Crazy Love

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Crazy Love Page 12

by Highley, Kendra C.

  He smiled lazily at her. “Is it now?”

  They’d slept for a few hours, had sex again, hardly able to keep their hands off each other, then realized they were both starving. It was just past midnight.

  “Hey.” Luke reached out and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. “Merry Christmas.”

  “You, too.” She sighed. How much joy could one person’s heart hold? “I, um, didn’t get you anything.”

  “Yeah, you did.” He waggled his eyebrows. “And it was exactly what I wanted.”

  She laughed. “You sound like you mean that.”

  His smiled faded into something more serious. “I do.”

  “Oh.” Charlotte flushed, her chest a tangle of excitement, confusion, want, doubt. “Me, too.”

  Now that was true. She’d been with four guys, and none had come close to this. Hell, not one had paid much attention to anything but her breasts. Luke was an equal opportunity kind of guy, and she definitely liked it.

  But it was more, wasn’t it? She was falling, hard. Not only was Luke an excellent lover, but he was a great guy on top of that. And so hot. He was the real deal, and he’d walked through the café door when she’d needed it most, even though she hadn’t realized that at the time. Thank God he’d been persistent.

  Luke got up, and Charlotte had to watch. He’d only pulled on his jeans to come downstairs, and the play of muscles in his back as he raided the fridge was too good to miss.

  He came back with a plate of cheese and crackers. “So we can pretend we’re eating real food.”

  Heart aching in a good way, she laughed and took one. “I’m a bad influence.”

  He gave her a dose of lazy, sexy smile. “I’ll make us egg white omelets in the morning, counteract the midnight snack. Then again, it’s Christmas—maybe we should have pancakes.”

  Charlotte grinned. “Chocolate chip pancakes.”

  “It’s a deal.”

  Chapter Twenty-One


  The plows started running shortly after noon on Christmas day. Luke had decided to stay over Christmas night and asked Parker and Zoey to bring his Jeep up, then tow the snowmobile back home. He hadn’t been ready to get back into the swing of training, high expectations, and sick dads. He’d been happy to let his world extend only to the café and Charlotte’s place. Being with her had shifted something inside of him. He didn’t know quite how to name it yet, but he wasn’t about to let go.

  And, God, the sex had blown his mind. He realized what he’d been missing out on by dating somewhat shallow girls…and by being shallow himself. Letting himself get close to someone hadn’t been a mistake. Even if she broke his heart later—because he swore to himself he wouldn’t break hers—it was worth it.

  That sense of calm ended promptly at six a.m. on the twenty-sixth. Charlotte groaned and hit the alarm. The Bzdyls had told her they’d open at nine today, and Michael had texted Luke, expecting him at the gym at seven thirty. Be there! We’re going to sharpen you like a blade, my boy!

  Luke rolled over and dragged a pillow over his head. Charlotte stole it from him. “Good thing your brother brought your car up.”

  He stretched, then curled back up under the covers. “I’d rather stay here. Michael’s had too much time on his hands. He’s going to take it all out on me.”

  Charlotte yawned and then stumbled to her bathroom. The shower started—sorely tempting Luke’s resolve to be good and let them get the morning started without any “distractions.” He barely lasted long enough for her to finish.

  “Michael’s text was pretty hard-core,” she called from the bathroom. “I bet he’s a real blast at parties.”

  Luke laughed and reached for his jeans. He needed to stop by his house for workout clothes before hitting the gym. He hadn’t brought much during his mad dash up the mountain, and Parker had snorted when helping him load the snowmobile onto the trailer Christmas afternoon. “Dude, is that the same thing you were wearing yesterday?”

  Luke stood and pulled on his shirt. “Michael can be intense, but that’s why he’s the best coach up here. I want to compete, and doing what he says can make that happen.” Luke peeked his head into the bathroom. Charlotte was only wearing a towel. His fingers twitched, wishing he could unwind that towel. He settled for kissing her bare shoulder. Later, man. Later. “I probably need to spend some time with my dad, and Michael will have me busy today and part of tomorrow since we’ve lost time with the weather. But I’ll come up, if not today, then tomorrow for sure.”

  She smiled at him. “Are you taking any runs at the track?”

  “Tomorrow afternoon.”

  Her smile turned wicked. “I’ll be there. Evangeline thinks Kit’s ass could start a war.” She glanced at Luke’s. “I like yours better.”

  Luke kissed her, both of them smiling and half laughing the whole time. “See you soon.”

  He let himself out the back door of the café. He didn’t want Mr. Bzdyl to know he’d stayed over, in case that was a problem. Charlotte loved Evangeline’s family, and he wouldn’t cause trouble. Besides, Mr. Bzdyl was both overprotective and really handy with a knife.

  The drive down to town was quiet. It was still dark, and the tourists hadn’t woken up yet. He loved Aspen at daybreak. It was all his. The streetlights twinkled in the cold air, and the town looked like a Christmas card, its buildings blanketed in snow.

  He’d miss these mountains so much. Could he ever go back to Arizona? To school?

  If Charlotte’s there…yeah, I can.

  “Damn, man. You’re a beast.” Michael handed him a couple of dumbbells, motioning for Luke to lie down on a bench. “I haven’t seen you work out this hard…ever.”

  Luke didn’t answer right away. Doing free-weight chest presses with his knees bent and feet off the floor took a measure of concentration, especially if he wanted to hit the right places. His core had to engage as much as his chest, and he focused on counting out his reps.

  After fifteen, he sat up and reached for a towel to wipe his forehead. “Just feeling motivated. We only have eight days before the prelims.”

  “True. Ski patrol is going to open the runs this afternoon, but it’ll be tomorrow before they have the SBX course regroomed.” Michael sighed. “If the Cirque or another extreme is open, you should go take a run. No more than two, though. Save it for the course.”

  “Good plan.” Luke stretched his arms over his head and a few college-aged girls watched every move. Less than two weeks ago, he would’ve winked and sauntered over. Today, though, he bent to grab his water bottle, pretending he didn’t see them.

  Michael watched, his expression shrewd. “Okay, what gives? You have two women salivating over you, and you do nothing? Is something wrong with you?”

  Luke laughed. “No.”

  His coach frowned, thinking. “The girl…from the other day. That’s what this is about.”


  “Anything else I need to know?” Michael sounded suspicious. “Remember what I said about focus.”

  Luke didn’t bother answering. His fledgling relationship with Charlotte was his business, not his coach’s.

  Michael made an annoyed gesture with his hands. “Okay, whatever. Time for some pull-ups.”

  Luke groaned but followed him to the pull-up bar. “If I make nationals, will you keep training with me?”

  “Hell, yes. And for worlds, and the Olympics. We’re going all the way.” Michael pointed at the bar. “But first, you work.”

  After his workout, Luke showered and went to see his dad, who was sitting up watching TV when Luke poked his head into the hospital room. “Wow, you’re looking better.”

  “It’s the drugs.” Dad grinned. “Definitely not the food.”

  Luke pulled a chair up next to the bed. “No doubt. Where’s Mom?”

  “Went home for a while. She was exhausted. I told her I was fine, and she finally relented. Besides, I’m going home this evening.” Dad jerked his chin at Luke. “So
what’s this about you taking my snowmobile up the mountain in a blizzard?”

  Luke flushed. “I think I’m going to wring Parker’s neck.”

  “Don’t blame him—Zoey told me. She couldn’t wait to spill the beans.” Dad tried to laugh, winced, and settled for smiling. “Must be some girl. What’s she like?”

  Luke’s heart stumbled over itself, and he paused before answering. “She’s…great. Smart, gorgeous, has spunk. I… Dad, I have a crazy question.”

  “Seems like a good time for it.” His dad turned off the TV. “What’s up?”

  “How did you know Mom was the one?” Luke grimaced. He sounded like a lovesick teenager. He felt kind of like one, too, though. “I don’t exactly have a lot of experience in the whole long-term relationship department, but I don’t want this girl to get away.”

  Dad nodded, like he was thinking. Luke thought he might’ve been in for some ribbing—and he deserved it—but Dad was taking the question seriously. “It’s one of those things you kind of know when you see it. I met your mother through Zoey’s mom when Brian convinced me to go out with them. It was a double date, and I went, dragging my heels. Your mother didn’t seem all that excited, either. But, after ten minutes, something clicked. We ended up closing the bar down. Brian and Jen left hours before we did. At the end of the night, I asked your mother out for dinner the next day, and that was it. I couldn’t stand to be separated from her.”

  That sounded familiar. Luke hadn’t known Charlotte long, but he felt torn in two when she wasn’t around, and he planned to hit the café before taking a few runs down the mountain. It wasn’t just the sex—it was other things, too. The way her smile made him want to scale a skyscraper to impress her. How her touch sent him rocketing into space. How the sound of her voice made him feel like he’d come home.

  It was a new feeling, being this infatuated. Luke wasn’t sure he could call it love, because what did he know about the real thing? He wanted to learn, though. And he wanted Charlotte to teach him.

  “Ah, you’ve got it bad, kid.” Dad chuckled, forgetting, and winced again. “I have to stop doing that. When I’m better, I want to meet the girl who tamed my wild son.”

  Luke leaned back in his chair to give his dad the eye. “Parker isn’t wild? He flies off the edge of ramps and does flips on his snowboard for fun.”

  Dad snorted. “Parker might be an acrobat, but he’s an old soul. He and Zoey are practically a settled married couple. I worry about that, with them being so young, but they’re soul mates. Now, I want you to find happiness. If that’s racing down a mountain in your form of Roller Derby, so be it. But I’d like you to have someone in your life, too.”

  Luke stared at his hands. When had they started to look so much like his father’s? “Me, too.”

  “So, how’s the training going?”

  Luke looked up. “Good. I think I have a real shot.”

  “Excellent. If it’s worth doing—”

  “It’s worth doing a hundred percent,” Luke said, finishing his dad’s favorite saying. “And I am. I want this, and I’m going for it.” He paused. “Is Mom really okay with it? Or was that her deciding she only had room to worry about you?”

  Dad shrugged. “Mom’s coming around. But she meant what she said—it’s the fact that you might get hurt that bothers her the most. She’ll be the proudest woman on Snowmass if you make nationals, though. Mark my words.”

  “Good to hear.” Luke stood. “Then I better go practice.”

  Because he was going to damn well make both his parents proud.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  The morning was slow even with opening late, so Charlotte and Evangeline worked on refilling salt and pepper shakers and rolling silverware so they wouldn’t have to do it after close.

  “I have a question.” Evangeline paused in her work to give Charlotte a knowing look. “Why are there snowmobile tracks up next to the café?”

  Charlotte flushed, fumbling with the silverware she was rolling. “How’d you, uh, how’d you know it was a snowmobile?”

  Evangeline rolled her eyes. “I’ve lived in a ski-resort town for more than half my life. If I took a closer look, I might even be able to tell you what make and model it was.” Then she set the salt down very slowly, turning an incredulous expression on Charlotte. “Tell me, were you entertaining a gentleman caller while we were closed, young lady?”

  “Luke came up Christmas Eve because he didn’t want me to be alone.” Charlotte pressed a fist to her mouth to keep from laughing. “You should’ve seen my face, Evangeline. I thought I heard a motor outside, and when he texted for me to look out the window, I just about died.”

  “Good God, how sexy is that?” Evangeline gripped Charlotte’s wrist. “He legit drove up here—in a blizzard—to check up on you? Did you sleep with him?”

  Charlotte made a shushing gesture. “Keep your voice down.”

  Evangeline wagged a finger. “Stalling.”

  “Okay, okay, I slept with him.” Charlotte choked down a giggle. “Four times.”

  “That’s my girl.” Evangeline held out her fist, and Charlotte bumped hers against it. “So, how was it? I mean, you’ve been out of the saddle for a while. Was it everything you wanted?”

  “And more,” Charlotte said, honestly. “I think I’m in trouble, though.”

  Evangeline shot a look at Charlotte’s stomach. “Please tell me you used a condom. Otherwise, I know a drugstore—”

  “Not that kind of trouble. I have a better-than-average working knowledge of biology.” Charlotte flushed, thinking about her “anatomy lesson” with Luke. “No, I think…I want to see what a relationship with him is like.”

  “That’s good!” Evangeline gave her a side hug. “Why would that be trouble?”

  “Because I’m not sure that he’d be interested. I mean, he says he is, but he also said something to make me think he hasn’t been serious about anyone, not really, before.”

  “He came up here. On. A. Snowmobile. I think he’s interested in more than a quickie.”

  “Yeah, but he’s looking to hit the world stage in SBX. If that happens, and I get into med school, we won’t see each other much, if at all. I’m….” Charlotte swallowed hard against a tide of frustration. “I’m not sure he’d do well with the long-distance thing.”

  Evangeline leaned back in her chair, looking thoughtful. “I know why you’d think that, but…I don’t know. I think if you’re really interested, you should take it a day at a time. Besides, thinking that far ahead won’t do you any good. Live for now.”

  Charlotte nodded. She wanted to do just that. “You’re right.”

  So why am I so worried?

  The bell over the door dinged at straight-up noon, and Charlotte didn’t have to turn around from the table she was serving to know who it was.

  “Lovely Charlotte!” Mr. Bzdyl bellowed from the kitchen door. “Your young man is here!”

  “Piotr!” Mrs. Bzdyl said, part laughing, part scolding. “Leave Charlotte alone.”

  The mother of the family Charlotte was serving leaned around Charlotte to—presumably—check out Luke. Her eyes widened, and she smiled at Charlotte. “My goodness. We’re fine here. You need to go take care of that guy.”

  “Mom!” The thirteen-year-old girl sitting to the woman’s right turned red and buried her face in her hands. “Do not check out boys when Dad’s here.”

  The dad laughed. “Honey, I’d check that kid out.”

  Biting her lip to keep from cracking up, Charlotte stowed her tray and went to the bar. Damn, Luke looked so good. His hair was windblown, and his eyes sparkled as his gaze caught hers. “Long time no see.”

  “It felt that way,” she murmured, glancing back at the kitchen. “Evangeline totally guessed, though. Apparently her superpower is recognizing snowmobile tracks.”

  “Useful skill.” He tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. “I can’t stay long. Michael wants me to do a f
ew runs today, and we’re hitting the SBX course tomorrow after they regroom it. Want to come watch?”

  “If it’s after my shift, hell yes. You’re pretty sexy up there. I need to get a dose of eye candy before I go home.” She gave him a crooked smile. “I rebooked my flight for the twenty-eighth. I’ll come back on New Year’s Eve.”

  “I’ll miss you, but you need to see your family, so I get it.” He took her hand. “Want to go out on New Year’s Eve?”

  “It’s a date, especially since we’re closed New Year’s Day.” She swayed closer to him, even though she knew half the customers had to be watching. “I’ll get to spend all night with you.”

  “That’s sounds great,” he said, with a hint of a growl.

  Evangeline appeared at Charlotte’s right, beaming innocently. “Now, if you two are done steaming up the windows, what’ll you have, sir?”

  Luke laughed. “My usual.”

  “Usual?” Evangeline looked at Charlotte. “He has a usual now?”

  “Egg white omelet, side of fruit coming right up.” Charlotte glanced at him over her shoulder as she went to put the order slip into the queue. He blew her a kiss.

  And Charlotte’s heart decided—she was hooked.

  “Hurry!” Evangeline poked Charlotte in the arm. “Kit’s up at the course, too, and I don’t want to miss him.”

  Evangeline had been bouncing all morning now that the SBX course was open again. Luke had stopped by for breakfast to tell them, and to casually mention that Kit would probably be there. He’d winked at Charlotte when he said it, proving the mention was purely for Evangeline’s benefit.

  “If you stop poking me, maybe I’ll ask Luke to introduce you.” Charlotte tightened her ponytail and put on her ski cap. The new skiwear Evangeline had taken her out shopping for looked great. Sky blue with silver accents, it fit perfectly and, more importantly, was warmer than the stuff she’d borrowed from Evangeline before. Even after the past several weeks, she still hadn’t adjusted from Arizona girl. She was going to be out on mountainsides more often now—she needed to look the part.


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