  You hear terrified screeching from more than one goblin somewhere in the distant jungle. The sound of snapping branches moves from directly in front of you around to the side, at which point Yasmeen finally emerges from the jungle. To your surprise, she holds one goblin in each arm and two more wrapped up in her serpentine body.

  “I brought them back,” she says, panting and flicking her tongue excitedly, her huge breasts heaving in the golden sling she is wearing. “Now may I eat them?”

  “I have some questions to ask them,” you say, stepping towards her. You shout as you address the goblins, “Which of you spoke before?”

  “I speak,” whimpers one of the goblins wrapped up in Yasmeen’s tail. She lifts the goblin towards you, wrapped in her crimson scales, his arms pinned at his sides, he looks pathetic.

  “You are going to answer some questions,” you say, “and if you answer truthfully, my friend here won’t eat you and your friends.”

  “Awww,” pouts Yasmeen, sticking out her lower lip.

  “I talk! I talk!” The goblin cries, trying to wriggle free. Yasmeen constricts here coiled lower body.

  “Where is your village?” You demand.

  “On path,” says the goblin. “Not far! Many goblins there!”

  “What that way?” Theora asks, pointing to a fainter path through the jungle.

  “Ah, that is… ah! So tight! It is… empty house! Left by humans!”

  “Humans? Are they nearby?” You ask.

  “No, gone lon
g ago,” says the goblin. “All that left is green man. Furry man. Very dangerous.”

  “What about the path with the flowers?” You ask.

  “Past house to garden,” says the goblin. “It more dangerous than green man. Plant… plant eat brother.”

  “Lovely,” says Theora.

  “Speaking of eating goblins,” says Yasmeen. “If you have your answers, can I eat them now?”

  You are tempted to let the pouting lamia devour the goblins, but you turn to Theora for advice.

  “You should not encourage her,” she says, before you can even ask a question. “She must be weaned of her hunger for sentient creatures.”

  “Right,” you say, nodding in agreement. You turn back to Yasmeen and say, “No, we should let these… goblins…”

  Your words trail off as you realize Yasmeen is only holding the two goblins wrapped in her tail now. Thet goblins are whimpering and looking up at Yasmeen and the huge lamia’s belly looks awfully distended.

  “Oh, Yasmeen,” you sigh. “You ate two of them?”

  “What? No? I let them go,” says Yasmeen, looking around as if wondering where the goblins might have gone. The bulge in her belly shifts and you hear muffled voices from inside her belly.

  “She ate them! She a—!“ The goblin that speaks the common tongue is suddenly cut off in his shouting as Yasmeen constricts him so tightly his eyes bulge.

  “Don’t kill him!” You shout. “Let these two go. No more eating the goblins.”

  She pouts again as she lowers the goblins to the ground and unwinds her tail. They both gasp for breath and stumble away, heading towards the path through the jungle.

  “How about you, Lucas?” Yasmeen hisses, reaching for you with one of her big hands. “Want to give them a little seasoning?”

  She wets her plump lips and smiles seductively. You imagine how your cock would feel sliding into her hot mouth, thrusting against her serpentine tongue, and explode down her throat. Would she try to swallow you along with her cum?

  “Absolutely not!” Theora says, grabbing you by your shoulder and saving you from finding out the answer to that question. “Send her back, Lucas.”

  “Right,” you say, holding your sword up. Yasmeen starts to complain, but you command her, “Yasmeen return!”

  In a pink flash, the huge lamia is gone, a thunderclap of air departing with her.

  “I do not like that one,” says Theora with a shake of her head. “Come on, let’s be on our way.”

  “Right,” you say, hoping Theora does not notice your erection.

  You and Theora set off back into the jungle, following the path that veers clear of the goblin village. The journey is more difficult than on the other path, slowing your progress. The darkness of the jungle canopy is beginning to deepen, suggesting that night is falling. With the mountains still not in view, it seems unlikely you will reach them by dusk.


  Use the Maddening Pleasure ability

  You lower your sword, which causes Charlotte to stop her attack and look at you cautiously. You lunge towards her so quickly she actually cries out in surprise as you embrace her and press your lips to hers. Your kiss is hot, hungry, your tongue thrusting into the cool sweetness of her mouth. Her lips are almost rubbery, but her tongue stirs and she moans with surprised pleasure against your kiss. Her tentacles wrap around you, drawing you deeper into her arms. You resist the urge to fight her off and betray no fear.

  “What was that?” She asks.

  “I realized my foolishness,” you say, sliding a hand up her slippery flesh to cradle her left breast. You fondle it and gently tease your thumb back and forth against her fat nipple. “I looked at your beauty and I knew I had to show you the ways of pleasure.”

  “Oooooooh!” Charlotte croons lustily. “Yes, show me the way of human pleasure. What is your name, so that I may sing it when I you drive me to climax?”

  “Lucas,” you say, kissing her long neck and slender shoulder.

  “Lucas,” she repeats, her tentacles cradling you as you kiss your way to her breast, tonguing and then sucking her nipple. She gasps with pleasure, watching you with her alien eyes lidded with lust. “Yes, suck them. Soon our spawn will suck my mother’s milk.”

  “Mmmmmhmmm,” you agree, moving to her other breast, sucking even harder and eliciting a cry of pleasure. Your hot mouth lingers, moving between her breasts as your fingers tease her glistening nipples. Her skin is coated in a thin layer of slime with a sweet taste. Licking and sucking her is like licking and sucking a giant candy.

  “Oooooh, put your breeding flesh inside me,” moans Charlotte, gyrating her hips and making several of her tentacles swish against the mud. “I need to be mated.”

  “Not yet,” you say. “First, you need pleasure.”

  You kiss your way down her flat belly, unsure of what you will find as you reach her lower abdomen. Her hips and human backside end at her upper thighs, which bloom with reddish spots that become the roots of her eight main tentacles. You are in front of her, on your knees, as you face two smaller tentacles that cover her vulva like rubbery curtains. Breathing her scent, slightly afraid of what you will find, you push those small tentacles aside and reveal her puffy, reddish, but otherwise human pussy. Breathing a sigh of relief, you lean in, caressing her thighs above the roots of her tentacles as you press a kiss to her slick pussy.

  “Ahhhhh, your mouth,” she cries. “Oh, and your tongue too! Ahhhh! That is not how you mate with me!”

  Charlotte’s puffy pussy is steamy hot in contrast to her cool body temperature. You through your tongue into it and it is almost uncomfortable how hot it is, but as you nuzzle, lick, and suck at her pussy, you forget any such minor discomfort. Your tongue finds Charlotte’s clit and she begins to moan and writhe, rolling her hips to fuck her juicy folds against your mouth.

  “Ooooooh!” She croons loudly. “Your tongue… is touching me… ooooohh… somewhere I have never felt before!”

  “Mmmmnnnnnn,” you agree, flicking and sucking the bud of her clit, driving her to louder and louder moans of pleasure. Her tentacles tremble with her ecstasy. Her hands hold your head as she rides against your tongue. You can see her eyes rolling back in her head as she cums with powerful spasms that send her hot nectar flowing into your mouth.

  And suddenly she is back from the brink, grabbing you up in her arms and furiously stripping off your clothing with her tentacles.

  “I need you now,” she cries. “I need your seed!”

  She throws you to the muddy shore and is atop you before you can even protest. Her tentacles wrap around your hard cock and guide you to her slippery heat of her pussy. She sinks down onto your cock, moaning as her pussy squeezes around you, writhing and sliding over your sensitive manhood.

  “No,” you gasp. “No, I wasn’t done… ohhhh… showing you the… limits of… ohhhhhh…”

  Your words trail off as you look up at the beautiful monster girl. She rides her pussy up and down your hard cock, her plump breasts bouncing and swaying with the motion of her hips. Her tight, steamy-hot pussy draws you quickly towards your limit. Your hands find her hips and then her soft ass. You squeeze it and encourage her, lost to the pleasure of her tight pussy, lost to her satisfied smile and golden, alien eyes.

  “Ohhhhh,” you moan pitifully, your cock pulsing inside her as you shoot a heavy load deep into her monstrous pussy. She cries out, her inner walls milking you, her tentacles caressing your thighs and reaching up to your balls as you pump your seed into Charlotte’s fertile pussy.

  You are beaten. You know it. Even as she slides off of you and takes hold of your feet, you offer no resistance.

  “Now I will take you to my home,” she croons. “Where we will live together forever, making so many babies.”

  You whimper helplessly as you are dragged into the river to disappear beneath the surface. In Charlotte’s secret grotto, on a bed of musty moss, you will live out your days as her personal breeding tool, fucking he
r whenever she desires and emptying every drop from your balls with each passing day.


  Use the Lure of the Lily ability

  “Give it up, Lucas,” sneers the Succubus Queen as she nearly wraps her tail around your neck. “I am faster, stronger, and smarter than you will ever be.”

  “Maybe,” you say, “but you are also a coward. Face me like a queen instead of a cutpurse!”

  You know what you have to do. You cannot best her even if you do provoke her into a direct fight, but you can use your Lure of the Lily ability to convince the succubus she has already won.

  “Come and get me,” you taunt. “If you are not afraid of me.”

  “Afraid!? I will rend you limb from limb for your insolence!” The Succubus Queen launches through the air, her wings snapping open to lengthen her leap. Her claws rake across your chest, slashing ribbons from your shirt and slicing stinging, bloody scratches across your body. You batter her back, forcing her to parry several quick blows from your sword.

  You see her attack coming quick enough to dodge it; a mace like swing of her tail aimed at the side of your head. You pretend to be angling for a strike and step into the blow, taking it on your shoulder instead of your head, but reacting as if she has smashed you in the temple. You roll your eyes back in your head and drop face down upon the floor. You make sure to scratch your temple with the guard of your sword as you go down, creating a convincing flow of blood for a cracked skull.

  “Get up,” she snarls, kicking you in the side. “Lucas! Get up!”

  You do not move. You still your breathing, making it so shallow it is barely detectable. You are in an almost trancelike state as the Succubus Queen leans over you and flips you over, blood trickling hot down the side of your face and dripping onto the floor.

  “He’s dead,” says your mother, seeming not to care.

  “Good,” says your sister, leaning over you. “He annoyed me. You said he was annoying, my queen, but you never mentioned how annoying.”


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