by Blair Grey
Lucas pecked the woman under Carl’s arm on the cheek. “You’re looking lovely as ever, Brittany.” He looked back at me. “This is Brittany, Carl’s old lady.” He looked back at Brittany. “And this is Hailey. You haven’t met her husband Ryder yet as he’s currently on vacation with the state. I’m watching over her until he gets out in a couple more months.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Hailey.” She looked at my leather outfit. “And you have to take me shopping with you one day. That is one amazing look you’ve got going on there.”
I wasn’t sure if I should tell her that Lucas was the one who put it all together. So, I just nodded. “Sure. Anytime. I’d be happy to take you shopping and help you pick something out. You’ve got a great body. Tons of stuff would look amazing on you.”
Sarah wasn’t going to be left out. “Me too. Take me too. I’m loving your look too, Hailey. We could make a day of it. Shopping, then lunch – drinks with lunch – then more drinks.” She laughed. “It’s so great to be out of the house and baby-free for a little while!”
I recognized the man who came up behind her as Axel, one of the riders in the Iron Cobras. Ryder had told me lots of their names – he just hadn’t introduced me to most of them. He put his hands on her shoulders, kissing the top of her head. “I cleaned the blood off my hands and now I’m ready to party.” He looked at me with a quizzical expression, then looked at Lucas who stood behind me. “Is this fine young woman with you, Lucas? Have you finally found someone to spend your time with?”
“She is with me.” He ran his hands over my shoulders. “Until her husband, Ryder gets out. You do remember his wife, Hailey, don’t you, Axel?”
With wide eyes, he looked me up and down. “Wow! Really?” Nodding, she went on, “Yeah, I see you in there now, Hailey. Shit, girl, you have done some major changes. Ryder will have a hard time recognizing you now. But I don’t mean that in a bad way at all.”
Sarah rolled her eyes. “Stop salivating, honey. You’re drooling in my hair up there. Anyway, she’s going to take me and Brittany shopping to help us get up to her speed. So, soon you’ll have a hot wife too.”
“Cool.” Axel smiled as he nodded. “Share your secrets, Hailey. We’d all like a hot woman on our arms.”
Lucas leaned in to whisper in my ear, “Told you how hot you look in those clothes. You’re welcome.”
I knew it was time to come clean. “Well, Lucas really picked all this stuff out for me. But I did figure out what looked good and what didn’t. So, I did learn from our shopping experience. And I would love to help you girls anyway. Worst case, Lucas comes along with us.”
The other girls nodded. “He can pay for lunch.”
Lucas backed out of that quickly. “You girls can trust Hailey’s judgment. She is being modest. She’d picked up this entire ensemble a piece at a time, looked at the price tags, then put them back up. So, she had great taste, she just didn’t want me to spend too much money on her.”
“But you did anyway,” I pointed out.
“And you bought me a very expensive chandelier. So, it ends up being fair in the end.” He laughed as he took my hand. “And I like the song that’s playing, so can I have this dance, honeysuckle?”
“You got it, leather.” I got up to go with him to the small dancefloor and noticed how no one batted an eye that the wife of one of the members of the Iron Cobras was obviously shaking up with another man. “You were right. No one cares about me and you being together.”
“We’re a live and let live society here. Human nature isn’t a thing we fight. Well, most of the time. We’re not animals. That’s why we step back when our brothers return to their women.” He kissed the top of my head as we swayed together to the slow song. “Even if it hurts us to do it.”
I knew it would hurt me too. But I would have a man’s arms to go into and find comfort in, while Lucas would be alone. Or so I hoped anyway. Seeing him get right into another woman’s arms would kill me.
I hadn’t been a part of their live and let live society, so accepting the sorts of things they did, wasn’t likely to happen for me that quickly. Jealousy was real inside of me, and I hadn’t ever tried to tamp it down before.
But I knew that I couldn’t express jealously over Lucas, especially not in front of Ryder. At least being in the same place as members of Ryder’s club saw me and Lucas together did let me know that this was a thing they all accepted. And that helped me to believe that my husband would accept everything as well.
Being that sleeping with another man while my husband was in prison for a crime he hadn’t committed was accepted here, I was sure that falling in love with that other man wasn’t. “Lucas, can you tell me who else is here like us? You know – women with men who aren’t their real men?”
“Sure.” Nuzzling my hair, he urged me to look to the right. “You see the man holding that woman’s hand over there by the pool table?”
“Yeah.” They looked comfortable together and affectionate too. “So, they’re like us?”
“Yeah. Her old man has been in prison for five years. It’s always been that one brother who had taken care of her. But they do some stuff we haven’t done. He takes her to the conjugal visits and keeps her old man updated about things. You and I don’t do that.”
It had me wondering why we hadn’t done that. “So, is that what most of these guys do?”
“Yeah. They keep their women in the loop with their old men. But Ryder told me not to bring you up there anymore because he didn’t want anyone up there to see you again.” He frowned as he seemed to get a little upset. “But I knew the other day when Joey Brand pointed me out and told me that he knew I’d taken you, that they already know what you look like. And I should’ve let Ryder know that fact. I should’ve let Ryder know that I can take you up there to see him and get his marital visits with you.”
“But you didn’t do that.” I knew why too. “For now, you want to keep me to yourself. Don’t you?”
“I’m feeling like a selfish jackass if that makes you feel any better.” He kissed the top of my head as we swayed together to the music.
“I don’t know how I would act if you took me up there. I have never juggled men before. And I have pretty high moral values. Or I did have them.” I felt that shame rising inside of me again as it had in the very beginning. “I can’t have sex with both of you.”
“I understand that.” His chest rose and fell against mine as he sighed heavily. “You are his wife. So if you want to go have your visits with him, then I will take you.” He kissed the top of my head again as he hugged me tighter. “And I will have to take you to him if he asks me to.”
“I don’t want to go,” I whispered. “If he asks you to take me, you will have to tell him that. I don’t want to go until he’s getting out. I want what we have until then.”
“It’s not like that’s in our hands. He’s got his rights,” he let me know. “For the record, if he does want you to come to see him and you two do have sex, I would very much like it if we could keep having it too. Maybe you could find some moral compromise within you. But I will leave that up to you, honeysuckle.”
As I held onto the man who had kept me safe and made me feel loved and special, I felt like life wasn’t mine to control.
This feeling sucks.
Chapter Seventeen
The night that had begun with a bang, interrupted by a hellacious chase and fight, but it ended on a romantic note. I had Hailey on the back of my bike, taking her home where I had plans of taking her in even more spectacular ways than I already had.
Girl, when I get you back home – it – is – on!
Her arms around my body as she held me tight, her head resting on my shoulder, pulled the man inside of me nearly apart. Chaplain to my MC, brother to her husband, lover of this woman – I’d split in ways I had never known that I could.
Rounding the corner to my place, my cock stirred as it knew the time was at hand to get anoth
er taste of the woman it had come to crave. Easy, boy.
As I pulled into the drive, my headlight hit something that made no sense at all. What the hell is that? A set of small hills had sprung up in my front yard.
Darkness shrouded my home and the property that surrounded it. But as I got closer, I began to understand that hills hadn’t erupted out of the ground at all. Ruts made by motorcycles had ruined my front yard. As we got closer, the sprinkler came around and doused us with a hard spray of water.
I didn’t turn the sprinkler on before we left.
Pulling to a stop near the garage. Hailey jumped off the back of my bike, pulling off her helmet as she made quick strides to get to the water faucet to turn it off before the sprinkler made another round. “Shit, leather! Who the hell did this?”
Bounding off my bike, I grabbed her by the shoulders, pulling her back to me. “I don’t know who did this and I don’t know if they might still be here. You stay by me.” The sprinkler came around again, dousing us both with another hard stream of water. “Fuck!”
“Someone turned the sprinkler on purposely!” Hailey looked at me with wide eyes. They wanted to ruin your lawn.” Gasping, she put her hand over her mouth. “They didn’t break into the house, did they? The chandelier!”
No matter the hold I had on here, she bolted away from me, heading right through the mud, going to the front door. And only as I followed her did I realize that the front door had been kicked in. The inside of my home – pitch black. Motherfucker!
Just before she ran into the darkness of my home, I caught her by the wrist, stopping her. “You stay with me, honeysuckle.”
“They got into the house!” She flipped the light switch and to my horror, we could see the living room.
Destroyed furnishings made the living room look as if a tornado had come through it, right along with some chainsaw-wielding maniac. “Dear, God,” my voice not more than a whisper. “The walls. They’ve ruined everything in here.”
Hailey turned to bury her face in my chest. “Why did they paint that on the walls? And who is dead?”
‘You’re dead,’ had been painted in red all over the walls. They didn’t even leave one wall unadorned with their deadly message. “I’m guessing both of us.”
Pulling her head off my chest, she bolted away from me, switching on the lights as she ran toward the kitchen. “If they ruined the present I got you, they’re the ones who are dead! I know who did this. And this is too much. The Angry Hogs will pay for this!”
Right behind her, I sighed as we found the kitchen unscathed. “They didn’t get back here.”
She pulled open the door to the larger dining area then flipped the switch. Shimmering light filled the room, making us both breathe a sigh of relief. Hailey turned to me with tears streaming down her cheeks. “Lucas, I am so sorry they did this to you over me.”
Pulling her into my arms, I shushed her, “Hush now, baby. Don’t you feel bad about a thing. These assholes have done their last evil deed to the Iron Cobras. Let’s go check out the rest of the house.”
Room by room, we went. It seemed that they hadn’t gotten to the kitchen and back part of my home. But they had gotten to more of it than just the living room. My bedroom had also been ransacked. The rest of the red paint they’d used on the living room walls had been splashed on my bed. ‘Slut,’ had been written in scrawling letters as it looked like someone had pulled their finger through the paint to form the word.
“Your bed is ruined.” Shaking her head, she looked around the room with sorrow on her face. “You can’t stay here.”
“No, we can’t stay here.” Taking my phone out of my pocket, I tapped in a text to the Iron Cobra’s president, Carl, to let him know the Angry Hogs had to end.
Hailey started to leave my bedroom. “Pack up. I’ll go pack my things.”
“I’ll book a hotel for us.” Going to the dresser, I opened it to find the smell of bleach. “Fuck, me.” Everything in the drawer ruined, the intense odor stung my nostrils. “They had to really fuck with me, didn’t they?”
Coming up to stand next to me, Hailey gently pushed the drawer closed then opened the next one to find those clothes too had been drenched in bleach. “Shit.” Running her arm around me, she put her head on my shoulder. “I’m sure we can find something of yours that they didn’t think to mess up.”
Those sons-of-bitches will pay!
Fury flashed through my veins as I opened one drawer after the next, finding the same thing I had found in every single one of them. My cell rang and Carl’s name appeared on the screen. “Hey, boss. I’m done playing nice with those pieces of shit. Not only did they trash my home, but they’ve destroyed my clothes too.”
Hailey made a whopping sound. “Ha! They didn’t touch a thing in your closet.”
It was something, but not enough to make the fire that burned inside of me fade in the least. “At least I won’t have to wear what I have on tomorrow to go buy myself a whole new wardrobe.” I had to give Hailey a forced smile as she was smiling at me happy to have made a find. “Carl, I’m going to need some of our prospects to clean this mess up and guard my place while I take Hailey to a hotel.”
“On it. I’ll have some men there within the hour, brother.”
One of the best things about being part of the organization I belonged to was having not one, not two, but a plethora of men who you could count on at any time, day or night. “Thank you, brother.”
“See you tomorrow to meet about this.”
With the call over, I put my cell away as Hailey put my clothes into my suitcase that she’d also found in the closet. “Lucas, we can stay at my place. It’s obvious that these guys will find us no matter where we go.”
“I don’t know.”
Before I could say another word, she nodded. “Yes. I want to stay there. I don’t care to live in a hotel when I have a home we can stay in. Please.”
Something about going to the home she and Ryder had shared before he got locked up, made me uneasy. But she smiled and nodded and that alone made me say, “Alright, honeysuckle. If you’re sure that’s what you really want.”
“I do.” She came to me, taking my hands in hers. “I would love to have you help me make the place homier, the way your home is. Plus, why waste money on a hotel?”
“You’re right.” It made sense. Plus, it might’ve been something she had missed, not being in her own home. “So, let’s get your things, then we’ll take my car to your place.”
“Or we could take mine.”
I recalled how packed her the trunk of her car had been. “Maybe we should take both of our cars. Yours will be pretty full after you shove all your stuff in the trunk.”
“Deal.” Happy to have her home and her car, peace filled her expression. “I’ll go pack.”
I walked with her down the hall and we looked into each room as we passed them, finding no more damage had been done to my home. As I opened the door to the room where she’d kept her things but hadn’t slept even one night, I scanned the dark room before turning on the lights. “Looks fine too.”
She walked in, moving past me. “Yeah, it does. I’m sure your guys can have the place fixed up in no time.” Pulling one of the many pieces of luggage out from under the bed, Hailey laid it on top of the bed. “I would like to stay at my place even if they do have this place fixed up before Ryder is set free. To be honest, I’ve been worried about the transition and it might help if I didn’t have to leave this place, a place you’ve made me feel very much at home at, to go back to my home.”
It hadn’t occurred to me that she would be worrying about transitioning. But it made sense, now that she’d brought it up. Going to her, I ran my hand along her shoulder. “Sure, we can do that. Anything you want, honeysuckle.”
Smoothing my hair, she quirked her lips up to one side. “Thanks. So, let’s get packed. Then we can get to my place and get to doing what we were going to be doing here.”
Sex with her would ta
ke my mind off of my troubles, that was for sure. Her ass in my hands, I pulled her to me, then pressed my lips to hers. “Sounds great to me.”
“Cool.” Her hands moved between us, pushing me away from her gently. “So, go pack and I’ll do the same.”
“Fine. I’ll go pack. But let me help you get your things out to your car.” I wasn’t going to let her go back and forth in the dark outside alone. “And don’t go outside alone. You wait for me. Got it?”
“Got it,” she said as she took a seat on the bed. “I’m changing out of these clothes first.” Pulling her heeled boots off, she left them on the floor.
Leaving her to do the things she needed to, I went back to my room, trying not to think about her and the fact that she was pulling her clothes off to change into something else. We don’t have time for that.
And we didn’t have time to be dealing with the likes of the punks from the Angry Hogs either. This was a nothing, little, pissant gang who thought they were badass bikers, but weren’t.
I’d hated them before, but now I loathed them entirely. My home was my sanctuary. It was as if they knew what I loved and wanted to screw it all up. There were some things to be grateful for – the gift of the chandelier one of the most important – but the idea of them in my home did things to me that made me feel unlike the man I usually was.
I had an inner monster like most men did. I had a part of me that was primal. When I let that beast get out, it never ended well for the beast’s enemies. And it took a toll on me as well.
I’d turned over a new leaf, found spirituality in a life full of sin, sex, and illegal activities. The old me – the beastly young man who had something to prove so he could become an Iron Cobra, had given way to the new me.
Brutality had been a thing I’d put away long ago. But since I’d taken on the protection of Hailey, brutality had sought me out. And now it was toying with me, taunting me.
I’d been in a couple of fistfights and that was a thing I hadn’t been involved in for a long time. Those fights hadn’t solved a damn thing. The creatures who dared to enter my home and trash it weren’t humans at all. They were scum and I’d been treating them as if they were people who could be reasoned with.