by Blair Grey
“I know how couples in MCs work.” She nodded, knowing full well how couples worked in this sort of lifestyle. “I know the men keep taking care of their MC brothers’ women when they’re locked up or something terrible happens to them. My own father hasn’t even promised that his MC brothers would take care of me if anything happens to him.” Her eyes lit up. “It has suddenly occurred to me that if my father is out of the picture the other men in his council probably wouldn’t think a thing about me any longer. I’ve never been a concern for them before. So, taking them all out isn’t even necessary.”
Glad to hear her speaking with reason, I kissed the soft spot behind my ear. She still hadn’t answered my question, so I asked again, “So, Britt, will you be my old lady?”
“This isn’t like anything I’ve ever seen in the movies. It isn’t a down on one knee proposal with a giant diamond ring,” she didn’t sound disappointed.
But I had to make sure. “So, you’d rather have something like that?” I asked as I trailed kisses down her neck. I wasn’t traditional in the least. Best she understood that. I would’ve hated for her to think she was getting that type of man if she said yes to me.
Pulling back from my kisses, she looked into my eyes. “Not even a little. Carl Davis, you are the most amazing man I’ve ever met. Since the moment I saw your massive body walk through the door, I had it bad for you. Sure, I’ve lied to myself and you about how I feel about you more than once. I would love to be your old lady. Mostly because I’m pretty sure that I love you.”
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure that you do too.” I had to kid with her. But it was the truth. And so was this, “And I love you too.”
We just sat there, holding each other as we stared into each other’s eyes. I hadn’t seen this coming. I hadn’t ever thought I would find a woman that I wanted to spend so much time with – live with – share life with. But I’d found another one.
Closing my eyes, I tried to listen to my dead wife’s voice in my mind, telling me that she was happy for me and to enjoy my time with the new woman I’d found to love. When I opened them, I saw Britt with tears streaming down her cheeks once again. “Baby, that crying is gonna have to stop. If there’re tears coming out of those pretty eyes, they better only be happy ones.”
Nodding, she smiled. “These are happy tears. These are the first happy tears I have ever shed.”
“Wait.” I recalled other occasions when she’d cried. “What about after we’ve had sex? Weren’t those happy tears?”
“No, silly.” She smacked me in the chest. “Those were satisfied beyond all reason, feeling amazing tears. There’s a big difference. And I’m sure to keep shedding that kind too. But sad ones – yeah, I’ll be happy to retire those.”
“Good. My old lady won’t have a reason to cry like that. I treat my old lady like a queen.” I already had many ideas of how I would change her life. “I like to give gifts. I like to spend lots of time on making my woman happy. Hope you can handle that.”
“Oh, I can try.” Her smile went wide, then faded slowly. “But first, we’ve got to come to a compromise on dealing with Arthur Kelly.”
“This is how I compromise.” She might as well know how I handled things. “You will let me handle things. See, I give you more than you could ever ask for and you give me the right to keep my old lady safe. And you give me the freedom to do that.”
She looked away nervously. “Please promise me that if you think I might have any information that will help you stay as safe as you can, that you will ask me for it. I know a lot about that man. Not everything by any means, but still a lot. Don’t treat me like a no-brained woman. Please, don’t ever treat me like that.”
“You got my word on that, baby. I happen to think you’re one hell of a smart woman when you wanna be. And I respect that you’ve made it through hell since you were born. You’ve shown me strengths I had no idea a person who has been through so much could end up with.” My heart felt as if it had swollen inside my chest. “I dare to say that if I would’ve been switched at birth with you that I wouldn’t have fared even half as good as you have.”
Shyly, she ducked her head. “You smooth talker, you.” Then she looked up at me. “I respect you like I’ve respected no one in my life. And I know I’ve got miles to go, but I trust you, Carl Davis. I trust you with my life. So, whatever you do, be careful with yours. It’s precious to me. And mine is getting more and more precious to me as time goes by. I think being your old lady is going to be good for me.”
“I know it is.” Giving her a sense of being part of something bigger than herself could only bring out the good in her. I knew there was a lot of good in that woman too. “Being with me will only ever be good for you, baby. You’ll see. I’m a father and I know you don’t want to be a mother in any way. But the thing is that you can be one if you end up wanting to. Sarah would welcome you as her step-mother. I can promise you that. And when my grandbaby comes, you might find yourself falling in love in a way you could never imagine. I can share those things with you.”
“I’m going to be part of a real family,” she said with a quivering voice.
“You sure as hell are. And the first chance I get, I’m replacing your last name with mine. You won’t be a Kelly much longer. I can tell you that right now. You’ll be Davis. And members of the Davis family hold their heads up high and proud for all the world to see.”
“Wait.” She looked confused. “You want to marry me too?”
“Sure, honey. That’s what goes along with being my old lady. I’m old-fashioned about things like that. Plus, I don’t want any reminders of your father. I bet you’d like to get rid of reminders of him as well.”
Nodding, she smiled. “I sure as hell would.”
Well, your sure as hell gonna get that and so much more.
Chapter Twenty
Only twenty-four hours into being Carl’s old lady and I’d already been spoiled beyond belief. My man could cook. I’d been playing down his unique skills but now that things were serious I had to admit that Carl was a wiz in the kitchen. Well, that and in the bedroom too.
Our newfound love had proven to make it hard to keep our hands off each other. He put on a pot of coffee and before he got to making the breakfast we had to take some time breaking in the dining room table. And later we had to break in the pool table in his den. Then there was the large tiled shower upstairs that begged for us to break it in too.
He’d made me a hot bath to soak in while he made us something for lunch the next day. I’d offered him a massage which he took me up on then he filled a bubble bath for me. I’d never lived this way and I was quickly falling into place in my new life.
The sound of motorcycles had me sitting up. I counted two engines and didn’t like the way my skin became covered in goosebumps. It might’ve been my ears playing tricks on me, but I could’ve sworn that one of the bikes was my father’s.
Hurrying to get out of the tub, I heard the alarm system going off inside the house. Pulling on a robe, I hurried out of the bathroom and into the master bedroom. Carl flew into the room. “This is my fault. I want you to stay put. The security company will alert the authorities and the sounds of sirens will surely send him away.”
“It’s Arthur, isn’t it?”
I didn’t have to wait to hear Carl’s answer as my father began yelling outside, “Brittany Kelly, get your ass down here now!”
Looking at Carl, I had to ask, “What did you do?” My father had thought me to be dead and had no idea that I would be in this house. Someone had to have told him. And to think it would’ve been Carl who’d done it just made no sense to me at all. He’d been the one to tell everyone else not to say a word about me being alive.
“I called him.” He jerked his head toward the closet. “Get dressed.”
Heading to the closet to find something to put on that his daughter had left there, I found a summer dress and pulled it on over my head. “I don’t fully unde
rstand why you would do that, Carl.”
“Because I’m not the type of man who hides from anyone.” He opened a drawer then pulled out some panties, tossing them to me. “Put these on too. Put on some shoes too. I want you to be presentable when the cops come.”
Doing as he said, I got myself ready, but my mind was a mess. And my father wasn’t letting up either. “Brittany, I know he’s told you that he’ll take care of you. But you know that I won’t allow that. You need to come on down here and face me like a grownup. Running away isn’t how we do things, is it?”
I had no idea why he was talking like he’d ever been a reasonable father. “What exactly did you tell him?”
Carl leaned up against the window frame, peeking through the side of the curtain that covered the window. “I told him that I had you. I let him know that you were no longer being held by us and we knew the Irish Reapers were behind the housefire and the FBI raid on the strip club. He needed to know that you are mine now and that I’ll protect you as such.”
“But you didn’t feel like you needed to let me in on this before he came banging at the door?” Maybe it had been all the sex that had our communication breaking down. “Did you try to tell me, and I just jumped your bones, not letting you talk? Is that it?”
“I didn’t want to upset you. I was going to tell you over dinner tonight when I took you out. I’m done hiding. I mean that. I. Am. Carl fucking Davis, baby. I don’t hide.” He gestured to my clothes. “And I want to take you out to buy some clothes of your own too. I’m tired of seeing you wearing someone else’s clothes all the time. You deserve better than that.”
“But the way you told Arthur must not have worked to let him know that he’s no longer in charge of me.” Which I knew he would think that I was his to do whatever he wanted with until the day he died.
“Yeah, obviously he’s dense.” Carl leaned back against the wall. I’m sick and tired of this is what I’m trying to get across. I want some sense of normalcy and I will get it.”
I knew better than that. I shook my head. “He won’t let us have anything close to normal. At least he won’t let me have that.”
“If you don’t come down on your own, I’ll be forced to burn this nice house to the ground, Brittany. You wouldn’t want me to do that now would you?” My father’s threat was very real.
“Well, what now?” I asked Carl who seemed a little on the calm side.
“This is a brick house, honey. How easy do you think it’ll be to catch this thing on fire? Plus, I’m sure by now the neighbors have called the cops too. Any minute now they’ll be coming down the road.”
“Okay, but what about after the cops leave? What about tonight? What about tomorrow? This problem won’t go away.” I stumbled back until my legs hit the side of the bed, then I fell onto it. “Arthur Kelly won’t stop until he’s got me back.”
My father’s voice rang out, “I’ve got a hell of a deal for you, Brittany. You give me that man who has lied to you and I will forgive you for getting your stupid ass kidnapped by the mother-fucker. You’ll get a clean bill and I’ll get rid of this asshole who has used you just to get to me.”
Carl’s brows raised. “Wow, that’s some deal. Wanna take it?”
Even if I believed my father – which I did not – I wouldn’t ever hand Carl over to him. “Well, seeing as I love your ass, I would not like to take his deal.”
“Yeah, I thought as much.” Coming toward me, he got that look in his eyes that said he was aching for some action.
But now was not the time for any of that. “You might as well shake that off, babe. No nookie while dealing with my crazy father. I’m afraid that’s been an unspoken rule since the get-go.”
“Has it now?” He slid his arms around me, picking me up off the bed. “I happen to know that we’re extremely secure inside this house. So, he’s not really a thing we have to deal with.”
My feet didn’t touch the ground as he held me tight. My heart pounded against my chest. “What is it about you that makes you so irresistible to me?” I really wanted to know the answer to that question. I was putty in the man’s hands.
“My charm,” he growled then his mouth was on mine and I got lost in his kiss.
I had to hand it to the man, he knew how to take my mind off practically anything. But just as his hand crept up the back of my shirt, my father called out, “I’ll give you about two more minutes to tell me what I want to hear, Brittany Kelly. After that, your neck is back on the chopping block along with his. You know that I will not be disrespected by you. Give him to me and you get to live. Don’t - and you both die.”
Carl and I looked at each other as I asked, “If he kills us both, will we end up in Heaven together?”
“I’ve done some bad shit, so I can’t tell you that we will for sure. What about you? Have you committed any sins so bad that it’ll have Saint Peter sending you in the other direction away from Heaven’s pearly gates?”
“My sins have been minimal,” I let him know. “Plus, I’ve been sinned against so damn much that I think I’ve got a get to Heaven free card waiting for me at the pearly gates.”
“Damn.” He smiled then kissed me again before releasing my lips. “Well, we’d better just stay here on Earth for as long as we can then.”
“That’s what I’m thinking too.” I gave him a slight nod. “Looks like we’ve got a battle to win.”
“Looks like it.” He kissed me again. “But not right now.”
The sounds of sirens in the distance made me smile. “Here comes the cavalry.”
“Yeah, they should leave soon,” Carl agreed.
My father gave one more threat, “So, the pussy called the cops, did he? What a fucking loser.”
Carl’s lips formed a tight line as his expression went to one of sheer anger. “I’m not cool with him talking about me like that.”
“I bet you’re not.”
He let me go and for a second I thought he was about to run outside to get into the fight my father was trying to bait him into.
Then my father shouted one more thing, “If you think he’s in love with you and your stinking-ass pussy, you’re crazier than I thought you were, Brittany Kelly.”
Carl jerked the curtain back, then shoved the window up. “You are dead! Do you hear me, you fucking piece of shit? Dead? You will never speak to her again.”
“She will never take you over me, you stupid fuck,” my father shouted right back. “I’ve trained that girl from birth to follow me. She will do as I’ve told her to. Brittany, you can hand him over dead or alive and all you’ve done will be forgiven. I mean that, daughter.” My father laughed hysterically before going on, “There, see how well you sleep now, you dumb shit. She will do what I’ve told her to. She will kill you to please me.”
The sound of the sirens came closer and the next thing I heard were the sound of the motorcycles starting up and driving away. Arthur Kelly had done what he’d come to do – put doubt in Carl’s mind about me.
He closed the window then drew the curtains. His head down, his eyes cast to the floor, he mumbled, “He can’t get to me.”
I highly doubted that. “I wouldn’t ever hurt you. You know that.”
“Yeah, I know that.” He took my hand. “Come on. The cops will want to know what happened. Let me do all the talking. I don’t want them to think that they need to keep coming by to check this place out. That’s the last thing we need is for them to be watching over us.”
I agreed, “Yeah, we don’t need that.” As he led me down the hallway to the stairs he seemed off a bit.
I was sure my father’s words had gotten to him. And I was also sure that no matter what I told Carl, there would still be doubt where I was concerned. So, I had to figure out what I could do to show Carl that I would never hand him over to my father, dead or alive. I would rather be dead than go back to the life I’d had with Arthur Kelly. But I knew that words only went so far. Actions always spoke louder than words.
sp; Once we got downstairs, Carl pushed in the code to unlock the door and deactivate the security system then we went outside to meet the policeman who pulled up in his squad car.
The neighbor came outside too, waving at the officer. But then he looked at Carl and nodded. “I see you’ve got this, sir. I’ll leave it to you then. I had no idea anyone was home over there.”
“Yep, we’ve just moved in. You’ll be seeing lots of us now.” Carl tugged me along to walk out to meet the officer. “Just play along with me, baby.”
“You got it.” I knew how it went when talking to the cops. Lies were often told and truths were skirted around.
The officer got out of his car, nodding at us. “The security company called. What happened here?” He looked at the house next door. “And why did your neighbor come outside?”
Carl answered his question, “He didn’t know we’d moved in. We just came the night before last and haven’t been outside yet as we had so much unpacking to do.”
“So, you must be renting from Sarah Davis then,” the cop said as he looked at his clipboard. “That’s who the security company said owns this place.”
“And I am her father. My name is also on this house. I’m Carl Davis.” Carl let him know. “She’s aware of my being here of course. She’s gotten married and moved in with her husband. They’re having a baby soon. My place is a little small, so I decided to buy her half out and move in here.”
Nodding as he wrote that all down, he asked, “And the alarm went off why exactly?”
“Someone tried to come inside,” Carl let him know. “If it had been one of us, I would’ve just called the security company myself to let them know it had been our mistake. But the guys just had the wrong place is all. I let them know that and they went away all on their own. I was about to call the security company to let them know when you drove up.”
“I see.” He wrote it all down, then looked up at me. “And you are?”
I wasn’t sure what to say. But Carl nudged me in the ribs, and I said my name, “Brittany Kelly.”