by Blair Grey
Lucas’ home was large, with plenty of things to clean. I could stay busy just cleaning his house. So, I made a plan to do just that. I would cook and clean and stay out of his way - and out of his bed.
“Good morning, pretty lady,” his deep voice came from behind me, sounding as smooth as Tennessee whiskey. His big hands slid around my hips then his warm lips pressed against the side of my neck. “Smells good in here.” His lips touched the soft spot just behind my ear. “And I’m not just talking about the food either – honeysuckle.”
My eyes closed on their own as my body heated up immediately. “Morning, Lucas.”
“Do I have time to shower before breakfast is ready?” He let me go, heading to the coffee pot. “I got up and did my usual workout, ending with Tai Chi to wind down. I’ve worked up quite the sweat. But I don’t want to make you wait for me to eat. You’ve got to be starving.”
Nope, I’ve lost my appetite from being such a whore with you last night.
“You’ve got time to shower.” Taking a deep breath, I tried to steady myself.
But then he was right behind me again, his hands on my shoulders, massaging them a bit. “Cool. After breakfast, I thought we could get into the hot tub after I give you a thorough massage. I’m sure your muscles are sore.”
Holy hell!
Why he had to keep bringing up what we’d done was a mystery to me. But I had nothing else I could think of to say except, “K.”
With a kiss to the top of my head, he left me – finally. And I had to go sit down to regain my bearings. With all that touching my body had been set right back on fire. Traitorous fiend!
With Lucas being so wonderful, how was I going to casually – and without saying any actual words – let him know that I thought it was a very bad thing that I’d done, and I would rather not do it again?
My pussy pulsed as if telling me that it wanted to very much do that again and again with the man. It also sent a message to my brain that sent out a memory of the words I’d heard the day before. Words that said my husband was not only well-aware of what was happening between me and his MC brother, but he’d asked Lucas to do it.
But then my morality spoke up. Come on, Hailey. You know Ryder didn’t ask Lucas to have sex with you. He only asked him to keep you safe.
So my pussy sent another message to my brain. You need to shut the fuck up and let me have this!
With no idea what to do, I set the table in the small dining room, making sure it looked like something out of a Marth Stewart magazine, then poured myself a cup of coffee and took a seat to wait for the man to come to join me.
The spicy, rugged scent of Lucas entered the room before he did. And the way moisture pooled between my thighs made me a bit upset with my pussy. Can’t my brain have a minute, you manipulative bitch?
“This looks great, baby. I am famished.” Before he took his seat across from me, he came to me, kissing me on the forehead, making me melt a little inside. “Thank you for making this.”
“Uh, huh.” I pushed my food around on my plate, stopping to take sips of the hot coffee to make it look like I was actually eating something.
After five minutes of that, Lucas reached over, placing his hand on top of mine. “Hey, talk to me, Hailey. What’s the matter?”
“Nothing.” I wasn’t going to tell him about my deep regrets of having sex with him. That would just be rude.
“I’m not going to make you say it, Hailey. I’ll say it for you.” The man’s empathy knew no bounds. “You’re feeling guilty about what we did. This leads you to feel conflicted as well since you did enjoy what we did.”
Looking up at him, I nodded only once, then looked right back down at my plate. I couldn’t really bring myself to speak or I felt I would burst out in sobs and that was just not the way I wanted breakfast to end.
“Are you more than a human being, Hailey?” his question seemed rather simple.
“No,” I muttered.
“No person on this planet is anything more than a human being. And once we hit puberty, we start to have certain needs that must be fulfilled. This is why you must start knocking on teenagers’ bedroom doors before you walk in or you might find them in various positions, trying to meet their needs on their own.”
A burst of laughter flew out of my mouth. “Lucas!”
“It’s true.” Caressing the top of my hand, he went on, “You’re only human, Hailey. And you’ve been denying yourself even your own sexual stimulation.”
My eyes went to his as I had no idea how he would know that about me. “You could tell?”
Nodding, he smiled to ease my mind. “Your releases told me as much. You needed them so badly too. Maybe if you would think about sex as a form of release, then you can feel more free about it. If I were your physical trainer, you know, your exercise coach, would you feel it inappropriate for me to touch you, help you, motivate you until you reached your exercise goals? And these goals would end in similar ways that sex does – panting, sweating, feelings of satisfaction.”
“But, I came on to you so damn hard, Lucas. And that’s not like me.” I shook my head. “That isn’t who I am.”
“So, you’re not a lady in the streets and a freak in the sheets?” His sideways smile made me grin too. “Because that’s like the best kind of woman in the universe in most men’s eyes. Plus, you can cook. You’re the complete package, baby. And you should be taken care of as such a precious gem. Ryder wants you taken care of. Let me do that for him and for you. It is my pleasure.”
“But what if I start to have feelings for you?” I hadn’t even allowed myself to think about that. But there it was, coming out of my subconscious mind.
“I hope you and I will always have a special place in each other’s hearts after this. But the thing is that your heart belongs to your husband – as it should. I’m not trying to take that away from him. I am trying to keep you satisfied though.” Turning my hand over, his thumb grazed my palm, sending chills through me. “You’re not the same person you were before marrying a man in an MC like ours. You are one of us now and as long as you want to be such, you will be taken care of the same way we take care of all the women who are special to our MC brothers.”
“So, you’re saying that I should just relax and accept your hospitality in its entirety?” Maybe I could begin to wrap my mind around that aspect.
“Baby, that’s what all the other women in our group do, so why should you be left out?” With a smile, he added, “So, I want you to enjoy yourself with me. Let your mind and body be free with me. But keep your husband in your heart. Because, that is his – not mine.”
All I can do is try.
Chapter Seven
After another day and night with Hailey, I thought she’d settled enough for me to take care of the business at hand where the Angry Hogs were concerned. “Cal Schumacher is coming to watch over you while I’m gone, honeysuckle.”
Pulling the sheet up to cover her naked breasts, Hailey blinked a few times. “So, is he more like a typical biker-dude?”
Putting on my club jacket, I nodded. “He is rough around the edges, yes. But don’t let that get to you. He’s a good man and tough as nails. That’s why I’ve asked him to come to stay with you while I tend to business. If this wasn’t a council meeting, I would take you with me. But no one but council can be present at these things.”
Climbing out of my bed, she walked to the chair to get her robe on. We’d gone to bed in a much more traditional manner the night before. But the sex was anything but that. The woman had two years’ worth of abstinence to get out of her sexual system. I was more than happy to oblige her too.
“I understand. I’ve got editing to do anyway. I doubt this Cal-guy and I will have anything in common to talk about anyway.” As she walked to the door, I grabbed her, pulling her into my arms. The way she smiled at me made something shift in my heart. “I’ll shower then get dressed so you can introduce me to this man before you leave me
alone with him.”
Leaving a soft kiss on her sweet lips, I both hated and loved the way she affected me. Four months with her wasn’t going to be enough from what I’d seen so far. “Last night was something, honeysuckle.”
Her fingers trailed over my cheek. “I agree, magic man.”
Letting her go, I smacked her ass before she got out the door. Her body was a temple that I loved worshiping. Watching her sway down the hallway to her room at the very end, I tried not to salivate. When Hailey finally let go, amazing things happened.
But as amazing as it all was, it was only temporary. So, I shook my head to rid my mind of things that couldn’t be as I finished getting myself ready to leave for the meeting.
An hour later, I heard the sound of Cal’s bike pulling up. “Hailey, he’s here.”
She’d put on jeans and a T-shirt but hadn’t put on any shoes. With her blonde hair pulled into a high ponytail, she looked like the typical girl next door. The girl every guy on the block wants to fuck. And she really had no clue about that. “Great.” She rolled her eyes. “I hope he finds something to entertain himself, instead of bothering me. I really do have lots of work I have to get done if I want to get paid.”
“I’ll make sure he knows to leave you alone.” I went to open the front door, finding him just about to ring the bell. “Hey, Cal. Come in. Thanks for coming.”
“Sure thing,” he said as he came inside, his eyes on Hailey. “Hey, Hailey. Remember me?”
“Now I do.” She nodded. “I couldn’t recall the name but now that I see your face, I remember you.”
Coming inside, he took off his MC jacket, hanging it on the hook by the door. “It’s been a good while since you’ve been around the club.”
“Yeah.” She came up to my side. “Will you be back by lunch?”
Running my arm around her waist, I drew her to me, then kissed her cheek. “I should be. Don’t make anything. We’ll go out when I get back.”
“K.” Her eyes had gone to dark blue as they sparkled at me. “I’ll be ready.”
“Good.” I looked at Cal, finding him frowning as he’d sat down, his eyes on us. “She’s got work to do on her computer, so you just keep guard and let her do what she needs to do.”
“Got it.” He nodded. “I’ll let you know if anything unusual happens.”
“You do that.” I hesitated before leaving, but then knew I had to get going so I could get back. Something about leaving her alone with someone else bothered me. “Bye, honeysuckle.”
“Bye, leather,” she said as she leaned on the door as I walked out of it.
When I turned to get on my bike, I found her waving at me as she still stood at the door. I had the feeling she didn’t like being left alone with another man as much as I didn’t like leaving her that way.
I tried to put her out of my mind as I went to the meeting. And once I got there, I was able to put my attention on the task at hand. The Iron Cobras’ council sat around our round table as I took the floor. “Joey Brand is the head of a small band of riders that call themselves the Angry Hogs. They’re not part of any national motorcycle organization, so there will not be any ties to a larger group that we’ll have to deal with over these punks.”
The president, Carl asked, “How much evidence do we have that these are the men behind Ryder’s setup?”
We didn’t have anything hard and I knew that would be an issue. “Look, all we have at this time is Ryder’s word. He has a past with Joey Brand’s sister. He dated her then broke up with her and she committed suicide. So, they’ve got the motive.”
Our enforcer, Lyle asked, “How many members are in this group?”
“I have counted twelve of them. We outnumber them easily.” I wasn’t the type to want to squash just anyone. “Brand hasn’t just set Ryder up. He’s now made threats against his wife too. Ryder was beaten up pretty good too. The men who did it told him not to try to look for who set him up. And they told him that his wife would be visited to make sure he understood them clearly. He asked me to take care of his wife until he gets out in four months. I’ve got her at my place. But I don’t think anyone who’s affiliated with the Iron Cobras should be afraid to walk the streets. And this woman can’t walk them freely with these men openly after her to hurt her just to show Ryder they mean business.”
Carl steepled his fingers, resting his chin on them as he thought out loud, “These pissants think they can tell one of our brothers that he can’t try to find the people who set him up and get the justice he deserves. In my opinion, that makes them not only stupid but just wrong.”
The vice-president, Leo, added, “We can’t let any organization think that we’ll look the other way as one of our own is wronged. And from what I remember about Ryder’s old lady, she’s not even a biker-babe. She’s from a different class of people without any street-sense. Going after someone so helpless is something we can’t allow.”
Clyde, the sergeant at arms, commented, “Since we know nothing about this little gang, we don’t know if taking out the leader will end this or not. When you’re talking about a group this small, you never know what to expect. If we eliminate the leader, will the rest disband, or will they simply put a new leader in place and keep on doing their dirty deeds?”
Being that I didn’t like to end innocent lives, I had an idea. “These guys are all in the early thirties and late twenties from what I can see. They’ve got lots of life ahead of them. Ryder told me that Brand’s sister had mental problems and my bets are that they weren’t diagnosed. He also thinks Joey could have mental problems as well. If we can show the other men in the Angry Hogs that they’re following a lunatic, maybe we can disband them and not have to end them all.”
With a furrowed brow, Carl asked, “Do you really think these guys are so dim-witted that they would knowingly follow a crazy man?”
I had to laugh. “Carl, half the country follows a crazy man. Why is the idea of a small group of men following one psycho hard for you to believe?” Sometimes the crazy part of a leader had to be exposed for others to see it with their own eyes. “If we can rile this man in front of his subordinates, then we might be able to disband this little pack of animals quickly and easily.”
Our road captain, Danny nodded, agreeing with me. “I can scout things out – find out where these guys gather and hang out. If I do a little intel-work, then we can understand their ranks better. Right now, we just don’t have enough information to make the right decisions on how to deal with these punks.”
James, the secretary pointed out, “As far as this continued reference of calling these men punks goes, I would like to iterate the fact that they did manage to fill the trunk of Ryder’s car with drugs while the man was just inside the restaurant and could’ve come out and caught them any time. And they also knew to call some authority that actually listened to them and were ready to make the bust.”
I added, “And they have ties inside the prison as well. Having a member of the Iron Cobras MC beaten up isn’t something just anyone can pull off. Guards have to be bribed to turn their heads, and the inmates who actually pulled off the beating had to be compensated as well. I agree with James, we can’t simply think of these guys as stupid punks. They do have some intelligence behind them. And money too.”
Carl looked at each of us, one at a time. “If we vote yes on disbanding the Angry Hogs, this will mean that we will have to act quickly on getting the intel that we will need for this to be a successful mission. I know Lyle will get his part done efficiently. But I want to know what each of you will take on as your responsibility before I call for a vote.”
With Hailey’s help, I thought I could dig into the Brand family and maybe find out about the mental issues within that family. “How about I take on getting info on Joey and Kayla Brand and that family?”
Carl nodded. “That would be good information to have.”
Our treasurer, Steve stepped up. “I can find where their money is coming from.”
sp; Carl gave him a nod too. “Sounds good. It’s important to know who and where the money is coming from. Sometimes just cutting off a group’s money supply can cause them to break up and disintegrate. If this could be done, then it would be a hell of a lot easier and safer for all if it could be handled that way.”
Leo’s lips quirked to one side. “I can use my informants inside the prison to find out how the inmates who beat up Ryder are connected to the Angry Hogs.”
Clyde added, “I can see if they use outside sources to work on their bikes.”
I liked the way he thought. “If we can end this gang without using violence to do it, I am with you, brother.”
“Me too,” Carl agreed. “This group is too small to cause a war, but even small battles can have casualties. I don’t want to lose even one man or woman because of these pests. The fact that one of our own got his ass kicked already pisses me off. And the other thing that sets my shorts on fire is the threat of harming one of our women. We can’t let this go, gentlemen. But we have to handle it the right way.”
I thought we had everything we needed to get the job done. Now, all we needed was the approval of all the council members. Looking around the table, I wanted them to know a little more about Hailey. “In the next few months, I’ll be bringing Hailey around. She and Ryder hadn’t been together that long before he felt he had to send her back to stay with her family while he served his time. She’s got quite a bit of learning to do about the MC world. I think Ryder thought her to be too upper class to handle us and how we do things. But I’m finding that she has a desire to be a part of this lifestyle.”
“It would be nice to finally get to know the woman he married then felt he had to send away, instead of letting us take care of her.” Carl looked at me. “I think you taking her on as your student is a good idea. Maybe Ryder needs a hand at helping her acclimate to us and our ways.”