Pretty Girl

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Pretty Girl Page 6

by Alexa Riley

  “Cum inside me.” Her legs wrap around me again. I already did once. I hadn't even thought about what it meant in that moment. I couldn't have stopped it if I’d wanted to. But now she’s asking me to do it.

  I press my knees into the mattress and grip her chin so our eyes are locked. “You know what you’re asking me?” I grit out. I’m fighting myself from cumming already. Not until she does.

  “Yes, please,” she begs.

  “Never beg me. I’ll always give you what you want.” Her pussy locks around my cock as she cries out.

  “Mila.” I cum with her. Her pussy holds me tight, sucking every drop of cum from my dick, begging for more. I give it all to her. I roll so she’s on top of me. Her little hips jerk as her orgasm rolls though her.

  I rub her back, telling her how much I love her as our breathing evens out. My cock is still inside her. Still hard.

  She shifts, moaning a little. She leans up, and I grip her hips. “Pretty girl.” I give her a warning. She shifts again, making her tits bounce.

  “What? I want more,” she pouts, batting her eyelashes at me. “Feels like you do, too.”

  “Are you sore?” I still her movements. Fuck, I want more, too, but not enough to cause her pain.

  “I’ve never felt better,” she sighs. I loosen my grip and she rocks her hips.

  I reach between us, stroking her clit. Her head falls back, and her long hair hits my thighs.

  “Fuck.” I know I’ll never get enough of her, and with the way she’s acting, I’m not sure she’ll ever get enough of me either.

  My eyes fly open when my watch vibrates, alerting me that someone has triggered one of my sensors. I slide out from beneath my girl, giving her a quick kiss on the forehead before covering her up and slipping out of the bedroom. I rush down the hallway into my office. I key in my password to my computer and I hastily get dressed.

  “Motherfucker,” I grit when I see who set off the sensor. I send Sam a quick text wishing I could just deal with the fucker myself. A lot of land out here. Be hard to find a body if you wanted to hide one and knew how, but this fucker’s absence would be noticed.

  I shove some zip-ties into my back pocket and my grab my night-vision goggles before heading out. I lock the door and start making my way towards him. It’s pitch dark out. The prick will be lucky if he doesn't hurt himself before I get to him.

  I’m pissed and relieved that he’s here. We had the perfect day. After we finally pulled ourselves out of bed, I cooked her lunch and showed her around. I’ve always been proud of the land and the house I built, but seeing Mila light up about it took it to a whole other level. I want nothing more than to lie in bed with her, but I also want this prick done with.

  I had a feeling it was him. The way he tried to make it like he wasn't looking at her as much as he was. The anger he tried to mask, but I could feel coming from him. I also knew he’d been pestering her agent for her number.

  I move quickly. It’s easy as I know every inch of my land. I don’t make a sound when I spot him at seventy paces in front of me. I watch as he trips over a log and stumbles. He curses before getting back to his feet.

  I circle and move in behind him. I lock my arm around his neck, pulling him hard into me and taking him by surprise. He gasps for air and fights me.

  “Think you can come on my land, try and take what’s mine?” I snarl into his ear. He’s starting to black out. He keeps fighting me, and I only squeeze even harder until his body goes limp. I let him go with a push, watching him hit his head on a log before rolling.

  “Fucking Kale Cane.” I pull the goggles off. This is going to be a shitshow. Why the hell couldn't it have been some random asshole? This is going to be all over the news. They are going to hound my girl. I have a feeling he went on one of those fake dates the agency set up for them and he wanted more, but she wasn't having it. A man used to women throwing themselves at him and mine told him no. I bet that pissed him off.

  Kale jerks, coming awake. I flip on the lights strapped to my vest, then I tie his hands before rolling him over onto his back. His head's bleeding. He tries to open his eyes, but the lights shine bright on him.

  “What happened?” he mumbles. I watch as shock finally hits him, then panic. “I came to check on Mila. I was worried about her,” he rushes to say. He’s seeing the shit he’s stepped into and is looking to explain himself.

  I ignore him and reach for the bag he dropped. “That’s mine. Don’t touch my shit. That’s my property,” he yells when he sees what I’m doing. When I open the bag, rages fills me. I know what this is. It’s a fucking rape and kidnap kit. I can’t stop myself from lunging for him. I want to kill him. I punch him over and over again, not caring that he can’t fight back.

  My pretty girl’s face flashes in my mind and I have to throw myself off of him so that I don’t kill him. I can’t go to prison. Not that I wouldn’t to protect her, but I know she needs me. It would rip her apart if something happened to me, and I won't do that to her.

  I stare at him, listening to him cry but don’t feel one trace of guilt. That kit isn't new. This man is a predator and this isn't his first time. Of that I’m sure. I pull myself from the ground and pull out my phone to see a million texts from Sam telling me not to kill him.

  Not going to kill him, but he’s going to hurt. I bring the heel of my boot down on his dick. He screams.

  “I’m sorry,” he pleads. “I j-just…” He stumbles over his words. “Mila, she’s different. She—” Before he can finish I hit him again, knowing this time I broke his jaw.

  “Don’t ever say her name again,” I warn him. I’m not sure if he hears me because he passes out cold.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I stand out on the deck sipping on the glass of fresh orange juice Jax made me this morning. Thank god that man knows his way around the kitchen or we’d starve to death. He more than knows how to cook and loves doing it for me. Heck, he often likes to feed me himself with me sitting in his lap. I’m pretty sure I’ve gained five pounds since I met the man, and I don’t care. I haven't told Jax yet, but I don’t want to go back to modeling. Even if he traveled with me, it’s not something I want anymore. This is what I want. Waking up like this every morning.

  I stare out onto the hills feeling like I’m home for the first time in my life. Jax’s home is even more wonderful than I could have imagined. It’s perfect—made for a big family and looks like it was plucked out of a magazine. It’s not fancy where you are worried you might break or mess something up but cozy and warm.

  He spent all yesterday showing me around and he said we’ve only seen a fraction of the land. I swear this place is heaven. It’s its own little world that I never want to leave.

  I don’t even have to look to know he’s come up behind me. Not that he makes a sound. I can feel him. It’s crazy, but I can. Just like I knew the moment he slipped out of bed in the middle of the night last night and the moment he’d slipped back in.

  “I think we could build a huge barn over there. A rescue shelter for animals,” he says next to my ear before placing a kiss there.

  “You'd really want to do that?” I hear the hitch in my voice.

  “If that’s what you wanted to do,” he drawls easily. Like it’s no big deal for him to erect a barn for me. “I see how much that charity meant to you. You could do even more if you wanted.”

  I nod, unable to speak. My throat feels clogged. After a moment I get it together. “That sounds like something that would be full time,” I hedge. Not once yesterday did Jax bring up my job, so I haven't told him my plans. I have a feeling he wants me to quit, though, but won't ask me outright. The feeling is mutual.

  Though it might not be a choice soon. We’ve made love multiple times now and not once has protection come up. Heck, I even asked him to cum inside me. He had. Every time.

  I look down at the hand he has wrapped around me and notice his knuckles are red and angry, like he went a few rounds wi
th something or more likely someone. I run my finger along them. “You okay?” I ask. I knew whatever happened put him more at ease. The tension within him is now gone, but something else still lingers. I know it. Plus, he let me roam out onto the deck without him. Normally he’s glued to my side.

  “He’s gone,” he breathes.

  “Good.” I set my glass of orange juice on the rail of the deck before turning in his arms. I place my hands on his chest. I can’t help but smile when I see my engagement ring. It always makes me smile. “Tell me if I need to know.” I push a little, seeing a touch of distress in his eyes.

  “It’s going to be a shitshow,” he finally says. “It was Kale.”

  “Kale Cane?” I squeak in surprise. I can’t stand the guy. I hated the few dates we’d been pushed to go on. He gives me the creeps. I can’t understood why girls go so crazy over him. I kinda think he looks like a boy, not the twenty-seven-year-old man he really is. “I don’t wanna go back,” I rush out, realizing I no longer have a reason to stay here. I can get back to work. Life can go on.

  “Told you. You don’t have to do a damn thing you don’t want to.” He cups my face. “You’re going to be my wife very soon. This is our home.”

  “Our home,” I sigh. I love that. “I don’t want to go back to modeling. I want to be here. With you. Away from the rest of the world. Out of the spotlight. I want a new life. A life with you and whatever we choose.”

  He smiles and I know he more than agrees with me. I might not have known Jax long, but if I know one thing it’s that he always wants what’s best for me. He wants to give me anything I ask for. I’m his number one concern. I will spend my life showing him he’s the same to me. “Either way, we should stay put for a while.” As if on cue I hear a helicopter. “Fucking hell.” Jax pulls me into the house and slams the door. I watch as he walks around, closing all the shades on the windows.

  “I’m guessing the world knows now.” Jax looks pissed as he storms around the house and I watch him. He looks hot even when pissed. I have to fight a smile. He picks up his cell phone and dials it, then holds it to his ear and starts cursing up a blue streak. Again, hot.

  I’m not sure who he’s yelling at, but I walk over to him, pull his phone from his hand and hit the end button before tossing it over onto the sofa. He looks at me in shock.

  “So.” I shrug. “Looks like we'll just be holed up in here for a few weeks.” I reach down and pull off his shirt I’ve been wearing that says FBI on the back. I toss it away, leaving me naked. “Sure we can come up with something to do to fill the time.” I try and turn to walk down the hall towards our bedroom, but he catches me by the hips, turning me and picking me up. I wrap around him.

  “I’m sure I can keep you more than entertained.” My back hits the bed. Jax comes over me, caging me in. I’m already turned on. The rest of the world slips away while I get lost in the only thing that matters—Jax Knox, my everything and so much more.



  Six months later…

  I grab the back of my neck feeling stressed. I haven’t felt this tension in months. I didn’t think this would be so hard. “It’s fine,” Mila tells me, rubbing her hands over my chest. It’s a trick that normally works to calm me, but today it only takes a little bit of the edge off.

  “You sure you want to do this?” I ask as I look around. People hurry all around us. The show has already started. If that’s what it’s even called. When models walk a runway? I have no fucking clue.

  “It’s my last one.” She shrugs. “It’s for a good cause,” she adds. I know it is, but still. Her final show is for the same charity she’d done work with before. The same one that she’s now helping with an animal rescue center back at home. The barn and everything else is still in construction but nearing completion in a few weeks. Then it will be filled with animals. My pretty girl is more than excited about it. I’ve never been so happy in my life than I have in these past six months.

  Fara, the head of the charity, asked Mila to do one final show. It was some big deal or something, with designers donating things and so on. It’s intended to bring awareness to the cause. Fara also knew my Mila would bring the press with her. Everyone wanted into the event to see her. She’s been in hiding since everything had gone down. A few paparazzi tried to sneak on our land to get a picture of her, but they learned quickly that was never fucking happening.

  I lean down, brushing my nose alone her hair and breathing her in. I drop my other hand to her small baby bump under her silk robe. I was told she’d be wearing something from a new designer maternity line and who was more than excited for Mila to wear the piece. He even made a huge donation for the pleasure.

  “Just glad everything else is over.” She rests her head against my chest. It wasn't long after Kale was arrested that the shit hit the fan. All kinds of stories started to flood out about him and people spoke out about their experiences with him. He’s now sitting in a cell and will never see the outside of a prison again. If by some crazy chance he does get out, I’ll make sure he never makes it as far as what’s mine. I shake the dark thoughts from my head and focus on my girl.

  “Me too.” I go in for a kiss, but she stops me.

  “Lipstick.” She pushes at my chest, making me growl. Her only response is to laugh. “One walk down and I’m done. Then you can kiss me all you want, husband.” She winks at me and darts away. I fight myself to stand still and not chase after her. I look at the runway and do a little math in my head. It should only take her fifty seconds to walk the runway. I can do this for fifty seconds. I try to reassure myself.

  She gives me little wave as she steps up to where she is supposed to enter the walkway. My body goes solid as she lets the robe fall open. It’s then I realize it’s not a fucking robe. It’s a swimsuit cover, and she has a tiny pink swimsuit on underneath. Her small baby bump is on full display. I growl and march towards her. Her eyes go wide, but she darts out onto the stage fighting a smile.

  That little tease knows she’s going to get it. I head towards the stage and step up as I watch her sweet ass stroll down the runway. She stops at the end, and I hear catcalls and I’m done.

  “Sir, you can’t go out there,” I hear someone yell from behind me like I give a fucking shit.

  “It’s him,” I hear others say. Apparently I’ve become well-known as well. They’ve dubbed us the beauty and the beast since that first time I appeared in public with her. The story only grew from there. Then came the stories saying I keep her locked away and all to myself. This is partially true; she’s a willing captive. Either way, I still don’t fucking care what they say about me. All I care about is her and my baby inside of her.

  “You see that baby bump?” someone else murmurs. That’s my fucking baby belly. I stop myself from snarling at everyone. It’s about to be clear in a moment anyway.

  When my pretty girl turns and sees me behind her, her mouth falls open. I kiss her. Hard and deep. She wraps her arms around my neck and I lift her. “Don’t deny me what’s mine,” I grumble at her. She only smiles before throwing her head back and bursting into a fit of laughter.

  Everyone cheers as I carry her down the runway into the backstage area.

  “Fara, I’m sorry,” Mila says.

  “Trust me. That was better than you just walking down the runway. This will be all over social media in a few minutes,” she laughs.

  Mila shakes her head, sending the waves of her hair bouncing. I keep walking and don’t stop until I slip out the back way and hop in the limo waiting for us.

  I pull off the barely-there swimsuit from her body. I’m careful not to rip it, though, as I want to see it on her in one of our hot springs back home. I can’t wait for us to be on the private plane and on our way back home again.

  “I belong to you,” she says. It pulls me back from the edge I was riding. I look down at her smiling face. Reaching between us, I undo my belt and in seconds I’m sliding into her sweetness. She’s always
ready for me. We both moan.

  “You’ll always belong to me, wife,” I growl against her mouth. She wraps her legs around me.

  “Take me home then,” she moans.

  And I do.



  Ten years later…

  “Jax,” I cry out, but his hand lands over my mouth, muffling the sound.

  “Never could be quiet,” he grunts as he keeps thrusting into me. The orgasm rushes through me and I milk every drop of it until my body goes lax under him. I feel his release fill me, and I moan again.

  No, I never could be quiet. Even after all these years. I should have gotten better, but I haven’t. My husband makes me forget everything when he is making love to me, but like always he’s my protector and watches out for me, and well, right now, watching out for a little ones’ ears.

  He rolls, taking me with him so I’m laid out on his chest. I kiss the spot over his heart and sigh happily. I’m so relaxed, but I know we need to get up.

  “Mommy! I’m done with my snack!” our youngest son yells from the other side of the bedroom door. I love having them home during the summer, but I also miss Jax’s and my alone time during the day when we can be as loud as we want without having to worry. But I wouldn't change a thing. I love my boys, even if my house is filled with so much testosterone. At least there is a lot of space for them to run wild and a barn full of animals to keep them busy and wear them out.

  All in all, life is perfect.

  “Okay. Be out in a second, sweetheart.”

  “I’ll get them, pretty girl,” Jax says, giving me a kiss and nuzzling my baby bump before getting up off the bed.


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