by Braxton Cole
He bit off about half of the slice in one go and raised his eyebrow. He was in a hurry, too. Then he raised his other eyebrow and looked at me like "Well? Continue." He was too busy chewing to speak.
"We can't use the bed."
Mateo choked on his pizza. I pounded his back while he coughed. "What the fuck?" His eyes were watering and his voice was raw.
"Have you looked at it? I don't think the bedding has ever been washed." I wasn't even exaggerating.
"You can use it if you want, but there's no way you're getting me on it naked."
Mateo looked like I'd just issued a challenge and I had the good sense to be afraid.
"I can work with that. We'll just leave your clothes on. Most of them anyway." He smiled like he'd figured out something complicated and I threw a glob of cheese at him.
"Have you seen the outfit I'm wearing?" I gestured down my body to the barely there skirt and the midriff-baring top.
"Oh, yeah." His smile took on that happy, faraway look that reminded me he'd done more than look at my outfit.
"Don't be a dick, Mateo. I'm already practically naked."
"Yep." He nodded happily then took another bite of pizza.
I shook my head. He clearly wasn't hearing me. I decided to break it down for him. "Mateo, I really, really want to fuck you. But I will not do it on that bed, naked or not. Got it?" I bit into my pizza with extra snap. I wanted him to feel my teeth and since he wouldn't let me near him until I finished eating, the fucking demonstration was the best I could do.
He shivered and took a step back.
"Got it." He ran out the door and returned a few minutes later with a blanket in his arms, the tail end of it dragging on the ground. "I keep this in my car for emergencies."
I was tempted to ask how many other women had been on top of it as a matter of emergency, but opted against sounding like a jealous harpy. Besides, I was willing to take my chances since it looked cleaner than the bedspread provided by the motel.
He smiled, then spread the blanket over the bed. Thankfully, it covered to the edges. I could work with that.
When he finished, he sat on the edge of the bed and patted the space next to him with flourish. "Join me?"
I grabbed another piece of pizza for myself, and one for him. I was finishing my second piece and he'd flat out inhaled his first, but hadn’t had a chance to get another. I figured if he could go find a solution to my fear of the bedspread, I could serve him a second slice of pizza.
We ate our pizza in awkward, uncomfortable silence. Our relationship had been pretty singular so far. We figured out very early on that we were great at fucking together, so we never wasted time talking. Beyond the occasional yeah baby, right there, we didn't have a lot to say to one another. That gap in common ground grew exponentially after we realized that we landed on opposite sides of the law. He lived outside of it and I enforced it. Nothing kills a relationship like arresting a boyfriend.
He finished his pizza and after a moment decided to get another. "This is weird." He shoved half the slice in his mouth with that announcement.
"What is?"
"Us." He spoke around a mouthful of pizza and it sounded more like uff than us. "Here, trying to work together."
He smiled and shrugged. "We never talked much. Just fucked. I don't know what to say to you."
He was so sweet and endearing. Mateo, like this, being charming and caring, made me forget all about the crimes I knew he'd committed. Well, it made me want to forget, but I really couldn't. On paper, he and Luis were very violent men. It didn't match what I saw in Mateo's eyes when he looked at me. I mean really looked, like he could see my thoughts if he searched hard enough. But only a foolish, careless girl would dismiss a man's violent past just because he made her feel special in her naughty girl parts.
"Now you want to get to know me?" I laughed. "I'm really not worried about whether you're going to respect me in the morning."
"I'm pretty sure I will, so I'm not worried about that, either." He took my hand in his, which was pretty damn inconvenient since I was still eating. Now I had a plate full of pizza, and no free hand to eat it with. But I guessed chewing while Mateo was trying to have a serious heart to heart would have been inappropriate. "However, I am worried that you're going to get yourself killed before morning." And even though that sweet, careless smile was still on his lips, his eyes were sad and the combination of the two was tragic.
I set my pizza on the bed next to me and covered his hand with my free one and said as sincerely as possible. "I'm not going to die tonight. I promise." It was a ridiculous promise, but one that seemed to help him nonetheless.
"Okay." He pressed one simple kiss to my lips and then stuffed another ginormous bite into his mouth.
Chapter 5
Three pieces of pizza and I was done for. That many carbs in one sitting and all I wanted was to curl up and take a fucking nap. That combined with the pre-game adrenaline had my body all confused. I opted for pacing while staring at the bed. We had a couple of hours to kill before sunset. Generally, I loved the long days of summer, but times like this, when I was stuck in a holding pattern until the sun went down, made me antsy as hell. I hated waiting. Mostly I just wanted to charge in and shoot shit up.
"Do you want to, I don't know, clean your gun or something?" Mateo watched me walk the floor, an amused look on his face that was frankly starting to piss me off. He had no right to be entertained by my stress.
"My gun is fine." I kept pacing.
He stood and blocked my path then cupped his hands around my face and kissed me. Every time he kissed just a little different than the last, but it always felt like coming home. So far, he'd been aggressive, claiming my mouth and dominating it with his tongue. That shit was awesome, but Mateo was smart enough to know that a guy has to have more than that in his arsenal. This time, he kissed me with just his lips, sucking my bottom lip between his, dragging his teeth across it, then releasing it.
He worked his way down my throat and licked gently at the mark he made on my neck, reminding me of his visible claim to my body. He was gentle and easy, smoothing over my skin and leaving a trail of goosebumps in the wake.
It beat the hell out of pacing. He pulled away, but kept his hands in place, holding me gently, but with a clear message. I would not move again until he let me.
"Better?" He stared at my lips as he asked the question.
"Definitely." One kiss was never enough with him. He has the kind of mouth that, when it was that close to mine, I had no choice but to kiss it. I sucked his bottom lip into my mouth and bit down gently. He tasted like a bizarre mixture of pepperoni, red sauce, and Chapstick.
He moaned when I pulled back a little, tugging his lip hard before releasing it. He took over then, kissing me deeply and I surrendered to it. He wanted his tongue in my mouth and it certainly wasn't a hardship for me. I sucked him in and caressed his tongue with my own.
He tugged my shirt up and over my head, then his hands were on my skin, resting lightly on my waist. The kissing and clothing removal? Way better than the pacing I’d been doing. I pushed my skirt down my hips. Thank God for spandex. No zippers involved. At the same time, he unclasped my bra and it fell to the ground. I pushed my panties down and off and then I was happily naked and ready for more. But Mateo was still fully clothed. Damn it.
"What the hell?" I worked through his buttons while he kissed my neck. He hit that awesome spot that's too high to be shoulder and too low to really be part of my neck, and I moaned and forgot how to work buttons.
He nudged my legs apart and pushed a finger inside me. It was sloppy and aggressive and a little painful, but expecting it or not, my body was definitely ready. He sank in to the knuckle and bottomed out with his palm against my clit.
"Fuck, you're wet."
I'd been that way since I saw him for the first time earlier that day. It was kind of a permanent condition when he was around. H
e stroked out and back in and worked his mouth lower until he finally sucked a nipple into his mouth. He flicked his tongue over the tip, teasing and coaxing it to stiff approval. He sucked sharply, straddling the line between pleasure and pain but I didn't fucking care. I moaned and wrapped my arms around him, clutching tight. I held him close against me and just let him fuck me with his hand. I forgot all about my earlier mission to remove his clothes. I would get to that later, after an orgasm or two.
"Wider." He urged my legs open, kicking urgently at my feet. He was still wearing shoes, so that shit hurt. I was totally going to complain, but he fucked into me hard enough to lift me off my feet, then he withdrew, dragging his finger down the entire length of the front wall of my cunt. Instead of cussing him out, I groaned and gripped his head harder.
"Yes, just like that," I managed.
"Like that?" He thrust into me again, this time with two fingers, stretching me wider. Two fingers might not sound like much, but he has these strong, meaty fingers and I hadn't been prepared for one. I wasn't any more ready for the addition. Again, he pounded into my cunt hard enough to lift me off the floor and held me there. With me stretched out on my tippie-toes, he fluttered his fingers inside me, palpitating against the front wall and making me shake from the inside out.
"God, yes."
He smiled into my skin, pulled out then thrust in hard and fast. He bit down on my nipple and my body tensed, a tight unseen ribbon running from my nipple to my cunt. I screamed and jerked at his head, unable to find a grip in his too-short hair. I didn't know if I wanted to pull his head away or hold it close. Before I had to decide, he released me and eased out. That's the way it was with him, all or nothing. I spent my time completely overwhelmed or begging for more.
"Mateo, please."
"Please?" He teased my clit with his thumb, moving it in rough, hard circles that shouldn't have felt good, but totally did. His thumb jerked, his movements sloppy and on the edge of out of control, and he slipped his fingers lazily in and out of me, keeping pressure on that perfect spot inside. The insane demand from his first penetrating stroke was replaced with easy, confident movements that held absolutely no urgency. It was frustrating as all fuck.
"Yes, please." I sounded totally bitchy but didn't care. If he was going to be a controlling ass, I was going to be just as unpleasant in response. I jerked my hips, forcing him deeper. "Goddamn it, Mateo, fucking fuck me or I'm going to do it myself." Shit. I regretted that the second I said it, but didn't let on. I just kept rocking my hips onto his hand and prayed that he wouldn't take me up on the offer. He was just that kind of guy, so I shouldn't have tempted him.
His hand stilled. "That sounds hot."
"Later. Fuck me now and I'll jerk off for you later. Just. . .fuck." I rocked again, but he'd pushed so deep that I was held, suspended with just my toes touching the floor. It was hard as hell to gain any momentum.
"Promise?" His fingers, the ones on my hip, not the ones inside me, gripped a little harder and I could feel tiny bruises forming under his fingertips.
"God, yes, just. . .please."
He smiled again and I squeezed my eyes shut, and focused on finding whatever friction I could from the fingers inside me. I could feel that smug satisfaction just rolling off of him. Then he stopped playing around.
"Hold on to me." He gritted the words out, far more serious than he had been. I twisted my fists in his shirt and gave him a look that said he could fucking get on with it, already.
He moved his fingers and circled his thumb, then pulled out, increasing the pressure on my clit as he withdrew from my cunt. Then he pushed back in, easing the pressure on my clit and focusing everything inside me. He twirled his fingers, withdrew, then slammed back in. He fucked me in earnest, seesawing between circling pressure on my clit and unreasonable force drilling, twisting, and scissoring inside me.
God help me, I was so close, dangling on the edge as my body coiled and tensed working deeper and pulsing with every stroke. Then he released my hip and left me to balance myself. I slipped and dropped even harder onto his hand. He fisted his hand into my hair, forcing my head back and pulling hard enough to make me gasp.
He forced his tongue into my mouth. It wasn't about kissing. Mateo wanted to penetrate me as deeply and thoroughly as possible and he used his mouth and hand to do it. With his tongue stroking, retreating, stroking inside my mouth, matching the rhythm of his fingers inside my cunt, he added a third finger. The pain that had eased to pleasure surfaced again, but my scream was swallowed into Mateo's mouth before it could find life.
He twisted and pushed, the sound of our fucking sloppy and wet and so very hot. He pulled my hair a little tighter, holding me immobile as he fucked my mouth and my cunt, then he sucked my tongue into his mouth. The tension as blood rushed to the surface of my tongue, the sucking pulling everything inside me to the top overwhelmed me. He released it with a slurping pop, still fucking his hand hard and fast in and out of my cunt.
My vision blurred and I felt faint and dizzy. As I gasped for breath, Mateo panted into my mouth, his lips close enough to taste, but not touch.
He stopped moving his hand, the ball of desire inside me coiled so tight and hard I could feel myself throbbing around him. He pressed his fingers hard against my front wall, and pushed his thumb against my clit from the outside. He held me, every nerve in my cunt pinched between his fingers, and I spasmed and pulsed and orgasmed all over his hand and down his arm, until all that was left was a quivering puddle that used to be me.
I slumped against him, held up only by his fingers inside me and his grip on my hair. My muscles stopped working somewhere along the line, and my brain wasn't too far behind. Mateo made my body feel the most sublime things and after that I didn't care if I landed on the fucking floor.
He released my hair first and I whimpered. Then he kissed my forehead and made comforting noises. It felt nice, but it in no way made up for the fire sensation on my scalp.
"Shhh, I've got you." He wrapped his arm around my waist and held me firm, then withdrew his fingers. That is my least favorite part of sex, hands down. In a split second I went from feeling perfect and full to empty and drifting.
Then he scooped me up like I was some damn damsel in distress, which I guess technically I was, given the current situation, and carried me to the bed. As much as my mind wanted to protest that I was a strong, independent woman capable of walking by myself, my body liked the feel of his strong muscles flexing as he held me. Not to mention, my legs completely refused to hold me up.
He laid me out on the bed with a great deal more grace than I would have managed if our roles were reversed. Then he stood at the end of the bed and stripped. The entire time, he watched me with a hungry, I'll-never-get-enough look on his face. His eyes, normally deep chocolate brown, were almost black with desire.
He removed his shirt and it was my first unobstructed view of his chest in far too long. He was solid, with well-defined muscles that tapered in at his waist. He saw me watching and did that awesome chest pop thing that muscle-y guys do in gyms when they're trying to impress girls. It worked. I was impressed. And my desire was rapidly rising again. He laughed and curled his arm up in a classic check out my guns pose. He could play all he wanted, because eventually I'd get my hands on him. I couldn't wait to re-learn the contours of his body.
"What are you doing?" I sounded way too relaxed and happy considering what we had planned for later that night. Nothing like a nice orgasm to take a person's mind off unpleasant things, like busting a drug lab.
"Me?" He popped his chest a couple more times and raised his eyebrows in sync with the muscles rising and falling. "Nothing. Why?" He looked silly and sexy at the same time. The combination was disarming.
"Come here." As much as I appreciated the comedic interlude, I was ready for more. If the bulge in his pants was an indication, so was he.
"As you wish." He unzipped his jeans and stepped out of them. His cock was so hard, so erect, that it
pushed out the top of his boxers. I inhaled sharply at the sight. He pulled a condom from his pocket, then dropped the pants to the floor.
"Tell me something." He spoke far too casually as he pushed his underwear down and off. He opened the condom foil and positioned it on the tip of his cock before continuing. "Who's waiting for you at home?"
I shook my head. "Nobody." That wasn't technically true. My parents missed me, I was sure, but I wasn't about to bring them up while watching him stroke a condom down his length. "Maybe my goldfish." I shrugged, then gestured for him to join me.
He continued to stroke himself. "No boyfriend?"
"No." Would it matter? If I said yes, would he put his clothes back on and leave me here?
He smiled all lopsided and sexy, then licked his lips, his hand still working up and down on his cock. "Girlfriend?"
I laughed at that. Don't get me wrong, I'd seen some women who made me think about it, but I seriously loved cock. Right then, I loved his cock. "What is this about?"