Risky Rules of a Passionate Governess

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Risky Rules of a Passionate Governess Page 31

by Henrietta Harding

  “Please,” Katherine moaned, bringing her hand to the back of his head. Although the pleasure of it was rich and strange, Katherine still wished to see Lord Garret fully. He got up from his knees and proceeded to peel off his clothing, piece by piece, all the while not taking his eyes off of Katherine’s naked body for a moment. The longing for him was getting more intense by the second as he stripped himself down in front of her. She could feel how wet she was then, and greatly anticipated when she might feel Lord Garret fully inside of her.

  Finally removing his trousers, Katherine watched as Lord Garret’s manhood was released, and from the look of things, he seemed just as eager as she was to carry on as far as they could go. Katherine sat up and reached for him, taking the full length of him in her hand. She gently stroked him and Lord Garret leaned his head back in ecstasy. Then, Lord Garret brought his hand down and removed her hand.

  “Now I am the one to say no,” he said.


  A pained grin came to Lord Garret’s lips. “I don’t think you understand the effect that you have on me,” he said, crawling over her and pushing her back onto the bed. Laying over her, Lord Garret looked deep into Katherine’s eyes and pushed a strand of hair away from her forehead. “And you don’t understand how much I have missed this.”

  “That I do understand,” Katherine replied warmly, bringing her hand down to him once more in order to gently take him inside of her. As she did so, a rush of pleasure came over Katherine’s entire body and she called out his name. Lord Garret’s jaw was tense until he was finally fully inside of her, and that was when it relaxed open; Lord Garret’s entire expression one of release.

  He thrust inside of her gently at first, before picking up a more rigorous pace that Katherine could feel deep inside of her. She never thought it possible to feel something that deep. As they continued, Lord Garret would come back to kiss Katherine on the mouth, then his lips would travel to her neck and collarbones, all while continuing his rhythm. Katherine was so close to completion but she feared that it ever had to conclude. She felt so impossibly connected with Lord Garret, as though they were one and the same body.

  Just then, Lord Garret rolled over onto his back, taking Katherine on top of him in one swift motion. She felt her hair cascading down her back as her hips moved with the motion of Lord Garret’s. Then Lord Garret gave Katherine the control, and she created the rhythm herself, rocking up and down before feeling an impossible crashing wave of ecstasy take over her entire body, causing her to fall onto Lord Garret’s sweaty chest in convulsions that seemed to go on and on.

  Lord Garret caressed her back with his hands but he did not seem to be done yet. Katherine could still feel him hard and deep inside of her. Lord Garret rolled Katherine gently to the side so that she was lying on her stomach, then Katherine felt as he entered her once more, this time from behind.

  Lord Garret lifted up her hips to meet his, and then, Katherine was in awe at how this new position allowed Lord Garret to go the deepest he had ever gone. She cried out and felt her entire body hungry for more yet again.

  Lord Garret increased to a feverish pace, calling out to her as he did so. Finally, his manliness reached the apex of its hardness and Katherine felt a warmth unleash within her, causing her to climax in ecstasy once more as Lord Garret did so. Once done, Lord Garret collapsed gently onto her back, pressing her into the bed. In his haze of release, Lord Garret gently brushed his lips along Katherine’s back.


  The following morning, Katherine awoke to find that Lord Garret was not there. She did not think it strange, merely that there were things he wished to tend to and Lord Garret didn’t want to be caught leaving her room. So, was that it then? Their one last night of passion and now Katherine was to return home?

  It ripped her heart apart to think so, but Katherine didn’t know what the right thing to do was. What they had shared the previous evening had been like a dream, far more intense and passionate than even the first time that they had made love. Was the intensity of their lovemaking due to the fact that they both knew it would be the last time?

  Draping her robe around her, Katherine got out of bed and looked out of the window down to the gardens. She saw that Lord Garret was out there and appeared to be deep in thought. His countenance was stormy. She had seen him like that on a number of occasions, but why was it that after such a tender night together he should appear so?

  At breakfast, Katherine felt light as air and the morning sunlight cascading through the window seemed like the most beautiful that she had ever beheld. From across the table, she locked eyes with Lord Garret and felt her heart accelerate in her chest. But still, he had that tortured expression upon his face that she had seen in the garden.

  “Did you sleep well?” The duke asked Katherine.

  “Very well,” she replied, feeling a flush come to her cheek.

  “And you, brother?” The duke asked.

  Lord Garret cleared his throat before answering. “Fine,” he said, his voice hoarse. The breakfast continued on in the same relaxed manner, but Katherine wished to confront Lord Garret about why he looked so serious. Yet, she had to admit to herself that the situation was serious. She had not given word as to whether or not she was to remain at Bonhomie, and Katherine could scarcely figure out the conundrum in her mind. Instead of pressuring herself to find a solution, Katherine decided that she would take the day’s events as they came.

  After breakfast, she was sure to go up to Harry’s room and see how he fared. From the looks of things, the boy had recovered and had a glowing smile upon his face. Katherine had never felt such joy and relief. If only she could have seen that winning smile on Peter’s face. Although his memory still broke her heart, Katherine knew that Harry’s recovery was a kind of balm for her soul.

  Upon leaving Harry’s room, she gently closed the door behind her and considered the fact that it was truly time to make a decision. The boy was healed and peace was restored. What on earth was she going to do? That was when she looked up to find Lord Garret standing there in the hall.

  “You startled me,” Katherine said, bringing a hand to her chest.

  “I did not mean to,” Lord Garret replied softly. Looking up into his eyes, Katherine longed for nothing more than to kiss him. Her entire body wished for another encounter with him like they had shared the night before, even so early in the day. “Will you walk with me?”

  “Of course,” Katherine replied.

  Lord Garret led the way across the hall and down the stairs, until Katherine found herself out on the veranda and down in the garden. Memories of that lovely afternoon that they had shared taking tea on the veranda came flooding back. Were she to stay at Bonhomie it would mean that she could see Lord Garret every day, but that did not mean that they could have such intimate afternoons. In many ways, they would have to live a lie. It pained Katherine to think of this.

  “Is something amiss?” Katherine finally asked him. Lord Garret combed his hand through his hair as though what he was about to say pained him in some way.

  “Sit here,” Lord Garret said, finding a bench. Katherine seated herself as Lord Garret paced in front of her. “There is much to say.”

  “If it’s too difficult, there is no need,” Katherine replied, not enjoying seeing him in such a tortured state.

  “You have stolen my heart, Katherine Chance,” Lord Garret finally said, standing still. “I was reluctant at first and I gave as good of a fight as I could, but I’m afraid that all that effort was for naught. When I banished you from this house, although it broke my heart, there was a bit of relief in the sense that I could finally be free. But then I realised that I no longer wished to be free. What happened last night,” Lord Garret said, seating himself beside her and placing a hand on her knee, “only confirms the fact that I must have you.”

  “Our situation is difficult,” Katherine said shaking her head. “And however much pleasure it brought me, it is wrong to the outside

  “There’s nothing wrong about the love that I feel for you, Katherine. It aches so badly that I need to physically express it.”

  “I feel the same,” Katherine admitted, looking down at Lord Garret’s hand upon her knee.

  “And for that reason,” Lord Garret went on. “I cannot allow you to leave this house.”

  “Garret,” she said, relieving herself of any formality.

  “You cannot argue me on this, Katherine,” he went on. “I simply won’t allow you to return home for fear that I might not survive it, do you understand?”

  “Yes,” Katherine replied faintly, overcome by the conviction in his voice.

  “I must be plain and admit to you now that I will not live without you.”

  “My position makes this impossible though. Should we wish to carry on with this, it will require us to admit to your brother everything that has gone on. Perhaps upon hearing it, he will banish me from this house yet again.”

  “He will not.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “Because he loves you. Not with the same kind of love that I have for you, but he loves you nonetheless. Can anyone blame him?”

  “I just don’t see a way in which this could work,” Katherine said, frustration filling her.

  “I do see a way.”

  “And what is that?” Katherine asked.

  Silence followed as Lord Garret got up from the bench and brought himself in front of Katherine, kneeling on one knee. “When I came to see you at your home, I found myself in this very position,” Lord Garret began to explain. “And when I was here, below you, admiring your beauty, I realised that it was the most natural posture that I had ever been in. It was the posture in which I would ask you to be my wife.”

  “Garret,” Katherine protested, feeling something stir within her that she could not quite explain.

  “I should have done it on that day, do you see? For then I would have saved myself the agony of the days that followed. But I did not ask you at that time out of respect to your will. But today, I can no longer be in deference to my respect to you but instead, I must pay homage to my need for you. Therefore, Katherine Chance, I’m asking you to be my wife and I’m unwilling to accept a negative answer.”

  As Lord Garret looked up into Katherine’s eyes, his gaze was steady and serious. There was no space to make light of the situation. Lord Garret was a man that would not hear no. And what’s more, Katherine longed to be his wife just as much as he seemed to long to be her husband.

  “Speak, woman,” Lord Garret said, finally losing all patience.

  “Yes,” Katherine said softly, and Lord Garret’s eyes went wide with wonder.

  “Say that again,” he said, his entire countenance softening.

  “I said, yes,” Katherine replied with a smile.

  Lord Garret looked like a caged animal that had just been set free. He brought his torso in between Katherine’s knees and kissed her hungrily and passionately. Then he stood to his feet and picked Katherine up by the waist so that she was suspended in air. Bringing her down so that her chest touched every inch of his, Lord Garret finally lowered her enough to kiss her once more.

  To Katherine, none of it seemed like reality. Was she really to marry Lord Garret De Bowes? If it was so, she was quite convinced that she was the luckiest woman on earth.

  “I’m going to make you incredibly happy, Katherine,” Lord Garret whispered into her ear.

  “I already am happy,” Katherine whispered back.


  Lord Garret couldn’t contain his happiness. He would do everything in his power to keep his word and ensure that Katherine was always delighted in his company, just as he delighted in hers. Leading her back to the house, Lord Garret held her hand in his own. Off in the distance he could see Hans, and a sense of vindication came over Lord Garret. But then he banished that petty feeling and decided instead to focus on his immense gratitude.

  Katherine had already taught him so much about himself and made him a better man, and Lord Garret anticipated that this would only grow in the future. Finally, the sun was shining again at Bonhomie and the rain had passed. Lord Garret had everything that he wished for in life.

  “We can live here or build an estate of our own,” Lord Garret said joyfully.

  “How’s that?”

  “I think that I forgot to mention that in the time that we’ve been apart, that I’ve become something of a keen businessman.”

  “And that implies that . . . ?” Katherine asked.

  “I’m bloody wealthy,” Lord Garret said, swinging Katherine’s arm to and fro. The two of them laughed and smiled and Lord Garret felt pride swell in his chest. Yes, his efforts to secure his own freedom had been sound, and now he had the greatest prize that any man could ask for. The future looked nothing but bright.

  Leading Katherine into the home, Lord Garret knew precisely where to go next. The family had assembled in Harry’s room. Although he had made a remarkable recovery, Harry was still rather weak and remained in bed. Lord Garret had told the duke, Constance, Prudence and Nigel to assemble there, because Lord Garret had an announcement to make.

  When he planned all of this in his mind, he had reasoned that there was a chance that Katherine might say no. In fact, it was probable that she would do so. In that case, the announcement that Lord Garret would make would be a sad one. If Katherine were to return to her home, there was no chance that Lord Garret could remain at Bonhomie knowing that she was so nearby. He would move on with his life and move abroad; as far as he could get to repair his heart. An immense relief came over him as he realised that he would not have to deliver such horrible news. Lord Garret was delivering good news, and he was sure that the family would be pleased, if only for the reason that his proposal would keep Katherine in their lives.

  “Are we going to Harry’s room?” Katherine asked.

  “Indeed,” Lord Garret replied, flinging the door open and discovering the assembled party there. Katherine seemed in shock, as though she didn’t expect to see the entire family. “Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce you to my future wife, Katherine De Bowes.”

  Constance jumped up and down and Harry threw his hands in the air to cheer. A warm, delighted smile came to Lord Roland’s face, and Nigel seemed to shed a tear. Then, Lord Garret watched as Constance ran up to Katherine and threw herself into her arms.

  “Oh, Katherine. I’m so happy,” Constance said, then wept as well.

  “I am, too,” Katherine replied, hugging the girl affectionately.

  “We are overjoyed, Katherine,” the duke said.

  “So, now you’re going to stay?” Harry asked in awe.

  “She doesn’t have a choice,” Lord Garret quipped.

  Although he delighted in all the attention and the happy expression on Katherine’s face, he couldn’t help but wish to be alone with her that very moment. The memory of the evening before still flooded his senses. Yet, Lord Garret would have to remind himself that there was plenty of time for all of that. Soon enough, Katherine would be all his, and he would be at her disposal as well.

  There was a rather large celebratory dinner that evening with Renee not being casual about his joy. The sumptuous French cuisine had numerous courses and the family sat at the table for what felt like hours. Even Harry had mustered enough strength at that point to come down and enjoy the celebration.

  Champagne was served to all and jollity ensued. To Lord Garret’s great delight, he was no longer seated across the table from Katherine but was by her side, holding her hand under the table whenever he had the chance. She seemed happy; happier than he had ever seen her before, and it made Lord Garret’s chest burst with pride. He, too, had never felt such immense pleasure and joy.

  “Renee has outdone himself,” Katherine said, turning towards Lord Garret.


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