Love Lives On

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Love Lives On Page 7

by E. L. Todd

  Cayson sighed and didn’t argue with him.

  Trinity decided to carry the torch. “You serve yourself.”

  “You do?” He looked over his shoulder and spotted the line of food. “Well, would you look at that?”

  “None of us would judge you if you decided to leave him,” Cayson said seriously.

  “Actually, we would judge you if you stayed,” Silke said.

  Slade turned back to us, apparently not hearing anything we said. “Baby, what do you want to eat? I can ask them to make an omelet for you.”

  But then Slade was sweet like this, always looking after Trinity. And we all felt bad for saying something mean about him.

  “Just some eggs and toast will be fine,” she whispered.

  “You got it.” He kissed his forehead and left the table.

  Arsen watched him go. “He’s a good guy. I like him.”

  “I still think you should head for the hills,” Silke said.

  “We know you don’t mean that,” I said.

  Silke smiled. “If you say so…”

  Slade returned with the plate then started to slice into the toast with a knife.

  Cayson turned to us, asking who would question him this time. When no one volunteered, he made the move. “Slade, what are you doing?”

  “Trinity doesn’t like the crust on her bread.” He handed the plate to her. “There you go.”

  Even Silke was moved. “Awe…”

  Slade glared at her. “Yes, I’m a sweetheart. It should stop surprising you at this point.” Then he turned back to Trinity. “I’m going to get my breakfast now. You need anything else?”

  “No, thank you,” she said.

  “Alright. It might be awhile.” He left the table.

  I turned to Cayson. “You don’t cut the crust for me.”

  “Do you want me to cut the crust for you?” he asked incredulously.

  “No…” Not really.



  Skye could barely walk. I had my arm around her as we headed down the strip. “I hate it when you’re drunk. You’re about to fall.”

  “Fall…haha!” She waved the bottle around like what I said was hilarious.

  Silke thought it was funny too. “Oh my god…fall!”

  I hated being sober when everyone started talking in a different language.

  Slade was shitfaced too. “Dude, can you believe I’m getting married? Me?” He laughed like the thought was hilarious. “I’d sworn off marriage when I was eight years old and now look at me. I’m pussy-whipped.”

  Arsen walked with Trinity and Silke, his arms claimed by each of them.

  “I don’t think it’s that surprising,” I said seriously.

  “Are you kidding me?” he asked. “Dude, I wanted to pound pussy until I couldn’t get it up anymore. Now I’m with one woman—that hot blonde over there.”

  Trinity turned around and blew him a kiss. “Love you!”

  “Love you too, baby.” He winked at her but it didn’t come off right.

  “Cayson won’t have anal sex with me,” Skye blurted. “Asshole…”

  Slade turned to me in surprise. “Why the hell not?”

  I wish Skye wouldn’t blurt out the most random things when she was wasted. “She’s confused.”

  “No, I’m not.” Skye kept talking to Slade. “I wanted it hard last night and Mr. Sensitive wouldn’t give it to me.”

  “Dude, anal is awesome,” Slade said. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

  “I know it’s awesome,” I snapped. “I didn’t want my first time with Skye to be when she was drunk. And why are we talking about this?”

  “Why aren’t we talking about this?” Slade asked. “Okay, we’re doing it now. Skye, over here.”

  “Okay,” she said without thinking.

  Slade dragged her to the wall of a casino. “Just stand here and lift up your dress.” He staggered sideways with drooping eyes. “Okay. And then Cayson will come…”

  I grabbed Skye before she could pull up her dress. “Knock it off, both of you.”

  “Geez, what a grouch,” Slade said.

  “I know,” Skye said. “I feel like I’m marrying an old man.”

  “I hate both of you,” I snapped.

  “Then have some wine.” Skye pushed the bottle into my chest.

  “Someone has to be responsible,” I said.

  Slade rolled his eyes. “Dude, loosen up. You better not be like this at my bachelor party.”

  “Since we’re going surfing, I’d be surprised if I were,” I said.

  “At least he’s good in bed,” Skye said. “Otherwise I wouldn’t stick around.”

  “Who do you think taught him?” Slade asked.

  “Okay…enough of this.” I pulled Skye to the other side of me so they couldn’t talk to each other as easily.

  Silke wobbled toward us. “You got to pee, right? Because I so got to pee.”

  “How did you know?” Skye laughed like it was the funniest thing she’d ever heard.

  “What’s so funny?” Trinity said as she staggered to join us.

  “Skye and I both have to pee.” Silke bent over as she laughed and almost fell over.

  “No way,” Trinity said. “I think I have to pee too.”

  “It’s so meant to be!” Skye said.

  Man, they were annoying.

  “Let’s head in here and use the bathroom,” Silke said.

  Leaving the three stooges alone was a stupid idea.

  Arsen sighed before he volunteered. “I got it.”

  “Thank god.” I released Skye so she could run off with her friends.

  Arsen opened the door to the casino and walked them inside.

  Slade was looking up at the sky, oblivious to all this. “You’d think we could see the stars when we’re out in the middle of the desert.”

  “And in a city with the brightest lights on earth…”

  “Huh?” He looked at me in confusion.

  “Because Las Vegas…actually, nevermind.” Why should I even bother?

  Slade stared past me and his eyes widened. “Dude, check it out!”

  I assumed he was talking about some hot girl. “Trinity, remember?”

  He walked passed me and headed to a car parked against the curb. “Have you seen anything more beautiful in your life?”

  “My fiancé, maybe?”

  Slade pressed his hand on the window. “It’s a fucking Lamborghini Veneno Roadster. It’s like the most expensive car in the world. The starting price is four million dollars.”

  I stood by his side and admired the car. “She’s a beauty.”

  “Dude, I would totally fuck Trinity in this thing.”

  “I doubt the owner would appreciate it.”

  “I’m surprised Sean doesn’t have one.”

  He stood up and looked at the sunroof. “Dude, it’s open!”


  “Let’s look inside!”

  “There are windows for that.”

  Slade climbed on the hood then moved to the top.

  Man, this just got out of hand. I looked around to make sure no one was watching us. Thankfully, they weren’t. “Slade, get the hell down now!”

  “You dare me to shit in his car?”

  “Absolutely not!” I hissed. “Now get the hell down before someone sees us.”

  “I’m doing it,” he said. He started to unbutton his jeans.

  I was never letting Slade get this drunk ever again. “Get down! I mean it, asshole.” I tried to grab his ankle but he kicked me away.

  He dropped his pants and boxers. “Hey, when you got to go, you got to go.”

  This was a nightmare from hell. “Slade, knock it off. You’re going to get us killed. If the guy catches us you know he’ll slit our throats.”

  “Hey, I’m a fast runner.” He squatted and prepared to do the deed.

  This can’t be happening. I looked around again to make sure no one was watc
hing us.

  Then a police car turned at the light and was heading our way. “SLADE! COPS!”

  He just released a mound into the car. “What? Where?”

  I covered my face because I wanted this to be a terrible, terrible dream. When I lowered my hands I saw the police car lights shining around the block. The red and blue burned into my eyes like acid. “I’m going to kill you, Slade!”

  “Pretty lights,” he said.

  “Get off the car.”

  The police car drove up the sidewalk then stopped. Then two cops got out with their hands on their holsters. “Get down and on your knees.”

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  Slade still thought it was a game. “Where’s your canine?”

  “Now!” The cop yelled.

  “You too!” One cop turned to me.

  Me? “But I—”

  “On the ground!”

  “I’m going to kill you, Slade!” I moved to my knees and put my hands on my head.

  Then the door to the casino opened and the girls came out with Arsen.

  “Oh my god!” Skye screamed.

  The cop wrestled Slade to the ground then handcuffed him. They did the same to me.

  When we were both on the ground next to each other, I turned my face toward him and gave him the darkest look I could muster. “If this goes on my record I’ll rip your face off.”

  “Are you a monkey?” Then he laughed.

  “I hate you, Slade. And I don’t mean funny I hate you. No, I mean I’m going to stop your heart hate you.”

  Slade still didn’t take me seriously. “Yo, cop. Check out the blonde over there. That’s my fiancé. She’s hot, right?”

  The cop pulled him to his feet. “Yeah, whatever you say.”

  Then they dragged me to my feet and shoved me into the back of the cop car with Slade. I stared out the window and saw my girl and friends staring back at me, all confused as to why we were handcuffed like prisoners.


  Hours later, Slade’s alcohol level started to wear off. “Why are we in here again?”

  I sat on the bench against the other wall. We were in the precinct. The nightmare continued on. “You took a shit in a car.”

  “Who’s car?” he asked.

  “Some guy’s.”

  “Hmm…” He leaned back and rubbed his head. “I guess I really had to go.”

  Slade did a lot of crazy things and they never bothered me. He even somehow convinced me to dress up like a girl scout and sell cookies so he could get a new transmission for his truck. We did a lot of insane things. But this…this was ridiculous. I purposely looked away from him. Every time I looked at his face I wanted to scream.

  “What?” Slade asked. “You mad at me or something?”

  “Or something.”

  “Dude, what’s your deal?” He groaned like he had a headache. “You got Advil?”

  “If I did I wouldn’t give it to you.”

  “You need to chill.”

  “Chill?” I turned my fiery gaze on him. “We’re at a police precinct. This is serious, Slade. We could be throw in jail.”

  “Nah…what we did wasn’t that bad.”

  “No, what you did, asshole.”

  “Look, it’s not my fault they took you too.”

  “Actually, it is,” I snapped.

  “We’ll get out of here,” Slade said. “We always do.”

  “We always do?” I asked. “Hmm…I don’t remember doing this before.”

  “You know what I mean.”

  No, I didn’t.

  Slade sighed then joined me on the bench. “I’m sorry, man. You know I get crazy when I’m drunk.”

  “You don’t say…”

  “I’ll tell them it was all me,” he said. “Don’t worry.”

  “You better tell them it was all you.”

  “Have they said anything yet?” he asked.

  “No. I haven’t seen anyone in hours.”

  “Man, Trinity must be freaking out,” he said.

  “I doubt Skye is doing much better.”

  “We haven’t even gotten our one phone call?” he asked incredulously.

  “No. I’m sure they’re making us stew for a while. And you were too drunk to call anyone anyway.”

  He rested his head on my shoulder. “My head hurts…”

  “Tell someone who cares.”

  He sighed then pulled his head off. “I’m sorry, man. I didn’t mean to drag you into this.”

  “Well, here we are.”

  “You know what?”

  “Hmm?” Why did I ask?

  “A good friend will always get you out of jail. But your best friend is always the one sitting beside you—talking about how great the night was. And that’s why you’re sitting beside me.”

  “Was that supposed to make me feel better?” I asked savagely.

  He shrugged. “I’m just glad I’m not alone…”

  It was hard to stay mad at him when he appeared apologetic.

  Footsteps approached our cell, and we looked up to see Mike and Ryan.

  Oh shit.

  Mike stared us down like he wanted to break our necks.

  Ryan looked like he would actually do it once the door was unlocked.

  Slade gave them a guilty smirk then waved. “What’s up?”

  The cop didn’t look amused. “You’re lucky your parents talked us into letting you go.”

  “You mean paying them to let us go,” Slade whispered.

  Mike’s eyes narrowed in anger.

  “But the owner of the vehicle is pressing charges. Pay for the damages or he’ll see you in court.” He unlocked the door then stepped away.

  Judging the way Ryan and Mike looked at us, we were better off having the door closed.

  Ryan opened it then stepped inside.

  Even Slade flinched.

  “I told you to be careful.” Ryan wasn’t amused at all, not like he usually was.

  Mike stepped toward us with his hands in his pockets. “You shit in some guy’s car?”

  Slade shrugged. “The sun roof was open…”

  Ryan took a deep breath like he was struggling not to slap Slade hard in the face.

  “Cayson didn’t have anything to do with it,” Slade said. “He was trying to stop me…”

  “You think we didn’t assume that?” Mike asked.

  “Just wanted to make sure…” Slade eyed them like a dog being punished for getting into the cookie jar.

  “Do you have any idea how much the damages of the car cost?” Ryan asked.

  I didn’t want to know.

  Slade didn’t answer.

  “Two hundred thousand dollars.” Ryan crossed his arms over his chest. “It’s all Italian leather. And you’re paying for it.”

  “I don’t have that kind of money,” Slade argued. “Did you mistake me for Sean?”

  “Figure it out,” Ryan said. “Because we aren’t paying for your mistake.”

  For the first time, I felt terrible for Slade.

  “Sean and Scarlet generously offered to pay for it,” Ryan said. “Because normal people like us don’t have money like that. But you’re paying every cent even if it takes years. Now let’s go.”

  I’d never seen Ryan mad like that. He was always such a cool guy. Fortunately, neither one of them assumed I did anything wrong.

  We walked out of the cell with them then headed to the sidewalk.

  Slade had his hands in his pockets with his head bowed.

  I spotted the girls and Arsen to the right.

  Skye ran to me. “They didn’t hurt you, did they?”

  “I was just in a little cell,” I explained.

  “They didn’t rough you up?”

  I tried not to laugh at the distressed look on her face. “No.”

  She hugged me. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”

  Trinity came to Slade and gave him a foul look. “Shitting in someone’s car? Really?”

  “I’m sorry.” H
e shrugged.

  “You’re sorry?” she demanded. “Are you an idiot?”

  Slade opened his mouth to speak.

  “Nevermind,” Trinity said. “Don’t answer that.”

  Ryan shook his head in disapproval. “You’re lucky we got you out of there.”

  “Yeah,” Slade agreed. “Thanks…I’ll start making payments.”

  Mike and Ryan exchanged a look.

  “What?” Slade asked.

  “The guy isn’t pressing charges,” Ryan said. “It was easy to clean up. But I did promise him free ink for the rest of his life—whenever he’s in New York.”

  Slade released the breath he was holding. “Thank god.”

  “Doesn’t mean you’re off the hook,” Mike said. “You’re an adult, Slade. You need to start acting like one.”

  “I know,” Slade said. “I just got carried away.”

  “We noticed,” Ryan said darkly.

  Trinity softened up and clearly pitied Slade. “He was just having a good time…leave him alone.”

  Mike rolled his eyes.

  Ryan turned to Mike. “I’m glad Silke found a nice guy like Arsen.”

  “Yeah…” Mike said. “Lucky me, I got Slade.”

  Slade bowed his head in shame.

  Mike caught the look. “Kidding.” He wrapped his arm around his shoulder. “But don’t let anything else too crazy happen.”

  “I already kissed Cayson,” Slade blurted. He realized his mistake immediately afterward. “I mean…”

  Mike cocked an eyebrow. “Perhaps the wedding won’t go on after all…”

  “It was a dare,” Slade explained. “I didn’t have a choice.”

  “That’s right,” Ryan said. “Because truth or dare is a blood oath...”

  Slade moved out of Mike’s hold. “Okay, leave me alone. I’ve been humiliated enough.”

  Mike and Ryan finally stopped teasing them. “Now actually be good,” Ryan said.

  “And stay out of trouble,” Mike said.

  “I can’t believe you guys flew out here just to fly back,” Slade said in an apologetic way.

  “Who said we were flying back?” Mike asked.

  “We’re hitting the tables.” Ryan tapped Mike’s shoulder. “Let’s go. I’m feeling lucky.”

  Mike walked with him down the sidewalk.

  Slade sighed as he watched them go.

  “Why on earth did you shit in someone’s car?” Silke demanded.

  Arsen put his hand on Slade’s shoulder. “Hey, lighten up. Now it’ll be a funny story we’ll always remember.”


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