I'll Be Down for You: A Bay Area Saga

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I'll Be Down for You: A Bay Area Saga Page 15

by Xuri Foxx

  And as he was about to respond, she disappeared from his direct view and touched down onto her knees, where she unapologetically took his full girth to the back of her throat. swallowing him whole. She sucked him with the same hunger that a hungry baby sucks the nipple, pulling and tugging at his sac to increase his pleasure.

  She knew that she couldn’t force him into exclusivity, but she did know that what she gave him he wouldn’t get anywhere else. He had full access to her and whatever he wanted, she gave to him: her mouth, her pussy, her ass…it was all his. She wasn’t going anywhere. He was her world. After having so many letdowns in her life, at least with him, she knew just what she was getting. She knew about the women, but she also knew that she was the one sitting at the top of the list. For now, she would be satisfied with that.

  As she was swallowing his nut, she couldn’t help but think of how satisfying it was that she now had his seed growing inside of her as well and that in just a matter of months she would be having a son for him. There would be no more worries after that.

  “Come fuck me, daddy,” she instructed him after she climbed onto the bed and spread eagle. “Come fuck me good, daddy,” she repeated, as she licked the last of his seed from her lips. “I’m ready.”

  Without speaking any words, he proceeded toward her gateway and pushed his dick in with one forceful pump. And once he was inside, the assault, even as brutal as it was on her, felt painfully good at the same time—the deep scratches to his back would be evidence of that.



  As tedious as it was, I chose to go through the swept content on my own instead of having one of my assistants do it. This shit was personal for me and I felt better knowing that I would give it my full attention. The feeling in my gut already told me what I needed to know, but I needed the hardcore proof before I reacted because although taking lives wasn’t ever a problem for me, in the past few years, I had worked hard to clean up my image. Now vengeance was back and needed to be executed. These niggas had taken a person who was the father, brother, and cousin—and any other male figure that I never had, all wrapped up in one. It was why I was protective of everything that was his: Jazz, the businesses, his soon-to-be born son, his son’s mother, and Eva. It was my responsibility to make sure that the family was intact. DJ had taken me under his wing, treated me like family and taught me that as black men in this world, we had options available for progression that we never fully embraced. So, once I realized my power and my intellect, I knew that I wanted a better life for myself. I knew that I wanted a family one day and I knew that I didn’t want for me or my family to have to navigate through life looking over our shoulders because of my lifestyle.

  I was on day three of going through the entire packet of information provided by Carl. I was comparing and contrasting numbers and names and a lot of it was the norm. Nick was a corner nigga so most of his shit was between him and females, or him and a few of his other low-level comrades. What I noticed was that most of the calls between him and the number that I had for Dom, was that they were made from the burner that he had on him. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to explain that Nick was definitely Dom’s dirt man. The one to get in and get it done. His enforcer of sorts. The other dude who was with Nick, I figured out early on that he was just something like a sidekick that Nick probably brought along on shit that they wanted the rest of the crew separated from, so there wasn’t really shit on his aside from the calls that he made to Nick and probably a baby mama that he was sprung stupid over. That’s the thing with these niggas. They never think about the consequences with the life. So now, if it was his woman or the mother of his child that he was calling all the time, she was more than likely somewhere frantic about what could’ve happened to his sloppy ass.

  As I was in deep thought, another thought came to me. I had been so focused on the visual of it all. Looking through numbers and trying to firmly establish the connection. But I had only been looking at the numbers. I grabbed the package from my desk drawer and dumped the rest of the contents from the manila folder. Inside the folder sat two other folders that were labeled separately, Text Messages & Voicemails!

  How the fuck had I missed that? I already knew the answer. It was desperation. I silently thanked Carl. Whoever he had on this was thorough as fuck. I sifted through the text message paperwork first and as I was doing so, my cell phone rang out. I sighed in frustration at the interruption but when I saw that it was Carl, I set the paper down and pressed the button on my Bluetooth.

  “Hey, man, what’s going on?”

  “Just wanted to check in and see if everything is good with the information that you got.”

  “It’s better than good, man. Way better than good. I was just thinking about how thorough the person was that packaged this up.”

  “Yeah, she’s good. It’s why I keep her around. I was actually calling to make sure you got to the piece of information that I believe tells the whole story.”

  “Well, I’d spent the better part of yesterday and today going through the fuckin’ phone call chain and I just picked up the text message folder. Right when you called—”

  “Skip that one really quick. Go to the voicemail folder. She typed out the messages. I think that what you need is there.”

  “You know something that I don’t know?” I asked reaching across my desk for the papers he referenced. He was still on the line as I scanned the messages.

  Carl chuckled lightly. “That’s why I called. I’ve been waiting on you to call me…”

  Right when I got to a particular text message, I knew exactly what he was talking about when my damn heart skipped a fuckin’ beat. Right there in my face was everything that I needed. Everything! In all caps from Dom to Nick read:

  Griselda Blanco at the Altamont TONIGHT. Let me know when the DeeJay sleeps.

  “You got quiet on me. I see you saw what I was talking about. We all know what G. Blanco was about, so that right there, my friend…”

  “Man. This right here, Carl. You just rebirthed me, dawg. For real. Just rebirthed me!” I exclaimed, rising from my desk and running my hands across my head. “I got so much fuckin’ work to do. So much fuckin’ work to do. I’ll call you later, man. This is the best shit I coulda seen!”

  “Out of respect, I wanted to make sure I saved this for you, my friend. As badly as I wanted to go and slice this cock sucker up, I held back. I got his flunkie; now you can go and cancel Christmas on his ass.”

  “Absolutely. I owe you . . . big.”

  “You owe me nothing. And I know you don’t need me, but if you do, don’t hesitate to call and I’ll be out there on a private jet in seconds. It might be good if they can all be a part of the same burial ground. Maybe their fuckin’ spirits can have some more fuckin’ roundtables and shit.”

  I laughed out loud. “That might work, Carl. If there’s something left to dispose of. But yeah, I’ll be in touch. I can’t tell you enough, man—”

  “No thanks are necessary. Derrick was my people too.”



  [Contest Code: ALWAYSDOWN]

  After I parked my car on a residential street in Pleasant Hill, I called for the Uber service to pick me up and take me to the Lafayette Park Hotel, where I commenced to getting dressed for my evening. I had plans for Dom to pick me up; from there, we were supposed to go to eat and then back to his place to kick it for a while. Just like the first night I met him, I had chosen another short, tight, fitted black dress, a pair of pumps…this time red ones, a full face of makeup and all silver accessories. I wanted to be sexy, but without overdoing it too much. I chose to pull my hair back into a tight, slicked down ponytail that hung down my back. At eight on the dot, he had pulled up downstairs to the hotel’s entrance.

  “Lafayette Park Hotel, huh,” he commented, as soon as I got in the car. “We could just kick it here. I love this joint.”

  “Nah, I’m here with my cousin and she’s—”

nbsp; He smiled at me, placing a hand on my thigh as we pulled out of the parking lot. “I was just joking, Ma. I promised you a date and you’re getting a date. Look at how good you look. You got to be seen, girl.”

  We ended up going to Benihana’s in Concord, which was way too noisy for real conversation. That was fine with me, but clearly, this dude didn’t know how to date. I mean, I loved Benihana as much as the next person, but when you’re going on a date with somebody that you supposedly want to get to know, it’s not the place. But as always, I did enjoy my meal, and even squeezed in a drink or two. I wasn’t trying to get to a point where I was too tipsy because I had my own agenda for the night and I needed to be on full alert of all my surroundings, and my actions too.

  “Have you talked to your friend Nick yet?” I asked him. We were on the way back to his place and I decided to ask him about his boy just to make small conversation. “When we talked at the party—”

  He momentarily looked away from the road and turned to look at me. “Come on now…” he stated cryptically.

  “Come on now, what?” I smiled. “Am I being too nosy?”

  “Nah, but you close with ol’ girl, right?”

  “Yeah. And?”

  “And…if y’all as close as I think y’all are, then she already told you that I haven’t. Just like she probably told you not to kick it with me too. A nigga ain’t stupid. I might not have that Stern degree, but a nigga far from being stupid.”

  Okay nigga, whatever. That’s what I wished I could say. But I couldn’t. I swallowed hard. He was right. That was exactly what Desiree had said. In fact, she pleaded with me not to go, so I had to end up lying to her. She also told me that he’d contacted her twice since the party to ask if she’d heard from Nick.

  “Not even for a second do I think you’re stupid, Dom. I just asked a question. It’s called ‘concern’. You seemed worried about your friend the last time I saw you and anything coulda happened in the meantime. So, I was just asking. Me and Desi don’t talk men when we get around each other or talk on the phone. We got other shit that we have on our minds too.”

  “Well, let me clear something up for you so we can leave business out of the night. Nick ain’t my friend. Nick is an employee that I call on for special assignments from time to time. But Nick also has a loose mouth. So, me looking for that nigga ain’t for kicks, giggles, and hugs. Me looking for that nigga is to make sure he ain’t somewhere under pressure talking my business. That’s why I wanna find that nigga. In my mind, this nigga pulling disappearing acts because he got something to hide. Why else walk away from payroll? Feel me?”

  “Yeah…” I said, slowly. I was becoming nervous but didn’t want to let on in any way. “I feel you.”

  “Cool. So, my thing is, for all I know he coulda been stashing money with your girl for when it was time to get missin’. I ain’t gonna do nothing to that girl. I just need her to know that I’m serious about finding this dude. It’s about money. Nothing more.”

  “Well, Dom. Honestly, I don’t think Desi knows where he is. You kinda had her shook after the party. I hated seeing her like that. But she’s just as curious as you are about where he went. She hasn’t seen or talked to him since he left her house that day. She told me that and I believe her.”

  “Of course you do. You s’posed to. That’s ya girl. But I’m done talking about business right now. I’m ready to get personal. Is that cool with you?”

  When I felt his hand trail my leg again, my skin kinda crawled. I really didn’t want this dude touching me at all. I barely wanted to look in his face, but everything that I had planned, called for it. I especially didn’t want the situation to go to the point of me sexin’ with him, but judging the pace of everything, it was looking like I might have to.

  It’s all for a bigger purpose, I continuously told myself. It’s all for a bigger purpose.

  Because he had boasted on his crib, I had driven past his house a few days earlier to scope the area and to see how he was living. I was surprised that he gave up his privacy that easily. I thought he would’ve tried to keep it private; but he probably wanted me to see it, knowing him. Nevertheless, I was impressed when I saw it—then and now. I was sure the inside was as immaculate as the outside, which looked like one of those expensive homes that executives bought for their wives and three point five kids. The pavement on his entire street was smooth as fuck with not a bump in the road, and it looked like every light in his house was on the way it illuminated; even up to the third level. Looked like a fuckin’ model home that they use for marketing purposes when they’re trying to lure people to buy real estate.

  He had a three-car garage—two of them connected by one garage door, with one off to the side. There were short palm trees on either side of the house and the landscaping was immaculately manicured. All in all, it for damn sure didn’t look like the house of a man who threatened women. It sure as fuck didn’t look like the house of a man who had his hand in my uncle’s murder, and even Dani’s cousin. But now, more than ever, I knew that he did. It made it all the more important for me to see things to the end.

  I had to…

  I hadn’t said more than two words on the way to his house; he had done most of the talking in between rubbing up, down, and across my thigh, all while bragging about all the shit he wanted to do to me once he got me to his crib. Under normal circumstances, I might’ve even enjoyed his freaky talk and the anticipation he had built around it. He looked like he might have solid dick game, so a really small part of me was looking forward to it—if it even came down to that. I actually liked to fuck—a lot. But unfortunately, this dude here was all business, and no pleasure. Well, that’s not all the way true. There would be some pleasure. I smiled to myself at the thought, and for a brief moment, I felt excitement ripple through my body.

  As we got out of the car, I looked around to see what the street’s dynamics were; if there were nosy neighbors peeking out windows, if there was a lot of street traffic, etcetera. I just needed to know the overall design scheme and I was happy that it was just as quiet and private as it looked.

  Now, I just need for shit to not backfire.


  It was no surprise that once we got inside, Dom went straight to work. He was on me, kissing on my neck, running his hand up my dress, and groping my breasts like some damn teenage boy. I guess he figured that we had already talked enough and he was ready to get shit poppin’. I wasn’t about to protest because I wanted shit over quickly, so there was no need to get into more conversation. It was all down to action from that point.

  A few minutes later, he pulled back, grabbed my hand, and led me upstairs. As soon as we were up there, he quickly turned the lights down and lit a few candles in select places along his oversized dresser. I guess that was the nigga’s version of romantic. Whatever. Then the strangest thing happened. He went right back to where he had lit the candles, and blew them out. I was alarmed at this nigga’s bipolar activity, but I was too far in, to pussy out now.

  He had gotten the room as dark as midnight. No music playing, no voices heard…not a damn sound anywhere. It was a good thing that I’d never been afraid of the damn dark because I would’ve been ass out. But he did have me trippin’. My thoughts switched from this fool having solid dick game to either him having a little ass dick, no form to his body, or maybe just into some kinky shit and liked the pitch black. But I pushed all that shit aside and prepared for what was next. His angle no longer mattered because as soon as the deed was done, I’d never have to see his ass again.

  Not even twenty minutes later, I felt the steamy Hennessy-scented warmth of his breath on the back of my neck and right on the heels of that, his hands came from behind and cupped my breasts through my dress. He grabbed at them like they already belonged to him. Nigga acted like he was mating with them the way he roughly massaged while moaning his approval in my ear. “These some nice ass jugs, Ma. Daamn,” he moaned, hungrily.

  At the restaurant, I’d a
lready made up some shit about not liking to kiss and he remembered that because not once did he try. I had no interest in kissing on a man unless he held my heart in some kind of way. And the one that I was about to fuck to death—literally—had no place in my heart outside of the realm of hatred and contempt. The more he massaged, against my wishes, my nipples grew erect against my brand new Calvin Klein silk bra. They wanted out, to be sucked, to be tugged at, and to be bitten, even. His touch shouldn’t have excited me, but it did. I felt guilty as fuck about that until I realized that it wasn’t this man’s touch that had me all riled up, it was the climactic end that had me riled up.

  Yes, that’s what it is.

  No sooner than he had gotten my nipples loose, he was sliding his finger underneath my mini-skirt, trespassing my thong’s shield. Hearing his pants become louder, I knew that his excitement was growing while his finger swooshed around inside my juices. It didn’t take long for me to feel his tent rising against my ass.

  “Shit. This pussy is wet, Ma. You want a nigga, huh?” he asked, cockily.

  I didn’t respond verbally. I had no words. To me action was everything. Fuck the talking. So, in response, I chose to skip the rest of the foreplay and walked a few paces in front of my lover of the moment.

  “Where you goin’ cutie?” he asked, while feeling out for me. I grabbed for him to come near once I was in nothing but the heels I had worn with my outfit. Once I had pulled his beater over his head and undid his pants, I grabbed his hand and pulled him with me to lie in a spot on the floor near where I had dropped my purse. I pushed against his chest, instructing him to lie all the way back, reached inside for one of the five rubbers I had packed, then hurriedly rolled one onto his engorged flesh.


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