Vampire Gold

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Vampire Gold Page 6

by J. R. Rain

  “They’ve seen the crash.”

  The clone nodded. “True, but they aren’t aware of anything else.”

  The Agent in Black’s first priority was to contain this information. No matter what.

  The clone read his mind. “Any additional attention to this could be catastrophic.”

  The Agent in Black nodded and considered the whole picture. These two had spotless records. Obviously, they were potential “lifers” for the Navy. Containment of these events also meant silence. The Agent in Black had the authority to lock them up. Hell, he had the authority to make them disappear, too. Few knew the agent’s real name, and he liked it that way. He was known simply as the Agent in Black, a name that struck fear in those he crossed paths with. Fear was a good thing in his line of business. He and his CREW were above Top Secret; that is, they didn’t officially exist. Indeed, few knew of the CREW’s existence, including the president. A cabal of intelligence leaders had created the CREW, along with other shadow agencies, to clean up messes just like this one.

  And it’s a helluva mess, thought the Agent in Black.

  But their disappearance would attract attention. Families didn’t need to know, but military colleagues would wonder, even in private. Besides, both men looked ill. Additionally, both men were supposed to be on leave.

  He sighed and made his first mistake. His biggest mistake. “Have them sign a confidentiality agreement. Then they can go.”

  The clone hid his disagreement. He would never contradict his superior. Or so he thought at the time. “I’ll draw up the papers.”

  Chapter Three

  Anna Carter focused her left eye into the great telescope atop the Griffith Observatory. Her right eye, trained over the last year, phased out as she scrutinized the night sky. Her hands automatically found their way to the attached laptop, adjusting the lens.

  Nothing else existed for Anna in this moment except for the view into another galaxy. She didn’t feel the chilled night air, and she didn’t hear the music blasting from her iPod. She connected with the dark matter, billions of miles away—and tried to shrug off the fog coming up the hills of Los Feliz.

  Out of frustration, she’d kept herself away for nearly two weeks. The astronomical changes were so slight that they couldn’t be tracked every day. Now, she gasped at the dark matter’s miniscule structural development. Pen in hand, she took notes.

  Anna knew she had it pretty good compared to most kids, but her project at the Griffith Observatory meant more to her than almost anything else. Her time was usually divided between home school, working with her father at the Los Angeles Zoo, and here at the observatory.

  Recently, she’d made a few friends her own age. Her father didn’t like it, she knew. He’d been particularly alarmed that one of her new friends was a boy. He constantly immersed Anna in conversations of “getting older” and making “good choices.” Anna took it all in with the normal impatience of a fourteen year old. She was getting pretty good at rolling her eyes.

  These thoughts flickered in and out of her concentration as she alternately entered data on the laptop and took hand notes. The dark matter she’d been tracking over the last six months was changing in both size and shape. She knew they were changes that only a handful of people on Earth would be able to discern. Few public telescopes equaled the observatory’s strength.

  Her stomach rumbled; this she did notice but chose to ignore it. Just a few minutes more, that was all she wanted. She didn’t really need more time. Her data was recorded, but she couldn’t tear her eyes away from the sky view.

  A tap on the shoulder made her jump, the celestial connection suddenly severed as a hand tugged on her earphones.


  Jack Carter’s heart skipped a beat. Anna hardly ever called him “Daddy” anymore. Now, it was merely “Dad.” He tried to relish the moment but ruined it instead. “Do you know how long you’ve been up here?” It wasn’t a question. Her surprise changed to defense as he continued. “And why don’t you answer your phone? I’ve been calling you.”

  Anna glanced down at her notes. “Sorry, Dad. I was listening to music.”

  Jack put his worry behind him. Let it go. He wanted peace. Sparks flew between them too often now.

  He smiled and handed Anna her jacket. “Got a surprise for you.”

  Anna attempted a smile. What now? Popcorn and a movie? With Dad? Borrring. She said, “What’s up?”

  Jack ignored this irritating lingo. “Your uncle called. He’s probably at the house now. I thought we’d go out. Want to tag along?”

  “Uncle Joe’s here?” Anna’s face brightened. Her uncle was more like an older brother. Anna always loved his visits, but she seldom saw him now that he’d become a lieutenant commander. “Sure,” she said, hopping down from her post.

  “He’s got a friend with him,” Jack announced.

  “That’s okay.”

  “I’ve got a couple of rounds to make before heading home. You want a ride?”

  They descended the short stairway to the roof. Anna glanced out at the fog and shivered. She did want a ride but... “No, thanks. I’ve got to synch this data. It won’t take long.”

  Jack Carter almost insisted. If they hadn’t caught that cougar, he would have. He fought the impulse. He had to let her grow up. They descended the stairs and entered the building. Anna headed for the back offices, Jack for the front door. “Okay, then. See you at home in about an hour?”

  Anna forced her mind off the thickening fog. It’s just fog, she reminded herself. She smiled brightly at her father, perhaps a little too brightly and a little too forced. “I’ll be careful. I’ll hold my cell in my hand.” She reached up and kissed his cheek. “See you soon.”

  * * *

  Anna let herself out of the observatory’s back door and sniffed the air.

  Fog covered the grounds just below the large building. She thought it was strange how the fog crept up the hills and surrounded the observatory, but never rose further. She looked around. The fog spread through the grounds, but left the grand building alone. Standing at the top of the stairs that led to the lawns she could no longer see, Anna glanced up at the clear sky above her, the stars and moon, and then down at the mist that blanketed the Los Feliz neighborhood and most of Los Angeles.

  She loved the night view of the City of Angels when it was clear. It reminded her of Christmas lights, a metropolis of lights to delight anyone lucky enough to see them.

  But when it was foggy like this, there was no view. Only fog. Clouds, she supposed. A layer of mist was just a few steps down. Anna felt as if she were floating in the sky on these nights. She was safe as long as she stayed up here.

  She took a deep breath and took the first step down into the thick mist.

  It was darker than she’d anticipated. Anna glanced at the time on her cell, then quickened her pace. The hike down to their home just above Los Feliz seemed to take longer than normal. She should have taken the main route, but this way was shorter. The little-known trail cut the trek by almost a half-mile.

  Still, it was darker than she’d anticipated. And quieter than she remembered. Anna could hear her breath. She moved silently, but her footsteps sounded loud to her. A twig snapped nearby. Just a squirrel. Right? She checked her cell phone again, this time to ensure that she had reception.

  Anna had one secret that she’d kept from everyone. It was dumb, really, but she was afraid of fog. A stupid fear. She knew fog didn’t change anything. Every tree, rock and path was the same, clear or foggy. Still, Anna likened this fear to swimming in the ocean. Not being able to see what was moving around underneath her scared her. It didn’t mean anything. That’s what she usually told herself.

  This fog, however, was becoming seriously dense. She tried to shake off her growing anxiety. Anna knew that she only had about fifteen more minutes of fog, and then she would be under it and come onto the main road where there were houses.

  Her heart was beating fast, though,
and she was only fourteen. Anna imagined she was being followed. She stopped abruptly to listen. Nothing. She held her breath, invisible on the steep trail. At the edge of her peripheral vision, she caught another movement off to her right. Anna looked, even though she could not see.

  There it was again. A little closer. Anna’s brain knew it was a raccoon or perhaps a deer. But in her mind’s eye, she could see long, cold, slimy arms reaching out to grab her ankle or maybe even her hair.

  Arms reaching slowly though the mist.

  Arms waiting for her.

  Arms grabbing for her.

  Despite herself, Anna yelped and took off running.

  Zombie Patrol

  is available at:

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  About the Author:

  J.R. Rain is an ex-private investigator who now writes full-time in the Pacific Northwest. He lives in a small house on a small island with his small dog, Sadie, who has more energy than Robin Williams.

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