Jurassic War

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Jurassic War Page 5

by Hinton, Charles

  a few properties. Should we proceed?”

  “Proceed, Commander,” Clover said.

  Bombs were dropped on the dinosaurs and small buildings. Some dinosaurs escaped the bombing, but many were killed. Properties were demolished, and large fires erupted.

  The sector-three commander phoned. “General, the majority of the dinosaurs in this sector are terminated, but the rest have headed toward the business districts and suburbs. Should we pursue them and terminate?”

  “No, Commander. I have ordered not to bomb the business districts

  or suburbs. The Army and Marines will take care of these areas. Good

  job, Commander. You and your troops will be rewarded.”

  Chapter 7

  Halfway was in the bathroom, sitting on a toilet in a stall. He said to himself, “Oh, that dinosaur meat gave me gas. I’ll never eat that crap again.”

  Ben entered the bathroom and was stunned by the smell. “It stinks terribly in here!” he shouted and pinched his nostrils.

  Halfway giggling, “I ate some bad meat!”

  “Clover is on the phone! He said it’s important!”

  “Tell him I’ll be right there!”

  “Sir, you’ve proven the theory is wrong that a general’s shit doesn’t stink!” Ben joked.

  “I certainly did!” They laughed loud.

  As Ben left, he heard the sound of a flushing toilet.

  Halfway entered his office and picked up the phone. “What is it, Clover?”

  “I have good news, General, ninety-eight percent of pterosaurs were terminated and we suffered no military losses.”

  “Were there civilian losses?”

  “Yes. We killed several civilians during the attack, we don’t have a casualty count yet. We destroyed many properties.”

  “Good job, General, except for the killing of civilians and destroying properties. Next time teach your troops to aim better!”

  “Asshole!” Clover angrily hung up the phone.

  Surprised, Halfway said to Ben, “That no good Uncle Tom called me an asshole! Call Standwall, Johnson, and Hutton and tell them ninety-eight percent of the pterosaurs have been terminated, and they can proceed with their attack. Where

  are Mark and Larry?”

  “They should be back here soon. They went to get coffee.”

  “Alert the press and set up the press conference in the auditorium.

  I’ll call the President to tell him the good news.”

  Mark and Larry came in the room. Halfway grinned. “I have good news to tell you. Ninety-eight percent of the pterosaurs were terminated

  and many plant-eaters and a few meat-eaters. Shortly, ground troops

  will terminated the remaining dinosaurs. I’ll give a press conference and then we’ll go to the field to see our troops battle with the creatures.”

  “Sir, the press will be here soon,” Ben said. “They’re flying in by helicopter.”

  “Good! I’ll call the President now.”

  The President picked up his red phone.

  “Hello, Mr. President, I have good news for you.”

  “It’s about time, Halfway!”

  “Ninety-eight percent of the pterosaurs have been terminated and the majority of plant-eaters and a few meat eaters. I’ll give a press conference to let the public know and I’ll explain what the military has done.”

  “Good. Make sure you have maps and charts set up and explain what kind of dinosaurs are left. Were there casualties and property damage?”

  “Yes. Civilians were killed and properties were destroyed.”

  “Don’t volunteer that information.”

  “Well, you know the press is going to ask.”

  “Well, if they do, don’t give them figures. Good luck with the press and make sure Mark and Larry are there.”

  “I will, and thank you, Mr. President.”

  The press arrived at the Army’s auditorium and sat in the front seats.

  Halfway had his maps and charts set up on the stage. He and Ben

  entered, and Mark and Larry followed. They walked on stage and took

  seats, except for Halfway who stood in the center by his maps and

  charts, where microphones were set up. He said, “Today the Air Force

  has terminated ninety-eight percent of the hundred pterosaurs and

  the majority of the plant-eaters and a few meat eaters. Shortly,

  ground forces will be deployed to terminate the rest of the dinosaurs.

  There were no military casualties or plane or jet losses. By eliminating ninety-eight percent of flying creatures, we’re now able to send troops by helicopter to certain areas.

  “The pterosaurs were flying reptiles who attacked helicopters and planes that flew low. The plant-eaters are considered the civilians

  of the dinosaurs’ world. They weren’t a threat to humans, but they

  were a threat to the land they were on.

  “The soldiers of the dinosaurs’ world are the meat-eaters. They’re a threat to humans. The dinosaurs will be terminated by Army Special

  Force units, the Marines and the Army infantry and artillery units. They should be able to destroy all the dinosaurs in a few days. They’ll be sent to the projects, neighborhoods, business districts and surrounding suburbs to terminate the creatures. As you take a look at the map beside me you can see areas that are colored.

  “Red is the projects areas. In these areas are mostly small meat-eaters.

  They’ve taken over the projects. They’ve entered and ransacked houses, and any humans these creatures see they’ll tear and eat. They’re on

  a rampage of terror.

  “The color blue is the neighborhood areas throughout the city. They have small and large meat-eaters. The small ones have entered houses

  looking for food. The large ones are roaming the neighborhoods and

  attacking humans or dinosaurs.

  “The color green is the surrounding suburbs. There’re small and large meat-eater dinosaurs in those areas. Some have been destroyed by bombs that were dropped on the plant-eaters who are in the areas too.

  “The color orange is the business areas. Mostly large meat-eaters are in these areas. They lurk behind buildings. Some have destroyed

  cars that were left. They’re hunting for food, and there’re plant-eaters in the areas.”

  Q: How many people are left in these areas?

  A: I don’t know.

  Q: Were civilians killed in the bombings?

  A: Yes.

  Q: How many?

  A: I don’t have the figures.

  Q: You said the Air Force has terminated ninety-eight out of a hundred flying dinosaurs. Where were they located and where are the other


  Halfway pointed at one of his charts. “If you look at this chart, there were two sectors these creatures were in, the projects and

  neighborhoods. Sector one was the projects and sector two was the

  neighborhoods. I don’t know where the other two are, but we’ll find them.”

  Q: Why were the dinosaurs flying in those areas?

  A: I don’t know why these creatures were flying these sectors. Maybe

  Mark Water can tell you.

  Mark spoke. “They were flying in those sectors because they’re scavengers and meat-eaters. When the meat-eaters dinosaurs leave flesh behind that they don’t finish, the pterosaurs swoop down and eat the remaining corpses, and also they’ll attack objects flying in their air space.”

  Q: This question is for General Halfway. What are you going to tell

  the people of L.A. whose houses were destroyed by the bombing?

  A: It was necessary that their houses had to be destroyed in order

  for the mission to be accomplished. They’ll be compensated for their

  losses. Next question.

  Q: What about the civilians who were killed by the military?

  A: They were warned to leave before the dinosaur
s arrived; besides,

  the dinosaurs killed many of them.

  Q: Can you tell us how many dinosaurs have been killed and how many

  are alive?

  A: I estimate about eleven thousand and five hundred have been terminated, and twenty-five hundred are left. The majority that are alive are meat-eaters.

  Next question.

  Q: Animal rights groups said that you’re a war criminal for bombing

  innocent animals. Will you comment on that?

  A: Ha! Dinosaurs aren’t innocent! Next question.

  Q: You said that ground troops will be sent to terminate the rest.

  Do you think that there’ll be military casualties?

  A: Probably, because we’re facing meat-eaters, and these creatures

  will attack.

  Q: After this war is over, will you be running for President?

  Halfway grinned. “No comment. Sorry, no more questions, this press conference is terminated. I have a mission to accomplish.”

  Puffing on a cigar, Colonel Standwall stood in army fatigues, with a shoulder holster and an automatic .45 pistol in it. A major approached him and asked, “Colonel, are you ready to inspect the troops?”

  “Yes, Major!”

  In a large field, Standwall asked one of troops, “What’s wrong, young man? You’re shaking in your pants?”

  “I’m scared, sir. I don’t want to be eaten by a dinosaur.”

  “We all are scared. We just don’t show it. The dinosaurs are just as scared of us as we’re of them. You’ll be all right.”

  Standwall finished his inspection. He said to the major, “The troops’

  fighting gear looks excellent. After I give them a short speech, order them to load up into the helicopters.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Standwall approached a platform, faced hundreds of his troops and said, “We’re the cream of the crop of the military. Some of you may

  think this is an easy mission, but it’s not. We’re facing dangerous

  enemies who are dinosaurs. If you’re not careful, they may eat you

  alive. They don’t take prisoners, and we don’t either!” His men cheered.

  “This great country has fought many wars. When things were tight

  in them, Special Forces were always called. Now our country has called us again, and we can’t disappoint it. Let’s go kill some dinosaurs!”

  The men cheered again and loaded into the helicopters. The major said to Standwall, “Sir, our helicopter will be flying up front, since you’re leading the men into battle.”

  “Good, Major. Let’s go, we don’t have time to wait.”

  The helicopters lifted and flew in formations. Each one had a machine-gun bolt. Each of Standwall’s man had an automatic rifle, a hunting knife and an automatic pistol.

  Miles away, General Johnson was in his army fatigues with a helmet.

  He was sitting in the passenger side of a parked jeep. “Sir, did General Halfway give the go-ahead?” his Sergeant Major asked.

  “Yes. Inform all of the commanders of each unit to have their troops prepared to move out. We’ll be covering a large area and giving support to the Marines, and the Special Force units, and tell the commanders

  of the artillery units to move their tanks up front. We’ll move out as soon as Halfway gets here. The bullheaded jerk wants to join us.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Marching toward the business district were hundreds of Marines loaded with combat equipment. At the rear, riding in a jeep, was General

  Hutton, wearing fatigues and dark sunglasses. Hutton said to his driver, “How soon ‘til we reach a business district?”

  “In about an hour, sir.”

  “Drive up to the front. I want to inform my commanders to disperse their troops tactically before we reach the city. God knows what we

  might be facing.”

  Back at Halfway’s office, Ben said, “Sir, your wife is on the phone.

  Do you want to speak to her?”

  “Yes. What do you want, sweetheart?”

  “Honey, bring some vanilla ice cream home.”

  “Betty! I’m in the middle of a damn war! I don’t know when I’ll be home! Send our damn maid for the ice cream!”

  “I’m sorry I asked, Mr. Grumpy!” She angrily hung up the phone.

  “Why is everybody calling me names?”

  “I don’t know, sir,” Ben answered.

  Halfway reached down, opened a bottom drawer in pulled out a holster with two automatic .45 pistols in it and strapped it on his waist. He ordered Ben, “Take Mark and Larry to the supply room and have them fitted with army fatigues, boots, helmets and weapons.”

  “General, I’m a civilian, I’m not in your army, therefore I’m not wearing that crap,” Mark said.

  Snobby, Larry said, “I’ll not wear this country’s military uniform.

  Are you mad, sir?”

  Halfway, with an angry expression, shouted, “I’m the General around here! You’re under my command! Get moving, before I put my foot

  up your asses!”

  They frowned. “Now I see why your troops call you the Black Patton!”

  Mark shouted as he and Larry left the room with Ben.

  Mark and Larry came back dressed in fatigues, with shoulder holsters holding automatic pistols, Mark wearing a helmet and Larry still wearing his derby.

  “Mark, straighten up your uniform!” said Halfway. With a fly-swatter, he knocked off Larry’s hat. “That against Army’s regulations!”

  Irate, Larry said as he picked up his hat, “The Queen gave me this bloody hat, and if you knock it off again, I’ll bloody well, shoot

  you!” Larry placed the hat back on his head.

  Halfway took Larry’s threat seriously, making an exception, “Since it’s a gift from your Queen, I’ll let you wear it.”

  “Sir, your private helicopter is waiting on the airstrip,” Ben said.

  Dressed like Patton for war, Halfway put on a helmet displaying four

  small silver stars on its front, which signified General of the Army. He grinned, holding his fly-swatter, “Gentlemen, let’s go fight some


  Chapter 8

  Swarms of army helicopters headed toward the projects and neighborhoods throughout the city. One of the swarms reached a project area. The helicopters rapidly fired on the small meat-eaters, who scattered like rats as they tried to escape. Several screamed as they died or were wounded, and some ran for cover inside houses.

  After the areas were cleared, the helicopters landed, and troops abandoned them. Standwall ordered his commanders to have the troops

  shoot all the dinosaurs that were laying on the ground to make certain they were dead.

  As a soldier walked through the project, shooting at the meat-eaters, a raptor lifted its head from the ground and bit the soldier’s foot.

  The soldier screamed in pain as the creature ate it. Another soldier killed the wounded raptor and shouted, “Get a medic over here!”

  Another soldier entered a house. While searching an upstairs bedroom, he opened its closet door. A raptor quickly attacked him from the

  closet before he could draw his weapon. He screamed as his body ripped apart. The creature examined the dead soldier’s weapon with curiosity and the weapon went off, frightening the creature, who dropped it

  and quickly ran from the house.

  Standwall and a group of his soldiers walked toward the house, and saw the creature coming out. They quickly aimed their weapons and fired, killing it. Walking up to it, Standwall pointed at the house and ordered a sergeant in the group, “Sergeant, take a few troops into that house the dinosaur came out of and see if there’re anymore.”

  A soldier ran to Standwall with a radio communicator. Out of breath, he said, “Sir, Major Hightower is on the radio! She said it’s urgent!”

  Standwall grabbed the receiver. “What is it, Major?”

  Jumpy, she s
aid, “Sir, I can’t send anymore of my troops searching for dinosaurs in houses because they’re being surprised and killed.

  It’s like sending my men into an ambush. You might as well relieve

  me from my command or have me court-martial.”

  Standwall frowned. “Major, I can have you shot for refusing my order in combat, but I understand! Don’t send anymore of your men in. I’ll

  send a demolition team out there to blast the houses. Once they set

  the charges, get your troops the hell out of there!”

  “I will, sir.”

  A captain approached Standwall. “Sir, the majority of the dinosaurs have been terminated in this project There’re a few left that are hidden and they’ll be found soon.”

  Standwall puffed his cigar. “Captain, it’s getting dark, have all the men pulled out. I don’t want them in this project when it’s dark.”

  “Yes, sir!”

  To a radio operator Standwall said, “Soldier, inform all commanders in neighborhoods and projects to pull their troops out before it gets dark, and we’ll pursue the operation tomorrow.”

  Halfway’s helicopter was heading to the field where Johnson’s force was stationed. His pilot said, “General, two pterosaurs are heading

  toward us! We don’t have a machine gun to shoot them down!”

  Surprised, Halfway burst out, “Damn! Where did they come from?”

  “I don’t know, General,” Mark said.

  “General, how good are you with those pistols?” Larry asked.

  “I’m an expert!”

  “I’ll shoot the large one and you shoot the other. Aim at its head,” said Larry.

  They aimed their weapons out the windows and hit the Pterodactyl and Quetzalcoatlus in their heads, killing them.

  Ben grinned as the creatures fell. “You killed your first dinosaur, General.”

  Halfway was pleased. “Correction, Ben: I killed my first pterosaur.”

  Everyone laughed.

  In a business district, a group of Marines were attacked by four rexes.

  The group fired with heavy weaponry, but it didn’t have an effect. A Marine holding a grenade, a rex quickly grabbed him with its mouth and, as it swallowed him, it exploded from the inside and its flesh splattered. The other rexes overpowered the group, ripping and killing them.


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