Emily's Passion

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Emily's Passion Page 11

by Storm, A J

  Alan unhooked my ankles from the cross leaving the cuffs on, rubbing my inner thighs to bring back circulation. Reaching up he unhooked each wrist from the cross and supported my body against his.

  “You did great, Emily. I am so proud of you, baby,” he told me as he ushered me over to the table.

  “Thank you, Sir,” I barely whispered.

  He stepped on a button on the floor lowering the table to the right height where I could just roll over onto it on my stomach. He then raised the table back up to a level where he could easily give me a proper massage. Removing the cuffs, he started working with my arms and shoulders on to the muscles in my back. When he had sufficiently worked the stiffness out of my upper body, he started on my thighs, legs, and ankles. He sat me up on the table and let me dangle my legs off while I regained my equilibrium. Walking to the fridge under the cabinet, he grabbed a cold bottle of water opening it for me. On the way back, he dragged over a chair placing it near the table and sat down.

  “Start drinking this. You need to hydrate,” he ordered.

  “Yes, Sir,” I answered taking a gulp of water. “Oh Sir, may I tell you something please?”

  “Yes,” he replied.

  “That was the most amazing orgasm that I have ever had, Sir. Thank you,” I told him.

  “You are most welcome, Emily. You were very responsive and made me extremely happy. But, there is the matter of the punishment. Do you want to use your safe word to totally stop the scene now,” he asked.

  I thought about it for a moment but then shook my head telling him, “No, Sir. We agreed that I would participate to see if I would really enjoy playing with a true Dom. I need to take the good with the bad, Sir. I disobeyed by lying to you so I will take the punishment.”

  He looked at me with pride on his face as he ordered, “Then, little girl, come here and bend your pretty pink ass over my lap. I am going to give you three swats with my hand. Fair warning, they won’t be easy swats!”

  “Yes, Sir,” I replied as I lay across his lap with my arms hanging down to the floor.

  “I want you to spread your thighs as far apart as you can, little girl,” he told me. I couldn’t imagine why but I soon found out.

  Whap! He slapped my right cheek hard and pain shot through my entire ass cheek. “One, Sir,” I uttered through gritted teeth. Whap! This time he slapped my left ass cheek and tears started pooling behind my eyes as I counted, “Two, Sir.”

  He rubbed my cheeks trying to disperse the pain a bit. I waited for his final swat hoping maybe he had decided not to continue with the third. How wrong I was! He slapped my ass again only this time it was in the middle reaching down across my pussy. The pain was a shock to my system but surprised me by immediately going to my clit again and spreading throughout my sex.

  “Three, Sir,” I winced from the pain.

  Alan set me back on my feet holding onto my shoulders lovingly stroking them. He stepped on the button to the table again, putting it at just the right height for me to bend over and rest my chest on it presenting my pussy for his pleasure. It was painfully obvious his cock was pushing against the zipper of his leathers needing relief. Unzipping them, his dick shot out of his pants bobbing in the air.

  He held his cock in his hand rubbing it back and forth through my honey telling me, “I am going to take you hard and fast, little girl. I am going to enjoy fucking that pussy of yours.” He thrust his cock inside of me and we both let out a loud groan of satisfaction. My channel was hot, wet, tight, and he didn’t hold back as he slammed into me over and over again.

  His cock felt so good inside of me. It stretched the walls of my vagina and hit all the right spots. I felt that wonderful pressure building again just from him pumping into me. I inched my hand down the table reaching my clit and rubbed it as he continued to pound me from behind.

  Alan let out a loud groan as he came inside me seeming to go on forever shooting his cum into my pussy. Seconds after he came, I came hard with waves of pure bliss. My walls contracted around his cock and it seemed his orgasm was stronger and lasted longer. Resting his hands on the table to keep from crushing me, he stayed inside me as if relishing the feeling of being inside my pussy. He got up and slowly removed himself bringing my body up against his. My bottled water was surprisingly still sitting on the end of the table. He grabbed it as he ushered me over to the bed where he drew the covers back and sat down.

  “Sit on my lap, Emily and let me hold you. I also want you to drink the rest of your water,” he told me as he cradled me in his lap. Alan seemed to not be able to get enough of me as he held me against his body. He kissed me and nuzzled my neck whispering sweet words into my ears.

  Tightly wrapped in his arms, I felt protected safe, and most of all, I felt loved and cared for. My head was resting on his shoulder as he kissed and licked my neck whispering as he did. His hands lightly stroked over my face, shoulders, and arms bringing goose bumps to the surface. I let out a huge sigh moving my head to his chest listening to the beat of his heart.

  “What?” he softly asked.

  “I was thinking how good this felt and how content I am being here with you,” I replied.

  Alan moaned a small moan of pleasure and hugged me tighter against his body. We sat huddled together for another thirty minutes before he moved me onto a pillow and covered me with the comforter. He told me to sleep as he got off the bed picking up clothes and folding them. I watched him wipe down the table and cross with disinfectant and clean his flogger before putting away in his bag. After looking at his watch, he looked at me and realized I wasn’t going to sleep. “You aren’t going to sleep, are you?”

  “I can’t,” I answered.

  “It’s three in the afternoon giving us just enough time to dress and eat before we leave,” he suggested.

  He climbed the stairs up to the kitchen and I heard him rummaging around in the fridge. He came down with a platter loaded with ham, cheese, pineapple and watermelon chunks, grapes, and a couple of croissants. My mouth was already watering. He placed his hand softly on my face as he brushed his lips across mine.

  “Emily, you need to eat, baby,” he coaxed. “We need to leave by four.”

  His face was hovering over mine as I yawned and stretched. He pressed his lips with mine one more time before backing up to let me sit up.

  “Is there any more water?” I asked as I propped several pillows behind my back.

  “Yeah, I’ll get you a bottle,” he answered strolling over to the fridge.

  The croissants looked wonderful and I filled one with ham and cheese. The bread melted in my mouth as I realized just how hungry I really was. My mouth felt like it was drooling as I popped chunks of fruit in once I had finished my sandwich.

  “I’m just glad I don’t have to coax you to eat. Some subs I’ve had dealings with never wanted to eat, always afraid they would gain weight. I could never convince them how important it was to replenish the body,” he explained. When we finished, he returned the tray to the kitchen.

  I had just finished dressing as he came down the stairs. He gathered me in his arms pushing a loose strand of hair back behind my ear and asked, “Are you ready to blow this place?”

  “I’m always ready to give a blow job,” I grinned.

  “Who has the dirty mind now?” he asked slapping me on the ass making me yelp. He dimmed the lights, locked the door, and put the key back where it originally was.

  “By the way, little girl, how is your ass?” he teased.

  “It’s tender but not too bad. The trick will be sitting on the bike for an hour,” I told him.

  Alan straddled his Harley holding it up and starting the motor. “Well, let’s see how you do. Get on and hold on tight,” he suggested.

  I put the scrunchie back in my hair and climbed up sitting delicately on the seat.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  “Yep, I’m good to go,” I replied wrapping myself around him.


  Back in my
cabin, I sat on the edge of the bed feeling sad and wondering what was going to happen now. I clipped my hair up on my head and headed for the shower. The warm water beat against my back as I leaned against the wall crying. I didn’t know what had gotten into me but all of a sudden I couldn’t quit crying. Finally able to control my sobbing, I turned off the water and wrapped a towel around me. Not knowing what to think or do about this situation was tying my stomach in knots. It was the same way a person felt after Christmas and New Years were over. There was always a big letdown. I knew it wasn’t the same thing but that’s how it felt to me.

  A loud knock interrupted my thoughts and without thinking, I scrambled over opening the door in my towel.

  “Whoa,” Alan yelled backing me up into the cabin shutting the door behind him. “What are you thinking, little girl?”

  “I don’t know. I was just,” I blubbered not finishing my sentence and crying again.

  “Oh honey, what’s wrong? Don’t cry, baby! Talk to me,” he coaxed.

  “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. It’s like I feel after Christmas, you know? The way you feel sad and depressed after all the presents and parties are over. I just feel sad,” I explained.

  “You know we need to talk about this week before you leave,” he stated.

  “Yes, but not tonight please. I want to just spend time talking and laughing with you,” I pleaded with him.

  “Get dressed. We’ll go into town and get a pizza and hang out. And just for your information, I am staying the night--here in your bed--no arguments!” he told me.

  I grinned and replied, “Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Alan was curled around me as I felt him stir the next morning. “You are an amazing woman,” he whispered. We had made love twice during the night, tender, hot, passionate love. There was nothing else I could call it or even wanted to call it. I was worried about the talk we would have today and what he would tell me. His fingers began teasing my eyelashes trying to rouse me, “Hey babe, the clock on the wall is showing eight thirty. This is the last day we will have for a while and I don’t want to waste one minute.”

  I was in that state of sleep where you are half asleep and half awake. I kept wondering why a dog was licking my eyelashes. My hand came up swatting at whatever it was but it kept coming back. Once again, I swatted and connected with flesh as a very loud laugh filled my ears. Opening my eyes, I found myself looking into those blue-gray eyes all lit up with mischief and something else. ‘Was that concern?’ I wondered.

  “Morning, Sir,” I giggled.

  “Hey beautiful! How are you this morning?” he asked.

  “I am wonderful and feel delicious in so many places,” I replied turning my body over to look down at him.

  “Yes, you are, little girl. So very delicious!” he teased pulling me closer.

  I blushed bright red laying my head on his chest. “Last day,” I sadly moaned.

  “Yeah, baby, it is. We need to talk about things and then we need to spend the rest of the time enjoying each other. I figure we also ought to take one last ride together,” he suggested. “Right now, let’s get dressed and go eat.”

  “That sounds good. I’m hungry!” I winked at him. “Your exercise program keeps me famished.”

  We rolled to opposite sides of the bed, sliding off with me making a mad dash for the bathroom.

  “Feel better?” Alan asked when I opened the door and strolled out.

  “Much better,” I answered pulling on clean underwear.

  Alan chose his turn in the bathroom sporting a very stiff cock as he strutted across the room.

  I watched him with a huge smile on my face and then busted out laughing as I called him Woodie.

  “You love it and you know it,” he fired back closing the door.

  I slipped on my jeans and chose another T-shirt for comfort. When he came out of the bathroom, I was putting my boots on. He stalked over pulling me into his arms.

  “You, Sir, are naked,” I pointed out.

  “You, little girl, are correct,” he replied giving me a hard kiss sending shivers down between my thighs. “I’d rather stay in bed.”

  “Nope, you taught me to replenish the body. Get dressed,” I ordered.

  “Bossy, little girl,” he teased as he gave me a quick kiss.


  After breakfast we slowly wandered back to my cabin. Sitting at the table near the kitchenette, we sat just staring at each other. Neither one wanted to bring the subject up but we knew it was important.

  Alan broke the silence first. “Emily, you have become very special to me. This week has been the best I have had in quite some time. I will always look back on it with great fondness.”

  I blurted out interrupting him. “Okay, Alan, you don’t need to say any more. I know how this goes and it isn’t necessary to fill the air with well-meaning flattery. I enjoyed the week too but now we go back to our lives and forget all of this.”

  His face turned cold as he burned a hole into my eyes with his. He waited a few minutes before he cleared his throat and ordered, “Little girl, it would be wise for you to remain silent and not presume what I am going to say to you!”

  I snapped at the tone of his voice that was all too familiar to me looking back at him wide-eyed.

  “How do you address your Dom?” he demanded.

  I swallowed and replied, “Sorry, Sir. Yes, Sir. Thank you for reminding me, Sir!”

  “I won’t demand you to be naked now but I expect you to assume your position,” he ordered.

  Immediately I stationed myself in front of him, hands clasped behind my back, eyes lowered to the floor, and feet spread wide apart.

  “If I may continue, I will remember this week with great fondness and I find myself not wanting it to end. I enjoyed being your Dom and would love to continue our lessons,” he stated.

  I couldn’t believe what I had just heard but I wasn’t about to raise my head or move. Alan scooted his chair back and got to his feet in front of me. He tucked two fingers under my chin raising my eyes to his. Tears were pooling behind my eyes.

  “What say you, little girl? How do you feel about continuing as my sub?” he asked.

  “How would we do that, Sir? We both have lives away from each other. How can that possibly work?” I asked.

  “It will work because we want it to work,” he replied. “Arkansas is next door to you and there are fifty-two weekends in every year. Makes perfect sense to me!”

  “You would be willing to do that?” I asked.

  He moved up a step pressing his body against mine, running his fingers along my jawline. “For you, little girl, I would be willing to go to the end of the world. I know you are not ready for any type of permanent commitment. I understand and accept that. I am more than willing to accept whatever I can get,” he explained.

  Tears were streaming down my face as I looked at him.

  “So how about it? Would you want this old Dom?” he asked.

  My face beamed at him as I spoke, “I would be honored to be your sub, Sir, for however many weekends we can meet. Thank you, Sir.”

  Pulling me into his arms, he held me tight. “Oh Emily, you and I have such a strange and unique relationship but I have no desire to change anything about it. The thought of being without you in my life at all is just not acceptable to me,” he shared.

  “Sir, the idea of being without you was making me sad and depressed. It was almost more than I could stand,” I confessed. “I wanted to run away.”

  “I care a great deal for you, little girl. We will make this work,” he promised. “And you can never run away from me. Let’s go take our last ride for the week. We’ll bring back some burgers and fries and stay in for the rest of the evening. How does that sound?”

  “It’s a wonderful plan,” I exclaimed.


  We spent that afternoon riding to Mount Rushmore Monument again and taking a few of the trails around it. The a
ir was warm, sun was shining, and it was a perfect day. We went into Rapid City grabbing burgers and fries bringing it back to my cabin.

  Stretching out on the bed, we fed each other French fries creating an air of sensual play until we began to shove the fries into each other’s mouths rolling around on the bed laughing. Our laughter was extremely loud until I picked out a fry to cram in his mouth and caught him looking at me with such tenderness. I melted letting him politely take the fry from my fingers catching one of them between his lips.

  I cupped his face in my hand closing my eyes and feeling the line of his jaw. When I looked at him again, he was smiling as I traced my finger around the moustache I had come to love.


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