So Hot MC Boxset

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So Hot MC Boxset Page 41

by Blair Grey

  “So, a political babe,” she muttered. “Yes, I can see that.”

  Hailey might’ve been able to see my attraction to the political babe, but her father didn’t see why his daughter would be attracted to a psych major who belonged to a motorcycle gang. “Pauline was a rare young woman. She had this charisma about her that I’d never seen before. I guess that’s what comes from being raised in a home by people who are always campaigning.”

  “I suppose so.” Hailey shook her head as she looked puzzled. “How long did you two know each other before you started telling her how you felt about her?”

  “A few months.” One of my only regrets was telling her those three little words most men think every woman wants to hear. “In hindsight, I should’ve held off on professing my love to her.”

  Her brow furrowed. “Why? You’re a catch, leather. I would think that any woman would love to hear you tell her that you love her.”

  My heart froze for a moment. Does she want me to tell her that I love her?

  Hailey must’ve caught sight of my frozen stature. “Not that I want you to say those words to me, Lucas.” She laughed then put her hand on my shoulder. “I mean any single woman.”

  “Yeah, I get it.” With a deep breath, I managed to get my blood pumping again. “Anyway, Pauline didn’t immediately return the words to me. It would be a couple more weeks before she would say those words to me. And when I looked into her eyes, I knew she meant them.”

  Shrugging, Hailey still looked confused. “So, if you two were in love, then why did you end up breaking up?” Then she put her hand to her chest as her eyes went wide. “Oh, no! She didn’t die, did she?”

  I had to laugh at her conclusion. “No, she didn’t die. Believe it or not, she broke up with me. I know – I know, you think I’m a catch and could never understand why any woman in her right mind would break up with me. But she did.”

  “But why?” Her eyes narrowed as she looked at me. “Did you mess around on her, Lucas? You can tell me the truth. That’s would be the only thing that would many any sense.”

  “I did not mess around on her, Hailey. I just wasn’t into the things her family thought a man who was to be the guy standing next to their daughter should be.” Being a biker sometimes did have its drawbacks.

  With a huff, Hailey looked miffed. “Well, she wasn’t for you if she picked what her family wanted over you.”

  “I agree.” But that hadn’t been the way I’d felt back then. “Unfortunately, once again – being raised by a narcissistic parent had predisposed me to reach for the stars. And over and over again, I found them to be out of reach. So far out of reach that when I tried to grab them, I fell hard on the cold ground with each vain attempt.”

  “Wait.” She chewed on her lower lip as she contemplated my words. “You think that the woman was above you?” Shaking her head, she went on, “And that you would’ve never been able to truly make her love you?”

  “And here is where you find out that I only reach for what is unobtainable.” Like you, my dear. “I don’t even pay attention to what is within my reach. I only look past that, to find something beyond my reach to grab at. And then I fall.” I had come to terms with the affliction caused by my troubled upbringing. “At least my education helped me to later identify what I was doing so I could stop doing it.”

  “I would love to know why you thought, or now think, that this woman was out of your reach. You’re a wonderful man, Lucas. You could have any woman you want.”

  Not really, my little honeysuckle. “Her father won a seat in the Senate. He wanted his family with him in Washington D.C. So, Pauline told me where she would be going after she graduated. We were in love – or so I thought. So, naturally, I thought she was telling me this so I could make arrangements to go with her.”

  “Let me guess,” Hailey interrupted. “She never asked you to go with her.”

  “That’s right.” The way my heart pinched reminded me why I had never even tried to love anyone after Pauline. “See, I’d never been a true believer in love in the first place. When you have a mother who you’re never quite sure whether she loves you or not, it’s hard to know if other people are capable of loving you.”

  Her jaw dropped as pity filled her eyes. “Lucas, you think you’re unlovable?”

  I hated for her to look at me with pity. “Don’t look at me that way, Hailey. You have no idea what it’s like never to have had unconditional love. It deforms parts of you that others can’t see are damaged. And it blinds you to what is real and right in front of your face. All you see is what is as fake and plastic as the love your mother gave to you. A love that could be withdrawn over anything. Even something as simple as you having a good time playing catch with your father in the backyard.”

  “What are you talking about?” Hailey seemed stunned. “Are you telling me that your mother got mad at you for playing catch with your father?”

  “She didn’t so much get mad as she got cold and distant. And not with my father, just with me. For months when I would try to do anything with my mother she would tell me to go find my father – I liked him better than her anyway.” Even with all the studying, I’d done about narcissism, I still had a hard time understanding how my mother could be so heartless. “I was ten then. Sometimes it’s hard for me to believe that I’d learned by that age that people might not be capable of loving others forever. Love came and it went without me understanding why that was.”

  “I am sorry for saying this about your mother, Lucas, but what a bitch.” Shaking her head, she looked sick. “To think that she did that to you makes me want to throw up. I would never hurt anyone like that, much less my own little boy.”

  I took her hand, holding it on the armrests between us. “I know you wouldn’t do that. You’re not like her. You will never be like her. But I ended up falling in love with a woman just like my mother. A woman who only thought about herself and her life. I was just some guy who she’d spent her college years with. And when those were over, so were we. I just wish I’d figured that out before she had to shove it down my throat.”

  “Well, I can tell you one thing that is certain, Lucas Hoss. Love is real. It’s alive in many ways. And you are worthy of it.” She moved her hand to cover mine as she smiled at me. “I think you’re just about the most lovable man I’ve ever met. You’re thoughtful, sweet, honest, and so easy on the eyes too.” Leaning over, she kissed my cheek. “I’ll always think that way about you too. No matter what.”

  “Don’t take this the wrong way, Hailey, but you and I have no future.” I had to give the girl props for trying to make me feel better about this life I’d tragically fallen into. “I’m pretty much set on being alone throughout my life.” Moving my hand out from under hers, I took her hand, pulling it up to my lips then leaving a kiss on hers. “This little vacation from reality is a treat though. I want you to know that. I want you to know that I will be able to keep our time together in a special vault in my heart. At least what we have won’t be tarnished by lies. You don’t belong to me, you’re only borrowed. But I’m cherishing this borrowed time with you. And – as far as it goes for me – love isn’t real.”

  Glancing at her out of the corner of my eye, I caught her wiping away a tear. “Lucas, I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. None of this is your fault in the least.” I pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant. “Now, dry those tears because I never meant to put them into your pretty eyes. Let’s have fun and enjoy each other’s company and the food that’s supposed to be delicious here. This is our time, and no one can rob us of that.” I knew that no matter what, I would get to keep what I felt for Hailey. I wouldn’t get to act on it, but I would get to keep it.

  It wasn’t love. It wasn’t merely lust either. I felt close to her. I felt like she and I would always be friends. And I prayed that she felt the same way.

  One day I won’t be able to hold her in my arms, but I will always be able to call her my friend.

Chapter Ten


  Standing there, holding hands as we looked at a large crystal chandelier that had come out of a hundred-year-old Victorian home that had been torn down, Lucas and I both began to nod. “You’re right, Hailey. This would look awesome hanging over the large dining table.”

  “Right?” I could already see it becoming a part of Lucas’ home. “It’s so you. Old-fashioned yet modern in ways too. I wonder how much it costs.”

  “It’s pretty damn big. I bet it’s a good chunk of change. I’m not sure I want to spend that much on that when I’m still spending money on the outdoor kitchen and dining area.” He rubbed his bearded chin as he contemplated things.

  I already knew what I wanted to do. “Just tell me if you really like it.”

  “What’s not to like. It’s absolutely gorgeous.” He shook his head. “But I can’t buy it yet. I’ve got to get one project done before I get on to the next one.”

  With an idea cropping up in my head, I made an excuse to leave his company for a moment. “I’m going to see if they have a bathroom I can borrow. I’ll be right back.”

  “I’ll just keep on looking around. I’m glad you thought about taking my bike out to go antiquing, Hailey. This is a lot more fun with you.” His smile made my heart flutter.

  “I’m glad you agreed.” I left him to keep seeking out rare treasure as I went to find the shopkeeper. Spotting a small man with reading glasses perched on the end of his nose, I was pretty sure I’d found the person I was looking for. “Excuse me, do you work here?”

  Looking at me over the glasses, he nodded. “I own this shop and I don’t negotiate prices. I like to let people know that about me upfront.”

  “Okay.” I didn’t think that was the best way to run a business but who was I to say otherwise. “I’d like to purchase the chandelier in the front window. And I’d like to know when it can be delivered. Plus, do you know who I can get in touch with to have it installed?”

  “That piece is worth a small fortune.” He pulled out a little brown, leather book and began looking through it. “It came from the Daughtry mansion in Maryland. It’s one-hundred, seven years old. The wiring will have to be updated.” He peered at me with raised brows. “You can see where I’m going here, right?”

  “It’s expensive in the first place and then it will cost me to have the wiring updated. Yes, I see right where you are going.” Staggeringly apparent, he didn’t think I had the funds. “I still want it.” I’d just made a tremendous chunk of change on a book royalties deal – I had the money. “So, can you set up the delivery and do you know who I can contact about the wiring and installation?”

  He jotted down a few things on a small notepad, then ripped the piece off, handing it to me. “This is the number to the man who can take care of all that for you. You’ll have to negotiate a price for that with him. As far as the price of the piece you want, that’s written underneath the phone number.”

  I looked at the number then unzipped my purse that hung across my chest and handed him my bank card. “I’ll take it.”

  To give something special to Lucas for all he’d done for me was more important to me than overflowing my bank account. Plus, there would be more royalties coming my way soon. Joining forces with an author who had what it took to make it big in the book-world had been like a dream come true for me.

  After paying for the chandelier, I went to the back of the store to call the man about picking it up for me. In less than ten minutes, I had the whole thing settled and within the week Lucas would have something gorgeous hanging over his big dining table. I couldn’t wait to see the surprise on his face when they came to deliver and install it.

  The whole thing had me tingling all over. When I came back out to find him, I had a hard time staying still. “Hey, leather, what do you say that we get out of here and take a real ride? Maybe out of town – into the country?”

  “I say, I’m all for that.” He took my hand and off we went.

  Since the day Lucas had told me about his one love, I’d found it hard not to think about how sad the whole thing was. I wanted so badly to show him that love was real – even for him.

  Riding behind him with my arms wrapped around him as his motorcycle vibrated my nether regions, I felt more than hot for him. Moving one hand down, I slowly stroked his crotch until I felt the hardness of an erection filling his jeans.

  I’d been reading up on sex on a motorcycle and thought that it might be worth trying. And I was hoping Lucas would want to be the one to show me how much fun it could be.

  When he took a side road that led into the woods, I found my pussy throbbing with anticipation. I couldn’t figure out exactly why I found it so much easier to be wild and sexually adventurous with Lucas than I’d found with my husband, but it was what it was.

  Stopping the bike, he took the hand I’d been provoking his manhood with, then pulled it up to his mouth, sucking on my middle finger. Why my insides melted was a thing I didn’t quite understand, physiologically speaking. But things were going on inside of me that hadn’t gone on before.

  I climbed off the bike, my body shaking as he looked at me for a moment. “Strip.”

  Without an ounce of hesitation, I began taking my clothes off. The soft pine needles under my bare feet tickled a little as the cool wind made my nipples hard. Standing there in front of him, I shivered with excitement.

  I’m really doing this!

  He got off the bike, taking his clothes off as he looked my body over. When his jeans came off, I saw the size of his cock and began salivating like crazy. But I didn’t want anything regular – the way we’d been doing every night for nearly a month now - I wanted motorcycle sex. “Can you take me on your bike?”

  “I can.” He wiggled his finger at me, coaxing me to come to him. “You get up front and I’ll ride bitch.”

  For a moment, I thought he meant for me to drive the bike – a thing I wasn’t ready to even try, much less while we were both naked and having sex. “Lucas – I…”

  With his hands on his hips, he cocked his head to one side. “Just do it, baby. You can trust me.”

  So, I climbed up on his bike, taking the driver’s seat, then he got on behind me and started the monster back up. The vibration on my bare ass made me moan as he took both my hands, putting them on the handlebars. “I don’t want to wreck your bike, babe,” I whimpered as the way he’d leaned me over made my clit touch the leather seat and the vibration of the bike hit me in all the right places. “Oh, God, this feels amazing.”

  “The kickstand is down, the bike’s in neutral; we ain’t going nowhere. Just hang onto the handlebars and lean forward to give me the access I need.” His warm lips pressed against the shell of my ear. “And try not to rev the engine too much when I make you come all over my cock, baby.”

  Holy, hell! “I’ll try.”

  Taking my ass in his big hands, he lifted me up while I leaned forward, putting my tits on the gas tank and feeling the powerful engine working on them too. “Put your feet on the pegs so you can move your body some.”

  As I placed my bare feet on the pegs that his normally rested on, I lifted myself up and when I felt his cock pushing against me, I moved down, sliding my cunt over his thick, long and hot cock. “Aww,” I groaned as we connected. “I can feel the vibration from your body inside mine now.”

  “Yeah, you can.” I felt him lean back some, arching up into me as he held onto my waist. “I can feel you vibrating too.”

  As we both moved back and forth, up and down, I couldn’t believe Ryder and I had never done this before. “There’s nothing else like this.” There was no need to make fast movements as the way our entire bodies vibrated heightened every possible sensory receptor in each of our bodies. “I feel like we’re like one being.”

  His fingers gripped my waist as he groaned in ecstasy. “Me too, baby. Shit! This is fucking awesome.”

  Even though I had the idea that he’d done this with other women,
I tried not to let jealousy ruin this for me. “The only thing that would be better is if I could kiss you.” Feeling this connected without connecting our mouths seemed like we were missing out on something.

  Lifting me higher, he moved me so far up that we parted, and I was about to protest when he clued me in, “I want you to turn around to face me.”

  Not sure how to make that happen, I got off the bike then got back on, facing him this time. Stradling the bike, I once again felt the leather moving under my clit. “Better.” I ran my arms around his neck as he pulled me closer, then I ran my legs around him too as he pushed his hard cock back into me.

  Looking into my eyes, I saw sparks in his. “I like this idea you had, honeysuckle.”

  “Me too. I just wish I had read about this stuff a month ago. We’ve wasted so much time just doing it in your bed.” I leaned my head back as a wave of pure ecstasy ran through me and he hadn’t even made one stroke yet. The vibration alone was enough to get me off.

  He kissed a line up my neck. “I wouldn’t consider that wasted time, baby. But I would like to do it like this a hell of a lot more.” He bit my earlobe. “Before we have to stop.”

  I didn’t want it to stop. But I didn’t know what to do about that. So, I did what any female would do. I began moving my body, undulating to make long, slow strokes on him. I would make him see that no one could make him feel the way that I could. No one could rock him the way that I could.

  “I’ve never felt this way, Lucas.” I kissed his shoulder as I raked my nails along his back. “The way you touch me – the way you take me – it makes me feel more sexual than I’ve ever felt with anyone else. You make my body sing for you and only you.”

  Moving his hand up my neck, he pulled the rubber band off my hair and it fell down my back as he tangled his hands in it, pulling me to kiss him. Our mouths collided with a furious passion as our bodies moved as one.


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