Mia's Spanking Diary

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Mia's Spanking Diary Page 2

by Kris Cook

  “Do you have another question for me?” He moved around the podium and stood less than a foot in front of me.

  I looked over at Dr. Vickers, who seemed to be studying my every move. Then I turned back to him and stood up. “Yes, Sir. I have a question for you.”

  “Trouble getting to the point, I see. What is your question, little sub?”

  “Oh.” Him calling me “little sub” thrilled me, but I knew I had to set him straight. “You see, I’m not a practitioner of BDSM. I’m only researching the lifestyle. It’s for my thesis.”

  Lex looked at Dr. Vickers. “Here we go again, Em.”

  She nodded. “I told you, Lex.”

  Apparently, Master Lex and Dr. Vickers were friends and had held some kind of discussion about me.

  He cupped my chin, and I became dizzy. “Stand up.”

  Unable to raise any resistance inside me, I obeyed.

  His blue eyes seemed fathomless to me. “I’ve heard enough about your thesis. Ask me?”

  I gulped. “Would you consider letting me inside your club?”

  He stared at me for the longest time as though considering something. Or perhaps he was just giving me time to get really uncomfortable. It worked. By the time he spoke, my stomach was in knots.

  “My club is very selective,” Master Lex explained in that deep rumble of his. “You just told me that you’re not interested in experiencing its particular fruits. That’s a deal breaker.”

  Heat flashed through me. “That isn’t exactly what I said.”

  “Petulant, isn’t she?” Dr. Vickers asked him.

  Master Lex ignored that comment, preferring to pin me with his eyes. “It is what you said, little one.”

  “My name is Mia Weiss.”

  “Nice.” With his hand still on my chin, he turned back to Dr. Vickers. “Could you shut the door, Em?”

  I wondered why he wanted the door shut, but didn’t dare ask him.

  She answered, “Sure thing.”

  When I heard the door latch, my skin tingled on the back of my neck and my anxiety inflated. I braced for what he had in store for me next.

  Dr. Vickers leaned against the door from the inside. No one else would be let in. “All secure.”

  These two knew each other extremely well, which I found odd. How had they met? Were they friends or just associates? That didn’t make sense to me. I’d read Dr. Vickers’ bio on the university website to try to get some insight into what it would take from me to get her on my side. There was no mention of anything that would’ve had them crossing paths.

  With his hand still on my chin, Lex took a fistful of my long hair in his other hand. He tugged slightly, pulling me from my thoughts. “You’re somewhere else. I want you here. Focused.”

  “Yes, Sir.” My pussy ached and my knees turned wobbly.

  His hold on my hair changed from tugging to stroking, and I was getting so very wet. “You want in my club, little sub?”

  Unable to find words to answer him, I just nodded.

  “I need proof that you really deserve access to The Cell. You want in, then for start, pull your pants down to your ankles, right now.”

  “What?” I couldn’t quite comprehend what he was asking—not asking—commanding. Had I misheard him?

  “That’s the deal.” He stopped stroking my hair, and stepped back a bit but still within easy reach of me. Then he shamelessly scanned my body, causing my thoughts to jumble. “In or out? What’s it going to be, Mia?”

  My jaw dropped, but he pushed it back up with his hand.

  “Keep your lips together for me.” Master Lex touched my cheek, and I tingled from the inside and out. His nostrils flared as he inhaled deeply. He smiled broadly. “I like your scent.”

  “I’m not wearing any perfume.”

  “I know.” He frowned. “I’m waiting for your answer, but I won’t wait much longer. In or out?”

  My palms were clammy and my heart thudded in my chest. “You’re kidding?”

  “I never kid.” His tone told me that his patience had fled.

  “Can’t we work this out another way...?” I needed some advantage to get my footing again. Hoping to impress him that I was truly serious, I added, “...Sir?”

  Another tug by him on my locks made me get even hotter, and my clit tingled in my jeans. Clearly, he was testing me and I wasn’t about to blow it like I’d done with my ridiculous question earlier. I unbuttoned the top button of my jeans, but then I remembered that Dr. Vickers was leaning against the door. I froze.

  “You’re stalling, Mia.”

  “Please. I need a second.” I shifted my eyes from Lex and looked directly at Dr. Vickers.

  She stared back at me with her unblinking eyes. I’d never thought of her as someone of the Indigo Girls persuasion, but I must’ve been wrong.

  “Your second is up. Again, you have me waiting. That’s not helping your cause to get into my club.”

  I needed in his club. It was the first opening I’d had since I’d begun my thesis. But it was more than my paper that had me willing to comply with his demand. It was Lex himself. His strength of will, intelligence, and demeanor had all of me, inside and out, intrigued. I wanted to impress him. And if I got in his club, I would get to spend more time with him. There wasn’t anything more appealing to me at that moment than that last possibility.

  “What the fuck,” I said, hoping to sound confident.

  His eyes narrowed. “That’s not the way a good sub talks, Mia. You take this first step into my world and I will have to punish you for letting those lush lips of yours say such bad words.”

  Imagining him spanking my ass sent me over the edge. I closed my eyes, bent my knees, and lowered my jeans to my ankles.

  His eyes never leaving mine, he ordered, “Now, the panties, Mia.”

  This whole experience with Master Lex was playing out like a Fellini film. “B-But...you didn’t—”

  “Panties! Now!”

  I obeyed immediately. My clit ached as the air of the room hit it full on. Being so exposed, so vulnerable had tears streaming from my eyes.

  When I saw the wet spot on the front of my baby blue panties, I felt the blood rush into my cheeks.

  As I’d expected, he looked directly at the center of my underwear around my ankles. He knew how turned on I was. He touched my cheeks with his fingers.

  “I’m sorry, Sir.”

  Lex smiled. “Tears? So sweet and innocent. The Cell might be too much for you, little sub.”

  The gravity of what he was offering me—a chance to experience what I’d dreamed about for years—flattened me. My thoughts, normally whizzing and scattered, began to focus with a clarity I didn’t know possible.

  “I’ll make you proud, I promise.”

  His eyes widened, and then he shook his head. “Fuck. You’re going to be so much trouble for me, Mia.”

  “Please. I did what you asked. Can’t I come to your club, Sir?”

  He covered my mound with his hand, and I moaned. “Pubic hair?” His tone was softer, but still firm and so very sexy.

  “Yes, Sir.” Though I knew that many sexually active women shaved their pussies for their lovers, I’d never bothered since bedroom games weren’t part of my routine. If I’d known how the lecture from Master Lex was going to end up, I would’ve made sure to be properly groomed for him.

  “You’re so wet. Nice.”

  I realized that Dr. Vickers had just been given more ammo against me. Though I couldn’t see her, she could definitely see me. How would I ever be able to face her again? My cheeks were hot enough to fry eggs. The only answer was for me to transfer to another university come tomorrow morning.

  “Eyes on me, sub.” Lex wasn’t about to let me forget that he was in charge. “Quiet that mind of yours, understand?”

  I nodded and stared straight into his eyes, drowning in his deep blue stare. Dr. Vickers seemed so distant and forgotten. No man had ever overwhelmed me like Lex. Right then, the uncontrollable
cravings to be with this man, this Master, this steamroller exploded inside me like wild fire.

  Once again, he tugged on my hair. “I’m not sure you have it in you for my ways.”

  If I didn’t act now, the man and his offer would be lost to me. “Please, Sir. Give me a chance.”

  He released his grip on my locks. “Bend over.”

  Was he going to spank me? I held my breath, hoping he might.

  “When you arrive at my club tomorrow night, sub, have your pussy shaved.” Lex slapped my ass with his open hand.

  I yelped from the sting in the center of my bottom.

  He walked over to Dr. Vickers and turned back. “Pants up, Front Row.”

  “Yes, Sir.” I pulled them up as my entire body vibrated.

  “What’s your cell number, Mia?”

  I rattled it off instantly.

  “I’ll send you a text with instructions.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Lex sent me a toothy smile, and I melted into a puddle. He and Dr. Vickers left me alone without another word.


  It’s 2:35am and I can’t quiet my mind enough to fall asleep, diary.

  Tomorrow night I get to walk into The Cell and see Master Lex again.

  I’m so excited!

  Jan 3rd

  The texts from Lex came early this morning. I won’t lie. I sat at my table, cup of coffee in hand, watching the damn cell phone until it buzzed. I read those little fuckers as fast as he could send them. Each text was a set of instructions I was to follow before arriving at the club. I completed every one of them exactly as he’d ordered.

  The first thing he wanted me to do was decide on a couple of safe words. I was proud to have already written a bit on the topic in my paper, having read books and videos on the lifestyle. The first word he wanted me to come up with would reduce the level of intensity of the play. The other word would stop it all together. Once I had chosen my two words, I moved onto his next instructions.

  His second order was to watch a video on a specific website. It was an instructional demonstration on how to shave your vagina. Though I was tempted to watch the first installment, which was a demonstration of a Dom defuzzing his sub, I didn’t.

  Lex had been clear that I was to watch the self-shaving segment only.

  I began the process of eliminating my pubes on my own. Still, I imagined what it would be like to have Master Lex grooming my pussy.

  I trimmed my hair with scissors, following the video’s first step. Next, I took a warm bath, rubbing my pussy with a cloth to soften what was left of my hair. Lifting my right leg up on the edge of the tub, my hands began to shake as desire shot through me.

  I had to take several deep breaths to calm myself. When I applied the shaving gel, the memory of Lex covering my mound whirled in my mind. My heartbeat raced, hoping he would touch me again down there tonight and would be satisfied with my work. I put my fingers in my pussy’s flesh and held the right side taut, shaving it with the sharp razor. Making sure I went in the same direction as my pubes grew, I took it slow and easy.

  I slipped back into the warm water when I was finished removing all my pussy’s hair. I wiped the remaining lather with a cloth and shivered as wicked thoughts buzzed in my head. I was so aroused I considered getting out my vibrator, but I didn’t. I still had more of Lex’s directions to get through.

  Next, I went to an address he’d sent me. It was a BDSM shop, and I was to pick up an outfit he’d chosen for me for the evening.

  I walked in. It was unlike any boutique I’d ever been in. The walls were black. All the tables were made of chrome. On the tables were a wide variety of paddles, restraints, and other toys I didn’t recognize. There were racks of BDSM outfits. Leather and latex hung around the room on long rods. There was also what looked more like costumes to me—military garb, nurses’ uniforms, pirate outfits, princess dresses, and more.

  “May I help you?” The woman behind the counter had the most beautiful tats on her arms. Her hair was cut chin length like the woman who played the kick-ass vampire in that blockbuster 3-D movie.

  “I hope so.”

  “Newbie?” she asked.

  I shrugged. “Lex Brogan sent me.”

  “Ah. Mia.” She grinned and pulled out a large package. It reminded me of something you would get from a fine department store after you’d purchased something quite expensive. “I’m Vivian. Here’s the outfit he ordered up for you, doll. You’re all set for tonight.”

  “What do I owe you?”

  “You are new.” The woman chuckled. “It’s on Master Lex’s bill. Have fun.”

  “Thank you, Vivian.” I took the box and rushed out the door.

  There wasn’t a hint of uncertainty in Lex’s next instructional text. “Do not open the package until you are home, sub.”

  By the time I finally walked through my front door, I was trembling with anticipation. Though I was expecting something more provocative, I was thrilled with the outfit he’d chosen for me.

  The blue gingham-print dress with its ruffled hemline and lace trim, harkened to an earlier age where innocence was the norm. Two little straps, also of the same print, would leave my shoulders exposed. I found a satin ribbon inside that Lex had instructed me to use to tie my hair up into a ponytail. Also in the box was a pair of white thigh-high stockings with satin bows on the top of each. Finishing out my costume for the evening at The Cell were platform pumps with round closed toes and straps. He’d been very specific that I wasn’t to wear any panties.

  I dressed, vibrating from head to toe. I applied some blush to my cheeks, the only makeup he would allow. When I looked at my reflection in the mirror, I gasped. I looked like I’d just stepped off the bus from Kansas. I couldn’t help but giggle a little at myself. My image screamed farm girl.

  I had finished all Lex’s orders by the time the limo he’d sent to take me to The Cell showed up.

  The driver wore a uniform, including a chauffeur hat. The tag on his jacket lapel let me know his name was Dominick. He didn’t say much. With his six-foot-six height and bulging muscles, Dominick looked more like a bodyguard than a chauffer. As he escorted me from my apartment to the car door, I wondered if my neighbors were peering out from their windows. I felt like a princess. The stretch limo was pearl white. The passenger compartment would easily seat ten. Inside I was impressed to find a TV, Blu-ray, neon lights, and a privacy partition. The wet bar had water, sodas, juices, and ice but no booze, which I thought odd.

  Dominick drove us to the front of the club. A long line of patrons wrapped around the building. There were two linebacker-sized bouncers manning the way inside. They were letting in only a few people at a time.

  The driver didn’t stop there, but drove around to the side, which was blocked by a large metal gate. He punched some buttons on the console and the barrier opened. When the limo stopped by a side door, I tried to open the door, but it didn’t budge.

  “Miss, Master Lex will be escorting you inside. I just sent him a text that we are here.”

  “Okay. Thank you for driving me here.”

  “My pleasure.”

  I waited in the car, fiddling nervously with the lace on my dress. Time seemed to slow to a crawl. Then I saw Lex march out the side door. He was in a dark suit, white shirt, and red tie. Though I’d half expected him to be in something leather like the Dom outfits I’d seen at the boutique earlier, he still looked like sex-on-a-stick to me.

  My need to be spanked by him was so intense that butterflies fluttered wildly inside me. I’d been thinking about his hand on my ass ever since I’d obeyed his order and pulled my panties down around my ankles in the lecture hall. I needed his spanking. I wanted his spanking. And tonight, I was going to get his spanking.

  Lex went to the front of the limo and spoke to the driver first. Since the privacy partition was up, I couldn’t hear what they said to each other. Then he opened my door.

  “Welcome, Mia.” He extended his hand for me to

  I stepped out. “Thank you, Sir.”

  Next to him, I felt so tiny and feminine, especially in the outfit he’d chosen for me. Was I really going through with this? It was hard for me to believe that I was hoping to have my bare bottom spanked by him. But I was—very much so.

  “What’s your safe word to cool things down?”


  “Got it. And to stop the play?”

  “Freeze.” Something about having that bit of fail-safe felt good to me, but I would do my best not to utter it to him. Still, I felt a tinge of hesitation spring to life inside me.

  “Good choices, sub. When we go inside, you are not to look at anyone in the eyes or acknowledge anyone or respond to anyone until I say so. You are to follow my every command. You are not to question me. Do you understand, Mia?”

  “Yes, Sir.” Would my fantasy mirror the reality that lay ahead for me? I wasn’t sure, but looking into his deep, blue eyes, I knew there was no turning back now.

  “Excellent. Time for you to experience my club.”

  We walked through the door of The Cell and two more muscled bouncers were inside. They were dressed in prison-guard uniforms, enhancing the theme of the club, I guessed. I made sure not to look them directly in the eye, but I could almost feel their lurid stares on my skin.

  We walked down one hallway filled with doors spaced twenty feet apart. This place was massive, much larger than it appeared from the outside. On each door was a number. I wondered what was inside, but didn’t ask. Then we turned left into another hallway. And another left brought us to a wider space. There were large panes of glass that looked into the rooms that the numbered doors went into. People stood at the windows, gawking at the activity that was going on inside. A man and a woman stared through the window to our left. They were wrapped in each others arms, watching intently.

  Lex stopped and gestured to the scenes. “Indulge your curiosity, Mia. Take a look.”

  “Thank you, Sir.” I walked up to the glass nearest us and peered into the room. It looked like a doctor’s examination room. Well, the deeply perverted version. A naked woman was stretched out face down on the bed. Two men with stethoscopes around their necks were paddling her ass.


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